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A mixed hospital wards in england have reportedly suffered sexual abuse. Giving great have you with us this is an international. The longest transport workers strike in france for decades now and today its 36 day it was called over plan Pension Reforms today paris and other cities are witnessing another major mobilization supported by people of different classes and occupations these are live pictures from the french capital showing the crowds that have gathered to call on the government to with. The shell and even ski reports in the center of the protest. What weve already seen. On several occasions by the police as they were trying to control the crowd see paris and the crowds just want to get you. To go up and get a sense of looking down this street discipline of a do mission and push you much all the way down to the last of the publique it is chock a block with people people whove come out to support this strike now in its 36 day this is the full day of nationwide protests and as you can see it doesnt seem as if the support is abating a tool many people thought this strike would only go on for maybe 2 weeks but hey we are not 36. 00 they are going into the 6 week and it still looks like its getting huge amount to support in terms of have the strike is going there is more public transport that is operational at the moment in paris are we seeing trains operating fairly normally metros operating fairly normally in the mornings and in the evenings at the during the large parts of the day little is operating apart from the automated lines thats one whole scene now in terms of the general support for this strike the polls in france show that most people are still supporting the strike people very unhappy from across the board about these changes to the Pension System to their forms that the government wants to make it wants to put 42. 00 different Pension Systems down into one universal system to end many of the special regimes it says that yes actually its still offering many special regimes to the police to sometimes but work is set to end at the beach trying to get the strike moving to try and get the impasse a to cross that the other big issue is raising the retirement age up to 64. 00 its currently 62. 00 a way in front so they want to add another 2 years on to that but of course that wont affect anybody whos retiring in the next 17 years say the government they say will only affect those who turn 18 in the next few years but people are furious here theyre saying you know they dont want to sell. Louts their childrens teachers they run childrens features and thats why they determined to come out into the streets to keep protesting if feels like its a little bit of a party at the moment i we have people sort of dancing in the street it looks like we have being blocked here at the moment not clear whats happening up ahead but often this will be the case weve seen in the protests that the police will form a barrier a lot of people to move stop them and allow them to move again for the moment that Party Atmosphere is what it feels like but the reality is on the ground that we know tear gas has already been deployed to trying to spin this protest is we know that when the police are within the vicinity of the protesters they are brewing in g. U. And sometimes even throwing things in their direction so there is a lot of tension here on the streets 30 days going strong and it doesnt look like this strike is over yet. Irans u. N. Envoy claims his country is not planning any more attacks against the u. S. Along this washington refrains from further aggression yeah did the wednesdays missile strikes on 2 u. S. Bases in iraq were sufficient revenge for the pentagons killing of its top general President Trump is limited his response to pledging new sanctions. As we continue to evaluate options in response to a rein in aggression the United States will immediately impose additional punishing economic sanctions on the Iranian Regime is powerful saying shoes will remain until around changes its behavior. The u. S. Assassination of general on iraqi territory last week triggered waves of protests across the middle east. Prompted the rx parliament to call for the expulsion of all foreign troops in the country although this isnt still needs to be approved by the government and this is the lingering consequences of the u. S. Invasion of iraq and now be focusing white house mind when it comes to the round table expense. He calls a rally as good as the originals many characters dont sign on for a p parents and they often end up losing money but apparently theres nothing washington likes more than dusting off an old script and adding a new line or 2 sometimes it badly even needs to change the name both countries that have been confusing americas attention for a while now the threat comes from iraq. The Coalition Forces did not come to colonize iraq we came to. Overthrow a despotic regime everywhere we go in the middle east its a rare. Major destabilizing in influence in the middle east spread death destruction and chaos the leaders of iran are record piers behind every problem is are a so the scene is that we have a visible villain in our story and in case you are in any doubt as to who our hero is while who else but the one his ambition has only ever been to throw off the shackles of injustice and make democratic dreams come true i think things have gotten so bad inside iraq from the some point of the iraqi people my belief is we will in fact be greeted as liberators there was dancing in the streets in parts of iraq we we have every expectation that people not only in iraq but in iran will view the American Action last night as giving them freedom but are here knows better than to go around attacking people without some kind of justification its not particularly diplomatic so he gets trusted advisors to dig up something anything. Really that will make it sound like humanity is being saved this is a blockbuster off to roll that have to be an apocalypse Saddam Hussein and his regime are concealing their efforts to produce more weapons of mass destruction iran will not get a Nuclear Weapon and as we came into Office Around was on a pathway provided by the nuclear deal which clearly gave them