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Turns out not to be. Us media. Thanks for joining us on the program. Will be taken off. At the start of december thats according to the countrys leading private. This comes amid a violent political crisis in the country. Government. Shes accused of suppressing the media and supporters of ousted president. Discuss the story with my colleague. Well no specific reasons were provided and the bolivian t. V. Operator code which pretty much excluded r t from their list of channels starting from december the 2nd explained it through some kind of order from what they called the companys administration this is a decision taken by the companys administration which touched us with shutting down the channels broadcast says a private t. V. Provider and the leader and believe he is cable t. V. Market we do have to remember that a similar move has been made by ecuadors public t. V. Operator almost 2 weeks ago they cut of spanish as well and moscow demanded explanation for that and still hasnt got it from quito now and this particular case its unclear whether the decision came so lean from the companys top management or whether this has got anything to do with the political situation in the country we remember that earlier this month bolivia pretty much suffered a coup and yet take us through exactly what happened that just remind us well now the former president. Was all but ousted on november the 10th 1st he won reelection in a vote however the opponents claimed that the poll was rigged and as a result of that even though he actually promised a new election the military and the police turned their backs on mr morales and he had to flee from x. To mexico where he got political asylum now whats very important here is that the interim leader janine yes was never elected in any kind of vote she basically proclaimed herself the interim president of the country when had to step down when the Vice President resigned and when the head of senate resigned now she says. That at the moment her goal is to make sure that new elections are held in the country. That this is the law we believe in we have arrived at this day with the satisfaction of fulfilling that duty because this is the Main Objective of my government new elections will happen in the shortest time possible but it seems that so far her focus was absolutely different 1st of all she was accused of turning a blind eye on a violent crackdown on the indigenous protesters who are mostly in support of the former leader. But also it seems that all d shes been up to is trying to make as many u. Turns as possible in the countrys Foreign Policy she appointed a new ambassador to the u. S. For the 1st time in more than a decade and also severed diplomatic ties with bolivias traditional allies especially under. That is with cuba and venezuela other diplomatic personnel representing major divinest while an embassy in bolivia will be allowed to leave the country for having interfered in internal state affairs well surely perhaps the biggest political crisis in latin america over the last year or so has been the crisis in that as well the fight between the closet door government and also the Opposition Leader whos selfproclaimed president there and venezuela well what is also did was she recognized mr glyde bill as the head of an as well as well i hope it will end that you with the venezuelan people. Because i believe that they have been many years of suffering mr president i do have to say though that eventually interim president on is pushed through a legislature in which allowed a new general election in bolivia although this is something thats going to be boycotted by almost a half of the population the supporters of this say that they are not going to take part in this vote so what kind of general election is that gonna be with almost 50 percent of bolivians deciding not to take part. Mehta who resigned as bolivian Vice President just minutes after morales talked to us about the people now in charge of their crackdown on the media. You know what i mean is that the socalled Communications Minister warned journalists to be careful because shes going to take down the names of those who step out of line how can you say that to journalists what kind of constitutional freedom can we talk about if they are preventing journalists from doing their jobs from sharing information and telling the truth the country no longer has free speech or a free press. One of the better ones also look at this insidious craze this after 11 years of the us distancing itself from bolivia the 1st thing that we did was to bend the knee and to make overtures to the American Government needs to have relations with every part of the world because we also have to build relations based on Mutual Respect we call a c. And none intervention in our internal affairs i hope that bolivia successful economic policies will not be revamped at the whim of a foreign power that would without a doubt cause an economic disaster. The only thing they have achieved is to create terror in the country 32 people have been killed and there was no investigation no one has been held to account or jailed leaders are hounded there either in exile in hiding mass media are gaggle threatened with accusations of subversive activity or sedition its difficult to engage in peaceful resistance against this regime its hard to say how long this reign of terror will last how long people will tolerate it depends on how events unfold over the next few weeks. Chuck of one from their lives for global justice says the new government in believe is trying to stifle critical media coverage. Coup government in bolivia is struggling to establish itself against massive resistance. They cant they cant afford for people to hear alternative