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Good even for russia where every watching around the world right now my name is kevin this is our international 1st all great t. V. Company a course over a best if youre celebrating christmas right now seasons greetings so 1st of the headlines for most this relate to december the 25th night here the Syrian Military is making significant gains as attempts to wrest back control of the countrys final opposition enclave over the course of a weeklong ground offensive in southern italy province Government Forces are reported to have displaced islamist fighters marone 40 villages but the campaign is causing concern in western capitals as our Senior Correspondent explains its been a while since i last had made Headline News its been everyone but him america selling out his allies and pilfering syrian oil 3rd bullying kurds claims of bias that the u. P. C. W. But no last until now. Thousands of syrians forced to abandon their homes and flee for their lives as hundreds of ground and air strikes hit the region of it late overnight some day part of a new ground offensive by syrian Government Forces. Russian backed Government Forces up intensified the Bombing Campaign while of. The Syrian Military has been a bit of a role capturing a slew of villages and towns and media days of course whenever that happens the media and his opponents exploded out of rage same thing every time we want a peaceful resolution we want talks we want. We want we want we want with do with al qaida. It live is ruled by a high at the sharm an offshoot of al qaida h. G. s feeds on war and drinks violence it turned deadly into a cesspool of zealots and fanatics mercenaries and foreign jihadists on a world tour i mean the fact that egypt is where they found the founder of isis its the safest place you could find kind of gives it away and h. T. S. Refuses any negotiation with the Syrian Government are you seeing the issue here how do you get a peaceful resolution when one of the biliteral is a homicidal maniac that just wants to cut your head off in the name of god or interest lies in killing the terrorist in order to protect the civilians not leaving those civilians you know. Under the supervision of the terrorist and being killed by. The issue here is refugees for now civilians have fled from the immediate war zone but they have to do somewhere in the safest place for now is north. Look 50000 people are once again coming from egypt to our lands we already have 4000000 people and now another 50000 are coming and this main crease even further russian and turkish diplomats are in overdrive trying to manage whats happening and prepare for whats to come it is absolutely clear that the status quo is over america selling out its allies and camping out in oil fields turkey diluting kurdish territories with arab refugees and now the last islamist stronghold if it falls it will mean the end of the Syrian Civil War it will mean asaad wins. The military operation in neatly province is in line with the policy goals set by Bashar Al Assad the aim is to liberate the entire territory of the Syrian Arab Republic that. It is their right to clear and to extend the. Sovereign the fear of the state in days. Off their territory is what theyre doing at present sooner or later i believe that the syrian army will expose these people from from being flippant from bent out of the syrian territory and i dont think that it is this sort of will from mali it may be difficult it may take some time but sooner or later they are going to be expelled from from the syrian territory understandably those who spent billions fled in syria with weapons and ammo with fighters and propaganda they dont want that to happen so certainly logical for them to insist on impossible talks so long as hes wasting his time waiting for the other side to pick up the phone the turks can continue colonizing Northern Syria the americans can continue pumping out its oil were now at the last domino and its. Already fall. With frances groundswell of popular anger over those controversial pension reform plans showing no sign of subsiding also the new year looks at some peoples economic woes the troubles there because the governments no preparing to introduce a bruising tax hike on the most polluting vehicles in order to try to meet tough new e. U. Targets reporting from paris or mug plan to. Do bensky thats presence are being kept from under the Christmas Tree is the french government has given its citizens a gift that they may want to return its past a new law to increase taxes on s. U. V. S and trucks meaning that vehicles that pollute the most will pay you more than 2020 then you pollution tax will come with a 20000. 00 euro price tag thats up from the current 12. 00 and a half 1000 you raise its no doubt that s. U. V. S are heavy polluters but despite that they are still popular in france making up some 30 percent of sales in the 1st 11 months of 2019 so want to drive us in paris may of the tax hike even if. Its true that those vehicles consume a lot but people have to get around people who work every day when they need those types of vehicles for war and its be true there is no other way to earn money. More everythings increasing in price nowadays and weve seen the whole country on strike the government can tax the citizens but eventually they will have no choice but to protest its unfair in france you have to pay and pay and pay taxes are rising while salaries a stay in the same new tax comes on top of already tough new measures are to european level to lower car emissions many governments are pushing people in the direction of electric