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Reposting where theyre sent off to and there are often subjected to very abusive conditions. A very warm welcome youre watching r. T. International with me aaron our top story the leaders of libyas warring factions have been in moscow for talks this monday in the hope of hammering out a lasting cease fire deal russias foreign minister says progress that has been made it follows russian and turkish efforts to deescalate hostilities between the internationally recognized government in tripoli and forces loyal to the rebel general khalifa haftar. That helped to broker an initial cease fire in the conflict on sunday and signaled a fast break in fighting in libya finland the say 5 fail is expected to put a political solution fact on the table well for more details we can go live to our correspondent among colleagues or of vermont had to say youve been across the story throughout the day what did they miss this day in the press briefing. The press conference for the resulting from thats awk solve these of the meeting today just ended. Russian foreign minister along along with his circus show counterpart just spoke to the press and they both noted progress in that solves between the 2 warring libyan factions and. Russias foreign minister lavrov said that a document so was indeed signs of this monday however not all the sides of this also have signed the document now you mentioned some of the details about what they were signing its some concrete details about how the cease fire should be taking place of the cease fire was announced on the its wealth of january 1 person in thats all did not sign the document thats general of the rebel forces general. Have to our Russian Foreign minister said that. He has time until the morning he asked for some time until the morning to further examine documents and perhaps a sign its now that the Turkish Foreign minister said that should general have to are signed this document and this will open a pathway towards a political dialogue towards a political settlement in the situation in libya and of the talks here the lasted for more than 6 hours sends everybody here in the press were. Were waiting for some results were getting different information throughout the day and finally when hundreds stand what is going on now the talks the war did involved did involve 2 syrian leaders worrying factions and they were these talks were mediated by russian and syracuse show. Foreign and defense ministries and of course of these talks even became possible after truce was suggested this cease fire was suggested by a russian and turkish president during their its all in istanbul earlier last week not just a reminder in libya is now divided between 2 warring factions and that came as the results all for us led nato intervention back in 2011 this saw. The dissolution and killing off. More market and the dissolution off his government now large at the moment a large part of the country is controlled by the rebel leader general. And his Libyan National army and a small part of the libya is. Controlled by. Fi yes sir raj who is a Prime Minister and his headquarters in aaa and he was one of the people who signed the document. Earlier in the day now and lately other countries have also been involved in trying to mediate a peace in libya that involves its silly as well as some of the European Union leaders now germany proposed to hold a conference in berlin to find a political solution to the situation and that reportedly should be taken place. Around the 19th of january and turkish president of egypt tape. The guard already expressed his desire to go to berlin so thats a conference to try and find a political solution to the situation. Where man thank you for that update thats from on kozyrev in central moscow. Iranian Police Used Tear Gas to disperse the antigovernment protesters on 2 wrongs Freedom Square on sunday as month demonstrations continued for a 2nd day it follows the countrys the admission that it unintentionally shot down a ukrainian airliner last week killing all 176 people on board the majority of whom were radian and canadian nationals protesters have been calling on irans leadership including these 2 previous leader ayatollah ali khan an aide to resign over the disaster but also want those directly responsible for the downing of the flight to face justice irans armed forces have said that the jet was mistakenly identified as a hostile targets and that it was flying close to a sensitive facility but top revolutionary guards commander has expressed deep regret over the tragedy apologizing to the victims families. I swear to god that i wished i were in that plane that crashed with them and had burned but did not witness this tragic incident we made a mistake and a number of our compatriots were martyred because of our mistake but it wasnt intentional we apologize we are sorry but we will make up for it which officials in the Trump Administration meanwhile have been emphatic in their support for the protesters with the u. S. President even tweeting a warning to iran in persian well that triggered a shop response from officials in toronto. To the leaders of iran do not kill your Protesters Thousands have already been killed or imprisoned by you and the world is watching more importantly the usa is watching turn your internet back on and let reporters roam free stop the killing of your great iranian people hands and tongues smeared with threatening sanctioning and terrorizing the iranian nation are not entitle to dishonor the ancient persian language by the way are you actually standing by millions of iranians whose hero you just assassinated while standing against them attention sought after a u. S. Drone attack 10 days ago which left a cd a radio commando dead in baghdad and it would seem instead of looking to calm the situation washington has opted to continue to apply maximum pressure on to run it takes up the story. As washington seated on the verge of an all out war with iran it looked like it had just stepped outside of its comfort zone the risk of plunging the middle east into yet a nother disastrous conflict was an obvious weight on the us but now with the tensions easing america is back in familiar territory waging a political and Economic Campaign to force its rival into submission what is our strategy post the conference of the money killing and post the Ballistic Missile attack on the United States this is our strategy we are diplomatically and economically isolating their regime in iran in till they behave like a normal nation washington has charted these waters through and through and its not afraid to get creative and putting iran under pressure after admitting to accidentally downing a ukrainian jetliner with more than a 170. 