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The or a round up of the biggest stories from today and the past 7 days are watching the weekly hair on r. T. International thank you for joining us. Now live via a peace conference has wrapped up in belin yielding an agreement that it is hoped will pave the way for a lasting cease fire in the country and ultimately bring an end to years of bloody civil war be told about reports. Well the result of these talks here in berlin on libya or in the ongoing conflict on the ground there was a document that has been signed off by those that have taken part in the conference still has to go to the United Nations where it will be seeking their approval it contained in that document are a call for a cease fire also an arms embargo that should be a rekindling of the political process german chancellor Angela Merkel is keen to stress again that there was an far as she was concerned and as far as other leaders were concerned there was no military solution to that conflict in libya that human rights must be respected and that we must also you see security and Economic Reforms on the ground in libya now the german chancellor also said added that there was no direct contact between. And. Now that had been expected realistically has been hoped for heading into these talks they didnt speak directly that was all done through proxy or in direct conversations passing along messages basically between the 2 sides the u. N. Secretary general also speaking at the Closing Press conferences to duty yet as he said that what was of most importance at the moment was getting a functioning cease fire in place on the ground 1st we need to have a ceasefire you cannot monitor something that doesnt exist and so we need level cease fire and we have a. Simple question is that all the produce to do anything to meet gets to support the cease fire and committed to pressure on the bar to the conflict for the fire to be reached the German Foreign minister heiko must was also speaking at the Closing Press conference he was measured in his confidence about what had been achieved here in berlin he said its well ultimately there. Was a potential for the libyan crisis being resolved that the end was perhaps in sight but that it still needed some work to get it over the line of goods that. We have achieved objectives that we sent for this conference we now have the e. U. Now hands to solve the conflicts now we have to do is use diski put it in the log and open the door from the russian side of the foreign minister spoke to journalists as well as the large roll of well he was saying that he was positive of what had been achieved here however he acknowledged that the situation between the 2 warring sides was extremely difficult right now still generally we think the conference was useful its clear that the final decision is up to the libyans its also clear that so far stable dialogue between the warring parties is unreachable the differences of approach to great but still the suggestions the final document contains contribute to creating appropriate conditions for both sides to sit and talk ultimately the result of these talks is that theyll be more talks the u. N. Secretary general mr gritty yet is will be meeting with representatives of both sides of the conflict in geneva later this week heiko must the German Foreign minister also saying that there would be a meeting in brussels on monday of e. U. Ministers in order to discuss further the situation in libya libya though is really coming front and center for International Attention thats been seen by just who was in attendance here in some real heavy hitters from around the world coming here as the world tries to find a solution to the ongoing crisis which has claimed so many lives well we discussed the talks and journalist and founder of viewpoint africa a johnson and director of the Crisis Research institute marc arent. The real danger is that the main virtue of these talks has been that the external actors will be able to move to agree but as weve heard the 2 main rivals couldnt be face to face let alone agree and secondly there are perhaps 30 different subgroups fighting on the ground so that it may be that there is going to cease fire that holds it could possibly be in the interests of both sides but getting the various cohorts to orders is not has not been easy so far and there is the danger that each side will be looking to move or for Getting International credibility and cut off by saying were trying to keep the ceasefire but the others are breaking it at the end of the day were looking at a cease fire thats all were hoping for this is not going to bring about peace its not going to really stop all out war were talking about a cease fire a hold to a cease fire which is not happening today we can have a road map we can have a process for we have. More of the forces disarming nation let alone some level of governance that the 2 parties can work with so as to be very difficult a long long way ahead we are in the early early stages of potentially what potentially helpful for libya. Now in some news that shape the week or russia got a new Prime Minister after the previous cabinet stepped down the resignation followed president putins proposal to change the countrys constitution. But it will if you amendments i suggested yesterday do not affect the fundamental basis of the constitution the aim of furthering russias development as a lawful state so the goal is to enhance the effectiveness of the countrys institutions strengthen the role of Civil Society and to enable the Political Parties in our regions to make decisions a vital to the countrys development and where it takes a look at the proposed reforms and how