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President donald trump. And a new investigation warns that free dating app such as tend to dont safeguard users from convicted sex offenders guessed abated where the responsibility to protect women lies. We need the companies to take a moral stance or at least have some sort of responsibility you cant trust his government to tell you whos good and does bad you need to take that into your own hands. Bringing you some of the biggest stories from the past 7 days youre watching the weekly here on r. T. International welcome to the program. Now the f. B. I. Is presuming the Pensacola Naval base shooting which left 3 people dead and 8 injured on friday was an act of terrorism and investigation is continuing although no terror group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. We are as we do in most active shooter investigations work with the presumption that this was an act of terrorism this allows us to take advantage of investigative techniques that can help us more quickly identify and then eliminate any additional potential threats to the rest of our community the gunman was shot dead at the scene by offices he was a saudi military trainee and was at the base to study aviation intelligence Officials Say the shooter had been based there for 2 years its still unclear how he got the weapons which are not allowed on site the instance happened at the u. S. Naval air station pensacola which is located on the florida coast it has 16000 military and over 17007000 civilian personnel the facility hosts Many International students who are required to undergo background checks before training or prior to the deadly shooting a twitter account which allegedly belonged to the Saudi Air Force officer posted anti us messages condemning washingtons policies in the middle east the f. B. I. Said it is working to confirm those tweets and listed gulf state analytics as a as sondra bruno believes instant shows the danger of terrorism remains palpable. Another attack like this and deep inside the United States let alone to meet an important military base. Certainly suggest that the fight is not over it gives all manner of political excuses to. To continue the war now you know its also convenient from another point of view because weve had so many shootings this year. Random shootings in schools and other Public Places claiming terrorism also deflects from the argument on gun control so it has. From bureaucratic point of view a very convenient purpose. France has seen yet another day of demonstrations they spilled over from a one day National Strike on thursday one of the biggest in the country in years protesters have been angered at the governments plans to overhaul the Pension System. I. Know. That massive demonstrations were right across the country say me on the must say alone soul so clashes between riot police and protesters one of the largest trade union says 1500000 people marched in support oberg interior ministry claims the figures were hoffert offices used tear gas to disperse crowds of the most violent rallies occurring in the french capital charlie depends who watched them unfold. This strike has been planned for many months now and this is against a proposed changes by the french government to the Pension System here in france the idea here is that they want to amalgamate number of different systems around 42 different systems into a universal system but people say that i will have a massive impact on their pensions because it will mean that their pensions perhaps could be lower in the future or in fact that they might have to work even longer and that has caused huge fury here in france the crimes go all the way back more than a close to god do nor which is where this process was originally due to start off with what was coming for many hours is turned to a huge tensions with clashes between the police and the protest as we saw a van that was certain i am on fire and they got tear gas really coming quite close to us and you might get a sense of it just down that you can see there more tear gas come into the protesters shariah and move people away incredible as fame is just beginning and as you can hear you know were seeing protests is smashing shops in front of us tear gas is bringing down and those crews are battling about battling to half contain this fire theyve also been tensions elsewhere in fronts north just tensions in places like i know and other cities the suggestion now is that this one day is she. Right it was initially planned by transport workers and is now encompassed Teachers Health school kids the firefighters and even the police could now start a ruling strike in the lead up to christmas in going on until the new year as the strike is attempt to make the french government releasing these Pension Reforms for the moment here in france people are adamant that they want to have their voices heard its come out to the streets to make sure thats happening. Now the news this hour the u. S. Government has dropped all charges against Max Blumenthal editor of the investigative outlet gray zone over his alleged assault against a venezuelan opposition activist now the journalist is vowing he will seek justice in october the d. C. Police arrested blumenthal on a warrant issued 5 months previously he was detained for nearly 2 days the case was based soley on the venezuelan opposition activists claim that Ben Blumenthal and a friend had assaulted her during a protest at the venice while an embassy in washington blumenthal and his friends say they were there to deliver food to the Embassy Workers well according to gray zone of blumenthals that lawyers have made multiple requests for secret service call recordings and reports log to the place and date of the alleged assault but the us prosecutor failed to fill the request saying the requested records did not exist. Before this week about the clock to the man at the very center of the case is the off the gray zone Max Blumenthal max thanks for joining us lets start here why have the allegations against you been dropped now. Well 1st of all i want to thank our teeth for covering this case from the