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A very warm welcome to you watching r. T. International with me. Now the u. K. On to doping agency has said its refusing to provide the global doping watchdog wada with case some polls from british run as a request for the materials came as part of an ongoing drugs investigation into the nike oregon project harvey discussed the issue with are. Talking about a 4 time olympic gold champion a 6 time World Champion in athletics a runner from Great Britain and hes one of the biggest athletes of the modern generation now there has been speculation for quite some time that such a Success Story may have been somehow tainted by the use of performance in hands and drugs of beauties as we know them but obviously that was speculation until last year one of the coaches of the former coach of Alberto Salazar of the oregon project was slapped with a 4 year by the u. S. And i dont. Agency for allegedly doping his athletes and were talking about l. Carnitine. Drug which is not really outlawed by water but in the doses that salazar allegedly used with his athletes that is against the waters code so he was. Creating a whole lot of controversy regarding more fire and maybe that salazar used the same techniques on the british athlete but now the World Antidoping Agency asked again the u. K. Antidoping agency to hand over more existing doping samples for additional testing which is obviously in the authority of water which is does you know in many countries across the world but here is what the u. K. Antidoping agency had to say to that there has never been any ill feeling a lack of willingness always distance from the pot but when you open the sample up every time you freeze it and thaw it and freeze it again you have agreed in the sample you need to be able to give me credible evidence about what it is you want to look for rather than this just being truly an expedition and on top of that responding to a question from the journalist the head of you god said you know whether these the weather what has the authority to pick up those samples and walk into the lab and just grab them upon request she said no it will stay with you on that has the authority over keeping those samples so you know considering the timing considering the latest news in the world of antidoping fight this creates a lot of controversy this scandal with. Somethings been dragging on for several years in this is nothing new while of a sudden water want to get their hands on these samples from. On the side of what it may be you know the willingness to assert their power especially in the wake of what they did to russia just fortnight ago on the side of you we could speculate a lot but you know the fact that more far is going to the olympics in tokyo this summer you know that could be also the timing because you gave these being so protective with their star athlete but fair play to more fire. Himself he always denied all the accusations of using b. D. S. Hes always said you know come get me and if you want to test me again thats what he said again lets listen im happy to be tested anytime and anywhere and for my samples to be used for whatever they need to do keep it and freeze it there is not much more i can do from a fascinating happy free samples to be tested but. Russia knows all about the power of water reacted to this story surely i assume that the heads of the russian Antidoping Agency are scratching their heads right now having read the news that you know we could have done the same we could have just kept the samples to ourselves because as we know russia provided all the samples to water and after that water decided that russia should be banned from major competitions for 4 years and that is something which is now being contested in the court of arbitration for sport as we speak a very sort of long going battle we are expecting to seal russia sporting fate but nonetheless we have a reaction from assad and i believe we can listen to that now i believe that you can it should not obstruct any transfer of samples any of passage on either side and this is not just about you cant create a role of mistrust in the countrys antidoping system and accordingly its athletes as part of the system you know the most ironic angle to this whole story is the fact that it was the u. K. Antidoping agency and the u. S. Antidoping agency which were the vocal the most vocal critics of russia and back in the day they were calling for transparency they were calling for the world antidoping fight being equal for everyone and this is exactly what you get have to say back then we all have a genuine interest in ensuring absolute wealth and fair play stayed the heart of the Sports Movement regardless of nationality so as we can see this is the case of potentially double standards when you know some rules apply to ones and does not apply to the others in the case of saying no to providing the samples it looks a little bizarre we discuss the issue with sports journalist alan moore and sports and media lecture alice cashmore. I think clean sport and fair sports is not id play here from you card. They were one of the ones who wanted to have some russian athletes at the olympics and usada dog didnt want anybody at all and you cards theyre fearful for their own athletes because remember disses does is not about sport this is not a fair play to simply vote money and power and so long as you can dont have to turn over samples to your solder then they have error and they keep keep making money and this is all its down to because its you know it was never about fairness they dont care about you pay out these you dont care about russian athletes or ours to athletes all they care about is money and power it is double standard theres no question about that in my mind and i think the rest of the world will stand as the jury on this and say hang on a 2nd a few years ago britain was screaming for for punishment to be doled out to russia because they refused to cooperate now theyre doing exactly the same thing themselves so they invited punishment. Probably