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Youre watching R T International im or is on a lot could welcome to the program. We start with this the u. S. Secretary of state might pump a. O. Has announced a major policy reversal regarding israeli settlements in the west bank saying they do not necessarily file 8 International Law. Establishment of israeli civilian settlements in the west bank is not per se inconsistent with International Law conclusion that we will no longer recognize israeli settlements as per se inconsistent with International Law is based on the unique facts history and circumstances presented by the establishment of civilian settlements in the west bank a decision today does not create prejudice or decide legal conclusions regarding situations in any other parts of the world of composer announcement comes 8 months off to washington recognized his release of rennet sea over the Golan Heights that territory was seized from syria in 1967 and formally annexed in 1981 under the trumpet ministration the us has also broken with International Consensus in deciding to recognize jerusalem as israels capital both decisions were strongly condemned including by the un israels Prime Minister meanwhile has praised the United States latest me for claiming it quotes writes a historical well. I will consider it through pumping and the trumpet ministration announcement only galatea of communities in judea and samaria there is no dispute about the right of the jewish people to the land of israel this is an appropriate response to the European Court decision and the boy could attempt against israel. For a bit more analysis of this were now joined by who way to shes a cofounder of the International Solidarity movement which is an organization that advocates for palestinian rights who aid thanks for joining us lets start here Benjamin Netanyahu as we just said though said that this decision represents the writing of a quote historical wrong and acknowledges that settlements are not quote inherently illegal now youre also an attorney what do you make of that. Well its just blatantly wrong i mean netanyahu can say that my jacket is yellow that doesnt make it right it just makes him look silly and out of step with the reality and thats what we have here theres an International Consensus that settlements are illegal under International Law theyre illegal under article 49. 00 of the 4th Geneva Convention they are also a war crime under the rome statute and just less than 3 years ago there was near unanimous resolution passed in the u. N. Security council saying that israeli settlements constitute a blatant violation of International Law at the Un Resolution 2334 the past 140 the u. S. Abstained on that boat but that resolution for she didnt have any teeth it didnt have any implementing mechanism but it called on israel to stop at settlement activity which are in no Uncertain Terms of violation of International Law and now the historical wrong is that the International Community while unanimously agreeing on this has not taken any steps to source israel to abide by International Law and therefore we have seen them continue to expand settlements and not only are these settlements of violation of International Law but something that is less talked about but just a serious of the policies that israel uses to. Try to build and maintain these settlements which include the pillaging of Palestinian Land and resources the illegal taking of the land the restriction of Palestinian Movement the building of a wall that has caged palestinians and the International Court of justice has declared it you can legal and called on israel to take it down and yet israels done nothing so the wrong is not that the International Community has called israel settlements for what they are but that there has been no teeth to these resolutions and to the law as it is and now that the United States. Has unfortunately this administration the trumpet ministration has. Decided to reverse course on this and its almost in line with the. The administrations disdain not only for International Law but also for us the must decline and its complete disregard for palestinian human rights and for the rights frankly of of many people of color weve seen that in the policies that this administration has carried out at home and as you mentioned in your opening the various policies as regards palestinian rights in the area who waited just before we let you go id like to ask you this because youve laid out quite plainly there from your legal knowledge how this it violates International Law so i want to ask you a how is it allowed to happen then and be you mentioned the lacking any teeth any kind of comeback what kind of comeback could there be to stop these kind of violations from happening in your mind. Well there are a number of things i mean the u. And thats a problem honestly not just with israel but we see the International Law a exists as a power of the strong and and therefore the existence of the veto of the Un Security Council resolution or Un Security Council has prevented the un as a body from taking any any measures to stop israel to isolate israel to impose sanctions on israel im not calling for necessarily any kind of military action but the United Nations would have some tools that it could and that it could use were in not for the historic u. S. Veto in stopping any kind of measure from being used to actually put pressure on israel to abide by International Law that has been the problem and while we see this kind of blatant declaration now i would be remiss not to say bad it has been the us while it has been the stated policy for decades the settlements are illegal the United States has not done anything over the years and quite the opposite it has provided a