beginning the u. S. Media had no interest in covering it it was really you and tell us or as the only Internet International networks that would cover this the case was dropped because it was a phony case based on a false allegation no one assaulted any venezuelan woman outside the embassy in fact it was the the activists of the journalists outside who were being assaulted by a right when venezuelan opposition that was colluding with the u. S. Secret service in order to starve out group of activists inside the embassy who were defending International Law against the trumpet ministrations coup attempt i. Participated in a peaceful nonviolent food delivery on may we brought food and supplies to the embassy and the next day the venezuelan fanatics outside the embassy falsely accused me because they had aidid me as someone who had assaulted a 58 year old woman and the reason they chose to identify me is because the gray zone and i personally have been in a very high profile fashion ripping to shreds their narratives about the coup and about venezuela in general so this is about political persecution of the journalist 5 months after that accusation i was hauled out of my house by police and jailed for 2 days max lets talk a little bit about the process has led to these charges being dropped then because the woman at the center of the case is she now dropped the allegations already. No the government has dropped the charges against me the Us Government as you mentioned at the top the prosecutor confirmed verbal lead to a lawyer representing my codefendant Benjamin Rubenstein that the secret service call logs had been either destroyed or disappeared from the night of may 8th which is highly unusual and my lawyer bill moran has done a valiant job defending me was requesting evidence relating to the case that would have been exculpatory and the government was simply unwilling or unable to comply with any of these requests they had no evidence on their side because again this was false and so it was dropped but again not after i went through the agonizing experience of 2 years and 22 days in prison and being defamed online accused by many prominent pundits of kicking an elderly woman. At max not narrowed down those cool logs that you mention that because as weve talked about this thats allegations the disappearance of the secret service call logs from the moment the these allegations are made you sure they existed how can you show. Well. The secret service certainly had to have called an ambulance for the complainant who made this false allegation that she was injured the secret service were communicating with one another during this incident during the food delivery they were present and what i think could be the case here is that they are concerned that their collusion with this right wing band of hooligans who are used to do with the secret service was legally forbidden from doing which was preventing food and medicine from getting into them to see that it would expose that that collusion and embarrass the secret service who are themselves operating under the watch of the state department its just highly unusual that this would have disappeared. Lets talk about the media reaction because you mentioned it there you mentioned altius covered this tell us sir how would you assess the reaction that you got in the media and why do you think it didnt get such big attention in this specially in the u. S. Actually the Washington Post reported from the complainant side on may 9th falsely claiming that several men had kicked her and beaten her the Washington Post did no follow up on this when i was arrested which was a pretty high profile incident that many people were talking about on twitter and on social media it was well known to the Washington Post that id been arrested. But they didnt do any follow up and thats because the Washington Post like the rest of us media reports from the perspective of the state and the u. S. Government in the usa ideas currently paying the salaries of one why does representatives in washington who oversaw this mob of hooligans its really state propaganda laundered behind. Organised media organizations that claim that democracy dies in darkness and the same goes for the press Freedom Organizations like the committee to protect journalists who are and would better be called the committee to protect and hire they only honor journalists who claim persecution in countries that are targeted by the us for regime change but no mention was made of me and of course this organization is very muted about Julian Assange faces life in prison and possible torture if hes extradited to the United States. Max well lets talk about what the next steps off here because you said that you were detained for 2 days now all the charges of control by the u. S. Government how are you seeking to get any kind of retribution if indeed you all are you planning any type of legal action. Im not seeking retribution im seeking justice and protection for other journalists and activists like me because its really scary that someone could be hauled out of their house by a team of cops listed falsely as armed and dangerous and then jailed for 2 days and possibly put on trial because someone who doesnt like their political views decides to level of false allegation against them this could happen to anyone and so there has to be some recourse and there has to be some deterrence against this happening again so all i can tell you right now is that im exploring my options and when i decide to act you know be the 1st to let you know you mentioned political views that youve done your own investigative reporting around venezuela how do you think your reporting on venice and your policy towards it affected the outcome of this case well a gray zone investigation by our correspondent on your part until resulted in Ricardo Hausmann who is one by does handpicked embassador to the endure American Development bank being forced to resign his position weve also published extensive coverage of the one white hose fake embassador in the u. S. Being involved in corruption scandals and a plan to liquidate venezuelas most valuable foreign asset