the opportunity to have those Nuclear Weapons and all the while he hopes that no one actually are spending think concreate because then hes just a man with a grudge us scrambling to establish a link between iraq and al qaeda is so far frankly unconvincing regime change does not stick out it sounds like a grudge between bush and saddam but we need to know what the evidence is what led the administration to make the president to make this decision but i think this claim that its his concern was to avoid war i think most people would say that this is made war more likely so just to be on the safe side he adds a Little Something extra something he knows will appeal to the patriotism and emotions of the average folk. If were successful in iraq we will have struck a major blow right at the geographic base of the terrorists who have had his interest so for many years but most especially on 911. Soleimani assisted in the clandestine travel to afghanistan of 10 of the 12 terrorists who carried out the september 11th terrorist attacks in the United States but does it every film has to have a moment when things arent going the heros way back in 2003 and john politicians and the public alike might have been beating the drums of war but as time passed questions were raised and people increasingly thought through would be best circumstantial evidence fast forward and now not everyones willing to back the hero who tore up a nuclear deal functions as a default Foreign Policy tool and made the hash tag wild will 3 trend on twitter this is a u. S. Decision it is not a decision taken by the do go. Nor do we have woken up to more dangerous world the us action did not make it any easier to reduce tensions parties to deescalate for the conflict is in none of our interest more worryingly for the hero has an election coming up the average voter is being a bit more cautious this time around but despite all this there is sure hes unbeatable and why wouldnt he be hes had ample experience after roll from guatemala to the congo from the Dominican Republic to South Vietnam from brazil to chile and libya from iraq to iran you get the point this heros got good it shifting of regimes around in his favor of course in some ways this is even a sequel within a sequel because back in 1953 the cia helped topple the democratically elected a rainy and lead to protect you guessed it us Oil Interests but despite all this despite the sending of troops the killing of civilians the assassination of foreign officials there are maintains that hes not off to blood hes a man of peace were doing everything we can to avoid war in iraq our goal is peace we took action less just stop a war. We did not take action just start a war for 17 years 3 president s and hundreds of thousands of casualties later im sure the faces have changed and the rhetoric a little bit different as will be hopefully the final outcome but either way youve got to admit washington could do with some variety and it storylines after all no one likes a dodgy sequel the u. S. House of representatives is due to vote today on whether to limit trumps ability to use military force against the former u. S. Congressman and president ial candidate ron paul about the risks of a conflict. Its not totally unlike trump you know to make a lot of noise in the end get people all excited and stir things up and then back off a bit because i think basically im hoping anyway that he doesnt enjoy killing people and perp right provoking war but we still have our problems because he still has too many neo cons to run them to try to aggravate things and make things work but i wished we could be reassured that peace has broken out because theres too many problems there and i just think that the solution is something i suggested before it started it is dont go in and since weve been in and i say come home in the iraqis ask us to leave and i think we should leave but as long as we have this monstrosity although an embassy and in. Iraq is just going to be provoking you know people to attack us so i it claims that he went in there and killed killed the later because he wanted to stop a war and of course i lean toward the fact acting like that is more likely to start a war which i would like to make sure that we dont get into a real hot or the spine of the white house seemingly making an effort to avoid further escalation for us t. V. Pundits of ramping up the pressure for war hunting connections to the looks of Defense Industry along the way caleb open explains. There was compelling intelligence reasons of an imminent threat to respond i trust the intelligence assessment of whats on the neo is doing the kinds of actions he was preparing for i take it at face value what he is saying and secretary pompei oh this was a preemptive defensive measure now these are supposed to be just random smart people who are going to help us understand the situation except they arent a lot of them have a particular financial interest in a specific outcome essentially theyre tied to corporations that make profits from war the usa and iran go head to head theyll get a pretty nice payout and the viewers are kept in the dark about these ties the world is on edge since the u. S. To county ran into restocking tents and codes force command a custom so they money following the december 31st attack on the u. S. Embassy in iraq says 979 iran has bullied threatened and killed and spread its reign of terror the president has made the right decisions on irans of his point including scrapping the Iranian Nuclear deal then hip jr works for a lobbying Firm American Defense Incorporated that represents military contractors and who are one of the sponsors of his lobbying efforts none other than the manufacturers of the drone that killed solomonic so are we really shocked hes not singing kumbaya on urging restraint check out this guy they crossed a red line with this president when he when he exercised enormous going to story. Not taken a provocation but so dont kill americans and when they did he he acted and acted very strongly jack keane is represented as just a retired general giving his 2 cents but actually sent his retirement from the pentagon hes been working with military Contracting Companies like General Dynamics and now he runs a Venture Capital firm that specializes