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Better than the u. S. Here in new york what they think. Because were a generation thats a pretty educated so we have information resources that we will tap into to kind of come to these conclusions theres just been a negative just negative. To us. From moscow thanks for joining us. Welcome to the program. A major shake up in russian politics has been the set in motion. To be a new Prime Minister and cabinet after the government resigned on wednesday its in response to Vladimir Putin suggesting an amendment to the constitution effectively diminishing the president s powers boosting those of parliament gets the explains more about the landmark moves. Powers the office of president the media accuses of a seizing more power more control over russia but when putin gives up that power and hands it over at the parliament at his own expense it is also because he seizing more control over russia 1st to discover this syndrome i name it paranoid putin a friend here and theres a real epidemic russian government resigns is putting proposes reforms that could extend his grip on power putin engineers surprise russian political shake up that could keep him in power longer russian government resigns as putin plots post presidency power grab paranoid putin a friend the side he is what he actually proposed together and seen that no president ever wields as much power as he did including putin himself hes got 4 more years in office. This is unprecedented in a quarter of a century every constitutional amendment was designed to empower the president for exam. Increase the president ial term from 4 years to 6 years or give the president the power to appoint prosecutors and now he turns it all upside down it used to be that hooten appointed the Prime Minister Ministers Parliament rubber stamp that now parliament appoints heads of government and putin rubber stamps it with no power object 30 is your sister according to the constitution of the Russian Federation hes the president needs only the state dumas consent to make official appointments the president appoints the cabinet his deputies and all the ministers i propose shifting this power to the state duma and also the approval of the russian governments chairman and at the chairman suggestion all the deputy Prime Ministers and federal ministers will have to be appointed by the president with the right to reject any candidates. This is of course all subject to a popular vote if these passes russia will be a changed country with a very different future and to pave the way the government handed in its resignation its worth mentioning it wasnt all that popular that failed on a number of fronts and meter made their diff the now caretaker Prime Minister said himself its time for something new you have all heard the address of the russian president Vladimir Putin as president he outlined the major priorities of our work for the upcoming year but he also outlined a number of fundamental changes to the constitution of the Russian Federation these changes when they take place and this will be done after discussions and as was said they will significantly alter a number of past the constitution and change the balance of power that is revolutionary change from this distance i would say that it gives more power to the parliament but it downgrades the importance of the Prime Ministership at the same time it seems to me to invest more power. In the National Security council with mr medvedev going to be the Deputy President of the and president putin is of course the president of the and that might go on of these 2 men have been a kind of by letting duet through the last 20 years nearly of the stability of russias leadership and its quality which is not a separate issue has been one of the most positive aspects of World Governance in the 21st century with the president put term Prime Minister medvedev and i was not looking forward to president putin disappearing from the scene in just 4 years time because i think he and medvedev though have a very great deal of work to do and a great deal to offer if theres one thing we know about putin its that we dont know him he loves to surprise and there was no warning not even rule is that the country was about to be turned on its head we now have a new Prime Minister incoming the heil michoud in an unknown quantity hes largely stayed out of the spotlight for the past decade head in the federal tax agency and i must say he did wonders teaching russians to pay their taxes fact some would argue hes done too good a job it is now clear putin hangs up the gloves in 2024 he will run for another term times change so does russia i think russia east changing into the new face of democracy freedom and now this is the 1st. Time when the president limits his own how or this is something in the later control the country is not known at all that a president limits its all more and once to let the people. Their site on the new constitution it seems. Maybe a bit of our agree very much on this move they dont seem to be angry only at all the oversight they each other good were and they can just do it quietly. Elect a new government and give the power back to the people through the prism of major nation media rusher is considered a one not even a one party state a one man state complete utter 0 talk recy run by Vladimir Putin no matter what he had said no matter what some of the deputies might say in the coming days or even the Election Council as a preferred prepares for a referendum on the constitutional changes announced by Vladimir Putin and mr medvedev they will be watching all this through that prism and be claiming that anything that comes out of moscow is all about a conspiratorial cabal that runs a country as big as russia. As you mentioned president putin nominated the head of