citgo so its obvious that i was known to them they would constantly had heckle me and threaten me by name outside the embassy and its very clear that i was targeted because of my journalism and thats why i was selected for this false accusation which the d. C. Police made no attempt to investigate this is an obvious case of political persecution founder and editor of the grays and investigative outlet max implement all thanks for your time on this thanks for having me and we have requested d. C. Police to comment on blumenthals case but have not received a response yet well of course let you know if they get back to us. Earlier this week nato leaders gathered in the u. K. To celebrate the military alliance a 70th anniversary but it turns out many people in the host country have little knowledge of its relevance. People what they think are the main 3 achievements of they. Even though. In terms of achievements know very little i dont know what its about have no idea any advantage of nato or gee i honestly dont know anything about it so the flag still a day and only my husband recognized what it was poor its a good question. Everything from the. So one is probably to be honest i dont have i dont have even one of our leaders use the occasion to claim that nato is the most successful alliance in history though some of the members disagree as to what the main threats to the block all they did agree though to show its running costs more evenly something the us has long been urging simon right from fiscal satire show in case you missed it its not time to take on the summit. 29. 00 Nation Alliance which makes up the whole of the worlds military spending yet still calls itself. Has turned 7 c. Congratulations nato leaders are lovely. In london some drinks spread some President Trump accused the president of france and anyone of being nasty bullied the least Popular Video of trump being laughed at by trudeau micron and even Boris Johnson has been seen around the world today so i wouldnt say exactly plain sailing for this nato meeting but here come all the leaders now coming in with the. Many of the president of somewhere oh yeah i know that one i know that one. Together last. Next to you. Leader. Thats the least popular turkey this christmas. That happy day to. I suppose they are having to listen to this guys trying to listen to. The one. Before the main festivities started a select group of leaders had the tools to meet at the u. S. Ambassadors residence wheeled in like kids going to. Play by the orange one sat on a Golden Throne i suppose he does pay for nato presence after all something the head of the alliance un stoltenberg knows very well but again this critical new twist of this on. To get america to pay the bills you know ive always thought that being the head of nato must be the least powerful powerful job in the world so despite their recent differences france is a manual did meet trump and. Went to put on a frankly awesome display of man spreading. And passive aggression this is where we. Were. And you could done so you could have Something Different from the us i didnt think about this but. Also water. And a coke you. Know well with nato which has become like any increased 70 year old this waistline has expanded since its prolly become a bit of a financial burden to the family we cant work out who it is like small the russians the chinese or the middle easterns. The hand of people looking for love online appeared to be in danger no background checks mean sexual predators can potentially join major free dating site and it will have more on that just after this short break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is on all sides here in Dramatic Development the only im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Of. Nato the defensive alliance that has shaken several countries its the union of the supposedly like minded that cant agree on what the main threats are its the appeared to me of military might that said to be both in great shape and brain dead at the same time as the organization celebrates its 70th anniversary is it finally signed for it just think about the time. Welcome back now a popular free dating app such as tend not to protecting their users from sex offenders on their platforms as according to a new investigation by american Nonprofit Organization pro publica the probe took a look at more than 150. 00 instance of Sexual Assault over the past decade it found that the majority of victims were women who met their attackers through much group apps in 10 percent of cases they were paired with men who had already been accused or convicted of sex crimes while much group which owns over 40 of the most popular apps as they do conduct background checks on their members but only for paid accounts for the company says it disputes the investigations findings. The implication that we know about such offenders on our site and dont fight to keep them off is as outrageous as it is falls as Technology Evolves we will continue to aggressively deploy new tools to eradicate bad actors including users of our Free Products where we are not able to obtain sufficient and reliable information to make meaningful bank ground checks possible chadwick more journalists at spectator magazine a receptus in a womans rights advocate gave us their thoughts on dating platforms and their screening policies. The magic group is a 1000000000. 