voices to the. News that they want the message that they want to get get out there because they have to control the message. People can you know if people have free access to information theyre going to say that other people or country are are suffering in the way that they are suffering theyre going to know that the reason for the suffering is this military coup the sole legitimate government that. Is big imposed on the resistance will continue on and grow. And ready to raise awareness of on is against women in paris on saturday was itself mobbed by classes. I. Know several women from a feminist group called nemesis collective joined the march they were Holding Placards saying 52 percent of rapists are immigrants thats a figure taken from a 2014th survey movement criticizes blacks migration policies in france saying that women suffer as a result so on the other demonstrators didnt like their presence and began booming and tearing up their placards. And a video from the march went viral lead to a wave of online threats against the nemesis activists they were branded fascists xenophobes and racists the Group Released a statement saying all the feminists want to silence them and we spoke to one of those nemesis activists who aust us to distort the voice to hide her identity. We arrived at the demonstration with our plaque cards and started to protest and within minutes other demonstrators saw a mass of cards it does collated quickly we wanted to cross in a calm way now we have prayed we know that our message shes truthful but there are people who are aggressive to us the violence against women the protest raises questions and demonstration with the slogan all of us turns out not to be for all of us at all since we are being treated like fascists im asking what is the basis for this do this women nor the definition of fascism i am angry about this attack being treated in that way we have feminist movement we denounce any kind of violence people speak about freedom of expression but do they mean it we have questions to women who pretend to be feminists who say that they represent other women. Members as activist we spoke to told us the rapists of moderate origin are not prosecuted enough she also asked to remain anonymous. I was in the rage we went to this demonstration because we wanted to defend womens rights we think not enough is said on the subject of migration and when they attacked us like we were fascists it just shows that they attacked themselves it is a real problem that in france a woman cannot go out on the street where she wants because of migrants when i am on the street im often harassed by men and their nationalities obvious rapists of migrant origin is not prosecuted enough we need to tell the world that everyone should be punished regardless of this skin color there are several types of threats that we get on social media where kids of fascism and racism these people from the far left do not want to accept the reality they want to prevent us from speaking up. The u. S. President donald trump has pardoned 2 turkeys saving them from being served up for thanksgiving the lucky birds a cool bread and butter the horns are part of a 30 year old white house tradition from fools who used the occasion to crack some jokes about impeachment while the president might be enjoying himself the u. S. Media has a lot of gloomy allies on the whole thanksgiving holiday on his little quarter explains. What i say thanksgiving whats the 1st thing that comes to mind turkey p can i warm hugs with seldom seen relatives where you can forget all that this year thanksgiving is canceled or at least the media says theres too many pilgrims killing natives involved too many children appropriating Indigenous Culture a big Carbon Footprint is left behind and of course peter thinks its on ethical thanksgiving can be the scariest time of the year if youre a turkey more than 45000000. 00 of these fascinating birds are killed to disgrace thanksgiving tables each year. Turkeys you dont want to mess with them not after the toms river turkey rebellion flock of wild turkeys are terrorized going to Jersey Community photos show how the 20 plus pound birds can be dangerous blocking traffic on yorktown boulevard some residents feel threatened as they walk out their door turkey might be the centerpiece of the traditional thanksgiving dinner table but p. Cand pie is almost just as important too bad this year theyre coming from china even a loving embrace could now be off limits next time think twice before hugging your daughter reminder she doesnt owe anyone a hug not even at the holidays they could without even realizing it also be a time when you daughter gets their own idea of balance concerned and physical affection and the beef gravy on top family chats going around the table and naming what were thankful for is a great springboard into small talk but with our Political Climate nowadays its no doubt a slippery slope into dinner table debates good thing weve got a former state Department Official to tell us what to do like every family we have people of all political stripes and somehow my loving family members find a way to keep a lid on it at family gatherings that has probably been the saving grace i will be tapping into the common power of a cocktail i would advice others to do the same thanksgiving is having a tough time finding its place in our new wolk world who knows if well even have anything left to celebrate ive never thought about turkeys but theyre raised for this purpose theyre bred for that purpose my family is a little bit divided religiously but we usually put our differences aside despite the differences that people may have you know they come together and they say what theyre thankful for you know with the other aspect of it you know the native