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The 10 most talked about news stories of the year but 1st homelessness in the usa how our tax dollars are literally paying to dispose of the most vulnerable americans. Cook in washington this is the big picture on our t. V. America. Thousands of homeless families who used to live in new york city shelters have moved elsewhere their move funded by a new York City Program called sotto meaning special one time assistance the soda Program Provides one years full rent up front to move within new york city to other new york state county is or to another state or puerto rico or washington d. C. See so to it can be accessed by working individuals and families and those who receive s. S. I. S. S. D. Etc as long as there is the future ability to make rent payments based on the households rent not exceeding 50 percent of the households income but what if they cant pay their own rent after that 1st year the mayor of nearby newark new jersey says the soto program is already failing those so 2. 00 moves to newark often land and uninhabitable an illegally converted apartments which does nothing to break the homelessness cycle but benefits negligent landlords and makes an already vulnerable population susceptible to being homeless again. When the one year of red expires participants are abandoned without support from new york city and left a pain come dependent on new work social services this isnt just new jerseys problem a New York Post investigation into it found that the sotto program has relocated more than 12000 from new york city to some 373 cities and towns in 32 states and puerto rico there ending up as far away as hawaii where the high cost of living makes life after that 1st year on affordable how did homelessness reach this crisis point and whats the fix lets ask the author of hungry for peace how you can help end poverty and war with food not bombs Keith Mchenry is also founder of homes not jails an all volunteer organization committed to housing the homeless through direct action and lets welcome back Mark Rutherford a license psycho therapist and private practice in south florida you can search his ted talk on you tube gentlemen welcome we can only estimate the u. S. Is homeless or population which a white house report pegs north of half 1000000 this report describes our homeless as people facing desperate situations extreme hardship making choices among very limited options often in the context of extreme duress Substance Abuse disorders untreated Mental Illness or unintended consequences from well intentioned policies thats the legal leaves version mark flesh that out for us who are americas homeless. I think homelessness has been around for a very long time it is its this kind of public at this moment because of i think a number of contributing factors one of them is the economy one of them is the diminishing resources out there. For Mental Health you know if you look at what came 1st the chicken or the egg the were people have where they having Mental Health issues because they were homeless or worse was their homelessness creating this Mental Health myriad of issues and and so you see the support for a lot of these Mental Health centers that that help people kind of maintain their lives or get back on track or take care of them in a more proactive way closing and so you see these well meaning politicians kind of coming up with all of these plans you see here in south florida quite a bit youre looking at all of the things unfolded in los angeles you waited we just told us about the story in new york and they seem nice at the onset but what theyre not taking into account is the variety of other issues that people are experiencing in their interpersonal lives sure aside from the paycheck and so thats the piece thats the huge my piece gigantic elephant in the room that were not talking about that there needs to be more help than just the finances yeah theyre talking about effect more than cause and keith your own story intrigued me we havent met but your bio describes a well traveled guy who among other pursuits ran a successful ad firm in boston with clients including might be a love of red sox how did you get from there to here what was your personal turning point. Well i was homeless back in the very late seventys right around. Just before reagan became president. And so i personally experienced that and then my brother became homeless and he was homeless with his wife and daughter for over 25 years and i originally was going to organize i helped organize was 7 other people street performance outside the stock holders meeting of the bank of boston say american on the policies will lead to a future. So there would be Homeless People on the streets and i went to the pine street in a local shelter there was about 50 guys sitting around benches and there i told them about the protest they showed up and they told me that there was actually no food for Homeless People in boston in 1081 and thats why i decided to quit my then job as a produce worker continue to recover food and feed people on the streets but in those 40 years weve seen this dramatic increase in homelessness and. That number of half a 1000000 is completely inaccurate the hud changed the way of determining the count of Homeless People and you can imagine there were 750000 homeless americans before the housing foreclosure crisis and then the federal government starts saying theres half a 1000000 that does not make sense theres millions of homeless americans and they are and if youve ever been homeless you know that just the mere fact of being homeless being woken up by the police hour after hour day after day would cause anyone to have posttraumatic stress disorder its the same thing