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Without the noise from the russian capital this is autumn internationals me suspect thanks for tuning in the stocks they are. And we start with a developing story the suspect in the fatal stabbing of 2 people and some to london on friday has been identified by police they also believe he was acting alone 28 year old on had a prior conviction of islamic terrorism and was only released from prison last december he was jailed for planning a bomb attack on the London Stock Exchange in 2010 its also now widely reported his other targets back then included the u. S. Embassy and Boris Johnson the london mayor at the time he was still wearing his electronic tag when he carried out the attack in which on top of the 2 fake totties 3 others were injured these are eyewitness videos filmed in the area which is a busy thorough in the city as you can see some civilians wrestled with the suspect pinning him to the ground one man manages to get a knife off the attacker who was then shot dead by police heres how some describe the moment of the attack. The mass of russian people falling over each other smashing. Really light making the car yes the big slug of people rushing probably courting every year was a lot of. Panic. What those chemicals are just like a wave or something. And then suddenly everybody said go down into the basement it was extremely frightening theres you dont know what to do you know you cant just i dont want to do think twice gunshots going off and not to get the british Prime Minister has paid tribute to members of the public who helped bring down the pop traitor its the 1st terror attack on british soil since Boris Johnson took office though not in recent u. K. History. Youll. Now a few hours off to the latest attack in the british capital another stabbing incident took place in the netherlands 3 people were injured that which happened on the main shopping street in the hague and it sparked panic among. 6 the victims were all miners have since been discharged from hospital the pup a traitor who still at large is thought to be treated be between 45 and 50 years old dutch police have refrained from calling it a terror attack but say theyre investigating every possibility. Now on the line for matt had told the u. K. s National Counterterrorism Security Office Chris Phillips chris tell me its confirmed that the terrorist was wearing an electronic tag at a prior conviction for terrorism so clearly khan was on the radar could that. Have done more. Well quite frankly he this man should have been imprisoned he was convicted of a very serious terrorist attack or attempted attack just a few years earlier and hes been released on license effectively back out to the public when he really should have been in prison so yes they should have done more but i think if you release people and put them on to the streets of the tag you can expect the police to stop him from committing terror then so just to pick up on that so we know that back in 2012 khan apparently pleaded guilty for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange among other things so what is it that led to his release is it a failure of the legal system is it the fact that the Security Services are over bad and now its its a real problem for a criminal Justice System which is not doing what it should do and thats keeping the public safe this man was really i mean the investigation was brilliant it gave the evidence of the court incomplete to the court but for some reason a criminal Justice System a judge isnt the way our system works allows people. Half way through their sentence which means 5 or 6 years after each committed this offense he was back on the streets and he was still radicalized so its very difficult for the police to to monitor people like this and of course if they just want to pick up a knife its pretty much impossible to stop as well so so the criminal Justice System here is at fault and you say he was still raja clydes we know that there are some programs that the radicalization programs now also such things as prison are rehabilitation so white before fridays attack its thought that can actually went to one of these prisoner rehabilitation conferences in your opinion do such programs what is there any success in them. Well youve got to do something with people theres no doubt about that youve got to try to rehabilitate them im not sure that the you know the heinous amount of his crime. He certainly shouldnt have been released at all you know try to rehabilitate him in prison if you like but not release him into the public now. So the conference that he went to there is so very good to do that and i totally agree with that but its clear that he wasnt rehabilitated its clear that he was still a terrorist and it was clear that he still wanted to kill people he should not have been on the street and just to get i want to get a Wider Perspective on this in your opinion talk us through the difficulties in preventing such attacks. Well it to be quite frank its almost impossible to stop this the only way youll stop it is by having him in prison locked up or actually where his Family Friends and those that know him tell the police that hes going to do this because anyone can go get. The kitchen draw and decide to go out and people its its pretty much as simple as our or take a car and drive people over so so yeah its very very difficult to stop these low level terrorist attacks but on this occasion this man should have been in prison many thanks for your insight an empath that was former head of the u. K. s National Counterterrorism Security Officer Chris Phillips thanks. Meanwhile here s. Democrat strategist who previously worked for barack obama are now being accused of creating fake news in a bid to sway next years president ial election thats after they launched a Media Company called korea news room with the aim of countering Donald Trumps dominance online in swing states were aghast to have delved deeper. Its certainly daring to take the one thing people still trust in this skeptical and cynical world you local news run by your neighbors people you know and trust and to pervert it into a tool of propaganda macchiavelli himself would be proud while the article she publishes are based on facts nothing alerts readers that career publications arent actually traditional im time newspapers but political instruments designed to get them to vote for democrats the movie titanic was based on facts the movie 300 about those spartans was also based on true events the end result was fiction im just giving you a heads up for the next time you hear the phrase based on facts it means fiction all of this is brought to you by a woman of questionable more ality mcgowan who go to yes we can Campaign Slogan tattooed on her arm because a bomb a sign that this is the kind of journalism a company acronym puts out warning its a scream or. Cry. What tara is going to do is stalk you on lud of facebook buy up information