cars which is seen as being greener and better for the environment but at the same time the french government is actually considering reducing Cash Incentives for new electric cars. Perhaps not great news for those who are thinking of buying one front also plans to ban fossil fuel cars within the next 20 years in paris they could be banned in the next 10 years so do people here feel that they are being pushed by higher taxes vehicles that use traditional fuel towards electric cars. Its a natural progression that were seeing one which will lead to more and more electric cars. Electric cars why not its a good we can use them in our country if the government helps us to buy electric cars why not but otherwise i prefer to drive my car even if it pollutes its not that bad and there are other concerns was many people say they want to be green or charging points for electric vehicles are still not widespread while still in paris there are plenty of around the city elsewhere thats not always the case. We need to have enough places to recharge them in addition to service senses is the same as with cyclings in germany where a long way behind we have to develop cycle lanes and we have to develop charging stations. Or the vehicles in front seem to be developed but thats not the case of in france even the president doesnt set a good example travels by car while we travel by food by bicycle by scooter so it seems there are still many mental barriers for people even thinking about buying electric cars but as the cost of taxes on fossil fuel vehicles are set to steeply roys they may feel that there is no other choice but even ski r. T. Paris well 1st story interests to do this with may be to coming up a bit later in the program across the u. K. Its also look at the go great place of britain have spent over a 1000000 pounds on electric cars but the critics are seeing red over at the list of the not fit for purpose to tell us more. Just ahead. But before weve done this one it may be the top of the u. S. Democrats Christmas Wish list this year to see donald trump kicked out of the white house but as for the president seems to be spending the holidays full of good cheer saying hes in a very good position ahead of a senate trial so the world of mine. Is the season to be jolly taylor invites us next for the impeachment drinking game. This claim up if youre not 18 change channels and those 18 plus is out there drink responsibly 3 months ago 3 long months ago the impeachment inquiry against donald trump was announced and now the house of representatives to say in my go for a double whammy and impeach trump for a 2nd time if more evidence comes to light so since were clearly in it for a while yet and its christmas after all weve come up with a little bit of a libation based game pick a drink and settle it. So lets lay down the rules if ok when trump takes a swipe at knotts pelosi all says that its all a witch hunt bottoms up but slow and steady wins the race lets make it a half he does that a lot off the wall then if politicians uncharacteristically locate their moral compass and decide no one is above the law center then no one is above the law President Trumps continued actions with the rule of law. In america no one is above the law we vote to defend the constitution and our democracy so that the President Trump and every future president would know that they are not above the law now the stakes if a republican admits the troubles may be probably protect just a little bit naughty drain. Just joking thats never going to happen but for any republican who steps forward to defend his need to it is because of that has been one moment of clarity in this whole saga its about 2 camps if you blew your about the memory impeachments hash tag if youll read youll probably be reporting the hash tag and seeing red ok so if a journalist got a bit tipsy at the Christmas Party and betrayed the oath of objectivity sally looked and said journalist is better and thinks that writing trump equals bad articles is a good cover for his bias so im take a and before i forget if anything to do with mother russia sneaks a mention. That might be the one to tip you over the. Letter you know trumps friend primary objectives within the United States or so as to foment unrest for their nation or t. Is putins Propaganda Machine here in the United States i think youve got the gist but in case you were in any doubt any mention of a quid pro quo its a simple question yes or no i dont recall bribery britain i do not have sexual relations of one speech meant but seriously i wasnt joking about the dems gunning for a 2nd impeachment if that is. They managed to wring out evidence suggesting that trump somehow obstructed the investigation but we all know its unlikely to need anywhere i mean even donalds barely broke a sweat i dont feel like im being impeached and why would he sure the democrat controlled house of representatives can pass as many impeachment articles as they want but the Senate Also Needs to sign off on booting the president from the white house and the senate is currently controlled by the republicans making up a bit of a long shot maybe nancy pelosi and co need to finally recognize that shouting impeachment wont lose trump the election quite the opposite in fact it seems america actually quite liked this particular underdog probably why they chose him in the 1st place goodness that was exhausting minute. Ask it taylor this has been a sharp rise in the u. K. Weapon sales to saudi arabia its Coalition Partners over the last 5 years despite britain having signed up to a treaty designed to prevent arms exports to rights abuses the increase