cover for israel by vetoing Un Security Council resolutions that have sought to actually put some kind of pressure on israel it has manipulated various countries into almost turning a blind eye to israels settlement policies and it has provided unconditional political and and monetary support to israel over decades which has allowed israel to continue not only its settlement policies but its military occupation its imposition of a regime of apartheid and its isolation and i will say policies of genocide against the people of gaza this has been all to the United States policy of shielding israel over decades so trump the trumpet ministration has made this declaration but it almost. Relevant because the u. S. Policy over the decades have been turning a blind eye or actually facilitating what israel has done and continues to do. Cofounder of the International Solidarity movement we appreciate your expert insight and time on this issue thank you. The president of iran has moved to quell mass anger over 50 percent hike in field prices have found rouhani said on sunday the government will compensate those worst hit however has been trouble in at least a dozen cities with buildings found allies and pictures of iran supremely burned. Well weve heard something coming out of europe finally and germany was the 1st european country to react and essentially berlin has said has cooled on the rainy and government to recognize what it called a legitimate plight of the people it is legitimate and deserving of our respect when people courageously aired their economic and political grievances as this card li happening in iran the iranian government should respond to the current protests was a willingness to negation dialogue while this statement is bound to rough quite some more feathers i should say into iran because from the beginning of the of the evolving ring in government has been saying that this hike in fuel prices is a less an evil that its economy has been backed into a corner and the other option is approaching for the countrys economy to crumble under the weight of the u. S. Sanctions indeed the american penalties is something that iran has been citing as the key reason for all the economic trouble and hardship and these really unpopular measures the general public that to lawn has had to go for. But a bilin is not the only one siding with the protesters washington itself was in fact the 1st for a nation to come out forward and side with the protesters which despite all the violence and rioting and looting and even deaths washington has called a peaceful protest. As i said to the people of iran almost a year and a half ago the United States is with you the United States supports the iranian people in the peaceful protests against the regime there to support. To lead them we condemn the lethal force and severe Communications Restrictions used against demonstrators but we certainly stand by the people of iran what youre seeing today is them standing up. To their government saying that you know we demand accountability such comments have been met with outrage and iran for instance the leader of the country has said that he wont allow any outside force to hold his country hostage by sanctions i dont know how people will not be taken advantage of by outsiders economic pressure of our nation. Really of the countrys economy runs economy of course has been in somewhat of a freefall of a nosedive since these sanctions were imposed against it its currency its National Currency has lost some 60 percent of its value the inflation hiked over 41 percent by this. And its not only the Energy Sector or or the Nuclear Sector that has been targeted by sanctions no the countrys Health Care System has been targeted and has suffered badly from all the penalties for instance iran has been suffering from a severe shortage of lifesaving medications and just to give you a reminder as to what the where these sanctions came from vats last year donald trump decided to unilaterally withdraw from the rons nuclear deal that move was met with criticism by all other sides who signed the agreement back in 2015 those sides include the European Union and russia and iran too but when it comes to the European Union an american they while criticizing washingtons decision they have failed to take any action they have failed to pressure to make washington come back to the negotiating board and to sign the deal again and so this is what really didnt stand well with the to iran and iran has. Drawn accuse the european. Union of not being as committed to the nuclear deal as the claim the are and this recent reaction that has been that has started to come out of europe with this recent bird statement from berlin this is not going to give iran any more whole pool or any more trust in europe as its partner meanwhile on monday the International Atomic Energy Agency said irans reserves of heavy water have exceeded the level committed under the 2015 Nuclear Deal Tehran has condemned european signatories to the treaty for failing to deliver on their promises to boost trade with iran thats after the u. S. Withdrew from the treaty and reapplying sanctions since then iran has been scaling back its compliance with the a court professor of Political Science from the university of tehran handed massage he believes europe didnt want to maintain the deal in the 1st place. The europeans wanted to keep the deal in place but they were unable to stand you know american pressure their companies werent able to really invest in iran because of the us hegemony in the Global Economic order perhaps the europeans didnt want to keep the deal in place from the beginning rather the europeans were playing in a Good Cop Bad Cop strategy against iran in which the americans were the bad cop and the europeans were the