It is a bit like figure skating cause it should travel site ways its a specific time and it no less than 500 Kilometers Per Hour try to stop rivals and partners at the same time their cars must follow the circuits mirroring each others waists and speeds are actually speed place to get. To the thing was born in japan but as a sport its become incredibly popular in russia the reason is simple its where cheap rear wheel drive cars are made when it is a long time plentiful ice makes drifting easy safe and so much cheaper than during the summer. So rigidly trained as a nurse. Began his drifting career on the streets now hes the only russian pilot who also drives a car like this in the summer too but his has been seriously upgraded d. So theyre going to go through. d d what are you. Going to sort. Of i should sort bug. All pilots use the winter to prepare their cars for the summer meaning winter competitions are a chance to practice and this time the whole family has come along the most one goal for us both youll see steve was moving forward so. What. Weve been rather than ours. Yeah definitely 50 people slightly years with him but here he was with his eyes down and he asks to chime stadium seating still a lot of the most stuff more its not the one that just was a me ask me whats wrong why did not just make one of us need new global data and use the 15 or was what i answered cocked it up but im still sticky will spit in your wallet and yes that will bite you cook you know it. When i was up us years old and youre still with uncle doctor sees it now thats true yet. Youre still vision but you can. See a survey genius. And i have it the blue ball the most is the news i was there did you can you know the surveyor i said was the lead news source because biased barker used to do when you. Get the sly and you poor of the worst luck with the rules but the goal is to keep it all of who do with us when you source news source and source to the news of the people that us use so he feels ok when you want it you get what the no no not the no thanks im sure you didnt die you might be just blown the facts gathered below the day after my vietnam. War joins us guides or the legion of single guys. I. Just remarkable i. Mean if you leave i will not go by you are going to be going to be your 1st. Year here you know that television coming from the east we simply need to move. Id still rather to go no this was for you to soothe me to not someone were the norm i knew someone was no longer of the. So you could look at it as im listening to what is quick and whats going on on the model boat on. The sea as brother john was not. A mosque with more than a. Building a car costs at least 3000000. 00 rubles or 45000. 00 tires alone cost at least 10000. 00 each season when you drift at that speed each tire loss for just one race. Getting expert alexandra de mint throwing toe can see no point in practicing on ice during the winter to maintain his driving skills he goes to the drifting birthplace japan because as we move from washington. A career in the going rate i dont want. To be honest you know with york. If. You believe in the you know some of the c. G. Road or shortly. On. Using it you dont think if its in the citys Financial Solutions gibraltar which is fortunate you this is smarter than we were and that would mean almost. On a share you know get used to the ordeal of those additional but you just made me what you want but yeah but i have to find a job i hope we do it. My lad you have to show up for the ashes because i feel. So much. That. We have 5 years thats a big deal you know. If. They can or should mention show us what your. Your goal. Was was for golf a while because of all of us even if i think they fit the bill for just a little what with this being able to sleep well you see. It. Like that it you know we look at it you. Know the good old or typical i mean i do know us again. In the number used in the us through. My own need us to a new outlook on life and do nothing to prove something so that means that the open and i do see the interest on not so much and youve gotten a bit of. The grease pump exploded when fia dont choose his car so he had to reassemble the engine the night before the race literally. When you asked and still find it quite. Clear that we. Just thank you. So much for the. Just must adjust to the notion of other stimulants along the front but so much to the full circle still both of. This most of you know most of the only a lot of ago i said i was living with the sleeping pills im really. Quite sure why she near the near the. Young mother was a little bit super mom for ileum ogleby do with super puppy a school for. Some aggressor you would feel less of the someone who was approved. Come up theyll support you which isnt a good one i mean example asteroid model couple with initial thoughts or less so volatile washed. Is the same as biased with it and they do a split of getting new growth it. Be full in the main competition as a qualifying and only city to sit next to. You if you want to be all conflicts yet again. He was going straight for too long