has been calculated which has its deeply concerned over the way that weapons have been used in the conflict in yemen so according to the charity in the 5 years since the arms trade treaty came into force the u. K. s license elsworth nearly 6 and a half 1000000000 pounds to 8 members of the Saudi Coalition contrast that the that if you look at the 5 years before in those stats the agreements since the group was adopted lot of saw 4400000000 pounds worth of weapons to those countries well the arms trade treaty was adopted Christmas Eve in 201405 sovereign states ratified the accord and a further 33 signed up as well it regulates the arms trade in order to prevent human suffering and ensure weapons are not sold to those who violate human rights but then the British Government was keen to stress its importance to. The a. T. T. Is the only legally binding treaty regulating and promoting legitimate and responsible trade in conventional arms he remains a unique and valuable instrument tyler from oxfam told us that the increase in sales shows that britain isnt departing by the very same treaty it signed. When the arms trade treaty came into effect and the u. K. With a real champion of that treaty unfortunately sales to countries that we in yemen are party to now or in yemen have actually increased and i think this is the signal that. Youre yemen worlds worst humanitarian crisis right now and the u. K. And far from kind of living up to treaty n and the word is that treaty has has continued to say how countries involved in a conflict where we know international and tammy know is has been disregarded well with pressure mounting the British Government to put arms sales to saudi arabia on hold in june the court of appeal said there are no lawful made without assessing if the gulf state and actually violated humanitarian law or not in yemen its expected the government will appeal the decision the Supreme Court said arabias intervention in yemen the Bigger Picture started in 2050 to fight whos the rebels who they see as terrorists however its the level of civilian casualties in the conflict that are a major cause of concern. So. Tyler again this is theres clear evidence riyadh has committed Human Rights Violations in yemen and the u. K. Must stop selling arms to the saudis. The evidence is really i have a well meaning. That theres been consistent violations of International Law and and as you say the case was really clear. That the government needed to you know if it was going to continue to license weapons had to be clear about whether there was a pattern of violation in that violation and it was clear that so i find that height that system will be a pallet and i think its. You know very sad that the government have to have china have chosen to appeal this decision and wish to continue to so weapons that have been used in a war that is causing untold poverty and homme and destruction fed the people of yemen its approaching 18 minutes past 11 at night here in moscow thanks what you have you all to did a heavy ugly collectivists in germany but a dressing down after this respecting their elders well tell you more about what thats about the rest of the news coming up. The. Same camera can use to snare someones head is the same camera can use to build them a home but thats a human choosing what to do with that does me expressing my values for the tool and thats what we need to do with Artificial Intelligence as well. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. When ellen show seemed wrong. Why dont we. Just dont. Get to shape out just being active. And engaged equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Today there are good and bad news the bad news in yemen the United States. The good. Lord in syria the cia and the us military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right Wing Military juntas funding and arming death squads theres no. Because theres always a small. Really good. Again this is out international u. K. Police have been going green with a major spending drive electric cars but the eco ideas for a bit flat as he explains next seems the vehicles are not quite up to speed in a few departments. Imagine being a criminal in london and you have c. C. T. V. Numberplate the texas Police Patrols and more to keep the peace if you need to escape the police it might not be the easiest thing to do but one thing might be working in criminals favor increasingly Police Forces are adopting the use of electric cars and that means they may not be able to keep up with. Vehicles that are less damaging to the environment are struggling to cope with the arduous needs of Emergency Service autonomous driving and Safety Systems are not conducive to pursuit or response driving and even if the electric police cars could keep up they might not last very long because the batteries they use would soon run out plug in electric cars do not have adequate range and they take too long to charge up which is a significant challenge the motivation behind the deployment of these cars is desire by the police to be more eco friendly figures from 30 Police Forces across the country show that 448 green vehicles have been leased or bought by the police at a cost of around a 1000000. 