also you know because if they refuse and they can they reckon refuse to hand over the stop was to water then they are risking the punishment full british athletes we presume if water is going to be consistent in god we get these punishments dont forget the punishment against russia was to ban russia as a nation so that meant that every single athlete in russia was punished. Along test case the euthanasia rules is unfolding in belgium where for the 1st time since the practice was legalized 3 doctors Face Criminal Charges prosecutors allege they illegally ended the life of a 38 year old woman the womans family says theyve been broken by her death r. T. 30 attain a looked into the issue. On Christmas Eve in 2937 year old teenager told her family she wanted to be euthanized but while teen suffering might have ended several months later of in a clinic in the flemish city of get and that of her family is still ongoing because the 3 doctors who were involved are now on trial for her murder this will be belgiums fust criminal case concerning euthanasia since the practice was legalized back in 2002 which accounts for an average of 6 deaths every day the doctors insist they acted in good faith and are unfairly being painted as murderers but the hiring account teen says does give of that fateful day raises questions over the competence and motives of the medical professionals. Who likened her death to that of a pattern that is in pain and is having a shot. When she died he asked our parents if they wanted to listen through the scope to check her heart had actually stopped beating belgium is only one of 2 countries which allows for euthanasia on psychiatric grounds and sees people suffering from depression gender identity issues and an erect resort to this socalled must see killing 2 months before her death as is required by law teen went to the psychiatry list dr point who diagnosed her with a mild form of autism teens family protest this diagnosis adamant she was simply suffering heartbreak and distress after a failed relationship. She knew that if she wasnt diagnosed with autism or aspergers she would have no chance of being euthanized as such they say the key legal requirement that a patient be incurably ill was not met and so by injecting her with that lethal dose she was poisoned really confused by the diagnosis and in this particular psychiatrists solution of suicide it just doesnt it doesnt fit together for me i think that there is a danger especially from a Mental Health perspective when people play god is so to speak when were making decisions now about life and death or when other people are making decisions about when to in their life based on things that can be fixed pretty easily in some cases Mental Illnesses autism is certainly very treatable one of my child has some mild autistic manifestations and we get through those you know its certainly not a reason to kill someone or to commit suicide but this was far from the only irregularity they noted and when they launched a complaint the doctors allegedly tried to block the investigation with the psychiatry even hitting back at the grieving family we must try to stop these people. It is a seriously dysfunctional one detroit family with very little empathy and respect for others this is not the fust time psychiatry to diagnose teen has come under scrutiny but in 27000 documents revealed the head of belgiums euthanasia review commission was concerned dr 10 point wasnt fulfilling all necessary equal conditions relations soured so much that he refused to accept and he thought the patients referred by doc to temp arent her colleagues are also worried that shes allegedly approved around a 3rd of all euthanasia cases for psychiatric reasons in the whole country she is not really a great person to go to in terms of her judgment for this kind of medical procedure she has a personal and are for looking at euthanasia as a as a solution for these patients so perhaps patients seek her out when for the like this happens it just happens to be too much of this about one particular physician and thats why shes being called into question by 9 other psychiatrist in her own field in belgium that shes doing something wrong so clearly theres some more investigation we need to learn more about this particular psychiatrist and this particular others have said dr 10 point doesnt expel Treatment Options available before granting euthanasia an allegation backed by teen sistas. Instead of trying to go team to a better life team was deliberately led to death and pushed without the reasonable Treatment Options being exhausted and consequently without suffering being relieved the question is whose interest was paramount in this process the interest of team or the interest of others euthanasia is legal in just 5 countries and is one of the most controversial practices globally stories like teens reveal just how difficult it is to ensure that peoples desire for personal freedom isnt tragically misinterpreted and abused we are that leave the psychiatry standing trial in the euthanasia case for response she told us that she cannot comment at this time all 3 doctors deny the charges. With drugs its now a certainty the british Prime Minister baraks johnson is looking to find the country new friends and his team to focus is turning to africa the 1st ever u. K. Africa Investment Firm it is now underway in london solely at with the reports. Well Prime Minister Boris Johnson is on his latest Charm Offensive to try and reestablish and boost post brecks it business relations 7 years pass attempt to williams hosting the u. K. Africa summit right in london addressing several african nation leaders but interestingly it was on a much smaller scale than the counterparts like similar events hosted by russia or china Boris Johnsons affair was slightly more intimate hosting just 21. 