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Functionaries thats what spoke to adam schiff ukraine is an important strategic ally your thoughts my friend. Or peace or allow resource to say this there is a clear sense the little relates within the american establishment. American democracy and this latest attempts to impeach the truth really does appear civilized what is going on in america now turned into ukraine peter joining me taguba shots and yet in the kremlins he once remarked that there can be no. Doubt ukraine and indeed that accurate statement by who will shortz can can be equally applied to the russian empire negli without the ukraine not being as and part centuries the ukraine has been also absolute importance to moscow. Czarist and communist times and increased. Daytimes however 8 ukraine is also of enormous importance to america because not only does washington carve it the industrial and Agricultural Sector is or ukraine along with its black sea coast lines but american policymakers understand that by depriving the lusher of a close relationship with ukraine this will weaken europe and thereby we can in the worlds ensure pizza weve routs ukraine without a close relationship between russia and the ukraines the americans know that russia will never have the car if we want it in soviet times that is why the americans now have a foothold in ukraine and then not compared to relinquish even if that means corridor and hundreds of millions of dollars each year the americans know this shit importance of it and look at nato planes are not only are they establish an naval presence at odessa but theyre also establishing a naval presence at another very important ukrainian calls which was established in serbia its on or chicago now that just demonstrates why ukraine is us very much importance to america ok but also were very people view of and you can see that if you crane ever joints nater then russia will be compellingly encircles on its western borders ukraine is the missing piece in the jigsaw for america and now its ok what clinton you know at the same time in him if you going back to these hearings here you are you got the impression that its the United States that has to prove its bona fide is that it is a good ally of ukraine its all upside down ok because we all know or anyone that knows something about ukraine now is that its really intensely corrupt number one and number 2 the people of ukraine havent been. Asked about this here ok i mean it seems everything is upside down its the National Security state that needs ukraine for 2 reasons to maintain it to maintain a rationale for its existence and to pointlessly antagonize russia has almost nothing to do with ukraine in a sense. And well as a tough 1st it seemed rather simple to be. Reflecting domestic issues so obviously if you can present ukraine as a critical ally thats just neglect of ukraine or you know the socalled bullying or. Against ukraine or was merely almost a sort of treason so throwing away a critical or strategic ally in order to get an upper hand on the bidens now i do think it to rest and also as a Strong International dimension obviously so for older office in 2002 and they thought as a book at a summit this was to mean what the americans are pushing very hard to get. Ukraine and georgia into nato but the europeans resisted knowing that yes this would be a strategic advantage or an expansion towards russia which would which could be a strategic blunder yeah well the consequences would have to be bared by the europeans. At this one harvest the create huge conflict with russia so i do think that this effort to. Change the language in the sense of the beginning to bring ukraine gradual in the threat of bird flu reflects something much deeper than merely this Community Gets trump you know but whats really interesting here demon is that if you if you kind of step back and you look at whats going on under the new president alinsky he is making steps but making steps to resolve the issue in the dharm bass it seems to me the american official them would be very happy with that they dont want to see peace as a matter they like to see this tension because they think it is a an impediment to russia in europe into russia of course the people of the donbass dont simply. Exist in their minds they have no agency actually do have a lot of agency and over 13000 people have been killed most of them in the dark about so they know what this is all about here that dovetails into something that trump of said ever since the campaign resolving issues and i think that minsky and trumps each other is partners in possibly doing that not this side show that were seeing go ahead well you are right when you said 13000 people died and gone bust but you wouldnt know all of our dead from the hearings you know i read the hearings and they see just inaccurate information. Of the state Department Says that ukraine isnt. Just its not just an abuse of power by the president but the harm he inflicted on ukraine a critical ally are the constant assault by Russian Forces more than 13000. 