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Could have a pleasant constructive even. A conversation where you would learn something new i dont i dont see any dialogue anymore they look at you they ask you a few questions and because they they dont agree with your values and values translates into youre a good person or a bad person thats not not a political conversation its only been recently now where that is the case where if you dont hold values you know beyond the pale that is ridiculous its nonsense and fox does it all the way to c. N. N. Ok i got you speak good to be fair here are our been in washington going it. I think what were seeing is people resorting to non political types of argument i dont want to call it our political methods of pressure and persuasion for political issues listen we are a political country have always been a political controversy supposed to be a place or ideas are debated but instead we have you know for example on the left you have the safe space culture which refuses to tolerate any difference of views you have people banning people from social events entirely non political events non political areas because of their political views that is not a pole way of having political discourse thats a way of just telling your opponents to shut up a messy way of side try to silence and bully any kind of opposition and on the right youre seeing the same thing where were people who dont fall in line with with trump even when trump is not saying something conservative are just bullied and shamed and pressured to conform and this this idea that what you that your political views are somehow now part of your identity yet rather than youre considered an analyzed opinion that is a huge problem when you start to turn that into your personal identity theres no room for discussion anymore now its a religion too you know janet the thing is i can i jump in go ahead please do i support of the program go ahead a new york you know i happen to agree when you come to the left you know but we see a ton of dissidents from from president i mean we see people all day on the right oh you know socalled republicans going after him attacking him you know siding with democrats against him and you know i speak with democrats republicans all the time and democrats are not even happy with with their own party at this point you know moderates and b. People in between are saying whats going on here this is not the party of j. F. K. This is not the party of even bill clinton or barack obama anymore its going really far left and the problem is is that people on the left dont call out their own you know aleck to officials when they start saying really radical things that people on the right do it i see it all the time and date on. They dont hesitate to tell when it comes to president ial you know you know 10 you know it because they want to well taken ok but let me go to get here before we go to the break oh you really it is well taken its whats really important here it gets down to it seems to me is not politics it gets down to power you know when i hear about Court Packing getting rid of. The Electoral College things like that i mean they want to structurally change things they dont they dont like how the rules have been set out that weve all we all used to agree to and now they want to change the rules and it to them to me that means they dont have a political argument they just want power what do you think jed in new york. Well its not just about power peter its really about what barack obama said which is that they were out to fundamentally change america and i think they started to do that and theres a whole generation coming up 60 percent of millennial now dont believe that the 1st amendment should actually be a constitutional right and thats because they believe you shouldnt have the right to free speech because that my faith and somebody that speaking this speech and how how did it get to this point i think it goes back to barack obama i think it was in 2012 they sent out talking points of how to talk to your family have a debate politics at the thanksgiving table well were at thanksgiving week here in america and i look back at that and i think that was the time that politics and filtrated into the personal realm and you cant even now sit down to a family dinner without having to worry about being confronted by these nasty politics and look it has gotten that it is a civil war and it still the point now where you cant just be right or wrong if you disagree with a person then you must be evil and i think you know we go to that level we are sinking to a devilish new low in this country you know rich. Its very i mean did it happen under obama it seems to me this has been approved i mean i used to be in academia ok in the 1990 s. And i know whats whats happening in mainstream now was in academia in the 1990 s. It just went into the mainstream right now you have hollywood you have big. Capitalism theyre all channeling the same thing ok the same kind of ideology its really an ideology of antipolitics go ahead in new york well. We see a constant attack on on conservatives within within College Campuses and ive been saying for a long time and you know i dont blame one particular party i believe that a lot of the weight does fall solely on the low. After i believe that both all elected politicians dish falls on their shoulders that we need to upgrade our Education System and we need to stop having an indoctrination system you know right now our Education System does not prepare people for the future what it is its a lot of these radical professors who go into teaching and they want to indoctrinate they want to revise history and its spilling over so its not its no longer just on a College Campuses were seeing a spillover like you said at the dinner table its spilling over into the workplace people are scared to post something you know on their social media which to to a certain extent they should be able to but you know at this point you know theres no theres no more argument its all about the fact that if you support someone they go out for personal destruction its no longer about battling ideas its about labeling someone something so you can demean and you can make sure that their opinion is looked at like it means a lot less so thats their tactic they used to in academia for many years and now they using it just its spilling over into society at a rate that weve never seen before. 