about your browsing habits the stories you click if you are susceptible to fake news and then shes going to pay to serve you carefully tailored prodemocrat stories that have based on fact and after shes done with you shell target your friends and your family with fake news everybody who clicks on my eggs or shares an article we get that data back to create a look alike audience to find other people with similar attributes in the same area so we continually grow our ability. Define people one could argue that this is the kind of insane short sighted selfish behavior that is destroying trust in journalism in the media but tara isnt going to listen to her journalism is dead shes just making a quick buck kicking the corpse yeah its for profit a lot of people i respect will see this Media Company as an affront to adrenaline stick integrity because it wont in their eyes be balanced what i say to them is balance does not exist anymore unfortunately says a 33 year old with yes we can tattooed on her but its ok shes a democrat if a democrat sets up a Fake News Network buys out peoples personal information serves them with political dissent from asian thats 5 but only democrats kremlin ling bots continue to stoke political divisions in the us the a misinformation on social media are so detailed one about the social media interference weaponization of information by the russians and their proxies their bots and their trolls and everybody else weve been paying the price from russia russian buyouts to fake news americans heading to the polls have had to grapple with the question of what is real and what is feet yes they will have to question what is real and what is fake democrats literally setting up fake news websites and serving americans with fake news to sway elections i mean the mosques came off last year when democrats were caught creating fake russian bots to set up and smear a republican candidate an explosive allegation by a government whistleblower that the white house in gauged in a cover up by stashing records of the president s phone call. With a foreign leader in a top secret computer this for a times call for Desperate Measures and these are desperate times for democrats no massaro no hero candidate has come forward to be trouble so theyre getting their hands dirty doing everything live queues to russia of the question is on election day why would people vote for a side whose hands a new cleaner than trumps. And now to our hot topic the environment despite pledges to go green or u. K. Supermarkets appear to have been misleading their customers a report by Environmental Group greenpeace claims theyve been using other more plastic having promised to use less its shocking to see that despite unprecedented awareness of the pollution crisis the amount of single use plastic used by the u. K. s biggest supermarkets has actually increased in the past year our survey shows the grocery retailers need to tighten up targets to drive real reductions in single use packaging and items greenpeaces report says 7 out of 10 supermarkets in the u. K. Use more Plastic Packaging this year than in 2018 the amount of plastic has in fact risen to almost 1000000. 00 tonnes a year the report also indicates the main ways in which supermarkets can improve the green track records firstly they should increase the shock of Recyclable Packaging currently the u. K. s leading players aim to recycle between 30 and 40 percent they should also reduce the shock of plastics with the main supermarkets falling significantly short of the targets in this respect despite that theyve made quite a song and dance promoting their green policies. Morrisons has announced it is removing black plastic from all of its own brand food and drink packaging to make it more easily recycling in an attempt to reduce Plastic Waste items including pastor. Why and washing up liquid will be available at waitrose with out any packaging. Sharyn george has an electric and environmental studies out the u. K. That kill him fast he says supermarkets promise a whole lot but actually do very little. To go back to worry about these things require is quite a big behavior change post not that its so cheap just flip and try something and that it doesnt work what weve seen what we see in some supermarkets trialing trialing different tool to into projects and because theres not an immediate short term make them switching back and think a little bit too late at the moment this or same theyd be greener and this is this big action been taken with the easy things so plastic bags check out theres been massive shifts in the product of the big supermarkets doing things like even offering paper bags which is a great move but thats an easy fix we need to move on to the heart of things and i think its going to take more than just taking a box and say well weve done our bit and they. Really think about this and they need to be more investment in Real Solutions to really have a bigger impact. Now is going to have anything we can for you shopaholics out because millions of shoppers across the wild queued up for hours to get the very best deals during the retail fast known as black friday but despite being billed as a bargain extract the gallons of the event was a secret as caleb maupin in new york explains. After the traditional thanksgiving feast Many Americans might feel a need to go exercise and burn off that extra weight well another annual tradition that was adopted more recently called black friday might be useful for that the day after thanksgiving has been coronated by retailers as it day for massive discounts and low prices on items that might normally be expensive while supplies last of course and in some shopping districts its almost like a war zone. The stampede over shirts with jackets people see shopping each other one sales rep whining on a table to ski. Area or. Was. Advertising pumps up energy and anticipation of the big day the black friday sale is now all that. Lets make black friday bright. The deal that called out to you from a bunch of authors like most war zones theres usually some Collateral Damage before the sun goes down 48000000 Americans Still have debt from black friday 2018 and minor and even more serious injuries are not unheard of mother earth also takes a beating with all the electricity used a mere email sent on black friday at a Carbon Footprint roughly the size of 4000 flights from london to new york not to mention all the other black friday activities anna wintour the editor in chief of vogue thats a magazine that certainly cashes in on the black friday antics urged her readers to slow down and be more ecologically conscious a Carbon Footprint sequel to europes a go be struck of clothesline through to incinerate seed every 2nd nearly 30000000000 pounds of unsold stock burnt to protect by bruce brown. The fashion industry is no stranger to environmental abuses. Climate protests have also been scheduled this year to coincide with the annual shopping stampede so which wars will win out climate concerns or consumerism in the past its always been the market that takes the cake as people are there protesting if they think its bad for the environment i mean theyre going to write it like. You know if. You dont depends how you see it. For the environment you know the pens were a place. The state is the well. You dont want to buy something you only got to viruses nobody thinks lets see you know blank. Thats how i see it and if you want to spend the money. Coming up john then Officials Say the library crisis is a thing of the cost but data on integration a painful molests picture well get into the details after this short break. Lead. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back now germany has declared the my point crisis has come to end and however new figures suggest integrating the newcomers hasnt quite gone to plan. Eventually sepsis explains remember this. Googlies cute little girl. Where she will not table to hand the receipts its really really under program. Shocking images highlighting the scale of the migrant crisis while the head of germanys migration and Refugee Office insists that is all in the past the crisis is over and has been for several years however he also admitted it would take a year is to integrate migrants while praising the integration courses billions of euros have been spent to deal with the crisis and help new arrivals in the hope and such long Term Investments will pay off but lets have a closer look 1st at the courses which saw more praises for its effectiveness and it had a questionable effect with increasing numbers failing the basic german language exam and. Course providers sued for falsifying documents 2nd migrants continue to come to the country that critics say is an unsustainable numbers the minister also says that 145000. 00 are estimated to arrive this year only just down from 161002018 the minister also wants migrants to be taken back from their home countries and once the e. U. To help set up jobs for them there europe must help african countries to create jobs for people so that they can live in their homelands meanwhile a recent report warns integration problems may produce an entire lost generation of young migrants the young age of many newly arrived persons and their backgrounds of conflict and persecution requires Smart Investments from successful integration this report aims to contribute to reflection on how to achieve this thus making sure that a whole generation will not be lost germanys interior minister warns unless the issue is tackled the migrant crisis will get worse and then the one that peaked 4 years ago we need to do more to help our European Partners weve controllers at the use external borders weve left the money in for too long if we dont do this will experience a wave of refugees like in 2015 or perhaps an even larger war germany worries there is no common e. U. Approach to migrant policy end that puts the country at risk yet even germanys ministers appear to disagree among themselves with the migration chief insisting the crisis of 2015 cannot happen again with this government the asylum can similar to the one in 2015 cannot be repeated we asked people on the streets of berlin on how effective the migrant integration process has been deaths not working so well because when when there are too many people around a day to cannot integrate so good i think theyre doing a better job than other countries i know a couple of other countries that i thought. About moving to that dont really care about people who arent them i mean obviously we are in germany experience of the 2nd world war that its tough to build up your country but you know if someone has to do it and so therefore most probably we need to support these guys. To go back to their home country and you know and we have them to develop their infrastructure. And finding an american author who often appears as a commentator on news programs is making headlines of his own thoughts often he likened Trump Supporters to members of islamic state. The behaviors that im seeing here and this is anecdotal or very similar to the way that isis members are they are true believers and this is their reality and they will not surrender it you know theyre dead enders. Malcolm knox is a former Intelligence Officer for the u. S. Navy and a regular commentator on m. S. N. Both c. Hes known for his on team stands on has common criticism for in the past for spreading conspiracy theories. These people feel that they are the foot soldiers and executors of of what the disenfranchisement of the white race is feeling and donald trump is giving them subliminal orders in their head there are no different than the mobilized you know self starting radical self radicalized terrorists donald trump had been under russian Intelligence Surveillance for a very long time as early as 1977 with his 1st wife ivana and ivana was from the Czech Republic which at that time was chocolate then they brought him to moscow for what he wanted which was trump tower but from that moment on an enormous dossier of information was collected on him and more importantly how to exploit him who deal with our whos an editorial director at the on my web site reactionary times believes its wrong to give people like nonce for it was a stream only inflammatory and hateful rhetoric just trying to stir up controversy to this point the left has no shame in the rhetoric that theyre willing to use the most inflammatory disgusting slanderous commentary against anyone that you want to. Detachment from reality the trump derangement syndrome so to speak go ahead and say anything about anyone that type of rhetoric is not only disgusting and slanderous and libelous against conservatives and supporters of President Trump its downright un patriotic thats how the news is shaping up all around the walls how do i have to come through on one of our stories and have a great day. This is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the street. Who happens to have family and daughters in florida. A daughter is buried in a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in courts be. Shot after shot as far as society we feel. We dont know still just screwed on. The end of this trial unfortunately you too will still not know what childress. Wolf. Will leave. d when we have a new baby we will often hang a hang a blanket and the baby will go into their thinking its the shape of the mother and put his hand up to suckle and i think its the texture on the face and the fact that his its soft and were trying to replicate to a point the mother so that hell put his head down that that instinct to put his head out so we can get the bottle to get him to. Lose the world. Was being with us all 2 weeks to the day actually it was 2 weeks ago today that we rescued with and so we crossed the 10 day mark i mean he arrived he had very young very vulnerable and we didnt know it was going to be touch and go. And live

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