in defense and security not exactly mr objective general saw money he was a lawful military. And the president had ample domestic Legal Authority to take him out without an additional congressional authorization jed johnson was in the department of Homeland Security under barack obama but now hes in the private sector working for Lockheed Martin thats the company that makes the war planes that are stationed across the middle east and who can forget David Petraeus thats the military commander turned cia director who had an affair and leaked classified information to his mistress now you would think he wouldnt be credible after all this is what happened when he tried to teach classes at city college in new york. And. I mean if you dont know what it is going to break. You go but petraeus is back selling war on prime time its impossible to overstate the significance of the attack that takes cost and soul money this is bigger than been logged thats bigger than the overwhelming majority of the American People believe that the invasion of iraq in 2003 was a big mistake so its worth pointing out that these same people were on t. V. In 2003 selling the invasion of iraq are now on t. V. Pushing a new war against iraq the exact same people it is important to understand the consequences of pulling out of iraq before our work is done in victory is achieved abandoning our iraqi friends would signal the world that america cannot be trusted to keep its war so low money was the highest ranking official in the force he has the blood of Many American soldiers on his hands the us public has voted for president ial candidates who promised less involvement overseas over and over again but the Mainstream Media seems to be working pretty hard to convince them otherwise and its giving special attention to certain individuals who have certain shady financial ties and its not disclosing those ties to the viewers many of the. Pundits the analysts that we see in us media are people who are either on the boards of military corporations or their lobbyist for the military industry and they have an economic incentive unfortunately when it comes to war and this is not disclosed when we hear them talking about how good trump is doing in killing the general of another country in. War we have to admit that there is a Strong Military Industrial Complex in the United States and that the news media itself benefits from war d. Ukraine is marking a day of mourning after one of its passenger planes crashed just after takeoff from tehran on wednesday killing 176 people on board for more on the investigation of the studio by r. T. Correspondent on the quarter what do we know at this point to early on in the investigation but what do we know when the president vladimir selenski has been spending this day of mourning paying his respects to the families of the victims and he also said that because we dont have all the facts about what happened people shouldnt jump to conclusions immediately lets take a listen. Im asking everyone to refrain from speculation conspiracy theories hasty conclusions and unverified versions its not a topic for. Now at the same time the ukrainian authorities have been looking into possible different causes of this crash specifically a missile attack a drone or even terrorism. Contradiction when the leaders saying dont speculate but theres an investigator what about the media are they keeping this fairly other plane with a Straight Path on the right well the Mainstream Media actually immediately jumped on this idea that it was something other than an accident actually and even dragged russia into this lets take a listen to what the b. B. C. Said. Well the 1st one is the possibility that that plane was hit by a Russian Mission ill just off to take off now on screen we were going to show a picture that was from twitter that alleges that missile remains were found on the crash site now this account that posted it was suspended perhaps for spreading fake news because regarding this photo we dont know where or by whom and when this photo was taken but that hasnt stopped ukraine from thinking it would it could possibly be the debris of a Russian Missile that they said based just on this picture now the independent also published an article saying that people should consider this a this crash a shoot down event similar to m. H. 17 with until theres evidence that would prove otherwise so its basically like guilty until proven innocent again theres no nobodys found any evidence connecting russia to this or even that would suggest that this was anything other than an accident and while the Investigation Continues the families and friends of the victims continue to wait for the answers as to what happened well as an Aviation Security expert i spoke to earlier said until we get the information from the black boxes nobody knows anything but thanks for the call to with me in the studio. Spoke to his earlier about what drives all of this speculation. Unfortunately for some geopolitics coming before the evidence some people are on social media coming out now that theyre killed political bias that your political agendas are basically driving their line of this rather than wait going for the evidence 1st there are. 4 or 5 it in a sense of why this tragedy took place and one of them is quite simply that it was an accident and yet thats all been discounted in peoples bias that to try to pull 11 possibility of more than the others yes it is possible that it could at the at this hour strike its perfectly possible it could have been a bomb placed on the plane the terror on again it was that. Obviously that brings other questions to place the ball it was a missile strike how did that happen etc but people should be getting ahead of themselves here and unfortunately thats what theyre doing and i think geopolitics is driving it to appreciate a company this is an. International. Sort of put him you could report coming up revealing disturbing levels of abuse in the n. H. S. Report its coming up after this short break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond short and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im sure business ill see you there. So the stars inflation deflation they tend to hand the connection between the finance economy and the