Transcripts For RT News 20200203

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the potential human to human transmission no public transportation in the epicenter of the corner. just a few moments into a brand new day here in moscow choose they figure even welcome to our to international community only the iowa caucus is the start of the primaries and usually a litmus test for what is to come the bill and hillary clinton went on from victory in iowa to run the democrats counter that barack obama. now ahead of the vote this monday at let's take a look at why the latest polls actually. meaning because i side are bernie sanders he shares a surprise lead let's take a look with former vice president joe. biden who's leaving behind the other centrist hopefuls well explaining all votes are to skill up and reports on why washington might be wary of us under spectra. the iowa caucuses are upon us and monday as the 1st primary contest takes place and jaws are dropping because the front runner isn't one of the sexy centrists favored by the d.n.c. but an elderly socialist from vermont 2 is technically not even a democrat but a registered independent can imagine any woman watching last night and saying i believe bernie people believe has been running bernie sanders against trump would be an act of insanity so to have him just flat out say no i think wasn't it wasn't nearly enough to address that for the women watching bernie can't win according to the new york times bernie sanders is surging ahead because he has an enthusiastic base of supporters who are attracted to his left of center agenda mr saunders insurance and his apparent roys in the earliest primary and caucus states reflects both the loyalty of his core support says and their conviction that mr saunders would bring the same fighting resilience to the general election even now as mr saunders takes the lead in the 1st 2 states his opponents have not delivered a sustained argument against his candidacy and remain reluctant to take him home bernie sanders describes himself as a democratic socialist and socialism is supposed to be a dirty word in the united states but not so much anymore polls show that younger people are not so hostile to the term and are far more critical of free market policies and austerity c.n.n. is certainly no fan of bernie sanders a paid contributor is even happy to admit it i hope that my networks clear bias against bernie sanders will convince citizens of all idiology state corporate media figures overwhelmingly for so you can journalism in favor of blatant activism oddly president trump has had no. 6 things to say about the front runner in the rival party which bernie well. it will be interesting to see how and i think what happened to bertie. they be was that so many so i think he was taken advantage of you read great 4 years ago and he was done treated with respect by clinton those wounds from 2016 are certainly open and sore among bernie's core supporters leaked e-mails revealed that the d.n.c. was working overtime to deprive him of the nomination it's not just those mainstream t.v. networks or the leaders of the democratic party this former assistant director of the f.b.i. actually admitted that for years this federal agency actually works to keep people like bernie sanders from taking office the electorate in some places is putting more and more progressive than self described socialist in positions one of the missions of the f.b.i. in its counterintelligence efforts was to try and keep these people out of government he wasn't joking either the f.b.i. is cointelpro program worked to isolate left wing groups and keep them from gaining any influence one radical group called the socialist workers party actually sued the f.b.i. and spent a decade in court proving that their rights were violated court proceedings revealed that the f.b.i. had planted fake news stories infiltrated the organization broken into offices and even had members arrested on false charges all in the hopes of weakening the socialists at the ballot box bernie sanders was at one point a registered elector for the socialist workers party he campaigned for them amid the harassment and legal battles so it's pretty safe to say the f.b.i. has been on d.m. for some time with so much working against him bernie sanders seems to be pulling ahead getting more donations than any other candidate and his rallies are packed full of young people who are attracted to his message of cancelling student debt and guaranteeing health care for the 2020 primaries in full swing. many observers are asking themselves can bring you sanders will really pull this off mop and archie new york well a storm of speculation is brewing online over the cancellation of a highly regarded poll in the iowa caucus supporters of bernie sanders are claiming the results were suppressed because they're counted it was doing too well they did more in register poll has been published for the past 76 years it's considered a solid predictor of success ahead of the state caucus c.n.n. which publishes the results said at least one interviewer heard accidentally omitted the question on candidate peter bowditch egg but sunder supporters said they suspect foul play. bernie sanders is winning iowa and the des moines register not releasing their poll tonight over one poll voters concerned proves that they don't want to show how much bernie was winning and this was the easy way out the pool that really matters is the demoing bill just the c.n.n. poll that they decided not to release an hour before that was supposed to keep in mind induced warren and c.n.n. is openly unto sunders l.o.l. des moines register trying to help the democrats make burn sanders go. we spoke with peace activist sergio solomon host of the radio show in your world news they give us their views on the story. with such a a gold standard if you will you know whole this highly coveted and. how they accounted for that it was a simple mistake that you know there should be an easy and easy fix to that that you wouldn't just kind of throw out entire whole 'd over one you know one little era it was something much much deeper than i think it i think i really think it has to do with a lot with the indications in terms of seeing the number of people that were started to swell and swell towards the