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Headline china wants to build a greens super highway arjen tina here is the parana river is their main waterway and it dumps out in to the ocean and heres your guy heres argentina is buenos aires and china has stepped away from u. S. Agriculture imports and said it would bid on a project that could create a greens superhighway and argentina reported reuters Chinese State owned Construction Company c c c c is readying a bid that would allow it to dredge argentinas parana river the countrys only river access or waterway for bulk vessels that transports soybean and corn from the pompous farm belt to the south atlantic they dont David Ricardo who is the concern for are about of talked about comparative advantage and here are a comparative advantage speaking if this river which would run through the grain belt and give argentina away to transport grain and give them a leg up over brazil in the u. S. The testers. Spent a lot of money moving the grain of the culture to the the rail track or whatever and so this is a member could be a game changer the british of the Industrial Revolution do the canal system they gave them the ability to move stuff around enter into or england waterways so this could be a huge game changer it is just like the yes it is there china sees the going to monetize the asset there stepping away from the u. S. The u. S. And america are in this the u. S. And china are in a trade war and so china is like ok we dont we dont need to look that way we can go to argentina you know we can we can do the new silk road with russia so the u. S. Is not thinking its not unique to the u. S. And it looks like we might pick on the u. S. But the fact is every single empire has made the same exact mistakes for the same exact reasons they become bullies they become hubris stick and theyre used to getting their way and they dont like disobedience and the further away from the empire you are from the center the more disobedient they tend to be and then it costs a lot of money to send resources there and an armed forces and i think we have a big military base just over the border in paraguay i you know it takes cost a lot and it costs a lot to control it to keep them from making their own deals like china also for its own part obviously it is a rising power and were not saying whether or not its a good power a bad power but what the fact is that it is a power and it is quite clever and its it goes around it goes to those edges of the empire to do the deals 1st because it doesnt want to provoke the us directly its trying to avoid that until the last possible moment all markets create prices and all prices are a signal that that signal is either right or wrong and it doesnt mean its one political system or another political system its just a number its a signal generated by a market and markets have always been with us because people have always wanted to trade from the beginning of people and they always will want to trade the nation state is just a construct that will came. Recently and will probably disappear monarchies come and go but craving has always been with a price signals of always been with us all we do is tell you what the signals tell the truth the signal is the truth the price is the only truth in any news youre ever going to read the price is the only bit of truth thats it Everything Else is conjecture by 2021 there will be a decision on this so right now is conjecture whether or not china will get this deal to dredge. Pronto river or why would you be able river parana river trying to encourage people to go bathe in the winter it was full of problem. Pronouncing it wrong and all our spanish viewers on r. T. And espanol should. Go there look provolone argentina must fry provolone. Let the problem. You know 62 percent of the population of argentina is descended in some way from italians tasted so fantastic so marvelous just to point out again how it will give it an advantage over the us in brazil the other 2 big Agricultural Producers in this hemisphere dredging will give argentina a significant advantage over its competitors this means farmers in argentinas farm belt can directly load their products on to ball carriers this is much different from brazil and the u. S. You have to transport products by a truck or rail over an extended distance to the nearest port and then of course the cheap peso is great for exports and they receive a lot of hard currency us dollars from china or un who knows but. Another opportunity here and this is an interesting one that weve been covering in the u. S. And thats fracking and theres this huge reserves found in patagonia and toto which is the French Company is the 2nd largest producer here but this is an Interesting Data they have here total shale oil for growth in argentina unconcern of low gas prices total the 2nd largest producer. Natural gas in argentina plans to focus on its oil assets there are concerns that an oversupply of gas could drive prices to unprofitable levels this is the more shale reserves in patagonia and they said theres huge potential to find gas natural gas in these shell reserves but the head of total in argentina he says we want to see at what level the prices will stabilize we have seen in the United States that gas can go to a negative price we want to wait to see what the price of gas will be in argentina because it could fall to negative prices and thats domenic maryon the shell catastrophe in america and elsewhere as proven itself to be a disaster in argentina could be dodging a bullet here because all they have to do is look at what happened to the u. S. Or in Great Britain to understand that shale of course is negative prices its always negative prices because the amount of energy it takes to do shale is greater than the energy you get out its negative energy and its also the amount of cash that you need to do. Fracking is greater than what you get out its always cash flow negative from day one its energy they get it from day one its a negative dont argentina dont do shell avoid this catastrophe just forget about it its a loser its dead on arrival forget it dont do it you can argue with them all you want but the fact is they cannot print dollars and you see that on the ground here that is the problem they have a currency crisis because they cannot print dollars america can print dollars so it can go they could lose 30. 