the Russian Tax Service for the post of Prime Minister. He is credited with having revolutionized the countrys tax system over the past decade into a lean efficient system thats become highly regarded the broad its led to a dramatic increase in revenue mature senate described as an effective tech savvy manager in 2016 we spoke to him about technology and the government. Its important that the young generation form of course future taxpayers to morrow use the friendly user interface which is suitable for the as we know the last researchers sure thats the young generation now not using p. C. Computers so the mobile phones mobile applications and social networks so basically we should accept new street with new stations to come we should count to the such is social networks and make sure that its friendly interface for them so basically this is the maybe main reason why we collaborate with the commissioners to make sure that to be servicing codecs peers because between service and physical part of the station servicing part this now more and more coming parliament will consider the president s pick for Prime Minister later on thursday and hell commentator Dmitry Babich explained why mr putin is putting his faith in a man described as the tax man of the future. In his address to the Parliament Today he said that we preserve stability now we must achieve groups and for that you need someone like me who speaks good english is a technocrat he is a technocrat he is relatively young you know or have very technically savvy and at the same time he is a parachute and i think what is important he is not which is frowned hes not from St Petersburg so there is a cliche fortune that he puts his friends everywhere its simply not right you know he cares about his friends none of them was betrayed by him but when business is concerned you know pollution makes the right appointments the effective appointments. And other headlines phase one of whats being called a historic trade deal has been hammered out after donald trump met with the chinese vice premier the recent could put an end to a damaging 2 year long economic dispute between the major powers reports from new york. Well at the ceremony where the deal was signed launching phase one of the agreement donald trump was rather boastful about this accomplishment this is what he had to say today we take a momentous step one that has never been taken before with china toward a future of fair and reciprocal trade as we saw in phase one of the historic trade deal between the United States and china. Together we are righting the wrongs of the past and delivering a future of Economic Justice and security for American Workers farmers and families i want to thank president xi who is watching as we speak can be going over to china in the not too distant future. Now at the press Conference Donald Trump was very critical of china using language similar to the language hes been using for the past 2 years as the trade war escalated for decades American Workers Farmers Ranchers manufacturers and innovators have been hurt by the unfair trade with China Forced Technology transfer and intellectual property theft have been huge problems since china joined the World Trade Organization 2 decades ago we have racked up nearly 5 trillion dollars i promised that i would use every lawful president ial power to protect americans from unfair trade and unfair trade practices unlike those who came before me i kept my promise as a result of todays agreements some of the planned tariffs that were going to be imposed on china have been dropped and others have been lowered however much of the tariffs that have been imposed on china over the past 2 years that cost that basically cover roughly 360 1000000000. 00 worth of goods most of that remains in effect now the hope is that when phase 2 goes forward of those tariffs will be dropped but that remains. Mains yet to be seen the main source of you know the main part of the us economy that has been impacted by these tariffs has been the Agricultural Sector theres been significant losses due to the tariffs theres been significant decreases and the u. S. And Global Markets have certainly been affected as well now when the deal was signed we heard from chinas vice premier and he seemed optimistic but his words werent exactly as glowing as the u. S. President says you know over the past 2 years due to science encountered some difficulties in the economic intreat feel at times there were set backs in our tree talks because in some issues we dont see eye to eye so at this point donald trump is saying this is a huge breakthrough this is the next step forward some are looking on with skepticism i guess well just have to see who gets more out of this deal in the long run host of radio show you could update Richard Wolffe joined boom bust seemed. To discuss the phase one deal he doesnt see any real benefit for america but says trump will revel in what they see as a big victory. 