00 company theres no reason why they couldnt allocate just a small portion of their revenue to screen the people on their ab just so that theres just a smaller since of increased safety its a precaution its a measure but its deserved if they appear if theyre suddenly saying that we want in order to join the service we want to perform background checks on everyone who joins 1st of all that would kill the business and they know it theres a moral responsibility on these companies that are making billions of dollars 1700000000 dollars from women looking for love to say oh you know what its too expensive for us to do a little bit to protect you nobodys going to want to join these apps with these kind of if theyre doing that theyre being this invasive of background checks with that said people maybe shouldnt be on them especially women and not only are these dangerous for women but its destroying women so just give up the dating apps if you dont perform your own background checks in your own time with your own money get off were not going to restrict women from using the internet because there are predators we do desire for these companies to at least take the step into the right direction why do you want to put that kind of power on these monolithic Tech Companies and up saying you know ban women from dating apps im simply saying you shouldnt rely on this and you cant trust these companies to tell you whos good and whos bad you need to take that into your own hands so if you meet someone do a background check before you did before you go out on a date if they work in tandem with the courts to get the names at least of the 1st and last names in the location of where these people are and perhaps create some type of monitor of their internet thats a step in the right direction its going to be a mess i think no matter what and theres always going to be people who perhaps squeak through or dont get picked up who then commit assaults and crimes get a gun ladies. Protect yourselves and we dont win and by the way these incidences are obviously extremely rare and you know by and large the vast majority of men are not sexual predators one woman is enough we need the companies to take a moral stance or at least have some sort of responsibility to protect the women that utilize their ad and then what happens you know its its never going to be a perfect system. Some world news in brief now a massive fire has torn through a paper factory in the center of the indian capital of new delhi leaving 43 people dead thats according to officials the fire has now been pushed out of the rescue operation is still under way Emergency Services say 50 people have been rescued and dozens of workers were sleeping inside the building when the fire broke out the factory is located in large markets which make the work of firefighters more difficult and its thought to short circuit might have stopped at the time. Hundreds of thousands hit the streets of hong kong on sunday for another antigovernment protest though this time it was authorized by police some demonstrators brought along u. S. Flags the police confiscated weaponry from protesters in the protests began 6 months ago over now scrapped extradition bill and continued with new calls for greater independence from beijing. Elsewhere israel has carried out as strikes on the gaza strip in response to rocket fire earlier according to local media reports 2 people were injured in the air raid on the Israeli Military says it targeted hamas positions. Well thats the weekly will be back here at the top of the hour with another round up of the stories to shape the week see that. Were going to fulfill that promise is a problem to the people. You know we. All pots to. Be a. Pretty. Pretty good burka now you want to 1st correct that. You know. For. Ok in the special its something we can dangle says one of the men of the. Book just put us in the gulf where. You thought the whole doping in russia things was over for again it. Comes up through a couple of pressure we have the last year some of the muscle sensitive. Russian athletes eligibility for the International Competition says that state interest includes events like the to kill him pics and the fee for world cup and qatar if i am in the early as last. Year when you come in you know theyll just as it was 4 years ago in moscow antidoping plavix at the center of the scandal so who tampered with the doping samples database and one does greegor you want you just have to do with it and you know shes stupid because we start to pull simeon you know. That come with the sportsmen that hes the push on that was just. By to expose me emotion touch a little to the pollution a dinner tonight. Come on and welcome to worlds apart its a defensive alliance destroyed several countries a union of the like minded to come to agree on what the main threats are and then the p. To me off military mindset to be both in great shape and brain at the same time as neda celebrates its 70th anniversary isnt it finally time to think its not about retirement done at least a change of course to discuss that im now joined by yusuf political analyst for turkey state broadcaster tara tara world is to everymans good to talk to you thank you very much for your time thank you now turkey has been a member of nato since 9 to 52 year its the 2nd Largest Military in deadlines its taken part in many of its operations including the one in libya which triggered the largest gratian crisis of did take it with a profound effect on turkey and south as nato celebrates its anniversary is it more of a reason for celebration or perhaps contemplation in turkey. Well i definitely think its a time for contemplation because nato right now is lacking a Strategic Vision many of the allies inside nato right now have very did different threat perceptions inside of their own Domestic National Security Apparatus and when nato comes together as the 29 members it has a problem agreeing on who the threat is now we saw the french president mccrum the couple days ago before the nato summit called nato braindead he wasnt exactly correct nato still has value but nato definitely needs to be diagnosed i like to call nato is problem a midlife crisis its 70 years old its still thinks its 40 years old and its still things the enemies the soviet union when there is no soviet union there is no communist china and there are much more imminent threats right now in the globe nonstate actors terrorist organizations i agree with you there are lots of disagreements internal disagreements within their lines and yet at the same time the turkish officials continue extolling the value of neda and how substantial turkeys role within they there has been if we look specifically at the last 3 decades what did carry key gad out of nato for all its contributions frankly i over the last 3 decades i dont think turkey has gotten much out of nato

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