00 a unit of natural gas american they doesnt matter they could keep on producing this is the raw information this is total saying well in argentina we actually have to sell it we have to actually make a profit so 2 therefore natural gas isnt profitable and its a its a weird situation because here technology and there. Were and are great technological advances in the shale oil and natural Gas Production its been an amazing Technological Advancement but its a stand off because it is so easy and they are fast to ramp up compared to Traditional Oil and natural Gas Production but you bring up a good point there yeah it is an interest to be included in this understanding of shell is that its a money loser from day 1. 00 but it doesnt matter in the u. S. Because all the creditors who lend money into the shell industry are constantly being bailed out by the bank that prints money thats why they do it for the fees its great for the banks but its not an energy play its not a business its a sinkhole but here as you point out in argentina so they cant just print their way out of a losing situation and the economy is already a bit fragile you dont want to add another loser into the mix like shale drilling do avoid it completely this is part of that situation of what price like theres plenty of natural gas and shale oil and things like that but at what price not at the price that people are willing to pay so therefore we have a total gridlock around the around the world i mean its a weird situation where the price they cant find an equilibrium because everybody and their mom can start drilling very quickly as soon as the price goes to a little bit profitable and then everybody starts drilling for some natural gas and then the price collapses again so it is very extremely volatile another situation where we have and this was an interesting story that i saw this was from the summer and this is wall street dot com and they were talking about the Airline Situation here because machree when he came into power he deregulated the entire industry for airlines and basically theyve found themselves in a situation of offering flights theyre out there trying to compete with each other because there was just one National Airline now theres like 6 or 7 here operating and theyre having to give away free flights theyre losing money on ever. Seat but hoping to make it up on volume Airline Fiasco in argentina as peso collapses a new plan goes awry on the 27th of december 26th seen the federal government of argentina under a new president c. E. O. Machree launched the revolution data those are the onus the brainchild of the minister of transport gamma dietrich an ambitious plan aimed at overhauling the stagnant Airline Industry in argentina while often called deregulation it was actually a far reaching and ambitious plan supported by annual expenditures of about 1500000000. 00 by the federal government and the Airline Sector over the 2017 to 2025 timeframe including modernization of many argentine airports and construction of the 1st airport wholly dedicated to low Cost Airlines poem are near one of saris so its been wildly successful there is he like double digit increase in passenger numbers internally but many of these airlines and well go over some of the details in a bit but theyve been losing a massive amounts of money well thats a typical transition period all over the world countries go from their National Airlines to these you know highly competitive rate airlines yes and theres a lot of blood in the streets thats called free market capitalism i mean theres nothing to worry about here this is normal that the entrepreneurs have started these airlines are going to go bankrupt they love to go bankrupt they love misery they love to fail because its a badge of honor let them fail to entrepreneurs let them fail thats called free market capitalism and build the build the airports build the runways build the infrastructure thats your job let the executives at the airlines or the shareholders take the losses they dont care about the shareholders they take the risk they get to lose weight thats it thats why theyre shareholders thats what thats what thats what its all about part of the problem what has happened is because the currency collapsed so fast all of their costs most of their costs are in either u. S. Dollars or euros so you know the petrol for the plane the the fuel for the plane the training costs for the crew the leasing of the plane which is the number one cost so all of those cost suddenly doubled in the course of. Just a few weeks later they got bankrupt and all those people are going to have to get new jobs but its a very fluid economy and theres a lot of different types of jobs out there and this is the way it works when you transition from a secular plan economy to a free market economy is perfectly normal embrace change embrace the chaos be the chaos you want to be when to take a break when i come back much more coming your way. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks to take the only population of tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes and what was striking to put these attacks was that the or you see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing them they were active participants in the burning of the streets in belfast at the time more than a 100 innocent civilians women. As the you can see in years i mean found out more i was surprised about the extent and of the currents which the inclusion was involved in some of those cases the killers would lead to be named. I think it went to do very very top i think if the phones. The water where all the taste since you know on the go ahead. What politicians do something. They put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Some want to. Have to go to the press as a white woman for 3 of them or cant be good. Im interested always in the waters in the. City. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax guys are time now to turn to dr frederick i asked who is building the Justice System of the future hes also a lecturer at coursera Singularity University and others welcome thank you are great to see you this is a trading stuff i can hardly wait to get into this before we discuss the Justice System of the future that you were building lets briefly discuss the situation in buenos aires as an entrepreneur how difficult does the frequent currency crisis make for you or does it actually make it easier to pitch bitcoin or how does the arch for fit into the entrepreneurial argentinian ecosystem well actually you are so many problems from the boss with currencies you know by the governance that you know Media Company here is hard but thats why you have a group according to the can help you to do something we dont freak show we can pay somebody sweet group of currencies to come like i said to do to approach people going to see if you want to do this with traditional banking and when i see them with very hard right because you have a couple controllers bongs they dont give you the money to because you are paid so thats why i think argentina such a big. Community or for developer from currency right so it seems to me like the argentinians have an extremely ad gyal mind because theres a lot of aggression so theres a lot of languages a lot of different ways of doing things a lot of different backgrounds and it all comes together in this melting pot and people come together theres a strong sense of community theres a resiliency here and theyve all theyve dealt with so many crises and its kind of like a start up failing again and again and again but it makes as a badge of honor really you know youve come through the fire and you know youre in a good position i think thats why big quite adoption is skyrocketing here in arjun. So lets talk about the Justice System of the future what is it why is it will how is it so we are living in a world of this more globally these days you die so imagine you have. Gone through some guy who is in another country or for a Website Development project and there is a dispute as i so you know going to another country to what they might allow to court for like 100 dollars or 1000. 00 so imagine if you could use a system that its based on brooke chain where you send the money into an escrow and then if there is a dispute with the contract or then there is a jury thats going to decide whos right they want to analyze the evidence like the deed to both of us ever and theyre going to vote who is right and this is these folks are very important problem in todays a globalized economy so the name of this going to jihad of discomfort is claris right and so these are spark contracts smart contracts yeah right and this is what we were told a theory im excel that theres also competition in that area from projects like cortana and. And these are smart contract type crypto blah change projects do you guys pick of those enterprises of those of those just projects which are better or do you are you. Take any of them are any of them doing better than others you know so just build on the serial because this time we started it was the largest lead in this more complex but form by so what they said you can working in the other so because the thing is that what we need for this to work correctly is that there is siemens i mean at the in the in their grievance with the contract so no one can damper with the jury selection on no one can tamper with the evidence so its a new theory about could potentially working in the older books right ok immutability s. K. And so these contracts have Global Contracts as a global world out there are people doing business all over the world and to have that kind of internet. Ashville exposure is quite expensive for the average person but with a lot jane the cost comes down and credibly down to almost a gig economy levels where people are just putting up a few paces surreally and they can engineer a smart contracting and launch a Global Business what give us an example of how this is working so for example this is working now on this moment for token disputes you know how the exchanges that have to focus and decide which dont just released so this house version really be very like obscure process you never know how to process works so imagine having a new trial jury decide which tokens should be accepted into an exchange like so this can have the possibility of removing the com from the truth or ecosystem so im this is something that is said for your data so is the community you should have no g. E. To get rid of the scammers and to only allow the focus to a to b. List and so this is where you are suffering a nation right is it going to jump out of the crypto world into the other non trip to world i mean you know you talk about juries and jury selection is something that is extremely arduous its time consuming is there a way to streamline that process and put on the block chain speed up justice absolutely so good its not intended to eg replace traditional Justice Systems which are like more complex its not for criminals but you know for kind of commercial disputes on corporate disputes this can provide that much faster and much simpler it is better solution process if youre running a business in the mainstream world for good crypto and you have to spend disputes a new dont want to go to court for years like if you could have a private system which already exists but doesnt like the next faster and cheaper so thats thats what the what were missing right so typically and business as a start ups theres a theres always a lag time you know you send out the invoice and then you know you wait for the money to come in and. A lot of times businesses dont grow fast enough and that they get behind and this is a major problem and a growing a business over the smart contract its there all synchronized right so their payment and the delivery of the item or the service is synchronised you get paid with the delivery almost and its all in escrow and so you really get rid of a major deterrent for scaling a business which would be accounts receivables. But i imagine for example you are in the u. S. Or whatever and you are thinking of hiring some argentinian developer so but ok you dont know if this if there were kids does is not good enough so im not going to court in argentina is complex and so there are so smart contracts if you like this type of if you want rule of law to service that you get this descent into that ok if there is no compliance with the rules of what was agreed so there is a way to solve this so this is some very important infrastructure for the World Economy right because usually people when they get in the business and they do dales they have to decide a jurisdiction to resolve the differences are illegal dishes and its your country or my country here its on the block chain and you already know ahead of time what is going to be the outcome and how are you going to resolve these these problems and so this is let me ask you this the many who are against the really the major social media platforms like twitter or facebook having power to deep platform and silence voices have suggested a centralized decentralized jury system to perform this function ok so. You have a situation now where politicians have a lot of power for example america theres this whats called the russia gate hoax and they they and they they buy into this idea that there was interference even though theres no evidence to that but the major platforms like