95 percent theatrical partly for the trumpet ministration because they initiated all of this the United States you stop by the role of the dominant benevolent global World Economic power mr trump whether you like him or not has lost that position for the United States and given it to china given 10 months for a decision about continuing and maybe 2 years for the purchases by the chinese that are being talked about thats more than enough time for china to do and to plan to do many things that can undo the effect of tariffs if the chinese figure out ways to cheapen their goods well then they become competitive again even with the towers and theyve already been doing that in the last 12 months and that is a long term competitive advantage to them. The polls suggest a 3rd of Young Americans are more likely to consider other countries to be better than their own us of 8 at this point leaders spend years insisting there is no country more exceptional. I believe in american exceptionalism defending american exceptionalism should always be above politics my entire career has been a testimony to American Express as we dont claim to be perfect but we are exceptional america must always lead on the world stage if we dont. Know what else well. With a new risk the Pew Research Center Study Suggests the skepticism grows when divided on party lines with almost half of democrats under the age of 30 believing that other countries are better than their own the same time while 48 percent of Young Democrats believe the u. S. Is one of the greatest countries along with others only 5 percent places it above any other nation and we asked people in new york what they think of american exceptionalism. Because were a generation thats are pretty educated so we have our information resources that we will tap into to kind of come to these conclusions also weve experience other countries more so than any other generation with our traveling so we get to get a better sense of what the world has to offer as its pretty new compared to like europe they are like so many cultures are like deep into the ground and like i think theres a lot to learn and its developing theres just been a negative just negative narrative about the u. S. And its history and. Without them the appreciation for what it actually is not like i was its our for the generations that have come before us well it is very much used by the politicians and by all of them about ike obama talked about exceptionalism or the u. S. Just as George Mcgovern of the bush they all are. And it is something that americans particularly the older ones were also goes will vote more than young people like to hear they like to hear what they perceive younger people will be more a skeptic of the attitude that this is the best is more for people who dont know much of the word we have not really traveled were not studied abroad who dont use their social media we dont we do not follow International News but the young people do in great numbers and saw them it is a question of growing up and then i thin that the deeper sepehr nationally will eventually adjust its out and be more balanced. Deleted data from a phone is coming back to haunt the new e. U. President all sort of on the lane is under scrutiny of a claim she wrongly what sensitive evidence from her official photo while she was German Defense secretary now the claims of widening as peter all reports from berlin. Its the scandal that wont leave the new e. U. Commission president alone did fall into line delete data from mobile devices that could have been crucial evidence in an investigation into whether phones were in appropriately spent on outside contractors while she was German Defense minister its now emerged that a 2nd phone used by have on the line at that time has had messages deleted from it reportedly according to some by the e. U. Commission president herself or position politicians here in germany demanding answers clarification is urgently required and the latest revelations are laying back in the center of the contract scandal and massively under pressure last month it was revealed that fonda lines main phone during her time in charge of the German Defense ministry that had its data wiped out prompted a green party m. P. Here in germany to bring a criminal complaint against the now new e. U. Commission boss we have to assume that people in office destroyed evidence such actions could have criminal relevance found a line is set to give evidence to an investigating committee next month expect a lot of focus on her actions and the actions of her aides as we try to get to the bottom of who did what to those devices from the lion has obviously tided how phone properly or headed tied it up the allegations against fonda lying relate to a federal audit Office Investigation which showed that under her charge the Defense Ministry was spending around 155000000. 00 euros a year on outside advice although the ministry couldnt sufficiently justify why that external advice was needed and in more than a 3rd of the cases looked at normal rules would not follow suit lead to a Parliamentary Committee looking into whether those deals were above board and just. How much on the line was involved a spokesperson for the e. U. Commission president said nothing relevant to the investigation had been deleted but didnt give away much else there were and are no messages on the phone relevant to the parliamentary investigation with neither for the lion nor the spokespeople particularly forthcoming when they have to wait until she appears before the committee on the 13th of february before we get any answers one thing is for certain bow if she remains tight lipped until then the press and opposition lawmakers are going to be ravenous for answers in a scandal but her silence is only making all the more intriguing peter all of r. T. Popular dating apps could be facing some significant legal challenges are the report revealed the platforms of passing on private information to 3rd party companies. Alleges the moves by the likes of ok cupid intended are in breach of European Data Protection Laws and its claimed the apps are giving data to advertisers and analytic partners including facebook and that includes your sexual preferences political views and even if you have a history of drug taking one platform griner was hit by a scandal last in 2018 when it was revealed to be sharing peoples h. I. V. Status a spokesperson for match group which shows a number of major dating apps stress the Company Takes the prove c. Of user information very seriously. Unlike other Tech Companies whose model relies on the sale of personal information ours is subscription based and reliant on engendering trust and a