30 seconds before we go to the break were going to reflect upon that you were nodding your head go ahead in washington that is absolutely true i mean what youre seeing him in academia both at the College Level youre seeing that if you if you believe that that biology determines gender you are disagreed with you are hated and shut down you are shrieked into silence at the High School Level ive had students whove who for political papers of said that they wanted to write about ending the department of education they were shut down by their teachers and that is a valid political position is a political held position held by most republicans all the returns and its held by me personally i think the and when you see people being silenced because they disagree with the status quo at that place youre no longer doing education you are just doing indoctrination is gone so far away and one of the reasons that were not going to jump in here were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on the political divide stay with our city. Live. Play. Live. Live. Live. Live. Oh. Please. Explain. And very well continue watching on since last. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. Always still good humans are too tight and indeed lets move. On to call over the intercom to discredit us in your home. And who want to think about anything out of your canadian each of them to look at him as all. The eat too much how to get to be a good tall goof on the author to get there with herself when im a not good children till one with all this you can tie one next time you dont come fall through the marketing your. Thinking of getting your music on the one thing. She. Didnt know what do these traps and this time you know why are you going near the crate with him he was. Freaking out when its pretty much anywhere near thousands of breeding dogs are caged in in human conditions on puppy farm i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the founder nothing they have no protection. Because you. Get 2 kids. Across the u. S. Crude puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined a Group Businesses are involved but. There has been a shocking amount of organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial rating for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with jobs dont buy dog on a hearty. Welcome back to crossfire where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing the political divide. Ok john you know you said at the opening of the program that you believe that the country already is in a civil war and i actually happen to agree with you its really the intensity and where we go next i have i dont want to talk about where were going to go next because any country and weve had a civil war in our country is. The most defining moment in our countrys history was very tragic very difficult and i think we learned a lot of lessons from it though a lot of people in the left dont believe that anymore unfortunately pain can bring people together and i think that was the case how do we avoid going to the next steps how do we do that or is it inevitable because the 1st part of our program was pretty depressing go ahead jim. Well theres good news and bad news here peter ill start with the bad news since im a political strategist. The bad news is i think were very close to this Tipping Point there was a study done recently in the last week or 2 that said that 52 percent of americans thats a majority of americans said that there would be quote unquote riots in the street if donald trump is removed from office not just impeached by the impeached and removed and i think that that underscores the point that you and i have said here that we are already in this civil war and theres been a lot of people blaming things like russian meddling you name it but i think this has been boiling for quite some time you know the old quote Eleanor Roosevelt quote i think applies here no one can make you feel inferior without your consent you cant get angry about something in politics if you werent already angry so a guy like donald trump doesnt just come along and get elected for a particular reason or because people supported him or were against him he got elected as a symptom of what was going on in america and that is i believe the elite bureaucratic class in washington d. C. Versus the rust of america in places like i grew up oklahoma and texas and so i think thats the bad news i think were very close to the Tipping Point i think the good news is though i did an informal poll on my social media yesterday in preparation for coming on today and said are we past the divide or can this nation be saved and i was surprised by the result 100 percent of people 100 percent said it can be saved but we have to go back to what we just discussed in the last segment which is we have to allow free speech and debate and discussion without name calling without calling the other person evil we have to go back to this what the country was founded on which was the 1st amendment and Civil Exchange of