theyve gone down in the wider world. Try explaining this to boom and power as the office of president the media accuses of it seizing more power who control over russia but when putin gives up that power and hands it over to parliament at his own expense it is also because he seizing more control over russia 1st to discover this syndrome i name it paranoid putin a friend here and theres a real epidemic. Paranoid putin a friend he aside he is what he actually proposed to guaranteed that no president ever wields as much power as he did including putin himself hes got 4 more years in office. This is unprecedented in a quarter of a century every constitutional amendment was designed to empower the president for example increase the president ial term from 4 years to 6 years or give the president the power to appoint prosecutors and now he turns it all upside down it used to be that putin appointed the problem. This Ministers Parliament rubber stamp that now parliament appoints heads of government and putin rubber stamps it with no power object 30 years to use according to the constitution of the Russian Federation the president needs only the state dumas consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet his deputy and all the ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian governments chairman and at the chairmans suggestion all the Deputy Ministers and all the federal ministers will have to be appointed by the president without a right to reject any candidate this is of course all subject to a popular vote if these passes russia will be a changed country with a very different future russia is changing into a new face of democracy freedom and now the basis of the 1st. Time when the president limits his oh this is something in the later control the country is not known at all then the president limits its own power and once you let the people there cite the new constitution many in the west see president putin is a mental power is the one that wants to remain in power for ever and so on and so forth but if you look at the reforms if you look at the proposals i see myself some reasons to find in these proposals some balance of power between the president power and the Parliament Power i see some ideas leading to a better modernization of this state very often it happens did. Many media make comments on amendments on laws on projects or reforming the constitution we doubt knowing. In details what is the reform or the rules what are the proposals so i would suggest before putting for so negative comments to study to understand wild what talking about what is did reform announce it and then maybe we can make some comments now before that to pave the way the government handed in its resignation its worth mentioning it wasnt all that popular that failed on a number of fronts and then if the now caretaker Prime Minister said himself its time for something new you have all heard the address of the russian president Vladimir Putin as president he outlined the major priorities of our work for the upcoming year but he also outlined a number of fundamental changes to the constitution of the Russian Federation these changes when they take place and this will be done after discussions and as was said they will significantly alter a number of parts of the constitution and change the balance of power if theres one thing we know about putin its that we dont know him he loves to surprise and there was no warning not even rumors that the country was about to be turned on its head we now have a new Prime Minister because ill miss an unknown quantity hes largely stayed out of the spotlight for the past decade ahead in the federal tax agency and i must say he did wonders teaching russians to pay their taxes fact some would argue hes done too good a job it is now clear putin hangs up the gloves in 2024 he wont run for another term time change so does russia it is revolutionary change from this distance i would say that it gives more power to the parliament but it downgrades the importance of the Prime Ministership of the stability of iraq. Shows the leadership and it quality which is not separate issue has been one of the most positive the aspect of World Governance in the of the 24 century barely in hers confirmed on on trungpa threatened to slaps huge tariffs on your pain car makers if it didnt distance itself and the of on nuclear deal this week germany the u. K. And france triggered the deals to speak resolution mechanism which could lead to the agreements collapse irans Supreme Leader slammed the 3 european states as us poor and sparking a rebuke in President Trump boy toy you i search for m the beginning that after the u. S. Withdraw from the j c p o e these 3 governments freak with were just playing hoops service and ranting a does not trust them and they would carry out anything and they would be a of the service of the us it has been cleared up their us borns in the true sense of the word the socalled at supremely leader of iran who has not been so supreme lately had some nasty things to say about the United States and europe there are economy is crashing and their people are suffering he should be very careful with his words well the european trio claim irans noncompliance with the nuclear deal is forcing them to trigger the dispute mechanism iran now has 30 days to return to compliance and failing that it will be referred to the Un Security Council and that could reinstate sanctions so lets take a look at what led to the Current Crisis the nuclear deal was signed in 2015 by iran and key world powers it was designed to limit to Irans Nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief but in 2018 president shrub pulled washington out re imposing economic penalties that