americans. Take that down as history however in the present day modern time should be no. You know follow along the traditions of thanksgiving i can understand for some people maybe they dont feel the need to celebrate it but everyone so people can do it makes them come to rome. The u. K. Foreign secretary has been branded a coward after refusing to talk to the family of a young man killed in a road accident. The dont. Know what im very happy to see you in so a bit of a go there but i think they really have to want to know. But what of all the. Weight of the story you and. The man confronting the dominic robb lost his son in a crash involving the wife of a u. S. Diplomat she fled the u. K. After the incident using her Diplomatic Community teenager harry dunn died 3 months ago as a result of a Traffic Accident between his motorcycle and the car the suspect in question and securitas admitted that she was driving on the wrong side of the road through her lawyers said she did no time to react and apologised to the dunn family i spoke to harry does father about his encounter with dominic. Go down and try to speak to him because he had been in concho. Troubles with how rich kerry. So yeah were down to speak to him but he didnt want to talk to me because there was some press that he would be trying to speak to mr rudd for a long time for us to do is call me. Orders to do is get in touch with us and we can arrange a meeting you have one there is as weve been asking since the start and we havent had any support from the u. K. Government really. One meeting with mr brough which wasnt very such a structure at 1st as a family. 11 and now there has been no contact with the government we feel as a family that. Theyre more concerned with helping the american citizen. Accused of killing us and then how do you know british citizens that live in the country. The u. K. S Foreign Office says its providing all necessary help to seek a resolution to this case or does father told our team or must be done for just this to happen. Probably we want sounds to us to come back and be challenged through our courts for the crimes she has committed and exceptional punishment for us that is what we are. 100 percent. Sure were going to try and how the governments only countries look at this Diplomatic Community and all because it says say rather than. The spouse or an American Worker can hold the knowledge in your all out now to needs a coach your own beauty there i think the laws need to be updated to be more concurrent with the one of the songs we live in we feel. This injustice. For years a young lad just 19 years old started to enjoy his life and it will take you know why for him we would feel we would not be the parents we should be for we do not try and see this through and get the justice he deserves. Threatens the u. S. With consequences off the donald trump signs controversial bills in support of hong kongs anti beijing protesters story and more after the break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confront cation let it be an arms race in his own spilling dramatic develop in the only and dangerous resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. You know world of big partisan loot. And conspiracy its time to wake. To dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Welcome back to the Program China has summoned the u. S. Ambassador after donald trump signed to controversial bills in support of the hong kong protesters beijing says it amounts to interference and has threatened the us with consequences. This is a serious interference in Hong Kong Affairs which are chinas internal affairs it is also in violation of International Law and basic norms governing International Relations the tube else was send the wrong message to the demonstrators and it will not help ease the situation in hong kong. Now the bills in question the hong kong human rights and democracy act opens up sanctions for Human Rights Violations but also makes it easier for arrested protesters to obtain u. S. Visas or requires an annual review of the regions special trade status and hong kong will qualify only if its got enough autonomy from beijing this could of course pose a threat to the citys position as a Global Financial center and from kongs special status is revokes to this subject area to the same sanctions imposed by the us on Mainland China same goes for trade tariffs and banking regulations as well the limits could also be placed on Sensitive Technology soul to Hong Kong Hong kongs economies are already of course suffering as a result of the violent protests companies and investors are setting their sights on more stable places like singapore tourists are also staying away we discussed the situation with joseph chang professor of Political Science at Hong Kong City university and antiwar activist sara flounders. This probably has a strong moment in the chinese authorities are concerned. Donald trump and ministrations views of human rights issues to exert pressure on china are starting. Now in hong kong and so on its chinese leadership is also consistent with the strong opinions of thought for human rights issues in china including the prices can. Be in the coming president ial you know action can be done a lot from him indecision will come up come on in the evening. In the new United States and this luis is trying to stir them and what is see aim of this sanctions it really is an effort to tom. Really sabotage. Demonstrators theyre not demanding democracy imagine theyre demanding sanctions on their own city sanctions everywhere in the world is Economic Warfare and its strangulation why on earth would anyone in hong kong make a demand that sanctions be passed on hong kong there isnt engender they may not be aware these are young people without a future. And thats because of what has been imposed on them from the way. The chemical blood himself used texas has been hit by a 2nd explosion there was of the blast was caught on camera. Now this happened around 12 hours after a much larger explosion hit the facility near houston the fire is still raising it with at least 3 workers injured around 60000. 