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Knowing seems to be all that. There is 10 in the evening here in moscow youre watching the International President on the trump has approved a fresh package of sanctions against iran following the latest escalation in the region the american leader says that they will only be lifted when iran complies with u. S. Demands. Theyre losing a tremendous amount they getting heard very badly by the sanctions can in very quickly but as to whether or not they want thats up to them not up to me its totally up to them so we have the United States slapping more sanctions on the Islamic Republic of iran saying that these sanctions will continue unless the Islamic Republic complies with the demands of the United States iran has responded warning that the recent missile attacks are not the only kind of revenge theyre capable of in response to the killing of qassam solomonic its also interesting to note that in his remarks u. S. President donald trump indicated that he might be open or d interested in the possibility of expanding the nato coalition to the middle east nato and then you have a middle east. They told me i said what a beautiful name nato personnel in the region to know youre they supposed to us to be honest with you because this is an International Problem the trumpet ministration is on the defensive saying that its decision to kill top iranian general qassam solomonic was necessary they say solomonic was engaged in planning attacks against the United States that they had no choice that it was absolutely necessary for u. S. President donald trump to take this action without congressional approval the intelligence assessment made clear that no action allowing so the money to continue his plotting and his planning his Terror Campaign created more risk than taking the action that we took last week there are members of congress who have seen the classified information that is available to members of the u. S. Congress and they just dont buy it they say based on what theyve seen the evidence just isnt being presented to make the case for what pompei o and the administration insists his the unclassified version of what trumps and congress after the hits on some the money from all weve seen including the redacted parts here and the briefing the facts do not show an imminent threat it is not acceptable. Who are officials within the executive branch of government i dont care whether theyre with the cia with the department of defense or otherwise to come in and tell us that we cant debate and discuss the appropriateness of military intervention against iran its unamerican its unconstitutional in its room now many members of the u. S. Congress have argued that by taking out and killing qassam sela money without congressional approval that this was inappropriate and it was essentially not not correct for the administration engage in this activity that congressional approval is required before taking these actions furthermore theyve said that the evidence for which the trumpet ministration made this decision should be provided to members of congress they can see the information on which this decision was based however the administration insists it is not necessary to provide this information to the congress and furthermore that it could be a dangerous thing to do it could lead to the information being compromised that when it comes to intelligence we have to protect sources and methods and so theres only a certain amount that we can share with every member of congress but those of us who have seen all the evidence know that there was a compelling case of an imminent threat now this fits a longstanding pattern of members of congress not being given and provided with the evidence to back up claims coming from the administration we heard claims from the Obama Administration accusing russia of hacking the Democratic National committee that information was not provided to members of congress other allegations against russia in ukraine have been similar furthermore at one point there were claims that iran was planning an attack against the United States that information was also not provided so it seems increasingly we see the executive branch of the u. S. Government approaching congress the legislative branch and saying just take our word for it this seems to be a long standing trend lots of lots of debate and criticism about it from members of congress but the Administration Stands by its policy. Im open with us get more reaction now from nic hes a middle east expert and he joins us this evening and youre very welcome race what you make of trumps latest sanctions do you think they will have an impact on iran in terms of making them change direction and their own policy. I dont think will have any impact on changing or iranian policy the economic sanctions have been quite tough. I cant imagine them becoming so much more tough that its going to have an impact. Ordinary iranians difficult to get medical supplies to get certain pharmaceuticals things that require buying purchasing with foreign currency but the iranian people as seen in the last couple days you know millions marching in the streets in funeral meant to commemorate their customs salamis and trumped anything his actions have gotten the iranian people more angry at u. S. Policy. And much less likely to make any concessions but youve seen when you that would would know this that you know lets put the harsh sanctions the will to have a sane on iran for several months now ratcheting up a slightly further isnt going to make much difference why do you think hes gone ahead and done this is it just to show. Well i think he blinked when it came to military confrontation he was threatening all manner of wild attacks on iran cultural attacks etc and then decided not to do it so he had to seem tough and one way of doing that is to announce new sanctions every time these new sanctions are announced their impact is the even the details are unclear and their impact so far has been negligible so hes trying to be the tough guy and in terms of irans reaction what would you expect. I think theyll shine it on i dont think theyll be any particular reaction. To this particular announcement i do have sources in tehran a little be out exclusively in my column tomorrow that the iranians high Government Official told me that the supporters of iran matthew iranian government supporters will target