Transcripts For RT News 20240713

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From moscow thanks for joining us on our teams a national day and hawkins we need tonights welcome to the program. Police in london have launched an investigation into an attack on the justice secretary of hong kong to research was knocked on the ground after being surrounded by. A visit to the british capital the Chinese Government has condemned the incident. It was. It was very well the video that we just saw shows Hong Kongs Justice secretary to resign chang who was actually at the time in the u. K. Giving a speech about successful dispute resolution how she was targeted by dozens of protesters who pretty much mobbed her as she left the car now the activists were yelling murderer and they also chase her down the street to put it show of the incidents the one that we just saw shows a chain being swamped and screamed ad and at some point she was even pushed to the ground and she injured her arm and she was taken to hospital by ambulance for treatment now an interesting detail is that Hong Kongs Justice secretary kerrys the chain is actually quite a key figure in the drafting of now with drone acts tradition bill that sparked all the protests and the 1st place now china has of course already commented on this incident with con conks justice secretary the boy into moves perpetrators who organized one on one communication committed the fragrance assault on the scene if this will be Hong Kong Special Administrative Region it has once again proved that the rule intention is to destabilize hong kong now theyre taking such violence abroad and into the u. K. Their action deserves to be condemned not always by been tied Chinese People including the hong kong compatriots but also by the British Public and the International Community unanimously there was a very formal response to this violent incidents from the u. K. Police and woman was taken to hospital by London Ambulance service suffering an injury to her arm inquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances that has been orest at this stage one of a constant flow. You know weve seen since the protests broke out in hong kong the protesters themselves the clearing strenuously about their protests are peaceful but weve been seeing them. Lots of blockades can we bring in the kind of difference whats happening there well they do not seem to be asked species will as they claim to be called has been crippled by protests since march but practically all over the place the media continues to call them peaceful however they have been seen to be quite familiar with medieval style weaponry they are even building watchtowers and even using catapults to stand off police for instance the daily mail put and its had lined the story of how protesters are using the swimming poles to tast patra bombs so it does seem that the Mainstream Media in general is not really criticizing the methods that theyre using but more somehow sort of romantic their struggle while the protesters transform Hong Kong University is into a weapons factories and armed themselves with the patch will bombs the media is still impressed but what they call novel methods of taking on riot police so it does seem that the coverage is focusing so far very little on the danger posed to those caught in the crossfire. The. Weve had from shanghai based professor benjamin show who believes there is clear bias in the coverage of the protests. I dont worry too much about long as collation. And the violence there that matches the local violence of some from the protests of the police is to constrain the question because the protestors ask me to violence to this position of power the more i was such a point the hunger for the along is really hard to come think about it but i know not to point out the general public its usually an incentive to protest right now there is no effective way to unite polish to fight against the protesters yet you see what. Some of this bastard media covering the story i think it gets and then the post and also some but the media not only china needs what we call the whole world i think. Because. The my to hong kong will be one example of how high the civil rights and peace process. Opened. I was type forces. The number of. Children in the u. K. Have suffered abuse linked to witchcraft is rising thats according to local government figures but since most of those who practice it come from abroad rich governments being accused of turning a blind boy and fears it could face accusations of racism it was dusty takes up a story. Hidden under the guise of religion faith and belief witchcraft is an ever increasing threat in child abuse cases in britain the number of such incidents has risen by more than a 3rd in just 2 years as local council say they are housing the equivalent of 38 cases every single week the Shocking Research released by the u. K. s local Government Association also highlights f. P. M. Or female genital mutilation it puts numbers at a record high with 1000 children having already been abused or at risk of it in the last year while its more common incessant african communities the u. K. Did have its 1st conviction for f. D. M. Back in february. Despite that life threatening and dangerous practices like f g m put as many as 60000. 