00 african nations being represented here at the summit in london but kid to his pitch though was yes acknowledging various other competitors when it comes to investing in africa and economy of the continent but actually saying that there was no match quite like britain in his quote they have being the breadth and depth of expertise so while presenting the u. K. As africas best partner and friendship one of his key and tyson messages was all about the change to the immigration system here in the United Kingdom suggesting that he hopes that it would attract africas best talent we in the u. K. Have a very to jordan continuing to convince people across the continent that were not just a great friend and ally reliable ally but also the people you should be doing business with youll be pleased to hear my friends the one thing is changing. Our immigration system by putting people before possibles. We will be able to attract the best talent from around the world wherever they may be so they hear Boris Johnson the Prime Minister saying he will put people before passports but those comments are miles apart from the rhetoric he was spouting back then that he referred to africa as a blot and even refuse to acknowledge the role of britains colonial past when it comes to the economic problems and crisis in africa and the promised the continent may be a blot but it is not a broad support our conscience the problem is not that we will be once in charge but that we are not in charge anymore well at this summit Boris Johnson also made yet and not the beneficial prop promised to the african continent what he was saying is his calling for an immediate and to the fact that u. K. Taxpayers will be funding anything to do with Coal Mining Industries in the subcontinent as part of a drive of course to limit Climate Change so from today the British Government will no longer provide any new direct official Development Assistance investment its been critically pollution for thermal coal mining or coal power plants overseas put it simply not another penny of u. K. Taxpayers money will be directly invested in digging up coal or burning it for electricity well it sounds rather attractive but despite the absence of direct investment in africas coal Mining Industry theres a Company Called Anglo American and thats key to the coal mine Mining Industry in the region and its based right here in london so while there are attempts to sort of curb this coal mining establishment hair overseas some of those involved might actually be a slightly more closer to home which leads me to the final question can borrow johnsons pitches today really manage to convince African Leaders despite all of these controversies not to mention of course the competition of other global powers we discussed the issue with host of ours hes going underground actually return see me he says there may be pitfalls ahead in johnsons bid to strike trade deals with africa. Of course this is down to break said british Boris Johnson think that quick trade deals can be made with african countries he may have another thing coming to him of course china is notable for its massive trade Investment Strategies in africa theyve been going on for more than a decade actually theyve been going on for centuries because in the new chinese error they have been continuing with the British Companies with their colonial reputations with their reputations for linkages between themselves an arms deals and appalling Mining Mining scandals or regarding British Companies is another matter similarly there are british troops in mali theres a strong British Military presence so how the military presence the scandals over mining over the colonial inheritance how these will feature in a sudden easy quick fix to brics it problems as regards britains trade deficit would have to wonder about that beyond the people bluster of todays meetings. Still to come a round threatens to quit a key Global Nuclear arms treaty countries pressure to run over its commitments to the faltering 2050 nuclear deal well tell you about that this very story break. You know before george zeros became. A Global Market manipulator and election riggers he wrote a lot of interesting books and of course. Jim rogers at the quantum fund which was one of the best performing hedge funds ever kind of invented the modern hedge fund and hes got a lot of things to say if you look at us. Old work were going to get into its. What politicians do you should. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Or some want to be. To the right to be cross thats why before 3 of the people. Interested reasonable why. Should. Welcome back iran is threatening to quit so Global Nuclear nonproliferation treaty and to preventing the spread of Nuclear Weapons and signed in 1960 days as if you were a pin countries refer the issue of 2 wrongs noncompliance with the faltering 2050 nuke deal to the un Security Council. If the europeans continue their improve her behavior also in the runs filed with the Security Council we will withdraw from the nonproliferation treaty. If these statements by europeans continue the Islamic Republic of iran is designing a final more effective step in reducing our commitments under the. Apart from the nonproliferation treaty iran has also threatened to completely stop complying with the 2015 deal now this was designed to limit Irans Nuclear activities in exchange for the easing of sanctions iran says it will also review its cooperation with the u. N. Nuclear watchdog and could eventually increase its levels of uranium enrichment well after pulling out of the 2015 nuclear deal the u. S. Imposed sanctions on iran and urged his european allies to follow suit but earlier confirms that donald trump had threatened to slap huge tariffs on european carmakers if it didnt move away from the Iran Nuclear Deal and the euro trio of berlin london and paris claim irans noncompliance with the nuclear deal is forcing them to trigger the dispute mechanism iran has 30 days to return to compliance failing which it will be referred to the u. N. Security council which could reinstate sanctions however iran says the door of negotiations is still open how most of the a professor of Political Science at university have to run it as the actions are hypocritical. Us all want to have a year ago when