prompted iran to stop start backing away from complying with the deal itself something that has accelerated in recent weeks after the u. S. Killing of terrans top general Political Science professor at the university of tehran Hammett Moussavi believes when the u. S. Withdraws from the deal the e. U. Banned and iran its very hypocritical for the europeans to trigger the dispute resolution mechanism now i mean if they were sincerely and truly committed to the deal they shouldve triggered this dispute resolution mechanism a year and a half ago when the trumpet ministration decided to leave the deal when the us left a deal it was actually the europeans that convinced you want to stay in the deal with the promise that they would shield your own from american sanctions in all those promises turned out to be empty and right now when iran is for its share of the deal its backing away from the deal now they are treating the this socalled dispute resolution mechanism and this has actually brought a lot of anger in a lot of brigit are and is in tehran regarding the europeans meanwhile the u. S. Secretary of state has doubled down on washingtons assassination of irans top general earlier this month my compare added this is just the start of a far more aggressive to terence policy or mentioning russia and china killing more pain picks up the story. In u. S. Foreign policy buzz words are everything administrations love to have a single term they can use in order to explain their International Actions so lets review some of the greatest hits showing to be ready for preemptive action a reset in relations between the United States and russia might bomb peo seems to be rolling out a new one when defending the actions of the white house in dealing with international adversaries of the United States might pompei owes new favorite word seems to be deterrence reestablishing deterrence real deterrence military deterrence deterrence is hard to establish an easy to lose so according to the white house and its surrogates the killing of top iranian general qassam solomonic was necessary as part of this deterrence strategy but want to lay this out in context of what weve been trying to do theres a bigger strategy a strategy to this we have reestablished deterrence but we know its not everlasting that risk remains we are determined not to lose that deterrence but the iraqi Prime Minister has a different version of events according to the iraqi Prime Minister soleimani was on a Diplomatic Mission he was trying to make peace when he was ruthlessly cut down furthermore reports seem to indicate that somani was not the only official to be targeted reports now show that a different iranian general was also in their sights but the strike was unsuccessful so who else could now be on the list as the United States claims it has the right to assassinate top iranian general extrajudicial lee and explain later well mike pompei o has thrown not only iran but also russia and china into the mix we saw not just in iran but in other places too where american deterrence was weak we watched russias 2014 occupation of the crimea chinas island building too in the South China Sea and its brazen attempts to coerce American Allies undermine to deterrence so if the an eye. It states dislikes you it can pressure you economically diplomatically isolate you or brutally assassinate you know this is geopolitics in the age of deterrence the mask is coming off this idea of supremacy that we we have you know this is you can call it american supremacy that we can do whatever we want and its up to us to decide who is it so that or not this is it really really disturbing and very dangerous i think and its not normal here does come in alex for somebody who is running the state department and this is extremely disturbing and im very disappointed that medic and Political Class is not speaking out against this. Crazy idea that we can go ahead and just kill anyone we dont like it doesnt mean people are not guilty of things but if we take a distance of this. Approach to every nationality to every country we are going to have really the mess and a lot of. Still to come in the program a criminal investigation has opened into the actions of British Police after a port ripping reveals offices ignore the Sexual Exploitation of children and social cat thinking is well have more on that after this short break. You know before george zorros became. A. Market manipulator and election riggers he wrote a lot of interesting books and of course. Jim rogers at the quantum fund which was one of the best performing hedge funds ever kind of invented the modern hedge fund and hes got a lot of things to say if you look at his old work and were going to get into it. Welcome back now British Police new children were suffering the most profound sexual abuse in the Northern City of manchester but failed to protect them thats the findings of a new report in 2004 peroration augusta was launched to investigate the issue but the problem was shut down and few perpetrators were brought to justice. Well the official probe was closed due to lack of resources and now a criminal investigation has been opened into potential failures by the police the u. K. Independent office for Police Conduct found racial tensions were one of the reasons given for stopping operational gusta but whistleblower maggie all of her former Manchester Police detective says there were many more disturbing reasons. The decision to close down operation orchestra was driven by the decision of Senior Officers to remove the resources from the investigation this was because it was a very complex investigation but there were other factors involved in the decision to close it down there was definitely an