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to the program and a very happy monday to all of you this is our to international bring you here live news update this hour. the death toll from the corona virus outbreak has exceeded 900 people with over 48000 confirmed cases globally on this backdrop the russian air force has carried out an airlift of baccy waiting russian citizens from china's province hit worst by the epidemic. 144 russian nationals and foreigners were brought home from we were on the coronavirus at the center 5 russian military planes carried out the emergency airlift. we have very happy we were waiting for you when you finally rescued us thank you very much evacuees were transferred to a rehabilitation center near the siberian city of 2 men where they'll be monitored under quarantine such high level precautions being taken amid fears about the spread of the virus similar methods being approached across the globe in the u.s. military bases have become makeshift isolation areas for hard evacuees but if you look at some reports it sounds like russia's dusted down its good legs we have total imprisonment all of it looks so surreal people in full body chemical protection suits a constantly coming in that many of the guests have been taking to social media to show just what their temporary lives are like to send you a colony is one of the. owners here is our room and everything is very good there all the basics. you can easily live 14 days here there is a shower and a t.v. . fridge which i haven't used yet. so wardrobe and a mirror when i come into the room i found fruit sweets and tea on my table everything is good cosy i'm happy. with the evacuees provided up to 4 meals a day one complaint mentioned they're not allowed to leave their rooms despite this they can chat to their roommates some have been working out but most reading books or watching t.v. . has plenty to fill with sides just. so i'm planning to do my chinese language studies now that i'm going to read i've already done my exercises so i need to stay active and now sit around doing nothing. evacuees are under the close watch of my. you make sure they're all doing well but have you had a doctor's checkers morning and evening to take our temperature or listen to how we breed examine our throats none of the evacuees are showing any symptoms of the virus and if it stays that way they'll soon be able to head home. the south korean film parasite has won best picture at the oscar ceremony in los angeles but it seems a bad as becoming as much about politics as the movie industry best supporting actor winner brad pitt startled fans with political references saying he had 45 seconds more to give a speech and john bolton at the senate best actor joaquin phoenix shocked the public by defending the rights of artificially inseminated couse. every single person who won an oscar tonight ugh like to think so many people working in phoenix know shut up and sit the fuck down we're going to talk about the way we all to officially inseminate cows and steal their milk. congratulate joaquin phoenix for the shout out hope of the audience just tuned out over the bret the bolton impeachment grech the oscars should be about move this not divisive political commentary imagine telling someone into sausage in 5 the bread peter would shout john bolton during his oscar speech because he wasn't allowed to testify against president. many are concerned that such ceremonies have become too politicized and it was a real that often actor speeches are written by a company working with top politicians and organized by former staffers of the obama clintons artistic style of takes a closer look. as acceptance speeches used to be straightforward thank you i don't know what to say gods but it seems the simple times in hollywood are long gone now they're as much about climate change elections and equality is they are about cinematic achievement women 18 to 118 when it is time to vote please do so in your own self-interest it's what men have been doing for years. and while culture is the 3rd leading cause of climate change 70 percent of the water it pollutes the most water the statistics are staggering dedicating our lives. save our environment and figuring out how we can save our own but how did we get here when and how did all these major stars catch the woak bug because you didn't seriously think of the all right there except in speeches themselves now did you so perhaps it was right about the time barack obama's old stuff as and speechwriters switched to offering their services to the west coast maybe jon favreau no not this jon favreau the other jon favreau yes this one he is not just your average scribe he was also a director of speech writing for the former us president and me told me via 2 he was once obama's national security spokesman the duo founded a firm called fenway strategies back in 2013 and while they're not disclosing the names of their clients they are proud to work with hollywood's elite over the last year we have worked with some of the highest profile individuals on the planet from former presidents to oscar winners fenway strategies employs people who have diligently served not only barack obama but other democratic luminaries including hillary clinton michael bloomberg joe biden and others among a bus respectables as confidentiality is the name of the game here who's to say if fenway was involved but see if you can notice a common theme everyone associated with the black women's agenda. i'm thrilled to be with you i'm thrilled to be associated with you as a black woman i am especially proud to stand here today because i know for certain that the dreams of my ancestors run through me the race is moving go along the whole the folk hero the set of hope the other church the bigotry of the trumpet better choice should we have a racist in the why you know we. the white house we add a pathological liar in the white house. one of fenway is employees. also authored a book called