00 girls at risk every year theres a misconception that the ancient custom of s. G. M. Is a religious one even though it originated some 2500 years ago meaning it predates both islam and christianity and is not mentioned in any holy scriptures nor endorsed by religious leaders but the cultural often described as a barbaric tradition mainly occurring in africa isnt being fought as it perhaps should be as i say theres a fear of being called racist. Im so angered by these figures for so long the political power that black people have has been dismissed people are scared to tackle s. G. M. And witchcraft is this scared of being accused of racism but its racist to ignore it its more races to look away it really hurts that we still have to tell people the black kids need protecting following the 1st f g m conviction earlier this year more measures have been put in place to help put an end to the epidemic of abuse including extra guidance for prosecutors and police is down to cultural practices its down to ideologies and hes damned Political Correctness i want to know when a feminist song on this issue there is not enough we mean speech about this and its because when women like me speak up we are told we are racist and he has to stop thats where you have the Political Correctness has got to go out and we each is like a cancer and he stops people from breaking the silence we need more words we need strong words we need government and politicians and prime ministers to stand up and say that any way anybody who is involved in this practice if there was even a remotely suspicion children need to be looked at medically but much doesnt happen either for so long abuses like f. E. M. Have been hidden doused in sticker or into but it seems like callie a towel for what it is maybe the only way to protect vulnerable children. The former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine who is a key witness in the trump impeachment inquiry has so few scott no evidence that the president engaged in criminal activity in ukraine when you go out of it was question during the 2nd open impeachment hearing. Do you have any information regarding the president tonight is states accepting any bribes. Now you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the president of the United States has been involved with at all. Now. During that hearing donald trump took to twitter attacking the former ambassador to ukraine and what do you about of its claims she felt threatened by the president s going to mope and has more in the case been hearing the testimony of marie other now that now she is the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine she was dismissed from her post in may of 2019 now she did come up in the conversation the phone call between donald trump and the linsky and the trump a certainly not thrilled about her testimony referring to her as the woman and furthermore saying that shes the bad news this is what donald trump tweeted out as the hearings continued. Every women. Turned bad she started off in somalia how did that go then fast forward to ukraine with a new ukrainian president spoke on favorably about her in my 2nd phone call with him it is a u. S. President s absolute right to appoint ambassadors now from the former ambassadors testimony we heard her say that donald trump was intimidating or we also heard her alleged and maintain that she is not part of the joe biden family scandal involving hunter biden the son of the former Vice President she also says that she was not part of any effort to leak data from ukraine in 2016 to use against donald trump during the elections she wasnt part of any ukrainian effort to meddle against u. S. President donald trump now whats also important to note is she seems to be blaming everything on u. S. President donald trump but not just him how would this theory of ukraine interference in the 2016 election be in light of your putins interest. Well i mean president putin mustve been aware that there were concerns in the u. S. About russian meddling in the 2016 elections and what the potential is for russian meddling in the future. You know classic for an Intelligence Officer to try to throw off the scent and create an alternative narrative that maybe might get picked up and get some credence to the name of russian president Vladimir Putin seems to come up quite a lot in these hearings despite the fact that there regarding u. S. President trump and his dealings with ukraine the name of the russian president seems to slip in its also important to note that the u. S. Public is seeming to be a little bit less interested in these ongoing impeachment hearings the 1st round of hearings had 13000000 viewers roughly 5 percent of the u. S. Population but if you look just a couple of years ago there were 19000000 people who watched fired f. B. I. Director james komi give his testimony now there are 20000000 people who watched Brett Kavanaugh is congressional testimony when he was being confirmed as a Supreme Court nominee and accused of an attempted Sexual Assault it would seem that the u. S. Public is just becoming less and less interested in these ongoing anti trump congressional hearings and testimonies however the impeachment hearings will continue to proceed on capitol hill with more witnesses being called against the current president. Speaking from mexico believe he is ousted president says he wants to return to his homeland as soon as possible and unite the nation as well the country reels and political chaos with more on his supporters protesting what they are calling a coup on the spot as correspondent francisco is covering about this in the nations capitol. Elizabeths an artist thousands of people are protesting against what they believe is a coup they gathered here in the center of the past but they came here from one of the best chance of ever more alice brother stories do not recognize the selfproclaimed acting president and yes 2nd they want to restore Constitutional Order and finally they want to gain