great experience for users we discuss the importance of protecting our online information with political commentator and yoko and internet lore expert. It is not being made very clear to use of the poll they are actually signing for in there is an obligation on the g. D. P. Are for users to give informed consent for day data to be used for whatever purposes the provide the will want to use the data i think the position is relatively clear once upon a time we had an unregulated internet social Media Companies were being held to any kind of scrutiny in any kind of standard were now in a situation where you can download take the terms and conditions and you sign up and use their app or use their facilities as you can with any social media platform whether its a dating site or is irrelevant if you dont want your data to be shared dont join up when people take Windows Update all the apple day or install an app they often take the terms and conditions they just scroll through without reading and that is a problem we have on almost everything there are reams and reams of information there which nobody is reading so nobody gets to understand what theyre signing up to the result we call contract. So we really protect. The ploy in a situation in the. Book. Affectively protect consumers in be event they sign into something deemed fully appreciate to understood any place is the ball and i am going to. Make sure to make it to me on time you can try times and act was designed to bring in legislation to protect people from entering into contracts when they did not know the terms and conditions in advance now the other side of this thing of course is that it seems to me that they is being shunned through 3 or 4 different sources brokers effectively before it ends up with Insurance Companies or with all sorts of other. Perhaps Political Parties but the social Media Companies dont regularly the data to those organisations they chimed the data through all sorts of brokers and this is what is really worrying about it because it becomes impossible for users to know how the data is going to be used for work purposes which means the users are able to give informed consent for the use of the data which is in leverage of g. D. P. And i am pretty sure that they are going to be some consequences for this western intelligence organizations have access to 100 percent data gathering by the likes of the phone and. The americans actually farm out their mass surveillance to britain so u. K. Does it on behalf of the americans that they can bypass the warrant regime so this information whether. Sexting or whether youre doing your work or whether you are just to be selfies or social media education whatever using your phones in your online devices for your information is currently being massive and. If youre not you should go and find out this information is then being used by the Government Data surveillance is here whether you like your not mass surveillance is here the reason very good case. To to assume that the date will be sold to perhaps somebody else who has got any interest in that information. I dont know who that body is going to be i dont know without organization is going to be but this is what is so worrying about it that to us at 1st sight this transfer of data seem to make very little sense however i believe that the reason a game plan behind this and theres a lot of money being exchanged return for this data. The worlds wealthiest person has had less than a warm welcome from Small Traders in india who claim his amazon resale juggernaut unfairly cripples their livelihoods jeff bezos arrived on tuesday and is expected to meet Prime Minister narendra modi. I approach a support of a nationwide movement led by members of the confederation of traders Small Business owners accused of predatory pricing claiming that heavy discounting gives it an uncompetitive age in the indian market indias trust regulator has now launched a probe the traders say theyve had enough. Business and you think your sister in law business will be afraid you will want to see them. Know that you have no place in india and. Im not the one not being 2nd. Well jeff bezos hasnt responded to the allegations that he said his company would invest a 1000000000. 00 to digitize small and medium sized businesses to export 10000000000. 00 worth of indian made goods by 2025 and thats it for myself and for now were back in 30 minutes time up next its uganda mama. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Bad money printing leads to the stock market going higher which makes anyone think the geniuses of the godlike and that see our strategy of bombing innocent people makes sense released a crack at our money and then the fed accommodates of course because we do so for National Security and the stock market its an all time mock that everyone gets really smart thinking oh my genius will make an so much wales go bomb more people go kill more civilians in schools and more soldiers print more money and then the stock market goes irish thats the cycle that were in now its called genocide for profit its called america. You are no offense but you no longer a young woman in fact you are one of the last living survivors of the nazi ls past im aware of that. Leverage all you like. And you can never forget america now auschwitz was really like to be inhaled because he would never believe it wasnt a human can do to as a copy of the course for 33 years and know if im going to be good or bad it all seems so logical for hire and a good side to all make it right when i get out on the farm saw you i want to take my song to their next meal so he can listen and hopefully bless god heard screams. A my in the news in my am no i thought. Morning. You can come. Visit. Me. In. The. Day youll meet. Them

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