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Was no doubt you could find citizens of terrorist acts against police did take place illegitimate seizure of power occurred the government offices were taken over. By their very good evening to you and thanks for joining us here on r. T. International. After a night clashes major beijing rallies underway in hong kong this new years day and already been signs of more unrest riot police fired tear gas petrol bomb hurling demonstrators. Was. A particular aspect of the unrest violence and brutality when perpetrated by the hong kong protesters has gone largely without comment from the west. Or asks why. Hong kong has gone from being the economic pole of the orient to the face of the fight for democracy and boy does that fight fire. An amendment to a preexisting north that would allow the extradition of criminal suspects from hong kong to Mainland China has brought the financial haven to its knees as the protest accent into the 7th month violence on both sides has escalated but all the wild over politicians and john continue to hail the peaceful aspirations of those fighting to rest themselves from beijing all the while coming down hard on those aggressive dust spots in china you have a Chinese Government thats getting increasingly aggressive increasingly repressive its discussing what theyre doing in hong kong theyre taking away basic rights trying to stream trampling the most basic human rights of its own citizens beijing is increased its interventions in hong kong and engaged in actions to curtail the rights. And liberties. Of its people but it seems so many students have managed to escape the scrutiny of western media oh my god i am. I think. That. Scenes like that combined with the discovery of 10000 petrol bombs packed with high explosives and shrapnel make it harder to see is peaceful what appears to be a slippery slope into the territory of terrorists methods you can all fight for freedom of speech by silencing people. Who disagree with you. You cannot fight for democracy by terrorizing the public to force other support you. You cannot condemn brutality by brutalizing people who hold different views to yours deval in acts are one step closer to the acts of terrorism china is treading kathleen refusing to send in troops to shut down the protests and local elections were held in which pro democracy candidates won in a landslide hong kong authorities conceded defeat the extradition built has been withdrawn but still the barricades on signing the flames according to china washington. China urges the us to correct its mistakes and stop interfering in our internal affairs we will take further steps if necessary to uphold hong kong stability and prosperity as well as chinas sovereignty. Some have chalked down beijings words to paranoia but lets take a look joshua was widely billed as the face of the protest movement was snapped speaking to an official at the u. S. Consulate oh and i forgot to mention hes not big on compromise so theres no end game theres the internet to war at home people are willing to engage theres also an Organization Funded by the u. S. Congress which has been distributing money to groups it claims are preserving democratic rights then of course theres the incendiary legislation washingtons past the human rights and democracy out that includes amnesty for those arrested at protests and will monitor hong kong to ensure that in the eyes of the u. S. Of course an appropriate level of autonomy from Mainland China is up to these 2 bills an obvious intervention of home constant turmoil further than necessary and without groans they will also harm the relationship and interests between hong kong and the u. S. All of this on top of the protest as musts waving of the starspangled banner have sparked concern that the u. S. Might be lending more than just a supportive hand leading many to ask the question if the protest as a calling for selfdetermination is appealing to a foreign power to shape the future the best way to go about it especially when that foreign power might want to contain a rising star theyre reaching. For and using methods that have created challenges for the United States and for the world. And we collectively of us need to confront these challenges from the p. R. C. Head on and on each of the many facets the fallout of all this has a little impact on washington of course its the average hong kong who find his pocket that little bit lighter on his home that little less popular the violence in hong kong has spooked Foreign Investors shoppers appetite has also soured in the wake of all the violence with the retail sales in sri fall and hong kong facing its 1st recession in a decade bombed apparently being caught in the middle of tear gas and rubber bullets isnt topping any tourists the wish lists because hong kong saw its lowest number of visitors since 2003 the major. Is really the truth in the real. Because. Nobody is coming to. My 50 per. Week you. Drop by 50 as far as as fear rises and as prosperity fades it seems this fight for freedom is costing hong kong more dearly than many could have imagined. Iraqi forces have regained control over the u. S. Embassy in baghdad after 2 days of violent clashes reports say protesters tried to set a building in the compound on fire yesterday a crowd tried to storm the embassy and also torched parts of it im a straight as a calling for the full withdrawal of American Forces from the country. The u. S. Says that it will deploy 750. 00 troops to iraq in response to the threat posed to its embassy President Trump has accused iran of all straighten the attack and vowed that they will pay a big price tyrone for its part says it does. One war but wont hesitate to strike back if threatened under marines have already been redeployed from kuwait to reinforce the embassy and in a show of strength u. S. Army helicopters flew over the compound firing fly as as a warning to protest as the embassy and rest comes after American Bombing raids in iraq and syria at the weekends 25. 