Transcripts For RT The Alex Salmond Show 20240713

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The golden globe award for the best actor in a town to see the connection between bangkoks and his fictional character look and roy is of course that both hail from the city of 20 lets have another lick. By cost lets start with a succession less h. B. O. Sensation which storm for this year another serious set up for for next year and we got in january and you play logan roy the reverse patrick head of this media family how difficult was that. Difficult or difficult to be ruthless impact well i have children. And i know what its like to be a father so thats thats part of it twice wrecked out of the universe. And many many many visits back to the to the city but recently too to see the new victorian album or been the the banks of the a bushel 1st impressions of the v. N. A. And then the winding is to menace and then you know i think that you know the goal always be the complete as in the moon as in my view but i i think its not really there knowledge has been drawn with the guggenheim in buffalo and you think it will be as influential for the city done i think you know symbol but you know i think it could be and i think it needs its all the ancillary stuff that goes with it the business as. You know on the figures in terms of you know whos going to come seems to be is doing quite well i think people are on it and the b. Thing with an even of a working class city or score city iowa city in any way is as well yes but why is that the city like doesnt the strongly yes in the Scottish Referendum on independence strongly pro europe and the european level and them was the contrast between for example a city in the north of england which many of which if we have towards a no vote and the european left i think that as i start work. Its the same thing that elected. Trump in america i think really what happened was that there was a disaffection with politics and gandhi is quite approach city because it is the city of scotland you know we were still very proud of our that was the. Biggest fall independent yeah in the scottish effort i absolutely had 40 and also it is not incompatible with our European Nature because scotland generally is much been much more europe conscious than england has its just you know were less than a 4 but thats the nature of our being here we want to gallatin in principle you know we have been tribal in our time but were really on egalitarian and were very welcoming you know we love people coming to our country we welcome people and what county the best of times but also i think what happened there was this real what happened in the north was and you see it now i mean the braggs thing is such a mass really is a mass and you see the amount of treachery and selfserving thats going on with people like Boris Johnson and many of feudalist of the swallow going to roy bill is sort of what i wrote and roy wood to be but kicked their asses for me. Yesterday i mean he wouldnt put up with a lot because theyre just theyre basically. Divisive and selfserving and the wrong way and they dont serve the community this of themselves and i think that that its ironically that is what the they felt that they were being set up so of course people like faraj wave the braggs it and said well you know what its blame the others blame them blame god thats what doesnt. Of course even the hard work of brian cox has limited many rules or much features bob one full derby arnold a lady who has appeared in just about every store popular in the u. K. However when they became in with her daughters she was speaking not about the glitz and glamour but their efforts on the key issues of homelessness was universal credit you know it just takes 2 weeks for somebody to be turfed out of where they were living and i think the thing what don is doing with buses for the homeless is making the pods with in london buses and that not only are they giving some people so much to live theyre also bringing in people to you know rehabilitate them into society again to get them jobs to get back in the i mean i cannot imagine what it must be like to have had some of these people have been you know wealthy had good jobs and now they have nothing theyre ashamed that i want to go home i cant imagine what it must be like if its must be an. There were you believe all of them leave the list to slaughter was the killer so that shouldnt often be very proud of your daughters for. Acquittal what would be. Your lesson that trying to deliver practical help to people but i think thats the most important you know as they say you know give a man a fish eats for a day teach a man to fish and he is for life weve got to bring people back to society and show them what to do i mean an i phone today is enough for you to make a living on it so you know something that you can do some people everyone thats homeless could really do something and make some money they just need to know how they need to be taught they need to be integrated back into society and i would and that is what don is doing and thats what were trying to help debbie is a powerhouse in every respect of course to say that politics is shorebirds for boring people but the people who made the transition becoming boring or tall in our cities on the politics of protest we came across red so does the artist who devised the 7 oclock against Racism Campaign in the late 1970 s. Boring read is. I thought the years after its 1st launch rock against racism as a choir for lost status and become the template for many a little movements mobilized in the Music Industry to promote great causes but im joined by the man behind the list of red saunders to talk about protest and then you know so rock against racism as we back to 976 what was the genesis behind rock against racism is really simple thing it was an outburst by the guitar god eric clapton who made a complete racist outburst supporting he not proud of the concert in birmingham it was reported in the music press i was an old eric clapton fan i had all these records and everything and i was outraged because that music is based on black music so i wrote a letter i wrote a letter proposing that we start a campaign against