Transcripts For RT Watching The Hawks 20240713

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To. Welcome everybody to watch in the box i am so i rolled and turned joining me to discuss the articles of impeachment being brought against for them donald trump and the war budget being approved without a starter is the former United States representative out of florida Alan Grayson Alan always a pleasure thank you thank you and your opinion im very curious as a former democrat House Democrat has the as the case for impeachment been made against President Donald Trump and in your view. Oh i think donald trump commits impeachable offenses roughly once a week and i think that this one is long overdue its clearly not just a misdemeanor but a high crime to take 400000000. 00 of the publics money and use its try to bribe a Foreign Government investigating a political opponent that sounds like a high crime to me its an abuse of power you know one of the things i want to ask you to is its interesting when you look at our history of impeachment you know we havent we have not i mean recently nancy pelosi in a c. N. N. Town hall was asked why she didnt impeach u. S. President george bush for the lies about w m ds and the iraq war years heres what she said to that question the intelligence did not show that that that was the case so i knew it was a a misrepresentation to the public but having said that that was a in my view not a grounds for impeachment that was they won the election they made a representation and to this day people think people think that that was the right thing to do you know its interesting to me why is it so easy for everyone because we look at look we brought impeachment against bill clinton we brought now and you know bring impeachment against against donald trump why why was it so difficult to bring impeachment against george w. Bush when my opinion i feel actually committed worse crimes against the nation than maybe clinton or or donald drome. Well historically what you see is that the impeachment is easier when its theres a clear corrupt purpose when theres an improper intent as there is in trumps case hes trying to help his Political Campaign and using the publics money to try to do it in the case of george w. Bush it wouldve been difficult i dont think that you could have made the case that george w. Bush knew that what he was saying was wrong i think dick cheney knew that what he was saying was wrong and i think that dick cheney could have been impeached but the democrats decided against my views expressed at the time that everybody should lead bygones be bygones there is one case in history where some impeach was considered after someone left office but typically thats not the case one Vice President was almost impeached and avoided it because they couldnt bring him to trial fast enough to to meet the end of the term so i think that once the term was over once bush was out of office it became verboten if you will to consider that i agree with you completely especially on the Cheney Cheney front because i think there was a lot of people that should have been held accountable for that and i think thats one of the reasons kind of many people look today and say ok we see this kind of infighting you know you did you know he did use public money to threaten ukraine you know to him that quid pro quo and theres definitely a case there but i think when you look at history i think a lot of people are single cash but what we can get trump for this but we cant get like george and we cant get some of the other cheney and some of the other people that have been probably far worse damage to definitely the world stability and for the lives that weve lost in that war its kind of a sad thing. Why do you think this impeachment process is going to go are we going to see you know i mean the senate is never going to actually impeach him are they. Oh i think its quite possible today in kentucky a democratic governor is being sworn in he says that within 24 hours he will sign an executive order restoring the vote to convict and felons and kentucky 27 percent of all africanamerican men in kentucky cannot vote because it disqualified as convicted felons is going to be a huge swarm of new voters next year who are going to be inclined to vote against Mitch Mcconnell and thats going to worry him the fact that a democrat won for governor in a state that trump won by 30 points 3 years ago in the case that the sands are shifting away from Mitch Mcconnell and he may feel that its going to come down to trump war him if he doesnt get rid of trump then hes going to have trouble getting reelected and if Mitch Mcconnell turns against trumps lucky to get 20 votes in the senate that its going to be Something Like 80. 00 to 20. 00 against him thats thats going to be real telling to see if the republicans will actually have the you know the guts to stand up to one of their own president sitting up there this could be very interesting to see as things move forward you know honestly most of them hate him that much i can tell you the he just basically. Put this bs slaps them i wont use the whole 5 letter word he be slaps them over and over and over again and hes taken some of them and made examples out of by publicly humiliating them i mean you know sometimes that ends up working for him like in the case of Lindsey Graham but in the other cases they just despise them and if you asked if you would administer the sodium pentothal and ask them how they really feel about donald trump they would definitely agree with rashid to label the m. F. You know its one its interesting because from the outside not in the loop not having bet in congress and so from the outside looking in it it seems that the one thing that Congressional Democrats republicans do seem to always agree on these days is the war budget. Youve spent many years in congress why is that seem at least to us citizens so easy to get these 2 parties to agree when it comes to giving up billions upon billions to the pentagon especially granted it came out early this week im sure the deal was already done but when you suddenly have like the afghanistan papers come out and say the pentagon has been lying to us over and over again as i was well as various administrations. Oh my goodness why is that even news my the only one who remembers the main that got us into the spanishamerican war what about weapons of mass destruction that got us into the war in iraq will what about the tonkin gulf resolution that got us into the vietnam war that seems to be the way the pentagon does business its been about 70 years