good cause when the us decided to leave the nuclear deal it was the europeans that convinced you want to stay in the euro and they promised that you know they would shielding on from the sanctions and as a result of that iran actually stayed in the deal for a 4 year without backing away from any of its of the geishas because of those european promises in reality none of those promises materialized so i think there is actual the actual possibility that the europeans were insincere in any of the promises they made from the beginning. Russian Media Outlets r. T. And sputnik our 11 allegedly named in a still classified u. K. Parliamentary report on moscows suspected interference in the 2016 brics it referendum that claim is made in an article in the british newspaper the sunday times the report apparently also states though that the impact to suppose that russian meddling is unquantifiable is alie explains. Well over the weekend the murdoch owned sunday times published an article with a headline saying revealed the russia report although this socalled report itself hasnt been released but this times claims to have got access to it and seen whats within it and as far as theyre concerned met much of the focus is on sputnik the news agency and also all at sea and goes on to describe some of the numbers behind arties Online Activity in the lead up to the 2016 brecks it referendum social media analysis revealed that articles published by the russian sites had 4 times more social media impact before the brakes a vote than the official leave campaigns more than 260 articles posted by r. T. In sputnik in the 6 months prior to the referendum was shared so widely on twitter that they could have been seen up to 134000000 times so would appear journalism equals interference now the cross Party Intelligence and Security Committee theyre the ones who have been investigating the socalled alleged russian interference and theyre the ones who of drawn up this report but the government led by Boris Johnson vaguely accused of sitting on this record and not releasing it earlier this month and thats led to heavy criticism from members of the opposition by secretary tell me that it is unprecedented but we should have had no response of tool explaining why any further delay is required in this case this is nothing less than an attempt to suppress the truth from the public and from the parliament and it is an affront to our democracy if the report is being called for and written and should be in the Public Domain then what is it got to hide people will be justified in drawing the conclusion that the reporters findings are compromising or worse for the governments and the 2. Now the opposition say there could be information in that report which is damaging to the conservative party and thats why they havent released it but number 10 deny any wrongdoing saying that they are following all normal procedures now those of us who have been following u. K. Politics are used to open interference from u. S. Politicians going back to grok obama telling u. K. Voters to vote to remain in the referendum to donald trump just recently telling niger frauds and Boris Johnson to come to some kind of leave alliance which it appears could have actually taken place now yet another u. S. Politician has decided to wade into this latest row im dumbfounded that this government wont release the report about russian influence because every person who votes in this country deserves to see that report before your election happens reporter like you and others should be absolutely relentless and trying to get to the bottom of it now that report hasnt been released in full yet but its likely that it will be and so off those that actions are held on the top of the zumba denmark has imposed checks of border crossings was sweet enough for a series of shootings and bombings in copenhagen well tell you more about that after this break. Please. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sport im showbusiness ill see you then. Lead. Welcome back now hong kong has seen some of its worst violence in recent months as riot Police Continue to lay siege to a University Campus has become a stronghold for anti beijing protesters on monday officers fired take us and rubber bullets at demonstrators and one bombarded in term with 5 bombs and other projectiles over 100 people were injured and there was an unusual change in the choice of weapons for the protesters as some of them have been equipped with homemade one Police Officers leg was pierced with an arrow confrontation around the barricaded university and there are also reports of the rioters hampering Emergency Services china meanwhile has warned a continuation of the protests could lead to a dreadful future the hong kong. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Well since june antigovernment rallies against plans to extradition to Mainland China have escalated the bill was withdrawn 3 months later but the violence has continued with people demanding full democracy and an inquiry into offices actions which they described as Police Brutality since the protests started some 4 and a half 1000 people have been arrested for Unlawful Assembly taking part in a riot and carrying a weapon former u. K. Police officer peter kirk and believes the vast majority of the actions by the Hong Kong Police were lawful as the city was being threatened. The boss annoying news that there is any use of force it can be complained about and hes complained about his Police Brutality to say occasional that. Instances of high use of force which maybe are excessive not sure of the ins and outs of phone call law but i suspect its fairly similar to u. K. Law in terms of a reasonable amount of force being used to call rights and Disperse Protesters who are causing