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To. A very warm welcome youre watching r. T. International with me nicky aaron and we start with breaking news from the u. S. State of california where at least 5 people have reportedly been shot in a high school in Santa Clarita around 35 miles from Los Angeles Police say the building has been evacuated and that the shooter is still at large we can go live now to arties caleb morphemic caleb it still an active scene what more do we know at this point. Well reports seem to indicate that there are 2 people in Critical Condition in a nearby hospital and 3 others that are also being treated in response to injuries they have sustained during a shooting which is an active situation at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita california now the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Office is describing the suspect as a male asian suspect black clothing last seen at the location they report that deputies are on the scene and still responding now from what we understand there are also parents on the scene as well it is being treated as an active situation and people are being advised to stay out of the area this is roughly 35 to 40 miles north of los angeles in Southern California and reports indicate that the school is currently on lockdown the shooter has not been apprehended at this point still being treated as an active situation people have been injured its unclear if the shooting happened inside or outside of the school itself but its a developing situation and will be sure to keep you updated we appreciate that thank you thats caleb moore can speak into it live from new york that. The tragedy also struck in russias far east this morning after a College Shooting left one person dead and 3 others injured and Security Guard on duty at the time has been arrested on suspicion of negligence thats going through whats known as 19 year old student smuggled a gun into a Construction College where he was studying this by the way is the classroom where the child to unfold it with investigators working at the scene the attacker who was described as calm and quiet forced to teach out of the room before opening fire on his classmates he then turned the gun on himself heres what witnesses told us shortly after the incidents. The 5 of us went to the toilet i was the 1st to answer and i felt how he put a gun to my stomach he kept silent for a while and then said get out of here against the. U. S. Government quote he somehow managed to work through the security with a gun and killed. I wanted to see what was going on i couldnt even imagine that Something Like this could happen now sitting. There when you weve tried to call our children but no one responded and then we received the names and syria names of those who died and who were shot weve got to be careful in the aftermath of especially in the immediate hours after an event a tragedy like this theres a lot of rumors that spread the changed and the lot of misleading in our bright pink information but according to what the police have said bits and pieces and reports i wouldnt assess them only in the media at 10 am local time in blagoveshchensk a city in the far east of russia the shooter a student at a Construction College arrived late for class the teacher asked him to leave and he did he came back carrying a shotgun he entered the classroom he told the teacher to get out she was forced out and then he turned the gun on his classmates. But it just got to. It took a little spill it. Didnt produce. All he continued shooting after that of the kids you know teenagers in all one person was killed another 3 injured one of them in Critical Condition. The teacher the teacher escaped and she caught hell. Police who arrived on the scene called in paramedics and doctors the injured were taken to hospitals. As 11 am today 217 year olds arrived at the hospital with gunshot wounds both have been operated on one is in a Critical Condition the other is stable now police when they arrived at the scene thankfully apparently very quickly before there were further casualties they found him on the 2nd floor in a corridor when he saw police he fired at them there was an exchange of gunfire i went to do a classroom and turned the gunman himself committed suicide. The shooter was 19 years old the firearm was licensed the other he had a permit for the firearm so it was niggly obtain. As i see Investigation Underway now to stop this the details but according to witnesses and some of his classmates the there could have been animosity conflicts between the students apparently he may have been the victim of bullying which in no way excuses what he did but it certainly flushes out the circumstances investigation is under way already the Security Guard at the college has been arrested on suspicion of criminal negligence apparently the company that hired him a private Security Firm there also in hot water because he wasnt licensed to be a Security Guard at this college. Nevertheless the Investigation Continues as more information comes in well will bring it to our viewers one thing i must mention though is you know being there in the aftermath of a School Shooting i was encouraged last year there were fortunately many more casualties there. But it always leaves the mark you know the shooting at the school with societys most vulnerable. And if it has been hit by a fresh round of violent protests this time from the supporters of former president evo morales he had resigned after days of rallies demanding his departure