the cia does when theyre interrogating. Terrorists sure its whats happening to the people on our streets of america. Yeah i think youre right about that number its a tough sentence to do i and the white house report notes that homelessness is concentrated in major cities on the west coast and the northeast with almost half of all unsheltered people in california roughly 4 times as high as californias share of the overall population in the usa recently when he visited there president trumps take was controversial aboard air force one he told reporters that the homeless are living in our best highways our best streets our best and buildings people in those buildings pay tremendous taxes where they went to those locations because of their prestige mark in your line of work i imagine that friends often hear that a to diagnose the president s frame of mind which i wont but how does a Statement Like that play in terms of how his supporters view the homelessness crisis specifically and more broadly has trumps manner made us more course less sympathetic as a society. Thats actually a very interesting question i think what you touched on and how trump addresses some of these problems homelessness as in in this discussion its something that Many Americans feel whether they want to admit it or not so the truth is we look at this stereotypical homeless person as being someone with you know who is psychotic or has Mental Health issues or has addiction issues and theyre in a living in a tent and they you know they have all of these problems but the real truth about homelessness is that it is a spectrum and there are people that are living on peoples couches there are people that may be living in their car the people whos been to 3 weeks out there on the street and then are able to get back into their homes that are really really struggling to kind of keep their heads above water and so when we look at homelessness and we look at just. This one this one factor it makes it easy to discount them right makes it easy to say we dont want this trash living in front of the you know the tower show ok that makes sense and when trump says that it allows the inlet allows people to feel better about that feeling and i think that that is the point of this sketch keith you want to jump in on this same question your take on trumps tone and then life after trump how can residual indifference now affect a kinder gentler future president. Well the you know theres roughly half of all americans are living on the edge and there are really subject to becoming homeless themselves and there is a war on Homeless People i call the 2nd war on the homeless in america during the period of time ive been active and that is a war being waged by the National Association of realtors by the manhattan institute. By many many institutions and its not only limited to the federal government and and donald trump we have here in california a proposal to make shelter an obligation and this you ever been in a shelter its a nightmare the complaints of the sim similar to a minimum security jail in most cases so this is. A struggle that is now coming to the forefront and weve started the National Home union of the homeless and one of our leaders in santa cruz was just recently killed by a fallen tree does raken taro because she was forced out of a camp the orders of a federal judge in san jose and by the city of santa cruz which lied about the number of homeless beds in the city so being homeless the United States can be a death sentence and there are literally thousands and thousands of of americans who built this country who are now us struggling on the streets and are facing another. Harsh winter that is just not acceptable and we really need to push back and organize and take back what is ours were the people that built this country we should be living outside the very buildings we built keith you said something very powerful i want to try out on mark in 1980 president carter signed the Mental Health systems act which provided grants to community Mental Health centers a year later president reagan and the congress repealed it and lots of people from mental hospitals ended up on the street key said a mouthful a minute ago mark is homelessness inevitably a death sentence it can be were experiencing it right now in south florida which has one of the lowest resources for Mental Health services for disenfranchised people in the country there was a very big one here in south florida that just closed last month and all of these stories about these people who lived there who you know were at work taking care of their theres nowhere for them to go so theyre they are living on the streets they have created these tent cities and there have been quite a number of people who have died whether its Drug Overdose whether its inability to get food whether it is violence on the street and so it is this kind of unintended consequences which by the way people dont really want to hear about but which takes me back to the other piece of the trump factor here whether you like can or not hes saying the things that people dont really want to say and when he says way right it makes them yes we look away and it makes us feel better about it rather than actually doing something about it and regardless of how you feel about trump it the point i think all of these discussions is how do we focus on it in the new way how do we look at this as a way of fixing it rather than just you know wringing our hands about thank you Mark Rutherford and keith mccann come out up 102020. 