00 ukrainians have died on your cranium soil defending their territorial integrity against the russian aggression fiction well so again 1000 people were killed this is the General Number of People Killed in Eastern Ukraine during the. Started in 2014 a lot of these people are civilians and live in donetsk and lugansk killed by the there was no Russian Aviation there was all the ukrainian aviation they were killed by boards and mystic cant live up to the congress when he says that they died defending the russian aggression this is just brute jury in fact you know he will know if i give a little i should have said i did push back but i mean this is a trial and were going to look at it when he says that and said this many times i mean and that made us this marcus in london i mean these these hearings when they talk about American Foreign policy i had the strong impression that they were living in a time capsule i think they used the most regular normative cold war language and im going to agree with the me here i mean they have they have their. Lenders see russia and ukraine through a cold war a cold war a view in that its not what reality is all about they cant escape their ideological obsession here go ahead marcus. Look peter are you served means in america and in particular here is concerned in American Foreign policy but do i attach much importance since i dont know any i dont know. What american politicians have to say or indeed american Civil Servants or planners except or no i dont i dont believe in reality politic and real politics is brutal politics you know the americans cared nothing about 13000 people havent died in the dark past images of that have been hunted starts and they care nothing when many but 1000000 Vietnamese Civilians died because of the american aggression all that matters to american policymakers is ensuring that the lusher of today which because of losing the occluded is a superpower again is limited in its power and the americans ideally want to see you russias status today in the world as a resurgent great power and do that the americans understand as they have since the early 99. 00 ceased when the credit became independent that depriving lusher of a close relationship with ukraine. Really limits russia and through and some power on the International Scene i met a pizza nato aircraft operating song cheers could reach moscow in serious danger 20 minutes absolute worst of what hosts like. Let me go to things that are going to go and hit one of the things i think interesting and they no ones talked about here is the. Silence when its a peace candidate and then take russian candidate Everybody Knows that you know anyone overwhelmingly 7270 something to percent. The the behavior of these bureaucrats is derailing that possibility they want ukraine to stay in a state of war or conflict or agitation with russia they dont want to see the end of conflict ok thats undermining his entire agenda here and one minute before we go to break well obviously they they they see the something of this conflict this beneficial in terms well for 2 reasons one militarizing ukraine the war against russia and pushing it further out of europe and there are also voters still on the most of the voters dont see it that way in ukraine we know that yes. But it depends on who is who is interesting or whether or not this is really in americas interest or because by by pushing russia out of europe its seeking now its a new partnerships in asia so i think. This is a bit of a strategic divide in the United States as well about what they should focus on the nothink the right to some extent does represent something from the past goes russias not the soviet union or the russian empire its missions and ability to dominate europe as a whole continent is ludicrous these days so it is but they are creating a new alliance which should become sort of for for the United States and that is putting russia and china will go but it will go to a short break here but you know ukraine is in talks with china with its road in belt and this is something the american senators and the Political Class dont seem to be aware of and its very important to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion and some real news stay with us. Descriptions sound appetising even for the young. Others so how to choose had Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us then was necessarily good for the patent turns out in the truth and may not be a sofa the best people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes in arthritis and they have auto immune disorders if allergies we are actually creating these problems and its a huge of a demagogue problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets streets the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. Shows seemed wrong but all just all. The world getting yet to shake out disdain because they advocate and engagement equals the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Chance to look for common ground. I. Think all right. Welcome back to crossfire where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing some real news. Ok lets switch gears here damon let me go to you 1st here. Ive been watching western Media Coverage of the military coup in libya but almost nobody says a coup yes ok. Its its kind of like another one of these 2014 you know kobe its just went away morale is just went away. They dont report on the fact that everything that is done has been done to force them out and the political events afterwards were against their own constitution against every single law when it comes to executive authority and actually legislative authority in bolivia but everyone in media is oblivious to it as my fact its bipartisan its a good thing but it doesnt advance democracy there its only tree thank you for making that very good parallel with ukraine because when theyre talking about believing in washington or when theyre talking about ukraine my impression is that these are blind people a part of them is aggressive bot of them is less aggressive but they all dont understand what theyre talking about like i read that you know in the family or coach which criticised. Their coverage of the ukrainian conflict they still say that John Mcwhorter each was pro russian and against ukrainian membership in nato or you know unocal which was not against it was for a compromise and he had to flee because he feared for his life he could be killed by the same reason with more on this you know they keep saying vote do regular very curious you know them for some reason he had to go to mexico and for some reason he didnt take the plane that well more or less said that if i took an american plane i would most likely land in one