supporters however are now on the streets calling for the new government to bring him back. As you know we were in the past next to the government residence tear gas was used against protesters demanding the immediate resignation of the government they also demand the expulsion of commerce mensah and louis come on show from the country you can see the gas cloud behind me this seems to be a member the story judging by what is happening now the army is also next to the Police Including tanks that support them. Even more or less fled to mexico along with many of his Party Members he stepped down on monday after weeks of violence triggered by claims that last months election victory was rigged rollos has described the events as a coup violence looting and vandalism followed and some of his supporters now say theyre fearing for their lives. They have carried out a coup detat against does as of last night we are living like a dictatorship times they are hunting our leaders they are hunting its very likely that they will see me and want my head to. The divisions are caused by race as they persecute us as bolivians those from ill tell they discriminate against us because we come from alto in the past they discriminate against those who wear skirts and we want to allow it on tuesday bolivians that had such a need declared herself interim president of bolivia and was sworn in by her allies r. T. Thought quarter picks up the story. A new force has seized bolivias political reins her name is janine is and shes just declared herself interim president but if you did as president of the senate i immediately take on the state presidency for seen in the constitution and i swear to undertake all the measures necessary to bring peace to the country has long been a critic of her socialist predecessor more alice who was forced to resign several days ago after the army dropped its support she evoked the constitution to justify getting the top job and has called for new elections but i guess herself wasnt actually elected she was just next in line after the president Vice President and head of the senate all relinquished their posts even the legislature itself didnt really elect her because morales supporters boycotted that session now the real people who put her in power theyre a colorful bunch. Meet mr camacho he was part of a gang that wasted little time ransacking moraless former home. But these trespassers werent just a bunch of thieves they were searching for a more spiritual experience heres camacho and his buddies praying with a bible after breaking into the house one of their supporters praised it as christs return to the bolivian government the bible is returning to the government powerless never again will the pacha mama goodness return today christ is returning to the government powerless to live is for christ but you dont see that 2nd coming but then again come on shows long had a unique take on the lords work he spent years leading a religious fundamentalist Organization Called the Santa Cruz Youth Union aside from its reputation for p. T. Its also a purveyor of right wing ideology how far to the right. Well it doesnt get much farther than this when you. Get. A sizable number of the oppositions activists may be a bit unhinged but its the political arm that is far more presentable carlos mesa was president before moralists and lost another election to him in october the think tank interamerican dialogue lists him as an expert on its website its d. C. Based and u. S. Government funded but may says connections to washington run far deeper than that according to wiki leaks he was corresponding with the u. S. Embassy in bolivia for years discussing the details of his political strategy no less in a meeting with the charge on october the 27th messam all but acknowledged that ever would win his constitution in january and that there was little point in taking that week zadok of trying to defeat it of course that makes the white house pretty happy the resignation yesterday of bolivian president evo morales is a significant moment for democracy in the western hemisphere these events send a strong signal to the illegitimate regimes in venezuela or nicaragua the democracy and the will of the people will always prevail but the situation on the ground is becoming increasingly unstable especially now that the military isnt being 100 percent cooperative right now. Then you have refused to coordinate with the National Police you are saying the military is being overtaken by criminal courts which are destroying to capital as a bolivian do your job we do not want more blood you will be responsible for everything that happens if after my order which i make as president of the sanity of the crimes john and it will be your responsibility on his may have gotten to the top sticking to the letter of the law but its going to take a lot more than that if she wants to patch up latin americas latest political vacuum. Its a case president s 1st visit to the white house in 2 years has seemingly failed to ease tensions today with the United States once again refused to give out the s 400 defensive board from russia last year with the military hardware proving to be a Sticking Point between the nato allies since we cant dump us for hundreds and go for beatrice i want both america and russia be my friends we regard the proposal to completely remove their 400 as a madelyne in our sovereign rights turkeys acquisition of sophisticated Russian Military equipment such as the s 400 creates some very serious challenges for us then we are