racism in music to bring black and white musicians together who rock against racism and that was in the new musical expression which was able of of music im going to make and sounds and black echoes and the left for us so out it that was it it came with this Mass Movement started with a letter a letter and i thought i really thought not much about it i mean i was angry so i wrote the letter and it was done i dont write letters very often you know and i didnt really think about it much and somebody called me up a result friend of mine whos a journalist and he called up and said oh hed organized a p. O. Box to replies to be addressed to he said theres 400 letters here i want what are you talking about that was it there for the benefit of the viewers that this is long before the end to let alone before the meal we set up a a postbox to get the response to your anally cry yeah and these you say in those days you set up a post box because you didnt put an individual address because if you did d. N. A. If would be far bombing your address these were dangerous times so we had set up a post box so we were stunned when we got and the letters were just amazing so what was your. Message back to the will i will answer the banner i remember one particular letter from a young. School student a young girl in aberystwyth and she wrote the shit out regina litter a melody maker and she said ive got a job graffiti choose a nazi and i hate racism i love music and you know what i do and so i wrote a letter back to her as was the start of that time thats what has to happen i wrote a letter and it just said right susan you are rock against racism aberystwyth get on with it and one of the things that came out of it as well was the people who were at the center of rock all sixtys people whod been through the sixtys it been through vietnam solidarity love ins hippie dope everything we did so they had some experience of organizing things and putting on festivals and gigs so it wasnt totally new to them but they were sort of constantly be like puts a bear that you saw where the good look where we are having are having started well at are unbelievable i mean when we did the Victoria Park carnival with still pass and came out dressed in about 78 i was 78 so we have the clash who were the leading political punk band of the time we had tom robinson was that time just had the hit with sing if youre glad to be gay so you had all the politics not just racism but everything about oppression was mixed up steel pulse came on stage black regular band from hands with in birmingham came on stage dressed include klux klan outfits and sang this song Klu Klux Klan i was just incredible so had polystyrene who has passed away sadly who sang the incredible song oboe ndege up yours as a young punk feminist and i remember running out and so i was comparing the gig and i remember running out onto the stage and i just was overwhelmed with the amount of people and i just screamed this aint no woodstock this is the carnival against the nazis and the crowd just. And. I just carried us through the rest of the. Red cylinder as one of the all time great campaigner but join us after the break we meet a few how we dealt with politics last year with what alex is very fond of calling artistic just parno all political pundits join us. To. Follow the stuff. That. Got started. So these terms inflation and deflation they tend to hint at the connection between the finance economy and the real economy and sometimes the finance economy gets out of hand and you have crashes and sometimes the real economy gets out of hand and you have stagflation because wages are too high but sense 2000 and getting even more pronounced since 2008 we have 2 separate economies there. Theres the privately owned Central Banks who print money for private the top 110th of one percent of private citizens and then we have to serve class or the feudal class and these 2 dont interact any. But if she warned you can i do the dishes at the bottom or those jeans need to speak. She me we do you believe truth. About that when you. Mean yes i mean that so that in fact involve. A lot of people see sawing as it bites and who can teach out to both sides. As it needs to be as if. The. Hearing to keep. Tabs on them days of doing. Even. Knew she would include in total. Welcome back alex rider being some of our top shows some 2019 breaks it provided most of the coffee but we also took a look at the new political commentary by interviewing some of the top 10 Political Bloggers yes the top bloggers make the political weather and the way the days go by it may have been an editorial in the types this is how craig mundie slug it out too and wins over scott would explain the past to the hugely successful blog. So tell me about this rev a business on the dole called influence was all about yeah i have some thoughts i dont want to partly its just a its just a bit of fun it really winds some people up but the regionally story and doing it because firstly just to make myself easier to find on the internet because obviously camels are a really common name to millions people if you start to steer a camel theres there was a scotland rugby player a footballer of the famous canoeist theres a famous gynecologist of all sorts people. So by becoming reverends to come on the only one of the lets dispense with the cola for the Universe Press that you were in past meeting a good rev a. Thing weve had quite enough fun with emma had the wings or was scott would get started well yeah i mean you see after the after the the s. N. P. Majority in 2011 it was obvious that was going to be a referendum on a member of the air and ive been an independence guy all my life my dad used to work for billy wolfe the former leader of the s. N. P. In bathgate because i want to make a contribution obviously i couldnt go knocking on doors and stuff so i thought to somebody could knock on doors and buff well yeah it was interesting deception theres not not all of votes to be won unfortunately so yes i decided to do it online and i tried very brief i looked for other scottish politics websites and there werent really any very good ones i briefly wrote for one that was run by a variety of people from various parties