ton him or his words which unfortunately it may be true you know let me go let me go to marcus in london i mean the parallels here that we have been is weyler are really amazing except they didnt succeed in venezuela but you see the playbook it is exactly the same playbook you have these fake n. G. O. S here these fake human Rights Groups see you have election irregularities which nobody has proven at all theres been no evidence of it from the organization of american states they just said it ok and everybody just takes it for granted ok and at the same time the people who are taking control of bolivia have a deplorable record of racism against the Indigenous People where are western liberals defending these people theyre not there marcus go ahead. Yes i read the newspaper coverage in the paper peter of the american engineer its clear lets be more specific the cia engineers coup against president morales and it made my stomach turn because conservative and liberal use papers painted a composer letelier deceptive picture of all events in bolivia a betrayed president morales as almost too radical as someone who falsifies Election Results but that is no surprise let me tell you this between 2007 i was a writer on tribune and the editorial line of the tribune about time was one of jubilation at how latin america had largely speaking and let its socialist governments which wanted to really gain their Political Economic and cultural independence from america and who also wanted to forge close relations with. Russia now was in 2007 i was the right it at the success of socialist parties across latin america i was a little bit more pessimistic or realistic because my opinion was that one day the american empire will shrug back merica merican knows the u. S. Knows latin america like i know my at chance the american the americans are playing the long game in latin america they have penetrated in 3 institution in free country or even decades on that concert and they know this peter that yes there could be times when anti american governments comes of power but the americans have penetrated the establishment with those ok you know we because its markets one thing interesting thing you again i absolutely agree with you what youve said and let me turn to going here. Marcus his description is perfect on the mark but he never used one word thats important democracy ok thats being denied here yeah and that tends to be the main visionaire is this could a tie or is the democratic revolution you know is just a new word which so to some extent legitimizes. And i guess you could have a reasonable discussion of whether or not. Not the rule of law would allow for marlice to stand for a 4th term and you can even discuss this issue of work whether or not there has been any. Irregularities with the votes however a lot of these arguments kind of become to some extent pointless because marla she said ok well we can have another election we can have another Election Committee and we can also have it all under International Supervision the u. N. Can come and go through Everything Organization of american states was his mistake that was the recommendation by the american or all the recommendations of the organization of american states so essentially he said deliberately everything but but what happened while you had the military forcing him to go and pulling away all these political allies and the military kicking him out and while its a and then you have this a senator. Who says. I am the new president and i guess it is the democratic revolution were just the rule of law and worst democracy because on his platform he put everything in place. Not just big back to ukraine but there was to some extent what happened there you know which made this a deal really elections. Were going to save the american states in believe you played the same role as the e. U. In ukraine it pretended to be a mediator and in fact it was supporting one of the sides of the court and the e. U. Made it possible for them i dont regime to oust the legally elected president you know they just didnt all of them commitments you know that the. In ukraine the same story here when good moral discreet when the commander in chief of the army william carr a monk made the following statement we suggest to the president that he resign his men date elo in the pacific asian or believe it that could come from general pinochet in 1950 there was of the same language but what is very important you made a very good comparison with venezuela you know the United States has been accused of 1000000000 for 8 to russia china or keep president morales in bolivia did not ask for aid from russia and china hes economic rather the record is very good even his opponents the indigenous speaker seed that small and Medium Enterprises flutist believe it was the poorest country in latin america he raised the work of people out of work so you cannot make the same because asians against you mr we made against more durable but asked for help and more others didnt and what happened to him so the same story as with colonel qaddafi in libya he did everything he was everything in the asked the west asked him to do he designed and what happened to him more or less did not ask russia and china for help and what happened to him so next time when the United States and theyre going to say if an american states all the e. U. When they ask someone else stop asking russia and china and others you know stop asking them for 8 that person will think twice before following that advice let me go back to you in london. That is absolutely right i mean poverty extreme poverty was tackled with Great Success under morale as well i really do worry because 1st of all you have the military its always dodgy when the military is calling the shots and then you have this political opposition that is intensely racist there are even. Backgrounds of some of these care. Its very