respect for indigenous symbols on tuesday the jeannine and yes announcer self interim president that on wednesday appointed her ministers and military commanders the interim government said that the countrys problem was in the reading of Election Results on october 28th and then ever resign thereby creating a very difficult situation which they took advantage of that if im right as fled to mexico along with many of his Party Members he was forced to step out on monday after weeks of violence triggered by claims that last months election victory was rigged violence moving in vandalism followed and some of his supporters now say they fear for their lives right as himself says believe in his help from abroad to restore peace. There were people who will have plenty of confidence in the United Nations we have had extensive talks with u. N. Secretary general antonio good turners and he has a lot of social conscience plenty of commitment to the poor he should be the mediator not just the facilitator in the institution perhaps accompanied by the Catholic Church and of pope francis is needed we should add him to. The law so for the Bolivian Assembly hasnt approved or rejected my resignation they havent approved or rejected it i can say that im still the president the moment they approve my resignation then i am no longer president. Because. We must recover democracy with a lot of patience and peaceful fights we must pass if i believe and then if im useful in anything but can bring peace to believe you we will do it. Bullets the funerals been held in gaza for 8 People Killed in an israeli airstrike that story and more still to come. Because. Its not going to be good let them see. What happens to the west. The socalled individual is the poisoning is really. A strong belief. Society and then the freedom of the individual. What. They put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president entry. Into going to be close this is like the 3 of them or people. Interested always in the water as it. Was the International Hundreds of people have turned out in gaza for the funeral of 8 people all from the same family who were killed in an israeli airstrike 5 children are among the victims of the attack targeted an Apartment Building in the early hours of thursday bettering residents under the rubble an Israeli Military spokesman confirmed the strike noting though that the head of the family was a senior Islamic Jihad commander reportedly a member of the socalled p j with a palestinian Islamic Jihad group local media say 34 palestinians have been killed in israeli airstrikes over the past 2 days leaving half of them were civilians heres how a local Health Official described the aftermath of the strike over night. Plus a lot of bodies were disfigured as a result of heavy bombardment from israeli f. 16 aircraft. Think the rights to go under the rubble of. Deliberately targeted. Lists latest escalation flared up at the beginning of the week when an israeli strike is believed to have killed another high ranking terrorist islamic militants then responded with a wave of retaliation for the rockets over the next 48 hours the hostilities were put on hold on thursday after a cease fire was agreed which the militants have broken and israel has responded to earlier we heard from human rights and political commentators based in the region. If israel responds to defending Israeli Citizens and anybody got hurt in gaza who is to be blamed the terrorists who attack israel not so when you hit the target with the terrorists who hide behind women and children who wish to be blame the terrorists are to be blamed who actually have their families then they they have them as hostages they target our civilians and they know they are of course mosque to be got must be neutralized god down heres the real needs to protect protect our peaceful and civil cities. Our settlements in the south we want to leave there if we had attacked by they slimey jihad or by the hamas armies duty is to protect a legitimate target does not give the israeli authorities did right to attack civilian probert these civilian houses they can distinguish and they are supposed to according to international to discriminate between civilian and months a 1000000000 targets between combatants and noncombatants and in this case even claiming that a targeted person if it proves to be a legitimate target cannot be an excuse to justify and on a number of residents over places or areas where. Civilians are there even according to the muslim law in case of doubt the breyer at the and the opinion with the go go in for a civilian rather than military so in all cases that it has been no excuse to a building. Far more protests in germany show no signs of relenting the latest event sees thousands of the same. On hamburg to vent their anger at the governments new agricultural policies traffic was brought to a standstill as the city played host to a conference of the countrys federal and Regional Environmental ministers they were discussing among other things imposing restrictions on the use of pesticides and many farmers say the new stricter regulations would stifle the sector among the measures that have provoked outcry over a ban on some pesticides and regulations to protect groundwater from nitrates arties of and some of us was with the farmers convoy as it set out for how burg. It is early and the morning d that they should be working on their lands but instead of these German Farmers have hopped on their tractors and will be rolling into amber to make a big point. As the countrys regional and environmental ministers are meeting here in hamburg the farmers want to make it clear