since we actually had an honest war in this country and its almost to be expected. But when i was in congress i was one of the few votes they could not count on for the Defense Authorization act whats happened over the past 50 years or so is that the republicans hit the bash the democrats for not going along with the Defense Authorization act and the democrats fluorite into that trap its sad to see because it really does kind of boggled my mind because you know the kind of in 2020 of the n. D. A. As it stands democrats gave up on provisions that would have kept trump from attacking iran you know they they didnt didnt they didnt suspend the sale of u. S. Air to Ground Missions in regards to giving it to saudi arabia to use in the war in yemen yet they just handed over money to create the space force which is kind of ridiculous to me. You know why why wont they stand their ground is it really just because republicans kind of like you said make the case that while your guys are being peaceniks i mean is it really just that. You know its one of the great tragedies of our time that this is happening with the one thing that we were able to agree on with the soviet union all through the cold war is that it would be disastrous to militarize base you know the force that a relatively small object lands with when dropped out of orbit is actually similar to the effect of a Small Nuclear weapon you could have thousands and thousands of them nudged out of orbit heading for cleveland heading for cincinnati heading for el paso and it would cost very little and this is the one thing that we were able to agree with the soviet union and trump has managed to screw that up it really does blow my mind and it hurts because im just sitting there going like i mean really we have to militarize space at this point like i know that most of our satellites and most of our you know hardware up there is generally brought up there through you know military contracts and things of that nature but really this is the last you know stuff i hope frontier and were going to put weapons up there before we actually decide to put peace and hold put coalitions of all nations together. Its horrifying and it shows that trump has absolutely no scruples he has no moral compass whatsoever if its stupid donald trump will do it so true allan i want to say thank you so much for coming on and thank you again for your time served in congress or one of the true good ones out there and always a pleasure having you on the show sir thank you so much thank you to. All right everybody as we go to break watchers dont forget dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics that we have covered on our social media and be sure to check out watching the hawks the pod cast which is now available to. Use again everywhere you listen to your favorite or so favorite pod cast coming up we have the latest on the Russian Foreign minister surgery surrogate lab robs a visit to the halls of power here in washington d. C. And then offered the walk ins breaks down societys hunger. Celebrities who develop infamous spite involving social media celebrity brother made sure its bizarre its strange but you dont want to miss it straight to watch a. Little bit of let me. Ask i would them all. Pick i could pump it to the record not. To show one of. You love food even on the other. Hand you may go to c. B. S. Dont want to. Do what they were all of the kook on the standards of the last night as you hijacked on this mission. And then with the physical. Being. A new of those damone from little known to the sinister learnin items or not. So when you hire tried to use in did. One joke. To me one of the media has on them causing them. What politicians do something. To put themselves on the line they get accepted. Rejected. So when you want to present. You some want to. See why. This is what the. Real. Interest is in the war in the. Sense that. Each simulating civilization would be able to run using a tiny fraction of its resources. Hundreds of thousands millions of around store all of Human History almost all. Kinds of experiences would then be simulated ones rather than non simulated ones and conditional on that we should sing fearful of the one of the simulated ones. Russian Prime Minister surgeon lavrov journeyed to washington d. C. This week for the 1st time in 2 and a half years his last visit back in may of 2017 u. S. President donald trump was knee deep in controversy during his last visit which came on the heels of the president s firing of bennett b i director james komi and now my friends it seems trump has found self once again deep in the middle of controversy during the russian Prime Ministers visit with articles of impeachment being filed against him r t americas Rachel Blevins joins us now from the Russian Embassy with more on this story rachel thank you for coming up. Thank you for having me just wrapped 0 up the press conference here with Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov after his closed door meeting with president travel so i want to ask what was said about i mean one of the biggest things that they were talking about at this press conference or least going into it but the big you know rumor mill one capital was was the future of arms control treaties between russia and the u. S. You know what was said about that was that brought. Through a press conference. Gray that seems to be the hot topic in all of this that weve seen lavrov talk about earlier at this press conference with secretary of state my pompei oh and just now and as weve seen the future of Nuclear Treaties between the United States and russia has kind of been up in the air over the last few months ever since the United States announced that it would be pulling out of the i. N. F. Treaty now President Trump has said that hes open to Going Forward with other treaties but when last have talked about it today he pointed to the fact that there is one Major Nuclear arms treaty that is still in tact to between the United States and russia and he pointed to the fact that moscow has said that they are ready to extend the treaty which is the new start treaty and he said that the ball is essentially in washingtons court on this that theyve said theyre ready to extend the treaty with no preconditions as it is and no discussion however when it comes to washington side of things they havent said whether theyre ready to do that or not yet one pompei or commented on it he simply said that they are going to continue discussions and that theyre not ready to say yet whether theyre going to extend naturally specifically or come up with