well documented please go go to the gray zone for example i really worry about the people of bolivia particularly the people that are most vulnerable that make the move to head over the last decade are they going to fight to keep it or are we going to see some kind of dirty war thats probably the worst Case Scenario go ahead marcus in london ok so you know as well as i do about the lightning deaf schools that america trains arms and supports it it ultimately latin america during the 1980s all that up to keep socialism out of latin america and secure the influence out of latin america and i would argue that is the case today the americans you know paid what really turns my stomach is how british and american common states is talk about how in chiba venezuela and bolivia there are human rights abuses well excuse me one of the key successes of socialism in latin america as was the case of soviet communism has been Education Health and welfare that is a human rights many of the Health Systems for example the Health System in cheaper and the least the Health Systems in the western world stand in but of course american and british concept is do not care about the well settled we dont every people in latin america as they dont care about you dont we will say that all people in ukraine are what they care about is ensuring that we know our country can have influence in their backyard which is how they regard latin america rest and they do not want socialist scotlands so its an attempt to sting here in america so if i go to glenn here i mean if you do have these you know you have instability intentional instability and in venezuela we have it now with bolivia. What you could see is. Migration north i mean this isnt a domestic issue in the United States or you you cant have it both ways ok you cant so you want to call the shots in latin america and not. Experience the consequences there of. You know its against similarities in europe you cant to topple all this governments in north africa and middle east unless you can have a migrant crisis in the same applies in the United States obviously. I guess Spencer Point will be more of a concern than bolivia. But i guess i dont want to add as well that the presentation of the media of this story is find a quiet. Little willian because where where and when these protesters are approaching protest what are the government they are peaceful protests or a state problem ocracy but as soon as hes toppled in a coup and those loyal to him begin to protest this and come on constitutional move a lot of power they become violent mobs and again youre going to dine were not only cups then this is largely what happened in ukraine as all that remember classically what once rejected or the Association Agreement with the e. U. You had all this protest and they were hailed by the even the americans you know giving a cookies and they were you know prodemocracy them a credit card lucian taking over government buildings as soon as they had toppled out of your village and something about not just the but when they had taken power and you saw the same happening in east thing we actually dont recognize the legitimacy of this postcoup government there were you know villains mobs they want to you didnt have an agency they were just a tool of kremlin and in this kind of legitimize going to russia but there were these countries thing here is that me again weve all stressed your directly and indirectly mainstream Corporate Media please its wall in these power plays here thats all the time we have gentlemen many thanks to my guest here in moscow and in london and thanks to our viewers for. Watching us here are to see you next time remember. The tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been played only implement from the inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associate. In the school of a son of a moment too soon down books and that football battle song oh yeah the people of the moment the focus of the who story isnt new makes him cold in Henry Kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream so once and making the economy of venezuela scream. Welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. Looking forward to your pension account. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain delegates of the jews watch kaiser report. Tough and the full entire system i found a way to go through a food. Bank itself Movie Theater on. Tours in this way got to talk so hard not to think of the mother disappeared this woman the work of a coward and i dont mean to start then if. This is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights in his way. Through our you can feel the feet down this bill frist woody allen you have all the ability to put a hold on the. What i think is this is the fans that is the constant. Thought. Yeah then belong to the soup or noticed them to some of the most needy and put a monument to you stuck in the middle of the screen because lucy disconnects he thought the. Car going for him for much is the deal for normal which. Donna suspects will and dons of the. Message will. Be with the infant daughter one who became dr no the little. Doc with call out to his car builds muscle for much of the body and. Iran accuses the u. S. A policy for supporting mass protests sparked by a hike in fuel prices. I so wish that the people of iran would wish that year and a half ago the United States has with a woman up on it was a people will not be taken advantage of by outsiders economic pressure on nation. Alleged russian interference is said to be unquantifiable and they still classified u. K. Intelligence reports as Russian Media outlets including r. T. Get a mention. And violence in hong kong enters a new phase with a vicious standoff at the university of hong kong protesters use homemade weapons including bows and arrows and injure police

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