trump assets in various parts of the world that would be Office Buildings hotels etc it could be military attacks and could be Cyber Attacks but the battle and the tit for tat is far from over in terms of europes response what she see from them g. Think that they will back trumps the power and ratcheting up again of sanctions and tensions with iran and you think they will try to be the media is here and running things in. I dont think they will support these new sanctions just as they have not supported the old ones as your viewers remember the u. S. Unilaterally and illegally pulled out of the nuclear core russia china britain france and germany were also. Signers of the accord the United Nations Security Council unanimously passed the courts and this wasnt just something for the u. S. To decide and the europeans have been opposed to the sanctions from the very beginning of course as have china and russia now. What role they will play that remains to be seen it is possible they would help mediate. Its possible that other countries such as oman might end up mediating in some way the europeans while opposing the withdraw from the Nuclear Accord havent really done much to overcome the sanctions that the u. S. Has imposed and that i think is a shortcoming in europe you know just going quickly race trump or to mention expanding nightside to the middle east she thinks other allies of that aligns will go along with that. No people forget that nato stands for North Atlantic Treaty Organization thats north atlantic has a hint of the middle east it was a region of the day or sent troops to afghanistan and under the current circumstances i think its highly unlikely theyre going to see any new countries are going to send troops to the middle east that havent already in fact weve seen danish croatian and. Finnish i believe troops pull out of iraq as a result of the her crisis brought on by the troubled destruction so i think quite the opposite i dont think were going to see new nato troops sent to the middle east ok recent good to tell you that was reese erlich middle east expert thank you. My with the speculation life to you about what really brought down a passenger jet in toronto on wednesday killing everybody on board the whole trump as it was i weighed in with his own ideas. It was flying in a pretty rough neighborhood and somebody could have made a mistake some people say it was be can it go i personally dont think thats. Even a question personally well the latest update is that the iranian authorities have accused the us media of spreading quote illogical rumors now thats in reference to baseless speculation thats been made by anonymous pentagon officials that iran accidentally shot down the plane using a russian made rocket now this kind of talk flies directly in the face of what the ukrainian president said earlier today no more speculation. Im asking everyone to refrain from speculation conspiracy theories hasty conclusions and unverified versions its not a topic for you. But one of the ukrainian authorities been doing exactly the opposite actually theyve been speculating a lot about the possible causes of this crash saying that it could have been a terrorist attack a drone strike or even a russian made missile like the pentagon officials were telling the u. S. Media one of the media been saying that have they been covering this story well from the beginning they jumped on the speculation that it was no accident c. N. N. Basically trimmed down the 2 possibilities to a bomb or a missile that basically took down the plane and there was also a photo circulating throughout twitter that has formed the basis of somewhat of a Conspiracy Theory that russia is somehow to blame for this even though theres no evidence to support that the account that posted it was suspended probably for spreading fake news because again we dont know where this photo was taken by whom when but you know that hasnt stopped the b. B. C. From giving air time to this for the 1st one is the possibility that that plane was hit by a Russian Mission ill just take off and the independent even published an article citing one Organization Called the o. P. s group which said that. People should assume that this plane was shot down in a similar way that m 817 was ordered that is claimed to until other until evidence. Is presented to prove otherwise basically russia is guilty until proven innocent now sky news and telegraph have reposed did this ukrainian speculation and newsweek even interviewed u. S. Officials who said that iran is believed to have shot down a plane with a russian made missile again nobody has presented any evidence as to how russia is connected to this or how this wasnt even an accident in the 1st place you know so the into the investigation is still going on and the families and the friends of the victims are still waiting for those concrete answers. The right side of the airplane and one end completely on final i think the pilot made a great effort not to president ial houses the plane crash landed in lot of the puck and destroyed the fence before then it took off again and exploded and was completely incinerated off what you know they didnt keep those watching the news of iranians hitting us bases with missiles on t. V. For 10 minutes i heard a massive explosion and all the houses still to shake there was fire everywhere but 1st i thought the americans have struck here would miss the window and went into the basement to take cover through what i went oh its been so a plane had crashed over there points were lying around there for. Support for my oldest son is the steward daughter called me from the u. S. She told me that the ukrainian aircraft crashed she asked where we go through i said to ron and i still do a video of the plane crash. Jim mr broadcast neil clark told us what drives the speculation. Oh fork in the sun your politics are coming before the evidence some people are on social media coming out now that theyre cute little bias that your political agendas are basically driving their line of this rather than wait going for the evidence 1st there are. 4 or 5 it relates to why this tragedy took place and one of them is quite simply that it was an accident and yet thats all being discounted in peoples by this fact try to pull 11 possibility of all of the others yes it is possible that it could have the abyss asked right its perfectly possible it could have been a bomb placed