a whole new treaty all together but d he also said that they do want to include china in the mix at the end of this so its not clear yet if there is some agreement that they came to today you specifically but it does sound like theyre going to be continuing dialogue on that aspect so no obviously any time any time a member of the russian government comes here to the you were obviously the 1st thing everyones going to Start Talking about her exact use ations of election so let me ask you rachel were there any mentions of election meddling during this press conference and how to play out if there was. Absolutely i dont think they could have gone through it without it and you know its actually something that a lot of the Mainstream Media reporters who were here at this press conference they all wanted to know about election meddling about what had been said about that in the white house actually came out and they claim that during that closed door meeting between trump and lavrov that trump specifically warned him against any. Election meddling in 2020 and we also saw the pump a 0 said today that the u. S. Is really Standing Firm on the sovereignty of our election but as for a lot of robs response to that he said you know russia has come out and said that it was to see this proof of this election meddling that the United States has claimed has happened he said that they continue to ask for proof and theyve said that theyre willing to comply with anything that the u. S. Specifically when it comes to those accusations of election meddling so he wouldnt say whether or not there was a specific hard warning from trump during that meeting but that of course was something that was talked about not only among those officials but also here with the reporters after the press conference so i want to also bring up some other aspects the kind of crossover with the u. S. And russia relations you know what about countries like syria and venezuela where they brought up in the issues that are currently going on in both those countries hot about playing today. Where that oil over this last year and pompei was one of those people who was completely in support of Opposition Leader wanted why joe in venezuela he was in support of him taking over the government and when that didnt quite work out with the so the coup that we saw a few months ago pompei was still a little bit better about that because he did bring that up today and he said that they are continuing to push russia back wide and to go against mature and as we have seen russia has been one of the countries that has stood by president Nicolas Maduro and so on that lodbrok continue to say that they want a solution by the people in venezuela and the same seems to go for syria where they both said that they are pushing for more peace in syria that they want the agreements that were made last month of regarding that military offensive that turkey attempted to launch and then the United States and russia came in and put a stop to it they have said that they want to continue those peaceful measures and pushing them now the one thing that was not brought up that was really interesting in all of this where those claims that were made by the trumpet ministration that. It was going to keep some troops in syria in order to guard the oil fields and if they felt they were able to seize that oil now poppier didnt mention that today and lavrov didnt make any comments about that but in the past russia has said that they are against there being troops in syria at all because those troops have not been asked to be there by the Syrian Government so it looks like the dialogue is going to continue between both sides but right now we havent seen if there were any concrete agreements that came out of todays meeting well least both sides are talking rachel bloodworms thank you so much for staying after that wonderful press conference and giving us the story always a pleasure. Thank you. Well my friends the world of social media celebrity made pop culture headlines recently with the brutal beat down of calvin penya in a miami restaurant now who is calvin penned you know you may as well mr pena is actually known as brother nature a 21 year old social media sensation who is known for taking pictures of himself with animals wild animals yes takes pictures of himself with animals currently has almost 2500000. 00 followers on twitter 2700000 on instagram and over 86000 subscribers on you tube now the big event is that according to complex the restaurant last i was free in miami said the incident started when brother nature confronted a restaurant patron whod been taking a video of him with a bee male friend things then escalated into a viral video beat down of a viral celebrity which for many as you can see here i mean look at this isnt the same as if. Brody this brings up some very disturbing questions about our social media culture and the need for viewership at all costs joining me to discuss social media celebrity worship is author and editor at large for salon dot com david bach and this is a fascinating story you actually sent it over to me and said like this is something that i really want to talk about because it opens up kind of a pandoras box of a lot of issues the what what about this incident with with brother made sure. Strikes you so much and got your mind going what people need to know about this so the 1st thing. 5. Initial reaction and i had a match myself because i dont know this guy but when i saw a clip come up and down months later see of him being pounded on i said my god who would do this to brother nature like his brother he hangs with the deer 6 pitches with ducks in you know whatever hes a you know hes funny hes a good kid why would somebody do that and. You know i remember he had some scandal before he said some really really negative bad things we 12 its another issue. With judging these kids and try to hold them accountable for things that they did when they were like 11 or 12 years old then we see these kids apologize and grow up and become the people that are supposed to be and then we get upset when we see something happen to them in regards to how did the situation escalated. I dont people say it was actually him the contrast the way that the situation i dont want to see anywhere to get beat up on camera unless you know getting a check for it which brings up another issue is probably going to check that is because now he can ride the wave of internet fame. And use it as a victim play to be a bit maybe even get like next weeks documentary or something so theres like a number of things that really