without doing any drifting. Well now the judges will generally give him a 0. Hour day in fact both barb. Office attempts to get 0 points. So he now leads out of the tandem races tomorrow. Should be a reason sussing i guess thats the 1st sensation of the day both for a builds attempts against 00 who will turn up for the books charge a. New partner who knows what. Else would be most people to get. Off. Until tomorrow everyone from a nickel ice with love will see you on sunday. School to see what. You. Said still. I thank. The syllabus of would not be. Such a good spot simmons up. The middle said you know what the put out city 1st. Show does was start from scratch. You know it should have sort of. Some sort. Someone is a. 28 team for the 1st time ever the russian interests c. B. C. Said has been extended cities all over the country from west to east will be hosting bases with taking place. Must go each pack of vista said kid twice and they dont just have to cover it they must complete specific stunts set out by the officials. To chase cars must move back to lead cars leave and while staying as close as possible and maintaining maximum speed. In a single heat lead and chase a switch places the officials judge how accurately they drive. These wild so to speak. Over jobs on the surface youre when you do it do you really enjoy doing we dont look at a room in the distance of a group of 1st. Listening to the reigning champion against one approaches most experienced drifters and the 1st race the jockey for position. In the field or start the 2nd heat with confidence and following indias trajectory they make a synchronised grab assegais get there just a few metres to the finish line and here it is on. The field or off loss the 1st race about the sun. Will send the money. That i go side to from japan versus muscovite alexander detailing the race. And to me train goes straight well be right on the circuit. Close. Ok so. That. The last 2 weeks to fix that cause trouble to the audience both play 2nd round and try to win the rematch a trace brings new hopes new ambitions. This circuit is regarded as tricky and technically demanding the slightest mistake could cause a car to crash into the wall at top speed. But the bonus is that the salad bar but it has a lot of the green zone that will probably it will just see all of us but there was me off my real. Goal is to believe nobody else can or did it but im there didnt you im going to stop over what by the mobiles for the ball choose 117 Kilometers Per Hour before the turn but the approach was all full and so it didnt really matter much. That xander was in for a surprise even before the race began the qualification round showed that despite all the lengths hes gone to the call still isnt ready for the real deal alexander is forced to withdraw on technical grounds. Or know what the most of all a surly really good sister must also mumble some of the shots the little words just opens up to step up. For part. Is that. Im not sure. Ill need a lot. You know before george soros became vilified as a Global Market manipulator and electioneering or he wrote a lot of interesting books and of course see. How the quantum fine which was one of the best performing hedge funds ever kind of invented the modern hedge fund and hes got a lot of things to say if you look at his old work and were going to get into it. You know worlds big partners. Lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other its talk for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. See come some of the. Easier course on whats actually burning. The spike you were sick of has gone down with a come on. Whats really shouldnt open the bone it by himself almost a yes or no anyway the rescue teams there with fire extinguishers. Oh i am sure i missed but does it i suspect the fun licensed. We just didnt notice it so obvious reasons you did more. Well most of what did. The race was a huge success for. Both defeated strong opponents and made it to the semifinals now theyre racing for a place in the final. Of. The world and here is the officials decision. Race isnt over yet hes still in the running for 3rd place. Probably it was good because going to the left to live side by side. Makes a turn and stays close by his opponents. And field of the over hits. It still. Feels those pits crew has just 5 minutes to put the call right. Field of positive damaged axle most likely the drivers will now take 5. To. Keep it. Done deal does go to a slim chance of winning it but is the will to win the coolest commands a great deal of respect. A. Lot. And not a lot of really what it would seem to be more still is but the idea that video young women a little bit. So competing in the final race of. Their off and reigning russian interest series champion tailgate. Aka such a. Bit of what. Oh yeah but it was a lot of over the what was. The 2nd place in the tandem racing. 