debates and ideas you know big rich the problem with that is and its something ive experienced and on social media is shut. Banning taking my followers away. Deleting my current comments to me i mean its so patently obvious and then you ask for why this is happening and its the orwellian silence here i mean if we if the if the its not a level Playing Field how can we get to the point where jens informal poll thank you for doing it for preparing for this program but if we dont have a. Fair level Playing Field how are we going to get to avoiding the next steps that could be tragic go ahead rich in new york. Well its a its a great question i know i was a victim of shadow betting myself i know many people are and it still happens and this is just goes back to the testament that some people can accept the results of the 2016 election they can accept the fact that one side is actually you know doing what they said theyre going to do so they resort to tactics where its like if we cant beat you lets silence you and thats thats a serious problem now to take it back to your point about the civil war i happen to disagree with thinking that will ever end up in another civil war i happen to study the civil war very closely and there are a lot of similarities in the way that there is so so much part of partisan divide here but back in the original civil war it happened in america it was kind of it was much different you had a south that had its own economy you had a north that kind of was operating in its own capacity so i dont think it i hope we never get to that level but i do think again that were in a cold civil war i think one of the tactics that theyre using is to silence people because if they if they believe they can silence of voices that can rally up you know supporters that theyve already won half the battle so what they try to do is make sure that someone who is influential who speaks common sense its not even its not even about something right wing a left wing anymore then theyre eating their own that if someone in their party doesnt fall in line precisely to go as far left as they want theyre going to eat their own so they go for silence as their main weaponized tactic in irving and i may be going john if im not some kind of a Program Going arvinds question. The number one difference between the civil war and the lower case a civil war that were in is one difference today given the 2nd amendment and those rights bestowed upon the folks in other parts of the country. My money would be on the fly over states any day vs the bureaucratic leitz in washington that war would be over and about 5 hours you get a bunch of guys and pickup trucks in texas going to washington d. C. Pitchforks and all that were would be over in about 5 hours the snowflakes in washington d. C. Would completely cave in and that thats how that would end but i dont like that it was the 2nd time i dont know i would have thought wed be that way but i doubt it would because our going to keep going on what we just heard from jen now that that what the stakes couldnt be higher everybodys playing for keep ok this is whats going on right now because the of the people and specifically thinking of the democrats and their liberal friends in the media theyre playing this is a this is a blood sport for them ok because they look at us as being inferior how could an inferior group of people be right again going back to what you said in the 1st part of the program is that if you base it on values then you get into the point of being going down the path of good and evil we are by definition evil for these folks and they will fight go ahead in washington the motto of the weapons of modern warfare just arent guns anymore the what weapons of modern warfare are economics and the fact is right now the lefts bad economic ideas are backfiring their college is where you go to study social justice nonsense for 4 years is not giving them the benefits they thought in an economic way their schooling system you know Public Schools are being demolished by homeschool me home schools outperforming which tend to be a little bit more conservative outperforming Public Schools by a humongous margin so whats happening here is yes a total separation but were seeing an economic war were seeing a war of i. Yes its true that ive been facebook shadow ban twitter shadow bit ive been banned from social events because i oppose welfare and i oppose government schools thats thats fine but at the end of it the bad ideas no matter how much you try to silence the opposition the good ideas are always going to win just because they are better ideas homeschooling is a better idea college in the current environment just not that good an idea so so yes i do think were going to see an economic war and i honestly dont think the president going to win it because their economic ideas are just bad rich you know it it seems to me i mean i can im old enough to remember when nixon used the silent majority when he was campaigning for president but i truly believe that there is a silent majority because so many people are being silenced and were being silenced that shows a form of 0 pression and it means the people that are oppressing youd do not want to open to be open to dialogue thats where a cold civil war can heat up thats where we are go ahead rich absolutely i agree with you 100 percent on that because the fact is that you know again i say it all time lets hope it never comes to having to exercise the 2nd amendment rights because the truth is that it would be good for for anyone in this country so we want to resolve these things peacefully we want to make sure that our country survives for the future generations which is the main goal of every generation is to preserve this