on the plane tear off again it was that. Obviously that brings other questions to place the ball it was a missile strike how did that happen etc but people shouldnt be getting ahead of themselves here and unfortunately thats what theyre doing and i think geopolitics is driving it. But the news tonight the longest transport workers strike in france in decades has ended its 36th day it was called over planned Pension Reforms and today paris and other cities were witnessing another major mobilization supported by people of different classes and also occupations in the french capital crowds gathered to call on the government to draw its plans according to the local unions 370000 protesters descended on the capital although the interior ministry claimed it was actually a fraction of that size were reporting from the center of the protests is charlotte given school. Paul weve already seen tear gas deployed on several occasions by the police as they were trying to control the crowd seem paris and the crowds are huge just want to get you to go up and get a sense of looking down this street discipline of art do mission and pretty much all the way down to that last of the beach it is shock up block with people people whove come out to support this. Strike now in its 36 day this is the full state of nationwide protests and as you can see it doesnt seem as if the supposed to is abating a tool many people thought this strike could only go on for maybe 2 weeks but hey we are not 36 they are going into the 6 week and it still looks like its getting huge amount to support in terms of have the strike is going there is more public transport that is operational at the moment in paris are we seeing trains operating fairly normally metros operating fairly normally in the mornings and in the evenings at the during at the lodge plus the day little is operating apart from the automated lines thats 140 now in terms of the general support for this strike the polls in france show that most people are still supporting the strike people very unhappy from across the board about these changes to the Pension System to the reforms that the government wants to make it wants to put 42 different Pension Systems down into one universal system to end many of the special regimes it says that yes actually its still offering many special regimes to the police to sometimes but work is said to in either be destroying get a strike moving to try and get in past say to cross that the other big issue is raising the retirement age up to 64. 00 its currently 62. 00 a wave front so they want to add another 2 years on to that but of course that wont affect anybody whos retiring in the next 17 years say the government they say will only affect their use to turn 18 in the next 3 years but people are furious here theyre saying you know they dont want to sell out their children speeches that grandchildren speeches and that is why they determined to come out into the streets to keep protesting tensions are rising here towards the end of the protests that just want to get you to have a a lot. Look back down there thats towards sun lazard in the center of paris you can see those clouds of tear gas and i still tear gas still raining down on the protesters as the police try and control the situation here you can hear the people in the crowd sound shouting everyone hates the police thats a chant we hear quite often but you can really feel that tension right shooting up here in paris at the end of this protest that has been largely peaceful a tear gas has been deployed throughout it and we have seen some individuals arrested individuals who apparently throwing objects to the police and that sounds like some grenades but it could also be tear gas coming down on us but you might be able to see the lights coming up on the fly as it sounds like that was a sound grenades going off there are people saying that they wont get even live to enjoy their retirements and theyre determined to stay out in the streets and to make sure people know they are unhappy this is a protest now 36 days this is the 4th day of nationwide protests across france i know as you can see it doesnt look like its about to be broke. Hundreds of Mental Health patients reportedly being sexually assaulted in mixed sex wars in Englands National Health Service single sex wards see 3 times fewer reports of abuse yet despite ministers pledging to scrap mixed wards guidelines do still allow shared spaces to exist where there were 1019 complaints of sexual assaults in mix wards between april of 2017 on october 29th teen thats a rate of one attack a day but if i could grant one of the victims told us her story. There i was on a mental outward for my depression and anxiety there is a very very lair i was in this particular hospital. And in the past. I met. A stranger it was a staff member. Comes on time to talk to me i didnt really think much of it. But over time just became more friendly close to me talking to me always in my going through the wasnt shared room it was the 1st. Stop should have blue chips im used and. Even just touching my hands and my arm. And i didnt. Think it was a program. That adds. Only became close to. What extend another. Specialist beneath it. Seems to me that. The department of health and social care has responded by saying it will not tolerate sexual abuse in the n. H. S. But political activist linda bell auster say this describes full that the decision to accept mixed board system not being carried out. I think is that its about 20 years certainly 15 years ago that. Hospitals major nanda taking that they would get rid of all of the mixed wards frankly the government ought to be ashamed that allowing british hospitals to it to not carry out an agreement that they made which was that there would be wards for women and walls for men and they shouldnt be there should not be mixed walls we fought very hard to ensure that women had safety in secure. So. For no better reason that we could speak to each other about issues of. Of concern i mean lots of women would be in hospital because of you know reproductive issues. Of old age and you couldnt necessarily do that in a mixed ward not so men prefer to be in wards in which matters of their you know the reproductive organs can be explored with other men in a way that is not appropriate in front of most women well i certainly think that in a 1st world country that we should have wards for women and wards for men. Now while the n. H. S. Is being criticized for its failure to separate the sexes britains education watchdog has uncovered an awful segregation at the heart of the National School System Office that has revealed that an Islamic Faith Academy in Central England is giving preferential treatment to boys and even telling girls that university is not for them Shadi Edwards Dashti reports. Segregation surely only a thing of the past well not for one Islamic Faith School in birmingham that found itself on the naughty step after segregation the girls and the boys of the classroom unlawfully by the way and telling its girls that university was not for them while the boys were given the 1st choice on black experience placements boys enjoy school more than girls this is because they are treated favorably and have more privileges redstone to ca to meet the private secondary school in bamiyan which charges fees of up to 3000. 