damage or threatening injury and so the vast majority of force be used by the police would be lawful would be reasonable but in most circumstances. Officials in denmark have temporarily imposed checks and border crossings into sweden the move was prompted by a spate of bombings around and shootings around the capital copenhagen among them was the bombing of the tax agency in august the Danish Justice Ministry claims the perpetrators had travelled from sweden evangelise obsess reports from the border. Denmark has drawn a line in the bridge behind me they have put checks to stop and search anyone coming from sweden after copenhagen has seen more than a dozen explosions in the city this year alone the danes blame it on rival gangs mostly from sweden and hoping that these checks will put an end to it the explosion at the tax agency and the double killing in her leave are examples of the serious crimes that can flow across the border from sweden we will not accept that to counter the threat of serious cross border crime we are now strengthening protection of the border with sweden by introducing temporary controls and strengthen Police Efforts in the area and mark and sweden are both. Area members of the or is on bridge used to be a free passport bridge for nearly 60 years but not anymore for at least 6 months it is this bridge that the danish authorities believe perpetrators crossed into then were causing all the explosions. But as bombings become a worrying trend in the usually safe country here in sweden criminal gangs are on the rise according to official statistics there have been 38. 00 more explosions this year than 2018 but its not only the explosions gun related crimes are fast becoming a concern too during the ninetys the average were 4 per year now nearly 40 and the public puts these incidents down to immigrants but the teligent chief says it is not correct to link newcomers to criminal organizations and sweden they do not. Make a face still counts of who say sweet is and who is actually an immigrant so in sweden they do not know this but we make these counts in denmark and we can see that a lot of those who are that they are a 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants the people who are arrested who are from sweden who it does these attacks in copenhagen are also 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants and of course it would be normal to show that they if theres a problem with the 2nd and 1st generation immigrants and that is social why would do this in denmark because we have to know. What the problem is before we can do anything about it from the famously soft approach that once worked well d in sweden the government has gone a 180 degrees by announcing a plan allowing police to have greater stop and search powers but also making it easier for them to search suspects houses and access their devices and all this with the backing of sweetness officials we welcome that denmark is taking action to fight crime in the orissa and region i have respect for the Danish Government strengthening Border Control you know that to keep criminals on a short leash the country of Little Mermaid bicycles and label. Had its fair share of violence in the past in the ninetys this quiet country saw bombings and shootings by rival biker gangs but no checkpoints were introduced well whether you blame it on the migrant crisis or not borders in europe are becoming real again eventually slips us. Now you might have noticed a new feature we started today certain stories have a queue all code along side them thats just a little code down makes the logo on the screen which you can use to get more information on a story so if you get the chance to snap it with a phone and give it a go well thats your update for now i am or is on the low could now be back a with more news in around 30 minutes time see than. What holds and you should. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be present enjoy. Yourself want to be rich. That youd like to be approached this is what before 3 of the more people. Interested in the waters about how. This should. Happen if i need another one of our esteemed swayer both of whom. They could still move to see about. This weve got to dog try hard not to think of the mother dismiss the work ahead and i dont miss the mark and i think. This is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. I am sure you can use all the feet without a visible facility that you have to give it a shot at the hole. But i think it is this is the thought that is accompanied. Chose seemed wrong. But old rules just. Let me. Get to shape out just because the educated and engaged with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. You know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. The more i tried to understand venezuela the more i could see the signs of also a tarion ism emerging on my continent as well. However what venezuelas critics didnt didnt do was compare human rights issues to those in other countries on the american continent. Civil and Political Rights have been violated in venezuela. But they are violated every day in colombia and they are violated every day in mexico and they are violated every day in brazil. What i call human rights. What i call selective integration. You schol enormous in the nation with regard to one country. And you keep quiet with regard to many other countries where the situation is many times worse. In brazil the Police Killed 14 people a day on average. The Colombian Army killed 10000 civilians between 20022010. That does. Include hundreds of political activists assassinated every year tree groups tolerated even supported by the authorities. Even in the usa the Police Killed almost a 1000 people in 2018

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