culture and this generation for the next and were not doing that here so whats happening is that youre seeing a lot of this indoctrination thats coming to fruition now from years and years of people who have been told that the world is a certain way its not the way that that you know they wanted to believe so they go out there and theyre going to do everything they can to tear it down and i believe the argument about values comes back to the fact that if you look at whats happening in many parts of society its becoming more nihilistic you know people are looking at you know traditional religions as a bad thing and and look you dont have to be a huge fan of traditional religions but the. People respect where people believe and a lot of times they do bring about good good stuff good programs that are good for the people and when we get to a nihilistic approach where people just say theres no point in this whole world is no point to existence Better Things begin to happen and thats what im seeing thats what worries them worries me the most you know jen im im very worried about this is well because the antics and cruelty and violence of venti fear is never condemned on the left never once condemned on the left and the and they do not even support the rule of law assaulting people. Of violence and vandalism they just its acceptable in the era of trump thats what they say well i say that is only acceptable ok and that its a problem here you have people that are giving it a motivation youre giving it incentives in the media is is culpable in this go ahead. You know well youre absolutely right peter and one of my clients is and you know gentleman he was attacked in portland and portland and look and its been 4 and a half months and theyre still to this day is been no arrests i mean thats a shocking this is an attack that happened in broad daylight was caught on tape and was perpetrated in front of the police in portland i mean that this that is outrageous and youre right not a single peep from anyone on the left if you can imagine a right wing group doing a fraction of the things that. We would never hear the end of it people would be arrested and thrown in jail but look going back to this civil war point. You know the bureaucracy in washington d. C. Has not been challenged in quite some time and i think thats why you see President Trump having such a tough challenge in d. C. I mean its really been since Ronald Reagan was there that bureaucrats in washington. Had any sort of challenge to them and we need a reagan moment in this country where he grabbed the microphone and said you know please turn back on this microphone we paid for this microphone and we need a bunch of people to go to washington d. C. And take back the microphone because the fact is whether youre peter soros or and or any of these deep state folks they serve at the pleasure of the American People who pay their salaries with our taxpayer funds and i think that thats been reversed for too long they think that we work for them no no its the other way around take a look at your paycheck its the American People that you work for and that revolution is coming if they dont and all of this deep state activity i think thats why peter the upcoming i. G. Report i think coming out on december 9th will be quite interesting to show the abuses of power well that it may go wrong and across time to be watching it very carefully maybe well see you again on that topic thats all the time we have many thanks to my guests in new york and in washington and thanks to our viewers for watching us here darkie see you next time remember. This is a story about what happens on astra stray bullets kills a young girl in the street. What happens to her family and daughters in charge of the mother daughter is there isnt a cemetery it really messes with your head what happens to the Community Public was screaming for a scapegoat the police need is a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court. Shot as far as i. Still. We dont know shell just screw up all. The end of this trial unfortunately you surely will still not know the actual just. When there is only johnson. And i just got out of prison for. 41 years. Im 73 years old now i got arrested for too many for something to. Fill. Just everything was taken out of. My work in the hospital it was. Meant to snowman that looks a little bit like me. Call about high. Homicide want to. Work hard tough in the unit so youre going. To go system. Do not afraid to try to frighten. Us no good something about due to. Young elephants have come to us after. This basically brutal pledging incidents because sadly the baby elephants often do see their mothers only be killed but also be cut off then voted. I do believe the elephant smile i see it in these little ones they all say show the expression changes. In. The. Body larry yeah yeah them belong to me some of us them did some of the most needy and put a monument to you stuck in the middle of the screen because lucy disconnects he thought the. Fish are good for one form or did the documents for normal which. Donna suspects ill and dons of the. Movie sure the message will. Be with the infant daughter one who became nocturnal looking in on the. Collar discardable much of the body and. Flames roberge a Chemical Plant in western texas following a huge blast early on the witness the morning 3 workers are. Also ahead this hour to news hour delegates to flush out the world chemical weapons watchdog called french for threats to its funding over contentious bonds to a lot of the agency assigning blame to incidents and. One of the u. K. s biggest cinema change brings barker. The movie triggering dozens of them to its release

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