but i wrote one article for them and i made a sort of joke in one of the comments and was immediately ostracized and they saw and i thought god im going to do this myself the 1st question is obvious why you slug it with tools well it started off as a letter to slow ruto that was the full title of a sliver of a turtle is a character out of a song an old irish song i was sure over the line in that song goes its peace and nonsense but its great crack the lang goes slow too who was drunk as a rule and here are the original notion was that trying to explain Northern Ireland was a bit like trying to explain anything to a drunk mom you had to kind of divvy it up in small amounts you have to be prepared to repeat yourself over and over and you have to be prepared to take a very long time and that was 17 years ago and i have to say didnt think it was going to take this long but there it is were still going strong how do you get over that we are in the world doing in the next right. Broker well you never know in Northern Irish politics when the next room is going to come or indeed when the last straw is going to be served at the moment its pretty thin pickens the same least i know for 2 years though wonderfully nobody else than in the rest of the whole of the United Kingdom seems to have noticed but you know theres always talks around the corner that whatever whatever falls over seems that we do seem to be able to get it back up again move to the same group to start a blog and its going to be a no no this boat x. I have considered getting involved in an in a run in the time of the good friday agreement things seem to be getting exciting but in a good way this conflict been going on for most of its 969 i was 10 years of age and 10 years of age dont know whats going on except the place that youve grown up and it seemed to be the most boring political backwater that a god ever invented suddenly became the focus of all this kind of World Politics and. Youre all invited well i grew up in a small town its belfast called hollywood which was a mixed community very close to belfast. And i mean so much so that when the bombs went off you could hear it but you could hear at distance many of the things you write about your advocacy discussion the better of you bub. As a pretty pretty thrower and scott allowed the pips but actually you were born and. I wasnt it i havent been done in norfolk my father from edinburgh. Was posted down there in the air force where he made a local go and settle down for a while so im im half scots and half english born in the good politics. Of the age when reading a cadence of your life was the generally thought then the leader of the liberal party of automobile generally thought the his private set to receive the. A letter than the pour stir because thats what they did in these days of the gist of the run up to the fed for the latest what was up but thats right i decided i was a liberal. I think 14 years old and we didnt have a candidate in north norfolk we didnt have a Constituency Association so i voted german for parking him to send a candidate and his private secretary who was Richard Moore opened the letter and having no constituency himself hopped on a train and came to fight the election when he arrived and found the to a young teenager was what more than a Constituency Association he was willing to go i was just 15 earthing it was fascinating to note that after the season online bloggers they face think hes on this show so it into the hundreds of fans yes indeed their last year were the breaks the new morning we decided to give no regular panel of pundits to tell us what was going to happen and i was to be said from the tory leadership stakes to the customer selection itself or a Prestigious Panel did not weatherstone anyone who followed their political turps would have come up with more winners the losers. When were considering this this new research royal ascot the tory leadership state. What do you qualities do you require to. As the winner of this race well its very like studying the the results of any race you have to look at. The form over a course and distance of the class look at the ownership the trainers youve got to make all of these assessments can they cope with the going of theyve been taking any noxious substances all of these that matters need to be taken into account the main brecks cakes was that this Westminster Parliament was meant to be so pretty against a somewhat mythologized view of the European Union to then abolish that very parliament to get through brics it i think will be a not too far but when you say can these disparate people unite around their opposition to that without hesitation yes all the debates are about the mechanisms how do you stop a government from doing such a thing how do you stop a government determined to go out with a no deal with thats what happens. But are they theoretically united to stop the progress of parliament and to stop no deal yes and i think the sense of that will intensify over the coming weeks rather than the opposite the that they cant agree on a vote of confidence they dont agree that the leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbin should become short term Prime Minister but they do agree on these other matters and they will find a way i think to make that absolutely clear i think the logic of this situation where you have a minority Prime Minister trying to force his will over a parliament which disagrees of him is the natural the natural outcome of that will be an election and we are in a parliamentary democracy nobody could object to that. And im joined from glasgow by the doyen of scottish political journalism a woman whos been covering scottish elections since alaska with the tunnel action of 1904 im delighted to be joined by roof wishart im not sure im delighted to be carbon dated clay that alex member of the departed the main party leader says gemma carbon boss johnson of both been in scotland but neither visit was annoyed success no atoll in fact Boris Johnson has taken a leaf out of the trees im a prebook and hes been going round in kind of hermetically sealed pussy see i mean he went to enter distillery but or only air only journalists and author of people