00 people were killed in notes and more pins as details. Iraq is in flames the u. S. Embassy in baghdad has been seized by crowds of people chanting death to america. Was. A good night. Now you might think that iraq has plenty of reason to be outraged with the United States you might recall that whole invading destroying and killing thousands of people in the country thing however trunk doesnt see it that way this is his assessment of it that iran killed an American Contract when many we strongly respond and always will and iran is orchestration in the attack on the us embassy in iraq they will be held fully responsible in addition we expect iraq to use forces to protect embassy and so north of heart its all about iran one of the things we want to emphasize is that this was a defensive action that was designed to protect American Forces and american citizens in iraq were also working on the mission city of restoring deterrence against in rimi an aggression that the United States recently conducted airstrikes against iranian backed militias in iraq in syria this comes after washington blamed iran for the recent rocket attack that killed an American Contractor american officials. The airstrikes are completely justified but iraq disagrees with what happened yesterday was a clear aggression it was not right and we tried to stop it but the us insisted and very unfortunately this thing happened to him i said that this was a very dangerous matter and asked to discuss it face to face with the responsible parties not only by phone he said that the decision has been made and i am informing you of this iran also disagrees wonderful rudeness of the u. S. Officials is to such an extent that off to the massacre of 25 people and we number of iraqis and violating iraqi territorial integrity and National Sovereignty it is now in a flagrant brain graeme attributing the rockies purposes to islamic public of iran the United States has long been working to crush iranian influence in the region this is been a long time talking point of the us Foreign Policy hawks iran is the major destabilizing in influence in the middle east and we aim to fix that one of the greatest security threats facing peace loving nations today is the repressive regime in iran really think twice. But why is iranian influence on the rise in the middle east lets not forget that the United States long propped up the rons greatest enemy Saddam Hussein and even provided him with chemical weapons however the usa invaded iraq in 2003 and toppled the Iraqi Government since that time iraq has stepped up its support from different factions in the country to stabilize the. Iranian influence in iraq is massive especially among the shia majority of the population now this isnt because of some sinister plot from the ayatollah critics note that washingtons actions simply left a power vacuum. He spoke into the group targeted by the u. S. Cut to hezbollah is what his spokesperson had to say. The americans striking at this particular force in iraq want to present their actions as a fight against iranian influence that is not after being attacked by the gangs of eisel it was the iraqi people who were the rebuff and resistance not the iranians. Concluded strategic Framework Agreement between the usa and iraq does not allow the americans to create military bases in iraq but this agreement is not being implemented today the americans are occupying iraq in military bases against the backdrop of protests in iraq the United States is trying to intervene in this process and establish its leadership which will lead to complete anarky of the country the show and the american presence in iraq will be supposedly justified traditionally the us uses made a pretext to attack in this case the attacks on american bases are just a cover for defeating the shiite militia. Ukrainian former riot Police Charged with being part of the group of officers who shot civilians in the my down protests in kiev in 2014 a spoken to journalists for the 1st time officers were exchanged on sunday in the prisoner swap between kiev and the selfproclaimed yet lugansk republics more than 50 protesters lost their lives in shootings blamed by ukraine on the Bryant Police over the released officers say that they have evidence disproving them for the weight to claims that the attacks were in fact carried out by probe coup snipers. Because that would be evidence shows that the police acted lawfully there was no order to open fire on the citizens a terrorist act against the police did take place an illegitimate seizure of her regurgitate the government offices were taken over we are determined to prove to the ukrainian people that the Ukrainian Police work to protect them. What would be to move the crimean secure. The Service Office the offices even came to trial detention facility pretending to be lawyers mask Security Officers beat us in a cell i needed heart surgery i read this in court but they forced me to plead guilty in order to receive treatment it would be even we were tortured for the 1st 2 weeks we were almost killed they did not try to get any information from us and they knew we didnt have any they just wanted to pin the blame for the crimes that were committed on our social tools much. More from our review of the year that was if theres a chance you missed any of 2019 pick my words in a couple. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you there. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true. Is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the. Forum made in the shallows. Welcome back now or 2019 done and dusted lets take a look back now with more of the events that define that year. I. Have a look through some of the highlights that we have selected for you dont believe the hype the miracles happen lets talk about hype theres a lot of things that got a lot of people quite worked up to 29000 in particular the power of social media to influence people to talk shock you probably recognize the name to talk. Popular are parties really trying to take a look at it rise of this application although not everybody seems like it. This sounds now look at may not. Yet. Ill be honest with you up until last week i had no idea this thing even exist it take tock tick tock for me simply the sound i associate with the clock well if you feel the same ill have to tell you either youre getting old like me or its just that your Online Habits need an urgent update take talk a platform to share short videos is now the most downloaded app the king of all apps and twitter and co youve been dethroned just so you know ever heard the song. If it wasnt for his app store majesty the song wouldnt have become a hit you can hear on the radio anywhere in the world but heres something that may surprise Old School Folks like me even more the king belongs to an asian dynasty tick tock is that chinese app. So thats why the top democrat senator in his late sixtys is more up to speed than me 110000000 americans who have information with and the Chinese Government could be grabbing every one of them guess what the u. S. Government is already up to reports say theyve launched a National Security probe into tick talk and the worries are the Chinese Government could spy through take talk influence through take talk and censor whats on tape talk good god how come the rest of the world hasnt given up american born facebook speaking of the man who introduced the blue f to us all its only natural he is