00 people have been evacuated from the surrounding area and raises quote schools rather extensive damage Officials Say it is now contained. And we spoke earlier to a local resident who told us about the extent of the damage to nearby homes. Our house was actually really damaged all the garage doors pretty much all of the doors down the middle all the windows blew out some of the the roof you know. So we had a lot of the image you hear about the explosions but its half and around the area before but not to this extent its never affected around. I definitely did not expect you know Something Like this to happen but i guess it living in the area of. The refinery t. P. C. Group produces thousands of tons of chemical and Petroleum Based products and journalist and campaign on health and Environmental Issues all of a to me was that a substantial investigation will be needed. Some pretty quite toxic compounds are used on this site and the manufacturers own site i think that really quite a lot of investigation will be immediately just to determine the background toxicity in the local area following this and the local community will have a love hate relationship with this plant these plants are responsible for quite a lot of wealth in this area they provide a huge amount of employment they are the economic lifeblood of this Golden Triangle area but at the same time there are all these pollution incidents i think this incident may actually bring quite a lot of additional political pressure on to the trumpet ministration not to cut the resources of the as its intending to do boom bust coming away just a few of its time were back in 30 minutes with the latest global news one to see that. You know one of the things we talk about on the show if you read the Financial Press about the latest scandal its just a new name for a recurrence like theres only 3 or 4 ways you can rip people off as it changes is the name they call to rip people off. Much in a profit and strangle stone then you have the record and what we have done is to try and identify Something Like that happening in the brain where the extension of the ripples. Of your consciousness. When there is only. Just got out of prison for. 41. 72 years so. I got a rest stop. Just everything was taken out of. My work and. I think it was. Meant to snow man that looks a little bit like me. About high. Homicide want to. Work hard tough in the. Units so youve got. To go. On the front try to try to get. Snow do something right. This is to bust broadcasted around the world and covering all aspects of our Global Economy in the 21st Century Branch aboard and im christiane washington heres whats coming up today. In the final throes of a very important deal its going very well but at the same time we want to see it go well and a hunk of. Unrest d continues amid travel and elections in hong kong what impact could this have in regard to trade top me break it down today with peter schiff of europe with a capital plus we delve into market moves around the Holiday Season change Holiday Shopping black friday is just over the horizon but what kind of bump of the u. S. Economy theon midweek r. T. Correspondent judy chavez brings us the latest on the shopping spree and how it could move south. And later amid a change of leadership the e. C. B. Is also looking to new frontiers as the face of Global Finance continues to change hillary ford which of the British American Business Association lends us a hand to break down the Central Banks move toward fin tech we have a lot in store today so lets get right to it. United states President Donald Trump says a trade deal between the u. S. And china is more likely following a call between negotiators from both countries on tuesday the u. S. President added that u. S. Officials are keeping an eye on the situation in hong kong as part of the talks. I have a very Good Relationship as you know with president xi were in the final throes of a very important deal i guess you could say one of the most important deals in trade ever. Its going very well but at the same time we want to see it go well and. I think it will i think that president xi can make that happen and i know him and i know hed like to make it happen Chinas Ministry of commerce also commented on the call between private vice premier and u. S. Trade representative robert light hisor and treasury secretary Steven Nugent saying the 2 sides had reached a consensus on how to resolve some key issues and would continue to work in to come to terms on an eventual deal in hong kong the pan democrats scored big victories as they won nearly 90 percent of the 452 District Council seats in elections held sunday the election had record turnout following 6 months of protests that rocked the island now while those who support the protests not stay when not everyone is on board china daily published an editorial monday stating the result of sundays District Council election marks a setback for hong kongs Democratic Development as the results were skewed by the illegal activities of the opposition camp to the benefit their candidates in the run up to sundays voting members of the opposition camp particularly their young agitators engaged in an all out campaign to sabotage the Campaign Activities of pro establishment candidates and intimidate their supporters from going to the ballot box now kristie theres a lot going on here but what is the signal

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