sanders campaign in iowa and i think that this was kind of imagination behind behind the scenes to try to slow down you know whatever moments of the standards campaign they saw picking up where you see no the power of the media and the way media has been. portraying the selection an obviously specifically bernie sanders everything that they've been trying to throw at bernie sanders to try and push away from him as more awareness of how the system works and the fact that the system doesn't work the turnouts at the rallies the number of people making phone calls the number of people knocking on the doors is the you know that miss test for for actually not being scared for understanding that it's even more important now to have someone like bernie sanders in the office so so that social movements and different organizations can get a lot more done in our communities. well while at the primaries fire all in the u.s. you tube has entered the crusade against the spread of all this information during the election the video sharing site which is owned by google has just released the new package of rules it hopes will protect and that's the voting process. over the last few years we've increased our efforts to make youtube a more reliable source for news and information as well as an open platform for healthy political discourse well among the new regulations you tube is going to buy one content which could mislead voters by digital manipulation that also goes for all users which pretend to be another person or from another channel they now have to reveal their country of origin and any connection to a government if they have one i spoke to journalist and commentator chadwick murder who thinks that you tube will pick its own favorites to be heard. they said that they're going to specifically promote. voices which is an authoritarian thing to do what they mean by that is the corporate media right to be so stupid or or so blindly corrupt and biased that they don't seem to understand that there's no such thing as an unbiased news source and there never has been so what is misinformation for one party looking at one new source is another is misinformation or another right now that's why c.n.n. either very much invent stories or the main cries to get c.n.n. going the big news is the is the which they leave out intentionally about permission they way they cheer 8 stories to present a certain narrative well that's what everyone goes that's really going on both sides of the spectrum because you can be saying they're going to decide who's narrative they like best and promote those voices and squash the other ones that's the really terrifying carnival. moving the program all know police in the u.k. have revealed that the mom behind some days knife attack in south london had served time in prison for islamist terror related offenses and was only released days earlier the assailant went to 2 people in the assault before he was shot dead by armed officers shall be at risk dashti told us more. well terror 'd has now come to the streets of london for a 2nd time in just 2 months and already i so have claimed responsibility for the incident that pat on stratton's high street just last night that was similarities between this latest incident and the last terror attack that happened on the london bridge one of which is of course the very fact opposed to say dance or wearing a hoax device on that chest before being shot dead by police officers at the scene the 2nd month potentially more controversial is in fact the both of them were released from prison for setting 'd sentences related to terra offenses now the government is already outlining its response to the latest incident but doris johnson has already read. to write it that he wants to bring forward legislation to stop and prevent this early release from prison for convicted terrorists but auggie isn't stresses that it could be quite complex to do say the problems we have with reeducating and reclaiming and rehabilitating people who succumb to islam ism it's very very hard and very tough and it can happen but the instances of success are really very few and we need to be frank about that and we need to think about how we handle that you know in our criminal justice system so 20 year old sudesh i'm on here only served half of his sentence it was a full sentence of 3 and a half years but he was in fact released early tara fences including possessing and distributing bomb making material not his mother though obvious that her son was actually radicalized within the prison system and therefore the questions are raised when it comes to that but other issues too including the fact that at the time of the incident a man was actually under close police surveillance in fact 2 officers were trailing behind him so many argue how could this incident have happened under police watch well london massive car he says that immediate urgent answers need to be questioned by the government so that it's a question i've got for all from for the government to ration to what they're doing to keep us safe i'll give you some examples we know there are some to your people who have been convicted of a tour of fence and have been released from prison what are the government doing to make sure that they are not a danger to the public because roughly speaking people conviction of terrorism in prisons nell what are we doing to make sure they're being punished and reformed rather than be the recipients of radicalization where prisons are universe of crime rather than proper probably would be but i decided quite worried to the government responds well police have been searching the hostel where it is believed that the stratum attacker has been living over the past few days that many questions have. into play particularly how a convicted terrorist could call such an atrocity just days after being released from prison but of course this latest incident is just one of many over the last few years that have been carried out by a sapience known by the intelligence and security services. or we've been getting reaction to some of these events including from terrorism expert dr david lowe who says a lot of countries are facing the issue of radicalization from within or isn't. seem to be deeply get more and more deeply imbued with the islamist narrative before he