keen to have a go at his competitors or Services Like whats up are used by protesters and activists everywhere due to strong encryption privacy protections on tick tock the chinese are quickly around the world mentions of these same protests. Censored now just let me show you what the people behind ticktock have to say about all that our data centers are located entirely outside of china and none of our data is subject to chinese law were not influenced by any Foreign Government including the Chinese Government to talk does not operate in china nor do we have any intention of doing so in the future oh someone here is either being really does honest or outright paranoid or a bit of both its time to stick in tag us china trade wars ill tell you what this year has shown these has still ities can easily spill over into modern tech slash online territory remember how america once went after i phone killer want to be while way. Want to be still the right word washington even saw jail time for one of while these top executives and held google to the wall over android updates anyway for now clocks in teen minds and quite a few older ones even in america will be taking the chinese take talk way mr schumer do you have the guts to keep up with the times and join the royle after party. So. Weve compiled together several extraordinary stories from the past 12 months that we labeled miracles. And even the plasma works sometimes thats a miracle that over the case i think my favorite is field of dreams you may well remember this one story of the russian passenger plane that crashed landed in a cornfield just outside of moscow in august active got into trouble it had a flock of birds shortly after taking off whats been terrifying for everybody on board and amazingly they all survived. And i mean a. Ship still sell it was. Like. There was no panic on board even though the landing was rough the pilot did a great job she landed the plane really casts good tell us please how do you feel now did you her children. You know its better than if i was there lying on the field so everything is rather good the landing was good the file is did a great job landed the plane on its belly everything is fine. Up to reach to call the engines became unstable 1st left one and then the right one would usually simulate the situations when one or 2 and yourself despite what i want to know its the plane was going down realize that we didnt have much time just want to 2 minutes to make a decision. 2019 was a year of extraordinary variety both good and bad in our video ruptly was able to collect some incredible moments. Does it really feel like were being impeached. Company thanks for staying with international ill be back with more in half an hour. And were going to fulfill repeated promises oh politics to the people. You know weve all pots to. Be. Pretty. Much. Pretty good. If you want to 1st. Know. All 5 the. Big. On this edition of crossfire we answer questions sent to us by you the viewers we received quite a few questions here we do our best to answer some of them. But if she warned you posted by you than i did the show would be sure that there was more in this g. s new speech and you see me we do you. Know muffin when you guys e. T. S. In the news i mean that is without infringing ball. A lot of people see sawing and fuzzy fights about who can shout the most ardent most schools. But as you. Last. Year in. Cabo but i dont. Relate in total. Optionality welcome to going underground we will be back with a brand new season starting on january the 8th but until then we will be showing some of your favorite shows from the last season of the decade coming up in this show will there be blood on the hands of the United Kingdom with the much of major nation media continuing to downplay the warnings of 60 doctors and wiki leaks Julian Assange could die in a u. K. Prison we speak to the United Nations niels melts who alleges british contempt of International Norms of justice and we speak to the ecuadorian foreign minister who helped grant asylum just silent is embassy in london well joining me now is the un special rapporteur on torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment kneels special thanks so much for going. On the ground this time even in the studio just before we get to Julian Assange theres a Saudi Media Forum at the riyadh hilton on monday and i understand that you and your father to special reports as have been talking about the case with jane newell who is apparently detained arbitrarily another area here prison shes been there for a year what is this case about well shes a human rights activist the womens rights activist actually the husband detained on spurious claims of smash and secure. But in fact she has spoken up for womens rights very vocally and she claims also to have been tortured in detention and obviously no investigations have been undertaken by saudi arabia so we are calling on saudi arabia to conduct these investigations which are International Obligations under the convention against torture which saudi arabia has actually ratified. In government would deny theres been any torture and that indeed she is there for National Security reasons weve been on the program lets get now to another case what have you made of 60 doctors claiming julie innocence of wiki leaks may die in a british prison as he awaits extradition to the usa for availing the war crimes of nato nations all that pill her roof reflects on reaffirms my own assessment as you may know that and 1st of november i did my own press statement calling on the british authorities to release to the sonship because i was seriously concerned for his life well we covered at the time spoke to you why do you think that there hasnt been more interest in your allegations as un special rapporteur. By the media in this country and indeed in the European Union theres been lots of interest in the developing world well to be honest with you i think part of it is that people simply cant believe that whats were reporting is true i think believe you in other words yes but i also think that about a year ago i probably wouldnt have believed that this is possible whats going on due to in the us what we see here is a person whos Due Process Rights for 10 years have been violated severely and systematically in all jurisdictions and all equal proceedings against him at every stage of this proceeding and thats something thats very difficult to comprehend that thats possible in democratic states rule of law states that the u. K. Sweden in the u. S. Will ecuador that you cant rely on any authority to protect your rights and this constant threats to be extradited to a country where you face a secret trial

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