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Something that has very little bearing on the lives of ordinary americans do you feel that do you feel that frustration among the ordinary people in the United States because within the u. S. S. R. People definitely were very much annoyed by the fact that most of the ideological debates had very very little bearing on how the leave well good thing is. That half of the country or you probably even a little more because according to the recent polls 57 percent believe that. Good u. S. Russia relations are good for america and they have what are people who are pushing each preachment their goal of course is no to overthrow President Trump and they use russia as an instrument but more than half of the country dont believe them and this is something that. We feel much better and not through or. Be so set like. We were in your ceasar when theyre 100 percent didnt believe what our leaders were saying to us now going back to the impeachment proceedings im sure you have a chance to read the transcript of that fateful july 25th phone call between President Trump and hes ukrainian counterpart president selenski and i think psychologically it was a fascinating and very revealing conversation but in terms of inappropriately using the office of the u. S. Presidency the charge that the democrats a leveling against trump did you find anything of substance. Maybe. If youre talk about psychology. Then maybe theres something but nothing close to cry high crimes and misdemeanors of course trump wanted to get some what we call compliment on bargain but the same time he had legitimate reasons for that. United states spend billions of dollars and most of this money was stolen and everyone simply understands and the greatest of them so present has the right to put on hold and some but because 8. 00 until right or ukrainian springs are hardest in order so i would say maybe 10 percent or 14 during this conversation may be a little bit suspicious but 90 percent its privileges and if you know one of the most jarring things for me in that whole conversation was the absolutely shameless forming off president lansky him saying that trump is not 100 but 1000 percent thrive and achieve getting zilinskas all president ial victory on things that he has learned from trump i mean it was clear in that conversation that he would say anything to get into chums good graces and you have throughout these simpy. Of hearings ukraine was presented as these poor little made them that trump is trying to abuse if anything shouldnt be the presidency lansky who ought to be if not impeached then at least questioned about how he carries the office of of the president. Grover sir presence around sphere of course all of us were at this point that we were extremely happy when he won because of her was that in country to the world in the war. Torn a corrupt. And 73 percent of people more subsume of course voted not for their own script but just for their greed or for promotion car and thats why tensions were very hard but as usual its happens that expert dish and then become disappointing i wrote one of my articles that there was a famous novel by stephens who are said to history sometimes give you a chance and if you really know something someone has guts you use this chance you can even change the history but in this case history gave sagansky a chance and he basically blew it and then no one knows whats going whats going to happen so to me hes not on the way of fulfill the promises that he gave to ukrainian people well to some extent the history is being written within the United States itself and by that i mean the way god american president s from now and well be able of carrying out their duties because i think you know any president. Would let alone a u. S. President would have major difficulties conducting a policy or simply even engaging with hes counterparts or her counterparts knowing that Everything Everything that he or she sat could most likely would be used against them. Can you actually be a president in such an environment let alone a president of one of the most. Important countries in the world i think look at this more optimistic i think that this is. America going through some difficult period which certainly unique now dont say consumers this happened before and hopefully it will not going to happen again so sometimes this organisms sick but then you know overcomes a sickness and then maybe the next time i ever see well be ok for at least which is what im hoping. But i dont think that this is now continues history when conversation between 2 leaders will be mutually expose its just a temporary situation and i believe in America America is a great country and i think that if were able to overcome this tragic period you know we we have a saying in russia and in some other languages of it as well that a fact is the bast defense do you think the democrats are acting offensively because perhaps they genuinely smell impropriety or criminality in trumps behavior or abhi trying to defend one of their own and prevent the trumpet mistreating from even asking questions about the bidens added the conflict of interest. Again as they say they dont believe wards is saying what happened that trump selection was a shock truck and they still in the same state of shock despite all the failing over for murder and all those impeachment hearings are just circus. There not to overcome. The shock takes time. I think it will continue until the next election in november 2022 and a lot will depend. What American People will say. At this point if elections for today i think im pretty sure the term for it when many things can happen during the year next year. This sickness will continue and the only hope for recovery will be off her november 2020 now while the democrats need a lot of things to defeat at the ballot box come 2021 of those thinks would be the support of the independent voters as well as of their own representatives in the congressional districts which voted for trump in 2016 but than supported the democrats in 2018 other any indication so far how these very specific groups and very vital groups of voters are relating to the pietschmann proceedings do they see them as a worthwhile. Use of worth while allocation of time and energy you wrote 1st of all recall 2 democratic members of congress know. Even in the beginning they didnt vote for to proceed now always we cant run a congresswoman she said that maybe its better to stop because it hurts our party and even shift said that. Under question so im going to proceed was finishing this process he said i have to go back and talk to my constituency so theres some hesitation. But still the Party Apparatus probably would not that this stop they just started throwing around the word train bashir will continue until full collapse but it shows in some hesitation and now were going to see the next round of the circus