00 people on board to iran has seen a fresh outbreak in antigovernment protests and demonstrators the havent suffered from any lack of support from the u. S. With donald trump even taking a crash course in persian to write this tweet to the brave long suffering people of iran ive stood with you since the beginning of my presidency and my administration will continue to stand with you we are following your protests closely and are inspired by your courage. Translated no obstacles and no language barriers can stand in the way of democracy and to make sure that nothing is lost in translation here washington is backing up its words with action a method tried and trusted sanctions we are announcing additional sanctions against the Iranian Regime as a result of these auctions we will cut off billions of dollars of support to the Iranian Regime israel as its tradition was quick to cheer it always does whenever things take a turn for the worse for iran i commend president from for imposing new and very harsh sanctions against this regime i must say that this was also doing close to the iranian decision to accelerate uranium enrichment i call on britain france and germany to join the american effort but few other nations share the excitement for iran a nation that spent decades under all flavors of sanctions being free of them is more of a challenge actually the United States on me wants to think that sense that its a superpower that it can do whatever it wants so it heard iran through sanctions that hurt china warfare and trade wars it tries to hurt russia through sanctions but ultimately what it does is that it brings these are countries closer to each other and other countries become more more more negative view of the u. S. Government and i think in the in the long run what it does is that it diminishes the stature of the United States and the capability of the United States to maintain its head gemini americas economic crusade against iran is rubbing europe the wrong way to the e. U. Is in an ill tempered clash with washington over the Iran Nuclear Deal which was derailed by the us we have been saying to us that we continue saying that we regret the u. S. Decision to withdraw from the deal. And we continue to. Leaving the deal is a key element of the lobel Nuclear Nonproliferation a future capture and who to call for to the original stability the extent of germanys convinced that iran should acquire have Nuclear Weapons for this reason will continue to employ all diplomatic means to keep this agreement alive it is certainly not perfect but it is an agreement and it comprises commitments by all sides together we have made clear our regrets and concern at the decision by the United States to draw from the j c p o a and to reimpose sanctions on iran and the u. S. Is dishing out new were sure and since it is ready to solve all this mess with words without preconditions even we will meet with them where want to sit down discuss without precondition a new way forward a a series of steps by which iran becomes a more normal country but in the past few years with iran alone the us went back on its word had 0 interest in its allies concerns and assassinated a high profile official the unilaterally branded terrorist just a few months before so the u. S. Can talk up diplomacy for sure theyre one of the best at it you do have a hard time to find a nother country with a case of selective amnesia this severe for the promises it had made according to a poll done by media in the us a majority of americans disapprove of the way trump has so far handled the escalating crisis in the middle east. Huge funds to build stereos in africa are now being compared to driving slavery thats the claim being made by human rights organizations against the ears Infrastructure Project in eritrea the bid to improve the Eastern African nation is now being described as years of 4th labor parties south here teleports. If youve been on a 2 covey as your team back harboring a hidden disease is your neighbor planning on eating your pepperoni dont worry use got a regulation for everything but according to human rights organizations its failed miserably to regulate its own behavior and it all started with an apparently innocent bed to boost security and eritrea were launching 20000000. 00 euro program to rebuild the roads connecting both countries this will boost straight consolidate stability and have good benefits for the citizens of both countries through the gratian of Sustainable Growth and jobs so far so good unless of course youre the one put to work on this great collaboration because the chances are youre forced conscript the african nation has Compulsory National Service that used to last for 18 months but now says people trapped in over 20 years its a practice its been likened by human rights organizations the un and the European Parliament to must in slave moment conscripts compared National Service to modern day slavery saying this for torture and other ill treatment which we rest and like basic sanitation and hygiene form a conscript 72 hour weeks and harsh conditions with no food and pay equivalent to 17. 00 a month is one of the main reasons eritrea is called the worlds fastest emptying country as young men continue their mass exodus but despite knowing conscripts were being used generally the delicate situation and a country that was a lot in a guerrilla war for 3 decades the e. U. Says that really had no idea that untoward things were going on. The e. U. Does not pay for labor under this project the project only covers the procurement of materials and equipment to support the rehabilitation of roads in fact the e. U. Doesnt even have an office in eritrea to monitor this ongoing project instead it relies on local authorities the agency is not monitoring the implementation of the project the project is carried out by the government and progress is monitored by the ministry of public works the e. U. Is in trusting its project to an arm of the government which is internationally slammed as one of the worlds worst human rights abuses which the u. N. Describes as authoritarian and repressive and which lived under u. N. Sanctions for 9 years its almost as if the e. U. Has something at stake here other than creating great roads of course like stemming the tide of migrants for example because 2016. 