talking about it constantly we talked about it today were talking about it in the future hopefully will be able to resolve that situation. Lets go live to our somewhere in our lawyer and middle east analyst to discuss this further welcome to the program its a pleasure to have you on. Turkey doesnt look like its going to budge over its us 400 Defense System could washington response now what actions that might trump take. Thank you very much for inviting me so 1st we can notice here is that donald trump is asking president there are they going to withdraw from him from the that he has signed with their russian. With the russian and as you have not is that the president trying doesnt stick to his signature are to his very agreement so he asked he asked the turkish prison to withdraw from that bit and he doesnt want to do that why is that because he needs a russian as well as american lets say nato in this program whats going to be the washington answer washington answer is not going to be much because that one doesnt one of which of from the from russia because he needs the russia for his program in the middle east on a positive note i do want to propose the creation of a working group to resolve the s. 100 dispute whether any other positive takeaways from what is fast visit to the white house and she is. Its going to it might be positive because he as i said before he needs of course he is washington and out so he needs russia why he said were russia that is the question because. When he invaded north of syria he ne that the nato or nato countries. Would not support him article 5 of nato provides that even every every time there is an aggregation of a nato country country or of these other countries should. Support this one this one country but the European Countries said then that they not going to send any troops out then that must defend turkey if there is an invasion are free if there isnt a christian on to it he saw a lot is that if he cannot rely on nato he needs russia to provide another security. Panel for him yeah but one advantage they want is good relations with moscow and good relations with washington how feasible is that its a its a balance its a balanced program because he needs as i said he has russia because he needs russia to protect him in order in syria and in the middle east and he needs washington because he is part of the of nato. He can that he can not go against washington. And he cannot go against the russian who. Is a very balancing because if if he lets that washington is going to have a lot of economy for problem because as you remember donald trump brought to him a letter saying that if you stay in Northern Syria or if you move you do more invasion or. Syria we cannot put your biggest economy called sanctions in on earth so he know this that he needs washington but at the same time he needs russia because i dont know if you remember too last year. Shut down a u. S. Russia irrational airplane he not this that if he doesnt he if he doesnt have russia on his back nobodys going to protect you if russia invades because near as i said natal not going to protect him if there is a russian aggression against him question lower lower and middle east analyst thank you for sharing your thoughts with us on r. T. International we appreciate it thank you very much still ahead in the Program China gives a warning to washington over a bill in support of protests in hong kong one that after the break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy one sunday shouldnt let it be an arms race is also a spear in Dramatic Development the only really exists i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. Welcome back to new york professor has started an online crusade against what he calls collective hysteria surrounding russia related stories michael writes in a walled initially created an anonymous twitter page which he used to criticize Political Correctness but after his identity was discovered the professor claims hes faced accusations of being a russian spy and anon see what we can hear from Michael Jackson was himself now whos a former liberal studies professor at New York University welcome to the Program Michael what exactly made you start your account aimed at countering liberal views and what did you hope to prove. Well what happened at n. Y. U. And elsewhere across the country in north america in trying to roll there were this invasion there was this invasion of social justice quote unquote into the universities and stablished men of like a biased reporting hotline which students could use to report each other or their professors for micro aggressions or bias infractions in other words we were operating in sort of stasis state here and also there were no platforming of speakers going on they were shutting down speakers all across the country you couldnt get an alternative perspective the university has turned into and this is broadly speaking an Indoctrination Center for socalled social justice which is anything but just so thats why i started it and i started tweeting from anti p. C. And while you prof. After your identity was discovered you said that life on campus was intolerable what exactly happened. Well i got back to campus after being put on a a paid leave of absence immediately being denounced by a committee calling themselves the diversity equity and Inclusion Group which i call the conformity inequity an Exclusion Group because what they demand was conformity to their ideology they claim as an equal anybody who doesnt hold it and they try to exclude you from