twitter and facebook have been bullied to respond can your product and your service put that genie cation onto a blah chain to try to make that fair and above political kind of afoot as a political football make a fair. Thing you mention this because Facebook Like whats facebook now its become a common virtue of faith in some way right a thing that creates rules that in force of food have the army of more the writer who decide who is right about that disputes happening there and who has what information is going to be shown. Or not so the fact that this mother writers are working a private setting behind closed doors so you need some kind of new trial or a jury if you want to decide and transparency and transparent as a blotch and offers transparency exactly right now you just you just have a black box just facebook makes a decision somebody gets the platform and theyre not sure exactly why and so this would add transparent say and. Remove another layer to the well let me ask about argentina some more what what what what businesses are needed on the ground from entrepreneurs right now Software Technology like if you could get one sector crypto block chain what would really give the entrepreneurs in argentina a big boost right now what whats needed i think whats needed is like a leg more blood change you know. The country already has this very Big Community been working on building for new shows for the war because they would think this building a startup in argentina in the book an industry enables you to do it for the world before it used to be ok yards working under the ok you do something for the regional market and if youre lucky you get to brussels now you get broad jets building things from the world creating the future of technology of Civic Technology right and so i think that whats whats needed here is like for 1st the government doesnt interfere with all these like lead this if and this is the usa. So governors will find a way and that would be stuffed whats what is one thing that people misunderstand about argentina Business People what they get wrong how i dont know i think that one thing of argentina has a beginning so its because hes trying to mississippi and so people have become a very used to like be the people to lead time to be creative and how to look for solutions where theres a symbol to be the solution so you know i think that the world is going to the embassy. Potential of the script to do that we have here and so. I think that thats undervalued for now right so you have this pool of culture and creativity and entrepreneurs and theyre all in their heart and entrepreneurs because theyve had to live in a very volatile situation and now they just need a path to a Global Market and that path is being obstructed by political machinations certainly on my country america didnt help in 1976 you know we there was a coup here we screwed everything up you know because america likes to make everyone in debt they like to make everyone in debt and then they like to steal stuff yeah so now we get it at a point where argentina can escape the american empire of debt maybe with crypto currency. Look at me like i am in deeper here to have a chance to work with them from a country is a. Great thing for the world this would have been teco like 10 years ago and before such an outcome of the was impossible so now with the bloc change we come to accept the world we can raise money abroad we can go to customers in the world we can based on our youth every country so with these freaks through this experience so enables most of the argentinian credited to become yeah to go to the world now well you mention said she knocked him out of there so this is a big calling so let me ask you a big client question so there is a big coin and then theres all the other all coins and now were at a pendulum has swung back to big coin maximalist and do you feel that thats a valid discussion to have in the because community because it theres so many projects out there that are scams and. By by focusing on the spit quite maximalist sation maximalist its a way to kind of weed out and filter out all the noise and the scams or do you feel that. You know just let the market decide i think in the end its ok what protest no chance all right going to really prove that can be justified so its come from our conference enable the rule of law for the world for what were going to follow doesnt depend on the country where you were born or where you work so i think the market with sort out what are the solutions to look change can provide smart contracts and well see theres something fair enough thanks for being on the kaiser park i know having me and not going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report was famous for a station error it like to thank our guest frederick i asked you to catch us on twitter to catch our part in that i. During the Great Depression which im old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed. There wasnt it was bed you know much worse objectively today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. There was a real sense of hopefulness there isnt today todays america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. Reduced democracy attack solo down to engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to no on. One set of rules for the rich offices. Thats what happens when you put her into the. Narrow sector of will switch is dedicated to increasing power for just as youd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. One of the things that i started to realize is that the noise in my head as it me i started the practice of organizing my wife around what i wanted my life to be about even when it conflicted with my internal noise so you know why i wrote a book but in my head im not smart enough people like me to write books. But what i held myself to it was the action and i started to notice that i could coexist with that while still living a life that went beyond. The. Oh. I. Slammed washington sanctions on russias new scheme to Gas Pipelines in germany saying its crossed a crucial line against its nato allies comes this but then gives an angry reaction as well fronting the sanctions interference in domestic affairs. The us school rules that american spy agencies can collect data on citizens without a warrant if. And about has been sentenced to 16 years in jail after stealing and burning an l g b t flag from the u. S. Should we debate whether the time fits the crime. 16 years for offending probably one of the most privileged groups in america when it came to the

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