1000 eritreans apply for asylum in the block so yes this e. U. Project will lift the local economy and bring peace but crucially it will create jobs and that will keep eritreans in the homeland and not crossing on to european shorts. In directly supporting this project by. Material to help build the road problem is that what they need to make sure is that any support going to eritrea is not. Some mentoring this incredibly repressive system and there are trends and land by the way which happens to be one of the most strategic areas in the world its coast runs along the red sea which is a key link between europe and asia its also an ideal access point to an African Market with low labor costs and its a Natural Resource gold mine with gas gold oil zinc you name it eritreas got it eric harris obviously placed in a very strategic location along the red sea it is the access to. See ethiopia and from the european point of view it is obviously one of the countries which many Asylum Seekers here in europe are coming from and theyre coming in there because of the human rights situation so it seems that when youve got something to gain its easier to be uncovered anonymous than your own employment law. Wiki leaks cofounder julian assigns was in court in london on monday for a routine administrative hearing on his possible extradition to the us during the session as silent as lawyers were granted more time as after they complained they have not had the opportunity to go over case files with their client back in 2010 the australian whistleblower published classified military cables allegedly outlining u. S. War crimes are video agency ruptly was there when i sarge arrived at because were a crowd of his supporters had gathered to protest against his extradition with orange is currently serving time in a british high security jail for skipping bail or waiting on his full extradition hearing set for next month the us has indicted him on 17 counts of espionage and one of conspiracy to hack a government computer in april as sanjay was forcibly removed by British Police from the Ecuadorian Embassy in london as of the kito terminated to 7 years siloam there is sought refuge there following Sexual Assault allegations in sweden which he denies calling them a pretext for his acts to extradition to america. Still ahead for this hour the British Government is under pressure to implement tougher foreign travel restrictions are known paedophiles will look at why its being described as a global threat after the break. When else chose seemed wrong. But old clothes just dont hold. The world to get to shape out just to come out to play and in detroit because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Just one magic bullet you could actually come up with some of the top of his baby talk about ways we get access to capital and capitalism cavils important so we could actually have programs that actually help folks who want to do that but when you give everybody a 1000. 00 im a poor person im going to consume that and if youre rich youre going to invest that. The spirit is going to grow because youre not using your money to consume youre literally buying more crazy things and then my landlord knowing that ive got a 1000. 00 im just going to raise my writ so then you get your inflation going on and theyre. Welcome back the u. K. Government is facing pressure to apply great to foreign travel restrictions to known paedophiles its claims gaps in legislation leave youngsters especially in asia vulnerable to predators the concern was part of the report hunted over 2 m. P. s in westminster following an independent inquiry into child sexual abuse and mentions such high profile cases as former glam rock singer gary he was found guilty in the u. K. For downloading child pornography and then years later convicted in asia for abusing minors another is britains worst as a paedophile Richard Huckle he has 71 accounts of Sexual Assaults on children most of them committed in malaysia where he worked as a teacher and received 20 to life sentences saudia at woodstock he has more on the inquiry. Lock them up and throw away the key its an argument youll often hear from people when it comes to child abuse is and while the u. K. Has come down on child abuse here in britain its legal system may be failing youngsters abroad thats because no known british sex offenders and suspects prosecuted for such crimes are still able to travel with some of them reoffending overseas in fact of the near 6000 sexual orders imposed in england and wales in the last few years only 11 also has foreign travel restrictions added meaning of all the registered sex offenders on record only around 0. 2 percent have had their rights to foreign travel stopped and according to the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse that could be having a devastating impact extends to the u. K. A little list of below 0 desire. Which must be addressed. This is an. Example of really. And this is. The inquiry was given evidence of abuse by british travellers in countries ranging from kenya all the way to the philippines the report also found that abuses target disadvantaged families where relatives act as facilitators often financial poverty plays a key factor theres also areas to can also pose a particular risk last year oxfam start for accused of sexually exploiting children the haiti following devastating earthquakes in 2010 the issue that has been raised by the child abuse inquiry is an old one and has historically been going on for decades we have allowed people with child abuse convictions to travel out of the country and often times unless theyre arrested in the destination country for the same issue then they go completely undetected the problem is we dont have a grip on child abuse in the u. K. If we did then we would be able to manage our paedophiles much better than we currently are not child abuse. This we need not just to be looking at people who are going to be arrested in another country or indeed happy