impeach the case against donald trump wonder if he got the ending right and if anything a transition from capitol hill to holywood has added some much needed glitz and glamour to boring old political messaging rushing for rights is a speech forces dream come true because unlike politicians who are not professionals at memorizing lines we're delivering them in compelling in cars mustique ways arches actually know how to deliver the lines so is it really a surprise that ever so glad to be able to spend some of that fat only would pay checks on a few lines of text that can launch them on to the divine bounty and over the woke in a matter of minutes find it kind of interesting how creative the democrats have become here in trying to disseminate their messages so they're using 21st century methods to summon a 1000 century political ideas here on this in the left is going to try anything they can this election season to try to either bash the president or promote their progressive ideas especially now with the oscars and the timing of the. after is coming on the heels of their resoundingly loss in their attempts to try to impeach and remove president from god unfortunately because of group think in the bullying that permeates in hollywood right now any celebrity that leads to the right is going to be ostracized and on lot of them have actually been blacklisted out of the industry meanwhile a production backed by the obama's won the oscar for best documentary the film by britain's channel 4 news sparked massive criticism of deleterious policies but there's been more controversy in the category as a nominated documentary on the syrian city of aleppo has been accused of pushing a protest angle and airbrushing the role of militant groups in the region. so. that some painting. we'll show you proud to have developed this film from watson for guess was short films join the siege of aleppo all the way through to this incredible feature documentary proof just how unique supporter of independent filmmakers across the world can have a huge impact. the movie won a british academy award for best documentary as well as around 60 other prizes worldwide however the team's affiliation has raised concerns while has been an outspoken supporter of the syrian revolution and her husband has been repeatedly spotted with the hottest including a man who beheaded a child independent middle eastern less vanessa bailey says that the documentaries flaws do not end there. it denies the existence 1st of all. of the extremist armed groups and the terrorist groups and we have to remember that mr front which is al qaeda in syria. was and still is the dominant force. in midst of gangs in a stiletto and now of course what we see are these to protect and it's effectively commissioned by channel 4 to produce reports that were presenting a misrepresentative view of what was happening in a stiletto and this view was not being verified or investigated independently for channel 4 it was being republic as gospel in a sense now that east aleppo is liberated what we're saying now wait for summer is a denial of justice and a continuation of the suffering that the people went through by the front of the occupation of the on kurds and in western that with daily being targeted by mortars from east and. you can find more analysis of the documentary and the situation on the ground from the independent journalists covering the syrian conflict check out but as to billy's views on r.t. dot com. also on our web site an interview with the russian singer who some in washington d.c. claim is tied to the 20 of 16 u.s. presidential election meddling allegations the man is i mean i go lara entrepreneur and pop singer who was also one trumps business associates this apparently being the reason why i keep trying to detention and special counsel investigation into alleged russian. argue socks on a boy talk to the man who is believed to go green to the left. and the russian attorney which was a central focus of the probe is a quick preview of the interview. the now infamous trump town meeting that's been downed tree near the russian lower and that. do you think this whole thing was. how africa lee on the your side on my side. 100 percent it was handled. simply for the reason that i was always ready to testify and we reached out and so the 7 is coming to another states and allocated 2 weeks for my tour to you know testify to congress to the move. to whoever wanted to speak to me about this whole set up my only negotiation. aspect was that i want to do it voluntarily so i don't have to get stuck in the united states and the miller's team replied that it can only be mandatory which would mean i would have to stay in the united states at the investigation finishes we should the point was over a year in progress so the main reason for why you can was the only reason because of course he wanted us to again because i had another but $110.00 shows that year that i would have to. risk because i'm stuck in the states and these are major financial risks as well so all i cancelled was the american tour which cost me about how from the windows and personal losses but we did return tickets and now we are heading for the store again i think everybody should be realistic if there's you know this whole spy thing going on between russia and america i would not be involved my manager music manager would not be involved i don't know why by the way i was a manager for michael jackson as well. another time 20 years ago. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he is ready to resort to drastic measures against gaza find recent attacks on his country i want to make it clear we will multics up to the aggression from gaza only a few weeks ago willimon aid to the senior command of islamic jihad in gaza i will a while plants will not least of all actions but we're prepared for crushing action against the terror groups in gaza but palestinian militant group hamas called netanyahu threats a provocation i think it will only encourage palestinians to fight on tensions have been on the rise after the us president announced a peace plan for the region and he called the proposals heavily biased in favor of israel subsequent clashes have led to numerous civilian victims including children one palestinian family shared one such incident with us a warning you may find the following images upsetting 14 year old mohammad has been in a coma since being shot in the head last week by israeli soldiers the victim's family say he was simply walking in a local park with friends mohammed's father just prior to us how he learned about what happened. muhammad was shot in the head i wasn't at home at the time my father got in touch with me he said my son was wounded i was driving at that moment when i got back i saw my son was badly injured he was taken to hospital but only after soldiers removed the bro block and then my son was put in intensive care . in a response to our team and the israel defense forces say that their actions were justified as there were dozens of palestinians in the area burning tires and throwing stones the i.d.f. adds that it is aware of the boy's injuries meanwhile mohammed's grandfather told us a rather different story published that as the children went to the park and saw soldiers there of course they were scared so they hid behind a rock at one point they wanted to see the soldiers had gone so mohammad stood up to look and then he was shot a bullet hit him in the head of the right side he lost a lot of blog and fell into a coma he's arms and legs are paralyzed his story is one of many tragedies in our town every time a child becomes a victim people are terrified i can tell you that these soldiers really do shoot at children in our town. still to come new revelations come out about the death of a u.s. contractor an iraqi military base details on that after the break. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. is you'll be a reflection of reality. in the world transformed. what will make you feel safe. isolation community. are you going the right way or are you being led. by. what is true what is faith. in the world corrupted you need to descend. to join us on the debt. or a made in the shallowness. welcome back new revelations obtained by the new york times cast doubt on what led to the extreme tensions between the u.s. and iran last month baghdad military officials are questioning washington's version of events according to which a terror run backed militia launched a rocket attack on an iraqi military base killing an american contractor but the iraqi side says there might have been a very different culprit. of reports. so far this is beat an awful year a plague terror volcanoes and shootings and it all began with a very nearly world war 3. i don't believe in. god but. one thing leads to another and we're on the brink of that war now imagine finding out that it was all based on a lie as you know asteroid the us forces were it's not by hezbollah to base near kirk that if that the us used the incident of the k. one base attack as an excuse to accuse hezbollah and hold it responsible this is a weak and false pretense that it cannot be taken as a justification to target groups not sure the iraqi borders and defending iraq the . iraqis have a least having consistencies with trump story 1st the jaw graphy the initial attack which america cited and blamed on the iranian backed caught the by hizbollah happened in this sunni muslim populated area of kirkuk province she'll muslim such as caught the by his boat iranians they aren't welcome that if you've never been to iraq let me spell it out taking a walk through the wrong neighborhood can get you killed and facts caused by hizbollah hasn't been seen in this area reportedly for years who has made a home in the area is isis they will. 3 attacks here just days before we as iraqi forces cannot even come to this area unless we have a large force because it is not secure how could it be that someone who doesn't know the area could come here and find that firing position and launch an attack. the villages near here in the new europe their sympathy with the why do we resort to blame in his book of this american intelligence connected the dots real quick they we examine the truck that apparently launched the rockets at the u.s. base connected it to cut the best bowler iran cited the intercepted communications and then hid everything literally they haven't shared thread of information with their allies or iraq or the defense took office of actions in defense of our personnel interests in iraq by launching 15 strike eagle against 5 targets associate with hizbullah which is named in running in a sponsored shiite militia group and i would note also that we will take additional actions as necessary to ensure that we act in our own self-defense and we deter further bad behavior from militia groups or from iran we have requested the american side to share with us any information any evidence but they have not sent us any information the inconsistency as they mounted mount the truck that the u.s. says fired 31 rockets at them well iraq he's added lies that unfounded fod less than half of that what adds minor compared to what comes next the iraq war and the u.s. base that there was a growing risk of isis attacking them on november 6th iraq's national security council since a report to the americans noting that since last october i says terrorists have endeavored to told one base in cookoo district by indirect fun could to shoot rockets to sum up here is how it went the americans were warned that isis which controls territory around the u.s. base and hates america was plotting to attack and the intro kits at the base the attack happens so blames and then bomb. abre arabian militia citing intelligence either to secrets or to shameful that show any what you decide the classic justification for not sharing such intelligence is normally that you know there are affiliated elements within iran and so probably such