rode in there was no punters a load into us can question and when somebody remonstrated with them from the press corps he said well youre a voter arent you so he sees is being kept well away from anything resembling the electorate and Jeremy Corbyn well jimmy cloven came up and b i had a lot of difficulty 1st of all he changed his pitch on a 2nd independence referendum 3 times the space of 2 days which was never much of a good look and then he is using terrorism so no i dont think theyll look back with fondness and theyre scottish so join the liberals and labor would get their act together much more than theyre fighting each other they obviously hate each other more than the they hate the tories which is quite unusual. And to the left there hasnt been anything like a romane or alliance which i thought might develop and then on the other side weve seen what im quite convinced although its conflicting signals that theres been some form of deal between the british fire arjen and and the tories which means that the breakthrough threat to the tory voters has really capsized a little bit what was your point you said that if there was such a deal that would be plain sailing for potus johnson but would like to fly says it was a unilateral deal with the much of a deal when he withdraws these candidates and and doesnt get anything for it well i was right about the deal and whether seen a lunch or or. Behind closed doors it doesnt matter what far as has done as gives is given the tories a clear run in 317 seats now theres still a slight problem here because in some of the other marginal seats the far as threat could still be something of a problem but find launch theyve got that clear on there is another deal as well which weve forgotten about the lib dems the greens and clyde coming to us nationalists but thats virtually irrelevant only apply country where expecting to win many seats and cant for example and so as a result of that weve got the exact deal i thought was necessary to get the conservatives the overall majority was a project of the last time at the start of the campaign we had a discussion here in the because predicted that Boris Johnson would win quite easily and i said no i think its quite likely to be a Hung Parliament and i have to say that so far hes been true ved more than a more gifted and the forecast of the me i mean the 2 things which of happened to change my mind is one the failure of anything like a remain alliance the retina let the left is fighting each other and secondly the the substance of the brics party and so no say the chances are you have a fairly easy Boris Johnson majority and then will leave the European Union a few weeks after that but could you be wrong again could there be a. Could it be a good move to halfs your person of course i could be wrong again. Are you hoping to be rolled into i think what would be best for this country is a Hung Parliament yes. I pad it was more or less thought odd but then lots of people forecast the election is out but next to nobody forecast this christmas cracker but want to watch is just winstons own seat she needs to remember what happened to nick clegg in Sheffield Hallam when he was leader and he lost. And that was ho led but orpik became the official mystic meg of a. Election programs and sort us whats coming up in this new to keep well next week well be picking up on one of the undeserved issues of the election the constitutional future of scotland and then we return to the a biting issue of homelessness that we feature both making practical efforts to help the homeless on the streets of london i look at an academic effort to address this most intractable with social problems so from a 1000000000 all at the show its good bye for now. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to excel or it transitions to sustainable transport sustainability stay number man a more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. Because. It does not the Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is Something Else this must be done to anyone and im. Used to doing the name and. Understood so when in. The eyes you live but if she warn you posted by you and i do that in the interim with the ship at the bottom or those genes new species she me we need to. Close and about that and when it dies you. Can use i mean guys without infants involved. A lot of you will see sawing during fuzzy fights about 2 kids each other both for the most school. But as a little history as a fire truck. This. Year and cherokee folks that god knows what i thought they were days doing. A english lady a thing people who simply knew. She would include in what little. Reality has mandates of its own that go beyond what our wishes and preferences are. And our utopian visions may be were going to get a new deal but it may not be the Green New Deal that people are expecting will get the Green New Deal that we have we deserve rather think we are going to get a Green New Deal because the Green New Deal in compass is things beyond just what Infrastructure Health care is in that new deal there are other elements if you go back 20 started in 2006 that we are going to get and that are popular in this country. Good food descriptions sound up the tasing even for the owners so how to choose this pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out may not be associate people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis they have auto immune disorders theyve got allergies we are actually creating these problems its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to fairy simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets less treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. The u. S. And iran step back from the brink after tit for tat air strikes in the region as donald trump limits his response to fresh thank shows you look at similarities with the lead up to the 2003 iraq war. And thats not stopping t. V. Pundits from beating the drums of war while hiding their ties to the Defense Industry from the public. And hundreds of Mental Health patients. In england reportedly suffered a sexual abuse in mixed wards of the Country Health service the n. H. S

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