to rest another country but we need to properly see who is leaving the country and who is coming into the country and if they have child abuse convictions we must see that very seriously indeed now the report concluded with recommendations for the government and topping the list was restricting foreign travel of sex offenders to ensure that youngsters and not just those in the u. K. Are out of harms way so i can look at some of the other big stories from around the globe for you now 1st to alaska where one lucky man has defied the odds he was rescued on thursday after surviving 3 weeks in the low to freezing wilderness his home in this the sit in a valley burned down forcing him to sleep in a snow cave and live off canned goods until he was found. To the philippines a half a 1000000 people have been urged to leave their homes after the tall volcano erupted near the capital manila storms could be seen through the thick ash clouds disrupting the services of the capitals International Airport scientists in the country a warning that the threat level is high and theres an explosive eruption could happen in the coming days. A cease fire agreement brokered by turkey and russia came into effect in syrias Northwestern Province on sunday and recent weeks damascus has stepped up its efforts to reclaim the countrys last rebel held region which is under the control of the extremist salafist group. United nations estimates that over 300000 people have fled their homes as a result of the violence and are sheltering close to the turkish border. Thanks for joining us here on r. T. International you know neil will be with you in about 30 minutes with all the latest world news headlines. On this edition of crossfire we conduct a postmortem of the recent us around conflict what has changed in what bodes for the future issues the mainstream Corporate Media refuse to discuss. As we ponder that future and look into 2021 fascinating stories will come our way there are often said on this show that you cant have capitalism without Capital Capital without positive Interest Rates encouraging people to say and this next story this next whole show this next entire segment is going to be dedicated to this very notion. Were going underground as amidst the continuing Global Crisis sparked by it all trumbo to this as a nation in iraq brics it comes up for debate in britains hours of lords ahead of the end of u. K. Representation in the e. U. Parliament in fewer than 20 days time going over the show u. K. Prime ministers former trade on boy conservative party former treasurer lord moleyns weighs up the chances of a 300000000000 pound or more deal with britains biggest trade for the rest of the European Union and as a counter breakthrough in london identifies killing sells us which we speak to templeton killed in the faraday Award Winning bull davis about how information will determine the future of immortality big pharma. Is going on the ground 1st britain is due to not be represented by the European Union from the end of the month despite being subject to eat you Single Market in customs. The end of the enjoyment is chairman of the Commonwealth Enterprise Investment Council in the form of trade envoy Boris Johnsons predisaster David Cameron lord moland thank you so much for coming on before we get to the 31st of january you were a key part of course of joints of the me oral candidacy complete vindication of the nominee cummings tactics presumably the general leg while i was both his 1st merrill counsel and a little bit involved in the recent thing. Im delighted this recent thing you know i generally both you know im delighted ive always had great faith morris i think is a fantastic communicator he can make waves you can. Reach parts of the others cant and that hes demonstrated the election so im really pleased i think hes got a phenomenal brain a great personality an enormous energy weve got the right and have the right job because he may have reached out to the electorate of the tory politicians that didnt but dont like cummings his senior Strategic Advisor has already been. Making announcements that seem just suggest he wants a radical reform of the Civil Service which has long been suspected of pro remain bias and a thing it was suspected i think i think it was i havent talked to everybody i think youre. Apparently we were always hearing that they were senior Civil Servants that did not the despised the the largest vote in this country in this countrys history breaks it how can Dominic Cummings really reform an organization like the Civil Service what is to be very difficult as you know when you get into government lots of forces come at you and a lot of them suffocate you right in the end so you think hes going to fought a very hard and determined battle hes going to take them on Civil Service does need reform it has been i think that in terms of achieving breaks it. Proved you have that just you know talking to Civil Servants i think much more importantly i think its been completely frozen by the events rather than thinking of how can we prepare for the next phase and i think that is a really difficult position and in the commonwealth of course we brush with the u. K. Government we do with 53. 00 governments we also know how Civil Servants can sabotage it is just they can leak documents they go and they will amerie hence my remark which you know is going to be a very. Difficult battle for dominic cult cummins to fight it genuinely is in a different space to most of the businesses in that its very difficult to. Sack a Civil Servant its very difficult to move them out of the Civil Service is he we had douglas cause well one of Dominic Cummings is close colleagues in that campaigning on the show who kind of said only cummings was a sort of genius. With the you know do you think hes up to the job i think hes a remarkable you know its very clear sighted a very clear vision of. The point of our government that it isnt just about having ideas its youve got to do the long strokes and its like a rowing race you do a lot of this very early on to get speed minutes into this and this bit is not so easy for the likes of Dominic Cummings or for many others as well long strokes are going to be going to be needed after the 31st of january and what do you see as the significance of this day

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