intelligence could be leaked but at the end of the day you know if there is something serious then probably at least there needs to be some intelligence cooperation the united states never has the whole truth probably they need the iraqi side its side of the story or version of the events so they would go and have a certain committee under the umbrella you know under which they are cooperating and say look we have this what do you have on the incident but it could well be that the united states not sharing the information means that they actually don't have in from information and that they just want to use this incident in particular as a pretext for doing whatever they wanted to do it in the 1st place staying in the region the u.s. appears to be on similarly shaky ground in afghanistan to pentagon troops have been killed and 6 wounded and province in the east of the country an afghan soldier opened fire after an argument according to local officials an individual an afghan uniform opened fire on the combined u.s. and afghan forces with machine gun we are still collecting information on the cause or motive behind the attack is our moon at this time. u.s. troops are facing growing hostility and the country coming under increasing attacks washington has been trying to reach a peace deal with the taliban and in his state of the union address president trump said u.s. soldiers were not meant to serve as law enforcement agencies for other nations have mental as a me research analyst at the center for the conflict of peace studies says afghans will want american forces out. with all of the collateral damage that's happening with all the civilian casualties that's happening the best of the american you know someone that the americans actually helped to become the president the former president hamid karzai he's even speaking against the americans and criticizing the americans for whatever they're doing in afghanistan and he thinks the american presence in afghanistan is a problem there's no doubt that the afghans one point in eventually would want the americans to leave because no country wants to live under a corporation and this is what you strong for afghanistan. lastly we bring you some world news in brief starting with the spectacular launch of the solar orbiter to study the inner workings of our nearest star. 3. 0. and liftoff. the joint nasa and european space agency craft was launched from florida's air force station on sunday night it will provide the 1st high resolution images of the sun's poles but you're going. to india now where thousands have joined and led by a far right party leader some 600 police officers were deployed to provide security as processors called for the deporting illegal migrants. and the north coast of france has been placed on high alert trains and flights canceled a storm sara approaches heavy winds are already shaking the port city of calais. that's a news break down for this hour and that's all for me as well but never fear it will be taking over in just over 30 minutes thanks for tuning in or every maybe. we're being told there is a war being waged in america about the destiny of the country and the world indeed the washington political establishment and their donor minions as well as the media want to destroy trump but don't be fooled by partisanship is alive and well. it's. damn afshin rattansi we're going underground ahead of a us democratic new hampshire primary that surely can't get any worse than iowa but which either way will have implications for the presidency and the world coming up on the show as palestinian president mahmoud abbas is set to address the un security council about donald trump's deal of the century we speak to former israeli peace plan negotiator daniel levy who says the plan colonialist supremacism and diversity sanders is allowed by the d.n.c. to win tomorrow's new hampshire primary is trump we speak to trump 20 advisory board member lieutenant steven rogers who thinks no democrat. it is going to get the pennsylvania avenue keys any time soon plus are both sides of the debate pointless and arguably rigged us to body system we ask former green party vice presidential candidate a job or aka dollars or more coming up in today's going underground refers to the international community's rejection of donald trump's so-called deal of the century as parsons president abbas prepares to denounce it in the next 24 hours at the u.n. security council and while israel continues to aerially bomb gaza joining me now is president of the u.s. middle east project who is involved in bill clinton negotiations at camp david daniel levy thanks so much for coming on so israel bombing guards or as i said the p.a. cutting all ties with israel international community not celebrating it was you know to well i think we've had the arab league formally come out the e.u. formally come out but this was a very curious documents because the headline is vision for peace then dip into the text and misses an exclusive one sided narrative of one side in a conflict which manages to hit every israeli propagandist talking point for generations and rub the palestinian noses in it to an extent that even in a.

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New York , United States , Afghanistan , New Hampshire , United Kingdom , Iran , Washington , Florida , China , Whitehouse , District Of Columbia , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Russia , Kirkuk , At Ta Mim , Iraq , India , Baghdad , Israel , Iowa , Hollywood , California , South Korea , Capitol Hill , France , Americans , America , Chinese , Russian , Iraqis , Afghans , Iranians , Iranian , Afghan , Iraqi , British , Syrian , Israeli , Palestinian , South Korean , American , Mahmoud Abbas , Steven Rogers , Jon Favreau , John Bolton , Barack Obama , Al Qaeda , Joaquin Phoenix , Sunni Muslim , Benjamin Netanyahu , Brad Pitt , Vanessa Bailey , Alec Simon , Hamid Karzai , Gaza I Willa ,

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