2019 well count. The 10 most talked about topics on talk radio this year this is the big picture on r t america. So stacy in brazil. Its awesome its beautiful its gorgeous if you are running a country that is an amazing pristine rainforest what would you do it. Our final show each year looks back at the most talked about news stories of the year and looks ahead for clues about the year ahead and who has a keener ear than the publisher of talkers magazine the trade publication of talk radio and t. V. And podcasting and blogging Michael Harrison each year hes here to debut the talkers 10 the 10 biggest topics of the year michael welcome back. Thank you hollin good to be with you and happy holidays you till the 10th most talked about topic is social media and freedom of speech and nobody speaks more freely than our president via social media which is a rich source of material for talk media as mr trump literally dictates news cycles michael to your ear are the hosts and callers and listeners experience the trump tweet fatigue. I dont think so i think that when that happens trump who is so sensitive to these things and actually brilliant when it comes to using social media from the oval office or from the presidency i think hell stop doing it i dont see that happening some of the some of the hosts the practitioners of talk media will complain that theyre getting tired of it just like deejays would complain about hearing hit records over and over when people were 1st starting to get interested in them but i dont think that the the listeners and the callers are tired of this this is one of the most interesting streams of information. Mation weve ever had in the media and that is the tweets from the president of the United States well thats a great analogy because when we were distracted by the time we got sick of a record it was a hit however to a point you made the president and many conservative talkers complain that big social media platforms and Search Engines skew to the left a fair charge bum rap. And i think they skew to wherever it is that people want them to be they skew the other way theyre very very human the big Search Engines do as of late seem to skew to a degree to the left but then again the American Conservative Movement is very sensitive about anything thats even marginally to the left of it and they consider that to be liberal and biased so this is an area that is under a great amount of shall we say disputes but i would personally say yeah there is some truth to it that the big Search Engines do skew to a certain degree to the left talk topic number 921000 foreign wars and Foreign Relations with north korea and russia michael domestic usa talk radio has historically tended to focus on domestic usa politics and policy issues after our president s historic photo ops with kim jong un and has filed to excell what he calls these stupid wars to get think there is a trump factor to greater interest in Foreign Affairs. And thats an interesting question and im not sure what the answer is because there has always been interest in Foreign Affairs i mean i go back to the vietnam war and certainly before that we were very involved lets just say that the talk media is dominated by concern over domestic issues but Foreign Affairs have been very important i mean after all 911 was a Foreign Affairs issue of course it was. At home because it happened on home soil but weve been preoccupied for decades now with our relationship with the middle east and with foreign wars trump addressed it in a way that had not been discussed before by either the democrats or the republicans thats why he defeated 17 g. O. P. Candidates to go over the nomination and then went on to defeat Hillary Clinton because he spoke quite. Unabashedly about our Foreign Policy and struck a chord with many observers many citizens and certainly many people in the audience preceding briskly in radio countdown style theres a tie for the years 8th most talked about topic in 2019 Race Relations and Health Care Reform unfortunately durable issues as is the 7th most talked about topic from talkers magazine Mass Shootings and gun control michael the oldest crutch in talk radio is if you want to light up the phones bring up abortion or gun control now abortion did not make the talkers 10 list this year although way every Supreme Court justice this president appoints nudges us closer but about guns almost every week some gun nut strikes and yet after a day of thoughts and prayers we seem to move on do you detect topic burnout. Yes it is topic burnout but that isnt being said to diminish its importance i think its more of what is there left to say id say theres topic numbness burnout trivializes it numbness elevates just what it what a traumatic impact its having on our collective nervous systems so i think that the shootings cant be trivialized as ok were tired of talking about it lets move on to Something Else were talking with the talkers magazine publisher michael hair. And counting down the talkers 10 list of 21000 stop topics and topic number 6 are the related issues of natural disasters and Climate Change michael despite Scientific Consensus Rush Limbaugh and an army of imitators scoffed that and his words Climate Change is a hoax with californias wildfire season now year round and weather everywhere getting wacky its credibility at stake or do we simply now as a society choose to believe what we choose to believe. Well we choose to believe what degree of truth there is because most people will agree that were going through Climate Change not everybody is agreeing on whats causing it or how to fix it and then it enters into economics and then it enters into the politics of social economics and the Green Movement so all i could say to you at this point hollande is time will tell you can go back and forth on cable news and choose your news now youve got a channel on the left to get a channel on the right were trying to play it down the middle but