was sentenced for his previous conviction with you was released but there is an issue when it is a big concern in newquay prisons i think not just the you can think of the states out of this too we've seen it in france we've seen it in other states where there is a degree of radicalization going on within the presence of all 3 parties they do they may want to point the finger at each other but they've all had a hand in the culpability of this and it does need reform and not some individuals who are terrorists it was so deeply imbued. to how this sort of ridiculous situation is you seen with the. clearly was was was keen to carry out attacks he's been out for a week and he's in the close police surveillance that shows you the risk that they were showing him and this is a 3000 individuals who are specified interest on all of those risks or risk assessment is made. let's bring it to asia where with figures continuing to grow over the spread of the coronavirus hong kong has tightened border controls with china although stopped short of banning all travel to and from the mainland they said he's chief executive curry lamb had the following advice for the territories and help the. bike. i strongly advise home car is a dance to friend from going to places where there is an outbreak including the mainland unless it's absolutely necessary. based journalist where they crawl a virus was 1st recorded gave us what really is a rare glimpse into how the chinese city is coping with this spread of that is a. given the potential human to human transmission there's no public transportation and it will hide the epicenter of the current of ours the city is situated by younger river near where i'm standing and locals may take ferries from. one side to the other side and commute by buses taxis and subways then and we can read a notice saying at a stop each of the ferry began at $950.00 on january 23rd in there is no definite for the recovery who has health authorities has issued a travel ban to album tourist groups and vehicles entering and leaving the city will be subject to checkpoints where the temperature of passengers will also be monitored there has been no outdoor entertainment over the chinese new year which is absolutely unprecedented of the traditional holiday was extended by a week that many non essential sectors have now prolonged the holidays even further shopping malls restaurants and cinemas that orginally b.z. during this period are all closed but it's a very different story for hospitals here are medical staff have been working around the plucking or in dire need of resources over the past week we've seen 60 medical teams from across the country featuring 6000 personnel arrive in the city this includes teams dispatched from the military the dell the actual head says china is setting a new benchmark in its response to the outbreak he praised the speed with which china detected the outbreak isolated the virus sequenced the genome and shared it with the organization meanwhile we've also seen a considerable halt in international airliners fly into will haunt you as airports both in china and in about 70 countries have introduced measures to restrict travelers from the city and this all comes despite opposing travel restrictions among the patients i interviewed a nurse who was effective with the current of ours during her work and she has now recovered and will go back to work soon another nurse i spoke to quarantine herself for a week meaning she was unable to breastfeed her 6 month old son. fortunately her husband was able to contact breastmilk donors through social media and after receiving support the men said he felt there is power in unity and love so amid the crisis there are still touching moments in the virus city. russia is the fence ministry sings the turkish forces fail to conduct joint patrols in northern syria it comes after a spike in violence all monday which saw 8 turkish soldiers killed in that province alone quarter recorded this explainer. but the russian reconciliation center in syria is reporting that turkish forces didn't show up to their joint patrols in the deescalation zone these patrols represent a key part of the agreement between turkey and russia that maintains a fragile peace in the region and anchor his decision not to link up with russian forces there represents a dangerous escalation there this comes after the turkish defense ministry claimed its armed forces killed over 17 syrian government troops in an attack on the province and president has had this to say about it. we said it's no longer possible and we responded appropriately with the aerial or artillery bombardment we are making them bigger than its price and will continue to do so now i can as offensive was a response to the deaths of a number of turkish troops which were part of a military convoy that traveled through the border into early on monday this military convoy almost immediately came under artillery fire from syrian government troops which are currently engaged in a renewed offensive against the last militant stronghold in the country in italy but turkey's president actually says that this military campaign is a violation of the cease fire they have with the country now the russian reconciliation center says that turkish incursion. came without any warning and that actually they didn't carry out any strikes against syrian government's delay sions let alone kill any syrian government troops so we have 2 quite different versions of events from russia and turkey a possible escalation in the region it is most likely where the major powers involved in this conflict will either make or break peace or political analyst under a full check say as it is extremely hard right now to pin turkey's intentions here . one thing that comes to my mind is that they want to undermine the peace process but i don't want to come to the school who should be year 63 really difficult to. see what is the plan or what are the poor what burgess says the changes. are unexpected being scared to change their mood can change of in 5 minutes and one hour from turkey directly is impossible it would cause tens of thousands. of lives russia actually is using. a very patient very diplomatic approach there will be talks on the highest level because it's absolutely. against the interests of. russia