next week up to 10 is giving Prestigious School moved to. A committee of Research Center and. Expect the same thing the same story nothing their magic can happen because already all information is on the table. Measuring interest and sam is a trump now welcomes that vote for impeachment becomes i think will move to the senate and then Republican Party to its majority will be able to. In the right to testify anyway they want including biden sure if. Anyone else well this is actually an interesting prospect because the republicans as you just sat promised that if the impeachment proceedings indeed moved to the senate theyre going to roll out the old we haveour tillery they would insist on the tacit monies from both biden the father and by them the son how big of a risk do you think politically it could be for the Democratic Party because i assume bad beat these could ultimately end up playing very handsomely into Donald Trumps hands on the eve of the elections. Of course because. Democrats for sure dont have the facts only some and im guessing that republicans do have more over and some documents john saw a month from from the hill is doing the great work hes using free information act and he is producing those documents phone calls between biden and the state department and there are also those lawyers. For bruce my saw he has a huge shoe and pack of those documents and several be produced hes holding them from the. Ghosts hes writing for for the for all right moment and then when people see the real facts i think it will be not 57 percent but maybe. 70 or 75 who will say that enough is enough we Want Congress to go back to war. I checked the recent radiance of congress its 18 percent approval only 18 percent of American People believe the congress is doing right or woodward and 80 percent disapprove so this shows that the American People are on the right site and as i said in the beginning its a good and this is something that i know eventually truth will come out and america will recover and will be happy again. Well you do sound like president ial level a bit and i hope you dont mind me saying that sometimes you also look like he as well but for the time being and mr lets give you have to take advantage should break well be back in just a few moments states. Lets move. On. To scrutinize you. Think about getting out of your. Good in the cold. War next time you dont come. Welcome back to worlds apart without the worthless president of the World Russia Forum ad the frequent commentator on the u. S. Russia relations mr in the American Media your sometimes credited with introducing the american Republican Partys conservative movement to russia do you think there is add a thing in common with me in the. American conservatives and the russian ones i mean if so what is it. Well its just historically what happened is that when. It came to power. I received unexpectedly invitation from his science advisor to come to moscow from users pretty shocking because soviet press didnt like me at all and receiving the stations to come to moscow was pretty high i would say its not shocking but strange nevertheless you know i thought its with idea it was my dream to go back home sometime and my wife and i have a rant in the mets to a new generation and people around me and then the round yeltsin and most of the people who were talking about. The time they wanted to. Improve not on just improve relations was United States they wanted to be america l. I this is a very strong war ally because sometimes these partnerships Something Like that and i helped them to build ties for his american conservatives especially poli rick who unfortunately hes now on no passed on but best of but paul was very influential and paul helped to link. Russian. Protesters forces which you say oh by the way all russia was progressed from in one to one even that started with 99 to russia was progress to i think some people have paid a very shabby price for trying to establish a dialogue between these 2 groups that youre talking about boots in there who just recently spent 9 months in behind bars for essentially trying to you reanna gys that dialogue for for a friend and former boss senator alexander torsion is now added the u. S. Sanctions i wonder if you have faced any pressure if you. Afeared any legal action over the last couple of years as the russia gate was gathering steam for everything that you have tried to do have reaches to bring a russia the United States is not closer together to these better understanding of one another the only pressure i see some time as an intern unfortunately i dont see any pressure from the sort of yours and they know very well so are you im doing this since 89 this is the 1st time round i went back to moscow and i became like a messenger between russian. Political and Business Community education cultural and american so im doing this now for oh its 30 years and song. They can blame me thats pushing who actually. Is asking me or you know paying me to do it they know it is this is my life this is what i do and theyre true to. You mentioned 2 hours of old russia for him its annual event on capitol hill and the song well i i dont want to there are be too optimistic and something happened but so far fortunately i didnt have any pressure from from the a sort of hers but i walked off going to a bet awards on the rap but then the internet people can do anything they want and yet you know that other people have been called to testify for essentially doing what youre doing and i know that you have a very interesting life story youre a Nuclear Scientist your a dissident who fled the soviet union back in the ninetys and i know that both role in the reagan add that time Vice President george h. W. Bush played a role in your own life how do you bring your family over i wonder if its actually dad legacy of those 2 former president s dads been shielding you from the after knocking on your door as it did on the door of many other people who were trying to do so essentially the same kind of worry that youre doing right now. Maybe you and maybe you mention to our own reagan and george w. Bush who indeed played a very Important Role but there are 2 more people at the temperance concert conservative republicans sent to dole and congressman jack kemp who actually became a member our family because when i was kicked out thrown their Service Union my wife was behind we had at some point decided to have a. No marriage american marriage ceremony because our russian soviet marriage was a newt so we had the ceremony on the capitol hill and. Bob dole and her camp are my best man in business in washington d. C. You can do marriage by proxy saw dole and joe can raise their hands and they testify that they know that tiana was a time in moscow really wants to marry me so maybe hes always for people who will want more of her some democrats are part of this Campaign Like to Ted Kennedy Center