d. S. Sense that talk radio listeners are seeking affirmation over information. Oh yes i think thats the way media operates today commercial media targets audiences based on their preconceived notions and its a daily dance of affirmation i do believe that we have to get back as my own personal opinion and seek truth as opposed to victory right now everybody 6 victory at the expense of truth and tells people what they want to hear the and its not progressing us in terms of the conversation the 5th most talked about topic of 2019 was Immigration Reform and topics number 4 the stock market and the economy and the number 3 topic usa china relations are also related. And as with topics mentioned earlier these point to interest in Foreign Relations in talk radio and cable news dialogue that tends to focus on domestic partisan politics in the coming president ial election michael the phrase talk radio conjures a caricature outspoken overstated monologue that affirms those predispositions of the like minded obviously thats not all the talk on radio but sports radio and public radio aside as the domestic political conversation intensifies do you think any minds are changing. And thats a very good question and unfortunately i think most minds at this juncture are not changing as a matter of fact i think people are digging in even deeper to what they believe or what theyd like to believe who theyve thrown their pride behind in terms of rooting for politicians and for parties so no i think were at a standstill right now and its only getting louder well not surprisingly the years top topic as ban impeachment history unfolding as we speak house judiciary committees chairman calls whats happening a solemn step for our country but michael between us for the top Media Industry is this not gold. Well from a from a commercial standpoint it is gold its good content its good programming people are riveted to their radios to their televisions to their computers however i do want to point out that there has to be a deeper concern for the for the betterment of our society and humanity or itll blow up in our faces it might be gold but these are serious situations these are real people these are human lives and i hope that my colleagues and your colleagues in the media dont lose sight of that in their rush for ratings and revenue yeah we always look forward to your talkers 10 list each year and we have just talked about what were talking about but whats not there what are the issues and who are the characters that in your mind are not getting the coverage that we should be hearing and seeing on radio and t. V. I think we should be making stars out of the leading scientists who are on the the leading edge of physics astrophysics medicine i think that we need to talk about that and i think that we have to find the brightest minds in the world of education i think it is extremely important at this point that we educate our children to be able to deal with the brave new world into which were entering people like you people like me and many of the people watching this where immigrants from the 20th century in a brave new world we have to teach our children how to function in this new world with a whole new media and a whole new whole new way of communicating and addition to publishing talkers magazine michael you yourself are a talker a familiar voice to folks in boston and the hartford area and youre hosting the Michael Harrison interview on pod cast one and i tunes is pod casting becoming the new talk radio. I think podcasting is an extension of talk radio i think that talk radio will always be larger than podcasting but i think that all media newspapers magazines Motion Pictures Television Shows radio are all expanding through the ancillary vehicles that we have in the digital era so yes podcasting is talk radio but podcasting is not the whole picture of what radio means to the public Michael Harrison talkers magazine and talkers dot com thanks again for stepping into the big picture. Thank you holland and thank you for watching the big picture if you see us somewhere else you can now also watch r t america live at youtube dot com slash r t america ever live and direct t. V. Channel 321 of the bluto t. V. 279 if you have dish where 280 and all of our shows are available anytime anywhere on any device at youtube dot com. Slash the big picture r. T. Im hauling cook in washington and at home and cook on twitter where if you follow me ill follow you question more. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and come on you know weve all pots. You feel relief for a oh oh. Oh oh. Please. Now you want to 1st crack that. No. Balls 5 be cut. Well yeah. I can link up my ya. Elite league elite. Welcome to so fake oh visionaries me so the sheriff not say that you were for intelligence maybe just around the corner raising fears that we could one day end up being the pets of our super smart robots. What can we do to avoid it while i ask problems hall london inventor hacker and Technology Feature east. Babas holman welcome to the show its great to have you in our program so. Ill just start off with something that youve said many times that robots are coming for our jobs so will this happen in my lifetime should i be afraid that someone you know so if perfecting thing would be sitting where im sitting right now im doing my job better than im doing oh you might not get so lucky but you know a lot of jobs that robots are going to really take i mean thats pretty clear but its also been happening for your whole lifetime already so its not really new its just that robots are Getting Better at doing things that they werent able to do before weve been experiencing up for a century. So well

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