8 2 to find candidates of a good service. Dealership chan. Busy. On such concludes the 2nd round of the. Dream thank you very much goodbye everyone. The other. Full field thought of vital beyond the round in sochi with the highlights of some of mine safety features the sun finally came a step with one of the facts to dissolve the world title fights a culture of. Japanese tribes close by ok field. Trip to the front something fun. Hes about to race in the final with one of the legends of blue drifting. Field started drifting with another 2105 with the big elysia doing the engine and now hes here its the culmination of round 5 until race in the final he made his opponent with the respect. But they are not. Equals on the track its such a all you may feel it still feel in the 1st seat feel down finished a little behind the famous japanese try that please jump in the 2nd pick up. A 2nd before you ready. To feel. A. Little bit soon to go to go to catch up with feeling like you know make. It sound like just so hell be a big star. Even came in 2nd stunning apology a mix of the just existing styles is a notable success 1000 meters 2nd place so you ought to. Be was even when i was. Really. Young the thought only used once or been used before you think last week b. Was an accident that happened before the vote if i stuck around through what to feed those plans for the season to be to if. You did 5 years the rules sure the 1st are going to be the full she was what she was fighting just the some all the states got just a little walk in but if youre on the board with me you look at falkirk are stark should all those folks need to serve one year to thank you for the. Speech they read you on. Or thank the school. It was in this car because want to tell my friends. You know what there was a sauce on porno stall but i want to get on with and show off than whites. Thank you just like are with the back so parties are small of course one stipulation of sept 3rd 2 theyre going to just throw your seal school books on the air one of them poor soul who didnt go on what we did was in your hearts its mean mushroom other than the good top of the world and its just the ukrainians they are more almost borrow more than i do just more with more. Of the contras of course more storm francisco that was going to deal with something yellow war bunch of. Deal if you look since hes a little known and his lawyer because they would know and thats where the sit on thought i was that looks like chelseas mother. Whats more the. Combatants is the more militant there go out. With upset the woman whos thought of themselves and or knew about all this new gold and its used in the war mushrooms for a while your more. So but when you pull that one youre also murder. And youre watching you. Know modest you didnt go and sit. Down and lurch so without a. Leader. Weve been most go. On. T. V. And feel the rough comes from the far east and he knows this kid inside and out hes one going says he. Tell the kids something. Fun its at the. Start the fun. I will. Help you less well i dont know if theyll get it ready for drifting in time for the senate race results body yet but surrender speech like about rangin morea the ease of them can be pretty empty of shooting. Ladies costs told spewing the final. Candy i got stuck. In this come wouldnt continue. So much for a pleasant homecoming. Just as soon as in the field of scholars towed to the shop fill out 5 minutes to fix it with the manager no cecilia thats it. But well still celebrate extension it still sees. The tailgate chief janet make a gut check in with his death round and then rush and receive the season the usual. Family. To 1st see this season weve gone clean how the only the russia has finished. The serious stuff to feel if any of that could be of michelle moved a little bit ago to be able to field her abilities to move. To cool cool were going to be able to do. Alexandra de mint throwing only money 24. 00 to 7. 00 races in 28. 00. Do we know what some. Call for the for. Just for the moment. You. Do those i mean it was. Just the stress even your words you know its its incredible so we didnt even talk about that was more the who the boss of the. Given is the waltz its a workshop. Pyramid. Pick. September 28th team the russian team beat japan in the d. One drifting grand prix at the time and didnt defend but yes champion gayle chief john became the worlds drifting champion. I am. I am. The one else seemed wrong on all roads just dont call. Me to get to shape out disdained to come to agitate and in again try to be close to trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Choose to look for common ground. You know world of big partisan group. And conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. A. Little. And then theyre going to. Be at peace talks involving the warring sides and World Leaders create a new mechanism for a lasting cease fire to look at whether the plan can hold. Our 3 belgian doctors Face Criminal Charges for approving the euthanasia of a woman with a psychiatric disorder and the 1st such trial since the procedure was legalized at the start of the country. And mountains of litter heap up on the stunning streets of rome as lawmakers battle over where to stash the trash

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