morning and so i had a great Bipartisan Group of people who are more like which im doing and so i dont know again i dont want to be too optimistic but so far its its ok so what do you talk to these people these days when your compay the or advocating for a more progressive a pragmatic or even and the an adversarial relationship between the United States russia do you can they really support you these advocates i mean i think its tantamount to treason and the betrayal of the American Interest if you voice and all been support for a dialogue between these 2 countries i mean this is one of the charges against president tromp till this day the fact that hes hes saying that you know the Good Relationship between russia and the United States would be a good thing i mean daddys. As he being a puppet of the kremlin i cant believe that you havent encountered any difficulties again as i said i do on the web but i mentioned already that polls sometimes they say 57 some polls even close to 60 year old american feel the same way they dont see that ukraine come all those businesses some democratic side to say and is why itll so American Interests resume today my article in the Washington Times own explains that this is just the opposite and it shows that huge portion of americans believe trumper and the belief. Me but maybe i dont want to compare myself with trump but then im trying to prove in my writings that good u. S. Russia relations are good for america. And its interesting that there are now i mention past that i always are closer to the right but now we have people in the left like no steve cohen who became like a leader sometimes we call him others are harder for. For modern times who believe the same thing and so he had no union then or a merchant of right and left of people who believe that trump is right and hes saying that she thought we had steve going on the show several times but i have to say that unlike you he has faced some very serious repercussions for the position that he has taken now speaking broadly about the u. S. Russian relationship i know that you believe that when the soviet union collapsed back in 1901 america have a hes toric up its you need to transform its top anime into an ally a repeating what had happened previously with joe many add to patch but could that template really have. War with russia because i think as weak as russia was back in the early ninetys it would never give up on the idea of its own army like japan and would never sees part of its sovereignty to the United States like west germany so was that ever a realistic scenario. No what were talking about its not to russia becoming like a junior partner we were talking about equal partnership so as i sat here i was carrying a lot of messages from russian leadership and. Who have x. As their excess to the white house he was delivering them to president bush and there was a message that russia is ready to become american ally now in terms of course should be negotiated and again i dont think that russia would agree to be a junior partner but you can be allies equal partners and 6 it would be good for russia it would be good for america said george bush its really. Inclined to accept this idea but he. Lost elections in 1. 00 to 2. 00 and assume he lost elections new team clinton and then George Bush Jr and obama went on the pass of each actually was devastating to the United States has sent and then in the world recent study by Brown University have a special center and several prominent scholars they came up with exact numbers specific numbers what those mil is to adventure search or whatever you can use another word caused this region and also United States trump was elected just to change the course but the establishment doesnt want to do it and now theyre said to have plenty of friends on capitol hill who believe the same thing but i think we are talking more about the u. S. Image of itself and they are we would your a couple of parallels with the soviet union before and one thing that happened to russia after become laps of the soviet union was that russia had to change the way. It projects itself both domestically and around the world do you think a similar transformation will happen to d. United states once these polarisation hopefully settles down. If we have to. Make sure that this happens because otherwise some to none who no one can accuse Center Number of being put in storage whatever he said that we are now sleepwalking into Nuclear Disaster and not on a someone even. Former. Us ambassador jon huntsman who over oh some time said many thanks for the truly good for diplomats when he said that their best american diplomacy is 100000 tons of force to go in the u. S. Missile carriers but then when he came back he said that we have to do dialogue because its a very dangerous situation is very dangerous but unless those people realize that to be sleepwalking this Nuclear Disaster then then this is this really can happen so. Thats we have to do we have to continue what were doing i think Still Believes that. Going along with russia is a good thing not a bad think. No i want simply an optimistic note that. Close to 2 thirds of americans saying the same so its so america still democracy and in democracy the final word is for the people well mr lesson ski on this note we have to leave it thank you very much for sharing your insights and for our viewers can keep this conversation going in our social media pages as well me and the team we hope to syria again same place same time on the wall to pine. Bark. Young elephants have come to us often. Especially brutal pledging incidents because sadly the baby elephants often do see their mothers be killed but also be caught up unfortunately. I do believe the elephants smile i see it in the subtle ones they all say so the expression changes. The. Skies are financial survival guide. When customers go by you reduce the price. In elf well reduce and lower. Thats undercutting but whats good for market is not good for the global economy. Nobody learning it didnt belong to me some of it is the some of the most name put a monument to you stuck in the middle of the screen because the seabiscuit granny. He thought the most novels. For an informative document on a local church. You. Don a suspect. Message will. Be. Sent. Not you know the little. Carnival on the bridge. The french president doubles down on his criticism of nato. Could be a wake up. For the top private. Or to take off to spanish off next month and the countrys former Vice President tells us its not just the media facing the crackdown. You may already know hes a maverick shes just a crater in the country 2 people have been killed and there was no investigation trade Union Leaders are hounded there either way next on live in hiding. In the french capital to raise awareness of thought its against women is that. As one thats great

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