the trumpet ministration decided to leave the Nuclear Accord it was the europeans that convinced iran to stay in the deal with the promise that they were going to shield iran from american sanctions in reality they did nothing in during that year where you were on fulfilled all of its obligations essentially u. S. Sanctions kept increasing and when that had been iran essentially came to the conclusion that was it was also going to reduce its compliance under the deal mind youre on his not withdrawn completely from the deal now when your aunt did that it was the europeans that came in triggered to dispute resolution mechanism but from irans point of view this is being very hypocritical actions by the europeans if the europeans were truly committed to the deal they should have triggered it is this dispute resolution mechanism in a year and a half ago when the trumpet ministration essentially try to kill did not now. A pro gun rally is underway in the sense of Richmond Virginia in the us the local authorities have announced a state of emergency and firearms balor head of the rally place event has been described as a credible threat with thousands of other people plans to attend the rally comes after the state senate announced 3 near bills were strict gun ownership with more details his scale of more pay. As the 2020 elections get closer theres a lot more dividing america than just political personalities in virginia the issue of firearms and state regulations who can buy or own one is a big point of contention. The claim that universal background checks supposed to stop criminals from getting access to firearms is focus in reality they only restrict youll feel going to discourage gun ownership and turn otherwise law abiding people into unwitting felons. In states that have these laws. Have resulted in middle of the night rates where gun owners have been killed or have their guns confiscated so on january 20th gun activists are having a rally demanding their right to bear arms under the u. S. Constitution and local authorities are cracking down saying that no guns may be present at the rally the prohibition is temporary and it will expire on tuesday after the rally and those who would bring violence into virginia have left and returned to where they came from now local gun activists say this is an absurd restriction after all what is the point of having a gun if you cant have it on your person in order to protect yourself especially at a heated political rally where things might get rough they blame this restriction on the Democratic Party the governor and leadership of the Democratic Party have declared war on law abiding gun owners and theyre tired of it its basically people saying were fed up weve had enough Governor Northam of virginia says it is absolutely necessary that there be no guns at the rally in order to protect Public Safety hes pointed out that militia groups have made statements about storming the state capital and other things that arent exactly considered to be peaceful rhetoric no one wants another incident like the one we saw in charlottesville in 2017. We will not allow that made him and violence to happen here. Now gun activists say that their rights are being taken away they fear that gun access restrictions in virginia could soon spread to other states virginia is ground 0 for the 2nd amendment right now anti gunners want to take what they did here in virginia and and replicated in other gun friendly states there are some strong arguments on both sides if democrats oppose owning guns arent they essentially going against the Us Constitution and various Supreme Court rulings that have said that owning a gun is a fundamental right for american citizens however is it a bit on reasonable to expect that right wing activists should be allowed to walk around government buildings locked and loaded so sheriffs and virginia or elsewhere in the country have taken states is where they openly publicly said they will force what they view to be unconstitutional wall if you cant have universal background checks what is the use of having them to be given. You know we need a license to drive a car we need more safety to drive a car then to own a weapon that kills we have people in here that are collectors we have people in here thats just their thats their pastime thats what they do they dont have a criminal background they dont do anything wrong that is just how they choose to spend their money and their time i made myself i just purchased a gun. You know. Like a right to bear arms. Should be very seriously found in the business. Sense where it stayed on been. As always we love to hear your thoughts on our stories so do get in touch by following up on social media were back in 30 minutes with the latest headlines. You know world a big part of a lot of things and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made the stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Fall my uncle the kids seem compensate the boy to night nobody will see that no proof of nothing and they think. Its not. Going to. Get the kind of. Move on the list that i didnt get showed up to move this because im on the same instant nickel going to be out in so much thats the time when thats. All i thought is not so much because i was it is a constant basis was you have a 1000000 years. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by the curse of those great. Today theres things. We dare to ask. This day is of speech like biggest day to him cause he should travel sideways at a specific angle and it no less than 100 Kilometers Per Hour to try this old rivals and paul is it the same time impaired calls must follow the circuits mirroring each others waists and space at maximum speed to close together and. To sting was born in japan but as a school which its become incredibly popular in russia the reason is simple its wet cheap grit wheel drive cars are made when it is a long time plentiful ice makes drifting easy safe and so much cheaper than during the summer. So. Rigidly trained

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