element of concern about the ethnicity of the offenders being pakistani man and the children being very vulnerable white children there was also the resources issue and because its very labor intensive it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of commitment from an organization to resource a job like this and also that was a focus on what we call acquisitive crime so burglaries there for Motor Vehicle robberies if somebody reported that kind of a crime to the police you would get a 1st class response if you were a child being raped it wasnt being reflected in Performance Indicators hence the police did not respond well the initial investigation was triggered by the death of victoria agoglia she was in the care of Manchester City council after her mothers death and the girl was subjected to Sexual Assault and injected with heroin by a 50 year old man the report says carers knew abuse was going on but did not act 15 year old victoria than died after being administered a heroin overdose and her grandmother wants justice. She was such a lovely girl she didnt deserve to die ive been fighting all my life for this she told me herself what these men had done to her. The authorities knew that many victims were being subjected to the most profound abuse and exploitation but did not protect them from the perpetrators as a result very few of the relevant perpetrators were brought to justice and neither were their activities disrupted this is a depressingly familiar picture and has been seen in many other towns and cities across the country. Well the chief constable of Manchester Police has offered his condolences to the victims adding that officers will do everything to get justice for the children but it was a blow maggie all of again what Senior Police and other officials investigated. This coverup thats the only word there is for it was absolutely deliberate this report this review its an independent 3 view makes it Crystal Clear that this was a deliberate cover up there was a reluctance to acknowledge that it was pakistani men predominantly who were abusing vulnerable young white children and very Young Children that became a political hot potato it was often sad that these kids that 11 and 12 were making a lifestyle choice that they were working as prostitutes that they were kids that is never the case they were vulnerable kids who we had a duty to protect and they all surratt is failed time and time again to do that this is criminal neglect in my opinion it is misconduct in a Public Office at the highest level and i want to see accountability criminal charges brought against Senior Police officers senior social workers and potentially going right up to the government if culpability can be shown there for the neglect of people in Public Office. Well lets now take a quick look at what else is making headlines around the world. Was the. Weekend when these have resorted to water carbon and rubber bullets of more protests and level on over 100. 00 people were injured as officers disperse crowds in the capital beirut demonstrators are into a 3rd month of protests demanding economic reform and early elect. The Prime Minister has been expected to announce a new cabinet on friday but failed to do so. To cast was also used against a large prodemocracy rally in Central Hong Kong because protesters blocked roads and started to try as a significant a Police Presence was visible on sunday as demonstrators defined an official ban on marching through the area hong kong continues to be rocked by violent about these despite your original reason for the anger and extradition both being withdrawn months ago. And efforts are underway to rescue wildlife from the bush fires that have ravaged south australias Kangaroo Island the area is home to unique as well as endangered species experts fear the fines which have already devastated a 3rd of the island may have wiped out large numbers of animals. Well that is that weekly will be back at the top of the hour with another roundup of the news stories that shaped the week see that. You know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. And. My uncle or the kids in complete stable boy tonight but if. You dont know who they can. Going to. Get. Me home. On the set i did. A good show got to move this because of a mostly an increase in the going to be a good show 1st as the west. Coast does not so much but because i was it was a ton of the visit was a few months. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its Crazy Foundation let it be an arms race off and spearing Dramatic Development only really im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. The f. T. s primary role isnt regulation of what the label says is and there is actually in theres the f. D. A. Is not regulating Quality Production sourcing any of those things theyre regulating that what you say is on the label is actually on the label the most shocking thing about the pet Food Industry that that has remained since basically i started doing this work is the f. D. A. Compliance policies i still cannot understand how and industry is provided by a federal tax supported organization loopholes to avoid federal law if you go to the f. D. A. Website and just type in compliance policies and then scroll down the page to hand feed and and theres one after another they allow contamination by pesticides contamination by chemicals contamination by natural. Toxins contamination filth micro biological contamination over tolerance for unprecedented drug recipes. Its incredible. The law says that cant be but the compliance policy says dont worry go ahead we wont enforce. For all practical purposes theres nobody looking out for

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