real car and sometimes the finance economy gets out of hand and you have crashes and sometimes the real economy gets out and then you have stagflation because wages are too but sense 2000 and getting even more pronounced since 2008 we have 2 separate economies there. Theres the privately owned Central Banks who print money for private the top 110th of one percent of private citizens and then we have the Service Class or the neo feudal class and these 2 dont interact any. Protesters in our cars here which georgia considers a breakaway republic are attempting to storm the president ial residence demonstrators claim recent president ial elections were rigged the vote was held tender but on thursday a court was due to review a lawsuit launched by the leader of the opposition and 500 people have surrounded the president ial residence some to break down the doors guards preventing them from entering further inside the building or barricaded the windows little government calling it an attempted coup. Hundreds of Mental Health patients are reportedly being sexually assaulted in mixed sex wards of Englands National Health Service single sex wards see 3 times fewer reports of abuse that despite ministers pledging to scrap mix towards the guidelines still allow shared space. And 1001000 complaints of Sexual Assault in mixed wards between april 201729000 at a rate of one attack a day on victims spoke about the conditions. The room i was in was ride by the entrance to the main corridor so there were nan standing outside measure room i couldnt go anywhere without going through a mixed area has had to lock myself in my room the whole time and the department of health and social care has responded saying they will not tolerate sexual abuse in the n. H. S. But political activist linda bello says its disgraceful the decision to axe mixed wards are still not been carried out i think its that its about 20 years certainly 15 years ago that. Hospitals made an undertaking that they would get rid of mixed wards frankly the government ought to be ashamed that allowing british hospitals to it to not carry out an agreement that they made which was that there would be wards for women and wards for men and they shouldnt be they should not be mixed wards we fought very hard to ensure that women had safety and security so. For no better reason that we could speak to each other about issues of the of of concern i mean lots of women would be in hospital because of you know reproductive issues. Of old age and you couldnt necessarily do that in a mixed ward not so men prefer to be in wards in which matters of their you know the reproductive organs can be explored with other men in a way that is not appropriate in front of most women well i certainly think that in a 1st world country that we should have wards for women and wards for men. Ok were doing this all again but a bit better i hope see you in africa. In the United States president ial candidates debate the future of the us and the world. Max kaiser and Stacy Herbert dig into the burning questions of this election cycle. Every week. Tax student debt trade wars corporate money universal basic. And more catch up with whats front running this sunday exclusively on r. T. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability very important. Transition to sustainable transport sustainability. A more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. It. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is something ill just want any minute im. Understood. I am max kaiser this is the kaiser reports im sure it is less like a duck as reported by a magazine the spectator magazine and United Kingdom claims that i have a dark voice. And like andrew neil. Whos well well go into that you know im so old i remember vietnam and back in the seventys we were involved in a massive war there and all kinds of best things happen kent state students got gunned down and people die 50000 not as Many Americans died of it as the opiate companies killed last year but a lot of a lot of people did die like 50000 soldiers and what not and anyway this is part of what were talking about here stacy that was that closer to 58000 americans died in the war of course many more the enemies that i dont why did we invade the well because we wanted to bring them capitalism to this day they are still communist at least they say they are at least the party is socalled communist thats how they self identify the economy itself is booming and seems quite capitalist if you look at it but the ironic thing is of course that capitalism is supposed to deliver a lot of efficiencies and sort of improvement in lifestyle and all the things around you are supposed to get cheaper your life is supposed to get better and better well americans are retiring to vietnam for cheap health care and a decent standard of living the standard of living in america available to. Many low income workers but also retirees is way too difficult to achieve a standard of living that they were used to when they went there to fight in the 1960 s. And 1970 s. We left vietnam in 1975 well one of them is John Rockhold hes a navy vet and he served in vietnam in the war and now he lives there so he was a fighter he was fighting to bring them capitalism and now hes gone there because theyre able to deliver all the things that matter and life for a cheaper price than america can so it was worth it that whole war in vietnam because its secure retirement for americans in the year 2020 they can get a good standard of living and Affordable Health care so. We shouldnt feel too bad about it the loss was worth it for sure had we won this would not be an option for john rocker although he lives there now he lives on the 20th floor of a condo building for an apartment he bought 4250000 has like 4 bedrooms he has a wife kid he has nannies and cooks and right this is a good point because another words this guy retiring to iraq these are retiring to libya retiring to afghanistan these are wars that supposedly america won the fact that america lost vietnam made it safe for retirees to get a good standard of living in Affordable Health care exactly and he says that a majority of vietnamese that he meets there like they dont mind that he

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