that the shifting balance between ecology and arkie culture is putting them out of business as the ever tightening and National Regulations on the use of chemicals from wheat killers and fertilizers to roots now weve become from the German Government is so hard for us that we cannot rock on our farms we cannot have made good crops. Have followed a frozen for the dairies at the root of the rigorous restrictions is the protection of wildlife and habitat the farmers agree that looking after nature is the core to the job but what infuriates them more is how they were shut out of the conversation of how to go about implementing fundamental changes in their life would fall from this today we are staying here and spending a shoulder chose a minister for environment here in germany and we invited him to come here but she is staying involved and she dont speak to us and we needs a communication thats good support lemus the biggest problem is in the closest ones dont talk to us and we want to have a dialogue with them and participate in the Decision Making process and thats thats what were here cool hertl of the government insists that germanys farmers are not abandoned no i expect something from farmers yes they do and that is change but i dont do. Supports in them financially what is important is that we together with our European Partners directly humans is an instrument to support small and medium sized farms and this is a very important signal for many farmers that they have certain insurance against fluctuations but the German Government is under pressure itself by the European Commission over its sluggish Environmental Protection record there is even the prospect of huge fines and legal actions if they do not do more having tried time and again to quietly highlight their problems germanys farmers are now having to be more tough with ever public protests while they might be outflanked by the increasingly influential green lobby and the e. U. Pushing the government for more reforms theyre determined not to lead generations of Farming Families in the process eventually success for our chief. Business brand new streaming service has been has had a rocky start to life since launching this week a Technical Glitch caused it to briefly crash meaning it was unavailable to some customers its also one of trouble from viewers of trippin warnings the classic cartoon such as dumbo the jungle book and fantasia because they contain allegedly racially charged elements. All of. That i want you to. Be. A. Little correctness is on top stupidity disney plusnet squinted ruining what i say to cultural depictions and classic animated movies. How did we get by all these decades without warnings. Disney is making disclaimers about all of the depictions number do people really get hurt that easy. Why are we explaining jim crow laws to a child the child sees a car true it doesnt understand that but when you tell somebody you see what this is this is racism what racism this is racism why are they were racist because people hate people because of color why you actually can do more harm so is this a good idea is you know its the wrong message so what have you done have you made me smarter or have you shown me the diversity and the perhaps even the splendor of of racial symbolism sometimes we just explain too much sometimes its best just to shut up play the movie and let kids watch it after all just a movie schist a cartoon that simple. Crosstalk anyway just a few moments time discussing the political chaos in bolivia were back at the top of the hour with another world news but its and see about that. China wants to trade russia wants to trade trump wants to trade the enemies of our cars but then war as they love war the same like the opposition parties in america are the war. Is a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been fully implemented from the inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against the truest of venezuela associated. In the school of a son of the moment to. Get out of the. Data to move to keep. The focus the who story is a new nixon called Henry Kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream so wants an economy of venezuela screed. A reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or im a going to shallow. Hello and welcome to cross talk or all things are considered im Peter Lavelle those who consume Corporate Media will believe the Bolivian Army rightfully overthrew the democratically elected president of bolivia the word coup is not mentioned but this is exactly what happened the tried and tested Color Revolution playbook was on display for anyone paying attention libyas democracy is in retreat. Talking bolivia im joined by my guest bubble no but at the in london he is a journalist and documentary filmmaker as well as coeditor of radha dot net an independent voice on latin american politics culture and media in washington we have what. She is an associate professor. At the shar school of policy and government at George Mason University and in santiago we crossed to Francisco Cohen he is a political analyst as well as a former u. N. Officer in asia and africa or across the uk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it but i will let me go to you 1st in london i peruse the American Media landscape about the events that happened in bolivia the coup i will use the word but they wont a. B. C. News morales resigned simply c. B. S. News because of weist widespread protests the New York Times said because of it infuriated population fox news said the people were angry over Election Fraud none has been shown

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