bother me but the main thing that i wanted to touch on initially was this whole idea of my own reaction because before i even had the facts of a story the 1st thing mccain in my mind is who would do that to brother nature and then us then they show the guy and the guy has this twitter account where hes like the super villain you know has like the big super villain head in latham and you know its like this is a bad guy when actuality there potentially both were bad guys in a situation because what we know now about the story i want to know what makes this kind of i mean weve seen it now rise really fast in the last 1015 years the kind of social media celebrity culture these influencers people like that why is that culture do you feel this its so different than like lets say the culture that were the sled because. Were used to you know the movie stars the rock stars the folks who come up to that side but now we have the social media culture where its like some kid at home suddenly makes a video deer end up in his backyard and now suddenly this dudes got you know thousands and millions of followers it was my idea of i dont have a back you know im so glad to ax that question because when we were coming up. You know in the eightys and raised in the ninetys the rock stars in the basketball players and you know the movie stars were part of a world where we couldnt participate we couldnt play we were little kids watching wanting to be these big celebrities one day or wanting to have their power and influence one day these new kids they can get it from social media they can play they can actually be the star so they dont have to look up to celebrities because if they do something creative or edgy enough online they can be the star you just read a study x. Wrote an article from last year where. A guy who manages people want to end it and said that. If you have a 1000000 followers you can get 10000. 00 per post right brother nature has 5000000. 00 combined so imagine what hes getting so you know its not only the fact that hes popular and he gets a good zillion lights on all of his pictures you know every life you can exhibit what hes getting money from its really fascinating too because its not like you know when youre a musician or an actor loosely you say well we came up you had to you know your celebrity was kind of cultivated and created by p. R. Company used in like big corporations and you dont want to do and you didnt want to work yeah now you have social media you know you like you said you have these kids come up and there are stars for playing a video game at home you know they dont need the p. R. Machine and the corporation there in a i am in the machine you know do you think that will have the one adverse effect on you know kids come and go but a minute or so left will that have an adverse effect on some capacity of kids coming up you know right now is extremely dangerous because people have gone wild things for attention and its not good when a lot of young people see other young people get attention and then i get that attention no duplicate and try to be what the other person is and it kills creativity and i think i think its dangerous and i think its a good thing theres a theres and i think weve got to be recognize that a society would be prepared for that the walk its always a pleasure having your own sort of thank you thank you. Right everybody as we finish up today sometimes there are stories that sound more like the beginning of a horror movie than a news story this is definitely one of those stories lets go now to the state Key Laboratory of stem cell reproductive biology in beijing where recently the worlds 1st pig monkey kind marrows were born yes you heard me right pig monkey marrows with the ultimate goal of eventually growing human organs in animals for medical transplantation scientists at the laboratory introduced genetically modified sine a mole gus monkey cells into pig embryos 5 days after fertile is. And then while ah you apparently get a pig monkey hybrid now while most scientists and researchers believe that the idea of creating time errors for organ transplant wont ultimately work apparently apparently that hasnt stopped them from giving us really terrible nightmares about crazy pig monkeys. Thats really happening its really happening all right everybody that is are so predebate remember in this world we are not told that we are loved about so i tell you all of this i am tyrell them to keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and night but. Facebook and google started with a great idea and great ideals unfortunately it was also a very dark side. They are constructing a profile of you and that profile is real its detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very 1st character that you type into the search bar it will always favor one dog food over another one comparative Shopping Service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results deiced on what they think you should be see if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and Fair Election doesnt exist the more road we give them the sooner were all. On the ballots came in 2008 oh theres a lot. Money printing going on people said well wheres the inflation the government says theres no inflation you know and then a lot of people say well actually health care and education are skyrocketing in value you dont count those and thats why youre misreading inflation and this has been going on for years new evidence suggests. We found it we found the missing inflation. When there was only johnson. Just going to prison for. 41 games. 72 years so. I got arrested for some of the. Throw. Just everything was taken out of. My work and. Think it was. Meant to snow man and look im going to be my. Mama so i want to. Now. Were. Going. To go. To my friend whos trying to try to. Do something right. Breaking news this now a powerful blast and gunfire are reported down side a major u. S. Outpost in afghanistan the very same bound graham air base donald trump a to surprise visit to less than 2 weeks ago. News comes hot on the heels of a down the report which had flies on top american officials have been routinely distorting facts and figures on the war in afghanistan in an attempt to convince the public the drawn out war is winnable. The us president says he looks forward to more dialogue with russia after meeting his foreign minister at the white house plans visit however triggered more speculation about suppose that secret trump moscow links something so again brushed off thats absurd

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