00 pounds a year has been slapped by the mother of scorn inspectors offset with the rating of inadequate now the 13 page report found the boys are treated in a preferential way and girls were discouraged from further education they were also banned from playing football and taking part in activities like you kitsu classes boys and girls own lawfully segregated by sex for all School Activities except for weekly assemblies over a year ago the school was already told to stop its practice of segregation but the schools have most of says he has no intention of defined the lower in any way and simply wants to separate schools for boys and girls now despite offset ruling segregation has a negative impact on Girls Education and indeed selfconfidence we work very diligently to offer the best to both boys and girls at our school and both are given equal opportunities to be successful in whatever they choose if it turns out that our application for a separate girls school is formally refused then we have absolutely no intention to defy the law in any way but its not just this school thats in the books for bribing him lets not forget the debate over the soon to be compulsory Sex Education classes including talking about divest relationships and saying that its ok to be gay well the rollout isnt going down too well with some parents of faith fundamentally disagreeing that teaching their kids such issues goes directly against their own religious beliefs. But my. Brother can do. 2 was let them grow up and let them choose themselves why dont they like to be with the government schools and parents all that odds over how they see the future of childrens education and looks like britain still has a lot of homework today its a school. Doing well according to our set standards then no no its big so it could be anything up to 4 years before schools are assessed and reports are written and findings are published which basically allows schools to carry on if there are such a concerns like the ones that weve come across now and it is only when the inspectors speak to students and so on as theyve done in this case what theyve spoken to the boys and girls the girls about to say that they are not happy with the we did being treated these concerns have been raised simply because the cost that its better spoke to the students only if theres nobody else thats making complaints. How are you supposedly now. Polish president has pulled out of an event in israel to commemorate victims of the holocaust in the liberation of the actual concentration camp that is after organizers rejected his request to give a speech at the event. It just organizations are going to it turns out that the president s of Russia Germany and of france whose government collaborated with nazi germany at the time will speak to the organizers do not agree to a speech by the president of ireland absolutely do not agree to this it does come amid tense relations between russia and poland over a dispute around the 2nd world war or thors angry at accusations by president putin that the country was partially responsible for the outbreak of the war poland also some in the Russian Ambassador over putins harsh words about a polish to nazi germany. Small which city and its good scumbag and anti semitic pig you cannot put it any other way he expressed full solidarity with hitler in his anti semitic views moreover mockery of the jewish people he promised to erect a monument to hitler and warsaw the holocaust during world war 2 resulted in the deaths of around 17000000. 00 people of which 6000000. 00 were jews that accounted for more than half of europes entire Jewish Population of showmen editor of History Center and also a newsweek columnist says that the organizers of the event in israel have every right to decide who should be given a platform. It was clearly the 1st country that was invaded during world war 2 and it was the place where you know the largest number of jews were killed in poland so thats the fact that you know the polish Jewish Population was totally annihilated while in other places it was only partially annihilated so theres no question poland was central to the holocaust but thats a solely means that the current polish president should be the person to be to be speaking i mean everybody comes im sure wants to speak there theres about 50 heads of states all coming and i guess i mean the organizers decided which ones were more important and which ones had a greater role to play and which ones have been most helpful in remembering the holocaust again and in some levels the idea of you know im not coming if i dont get to speak is almost childish and thats how the news is looking say foster day here in our seat and to get there you can also keep yourself updated on our social media pages and each. Join me every thursday on the all excitement and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. All. Of. The welcome to worlds apart the war in syria may be winding down and the level of violence has subsided dramatically but return to normal lives still seems like a pipe dream after almost a decade of proxy war is syria now doing 2 years if not decades of proxy piece well to discuss that im now joined by peter mauer president of the International Committee of the red cross mr maher its always good to talk to you thank you very much for finding tanks for having me now you are now in moscow to take part in the war show that deals with what essential

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