to do a school or. they should in syria. donald trump's self-proclaimed deal of a century which was meant to be a solution to the israeli palestine conflict is nigh facing rejection from islamic countries the organization of islamic cooperation which has $57.00 member states sais it will not support the u.s. proposal palestinian journalist rami khouri explained. the planned by by us a president do not run doesn't look for doesn't look good for people that concern to be accepted as the organization of islamic creation rejected there's a plan the organization of islamic cooperation calls on all member states not english with this plan were to cooperate with the us administration in implementing it in any form the planned redemption came 2 days after the legal therapist tating carroll can rejected the same plan coalinga described being good that does not meet the minimum rights of the palestinian people iran. which was not being allowed to take part in this meeting of the corporation organization had to blame the studio ribby of the government of saudi arabia has prevented the iranian delegation from participating in the meeting to examine the deal of the century plan at the headquarters of the organization of islamic cooperation regarding the planet serve that was presented by the president to trump does giving there is really civility over. security control over the palestinian territories and it allows israel to lean teens of early exclusive serve only to jerusalem within what the united states says undivided capital of israel which is jerusalem actually their plan also gives israel the upper hand in controlling the security of the of the palestinians in these in the palestinian territories and also gives and offers palestinians a package of $50000000000.00 u.s. dollars for the investment at the grassroots level palestinians including factors political factors also rejected their plan and accusing them very can the administration of being. in favor of their israeli state. european union funks are being harvested by on expected source an investigation has claimed this sicilian mafia has been there for being a block of millions of euro through farmland subsidies charlotte dubin skinner looks into the mobs 21st century tactics. regs it may be officially done and dusted but for the even the headache of trying to balance its books without the u. case contribution is only just beginning no one the area that has been earmarked is farm subsidies to support agriculture and livestock breeding at a cost of around $60000000000.00 euro every year it's the biggest expense for the e.u. and while farmers are up in arms at the me hint their subsidies could be about to change it seems the eve has been accidentally blowing the budget for the last decade not on farmers but would you believe it the mafia. example in a farmer who's also a neighbor asked me to lease out my land to him that would allow him to obtain e.u. community funds and to grace's flock obviously i replied no a week later the house you see behind me was heavily damaged by arson. in that if we wanted to bring about an eco village community a landowner an elderly gentleman low dose of land and redock so one evening an identified people sneaked onto the property and cut all the beams on the roof making it unfit for use then they destroyed the whole property by setting everything on fire we kind of join the dots together and realised that we were being targeted by the mafia they were interested in our land because farmers receive money based on the amount of land they hold so the more land you have the more you can ask for european funds. the problem was so bad at times honest farmers stopped a bidding finning land giving the mafia. for you rain to suck up any other land could be used to claim subsidies and as e.u. subsidies are based on possession of land rather than what's produced on the land there was no need for the mafia to do anything but to sit back and count the money so my fear clans could rent land for next to nothing and claim subsidies i don't much higher rate ok so you think surely some technocratic asian revisits the farms and castes annoyer what's going on right. local authority should develop their own systematically reviews to check up on european funds besides the judicial one currently this review is carried out only on paper but actually there are not any real checks on the funds and whether they arrive in the territory in some cases the forward was a brazen applications were made for land not owned by the applicant others were made for people who were not even alive and although the scam has not been bailed with $94.00 arrests so far only 2 matthew families have been implicated the problem could be much worse it's also clear that this type before does not restrict it to just sicily in italy similar claims about mafia gangs fleecing the e.u. have been made in slovakia and romania it's thought these investigations in sicily could now lead to changes elsewhere in the e.u. but many will be questioning why it's taken so long for this type of fraud to be unearthed and why the e.u. has been allowing itself to be milked for so long. r.t. paris. as are a lot just a reminder for all your op to the minute global news updates on a whole lot more besides our to twitter page has you more than covered well worth some of your scrolling time today so you. join me every 1st week on the all excitement show and i'll be speaking to get a little the politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. and on for you know one of the norm. in the new fee shipping. appreciate. it so for the moment i love what any of us want and i'm going to have the that's a big part of. it there's a product which i think. this is the only thing that we do is the music. we put it was the music because everybody fights a. way.

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New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Newquay , Cornwall , United Kingdom , Hong Kong , Iran , Vermont , China , Syria , Des Moines , Iowa , London , City Of , Italy , Saudi Arabia , France , Romania , Turkey , Chinese , Turkish , Syrian , Russian , Israeli , Palestinian , David Lowe , Charlotte Dubin , Barack Obama , Hillary Clinton , Peter Bowditch , Bernie Sanders ,

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