00 and a half pounds but now its being reported that the vehicles are only being used for lot of agencies and for Police Officials to travel around before they were being used in. Patrol situations and the metropolitan police have set themselves and im bishop target to cut all of their vehicle emissions to 0 by 2050 a politician should be checking always. Ensure the public has buddy for money because truly the money is very much needed are in place also across the country to. Share with all all sorts of crime she just always had to improve and. Credential or start to be a strange not citizen poll for heights. All prague reaction clearly. Sub electric cars have proved there in effect and this in other countries in september police in the us were forced to give up the chase with suspected crooks when the battery in their tesla Police Vehicle went dead British Police are making a noble effort in the war on Climate Change but the cost could be a price to pay in the war on crime sally r. T. Meantime i while were talking green german young peoples Environmental Group affiliated with the collective is gratitude no less is caused outrage by insulting the older generation on social media let me tell you more fridays for a future germany post a tweet saying why do our grandparents people lecturing us every year theyre going to be gone so well whether that was silly or simply sinister none the less german politicians including the Environment Ministry were quick to fire back i dont think you are doing yourself any favors with this tweet you cant get crazy every time you get any criticism and constantly demand more respect then throw a tantrum it undermines your legitimate concerns climate protection is everyones concern and as a social g. T. For every generation tasteless and glad that the majority of young people in germany do not think this way we must be respectful to other generations and not only during christmas after the backlash the activists issued an apology saying it was meant as a joke who rivera from the reactionary times opinion website thinks that in any case some of the claims in the climate debate are somewhat exaggerated. This type of rhetoric in these types of tweets and you know it only really resonates with the frenzy far out reaches of the Environmental Movement within there maybe other climate you know induced mania they really truly believe that having too many humans on earth is going to lead to a catastrophic apocalypse which is absolutely ridiculous because the evidence just doesnt support that narrative i mean on the arm is im you know created a superstar out of gratitude and theyre going to create more superstars in 2020 and its only going to get worse but thats unfortunately the ignorance of youth if we believed all of these environment environmentalists and all of their crazy predictions over the past 3040 years i mean if there were true manhattan right now it would be underwater well thats the last hole for this politician here from moscow and out international more of a color a social media one is kevin 0 in for me the rest the team thank you for watching stay with us for next programs if you get a minute out of his celebrating it big seasons greetings to you right now. You know world of big partisan lot and conspiracies its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Brothers see below diluting the light of themselves bloom. My name is droll more than i was for this to die in prison by the exploration of love my life. Take a stick grab some Media Attention and its a shooting in a 16 year olds 16 Birthday Party so exciting the place is held a lot of pressure channel close to kids. 40 is. Just down its like i couldnt believe those. Coming out so its a fun day for all for them to sure dont want basically with the stench of all of this universe because i was standing right next to. Me for is the sun you got to keep in mind one thing doing this 1617 zone so. This could lose monday night was a plunderer to spear them both of them tonight with full food really. For more than just close to drool youve got to go through now the truth. What politicians do something. To put themselves on the line. They get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president and. Want to. Have to go right to be close with you what will befall 3 of them all cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of. The ship. I am not one who will ever argue that there are worthy and worthy victims its also important to also distinguish the fact that whenever we have a crime the norm. Mean genocide and other cases of genocide thats that were talking about the issues of confronting it can all the doing it and injustice and reparations for it are important it is important to confront the crimes wherever they happen but it shouldnt be a means to dilute you know the experience of. Wealth in this particular case of the ivy. League. Is this is a stick from the old water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is sponsor of the Cocacola Company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that lets tell consumers theyre the bad ones theyre the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. Stickle capsules excuse. That seems cool sets for their plastic. Surgeon projects funding me. On im your best bet is the end of. The fun now the mountains of moist only grow heigho. Hello and welcome to cross talk were all things to consider and im Peter Lavelle what explains the bipartisan commitment to an ending wars in Foreign Military interventions recent polls show the majority of veterans in this centurys foreign wars say it wasnt worth it in 2016 trying to gain traction for doubting foreign adventures today. Doing the same why are the elite out of touch. And ending wars im joined by i guess daniel shaw in new york he is a professor of latin american and Caribbean Studies at City University of new york and but that is that we have peter because nick he is a professor of history and director of the Nuclear Studies institute at american unit

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