the university and thats what they tried to do to me i was put on unpaid leave immediately and when i came back i was basically shunned by over 100 faculty members i was i had my office moved to get this the Russian Department where i was more or less treated like a russian agent put in a sort of gulag of my own. No books were sent over i was facing empty shelves empty metal shelves basically completely isolated on campus and up and thats basically all for voicing opinions about some institutional developments as they did to you guys to try to help ease tensions in any way. You know what they basically tried to isolate me to exclude me to basically say that anybody had a view that differed with this dominant ideology which is social justice as they call it must be silenced that effectively marginalized basically treated like a pariah and utterly completely shocked and and shut out thats what they tried to do. I eventually that you office was moved to the universitys Rushton Department how to parent come about. Well after this there was an email barrage sent. By a several faculty members that n. Y. U. Calling me every name in the book like right and not see. White short pants white devil and fragile white male and all these kinds of crazy names and none of them political whatsoever they did nothing to stop this barrage of abuse but instead of addressing the people who did it they treated me like the problem and put me in this rush in the Russian Department by myself where apparently everyone was instructed not to speak to me because i was completely isolated no one would acknowledge me even in the hallways passing professors with white its quite incredible that adults can act with way and that they can act on command so much in a socalled intellectual environment where anti intellectual ism now rules all through north america. Why do you think of us to consider your views on acceptable. Because i was criticizing things that they were taking for granted that they thought were beyond criticism that should be accepted without question even though they were in effect some of them crazy some of them very much in general the way they enforce this totalitarian they were attempting to make the university into a kind of. Surveillance system where everyone was basically surveilling on each other and each other to the private to the secret biased reporting hotline where these biased teams would adjudicate cases behind closed doors with no transparency and nobody told you what bias was what what a biased infraction was and yet this was announced all over the universe. They were promoting it widely they tried to get me to put it on my celibacy i refused they did not like the fact that i was criticizing the dominant ideology that was not tolerate it so we have a University System where you supposedly different views different perspectives alternative ways of thinking or supposedly engage them instead of the universities becoming the single stream social justice Indoctrination Center. Or correct some world form a liberal studies professor at New York University thank you for your time. As relentless protests continue to paralyze Hong Kong China is calling on the United States to pull back on the bill supporting the protests and says it plans to reassess the special economic treatment that washington afford to the territory. The u. S. Side Must Immediately store bush in the relevant bills stop supporting violent offenses and stop using homegrown to intervene journeys domestic affairs. Has intensified in recent days a 70 year old street cleaner died after he was hit by a brick during protests another man seen on that 1st pitch was badly beaten after confronting antigovernment activists who had blocked off Central Street transport in the city remained paralyzed for a full day while schools were closed on thursday or for safety concerns a curfew is now reportedly being planned for the weekend. Economics professor benjamin chair when beijing see similarities between whats happening in hong kong and previous public uprisings elsewhere. On Computers One of the world wide colo lucians which all its share is some common sources including the same funding agencies same handbooks training leads Government Support anyone famous handbook offers it did a list of 190 in that thats for socalled nonviolent actions which some turn violent many times such methods are paralyzing Public Services in this credit in government some of these protests encouraged by the Us Government and you know the protests and the extreme hard to remove pillars of support of government such as a police local communities Education System to encourage roots in the public some malicious media in the west is already preparing to launch an all out media tech ones the Chinese Government as certain actions expression military actions so the precondition of strict actions of course not necessarily military actions we quietist the public should be not fall by the media. Thank you joining us here on r. T. International were back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines c n n. The tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faced only implement from the inside venezuela things were different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associated. Bonus will have a supplemental. That person put it on battle so on to comply with a moment of focus the who story isnt new makes him cold in Henry Kissinger to tell him that he would not be tolerated that in latin america. Terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream so wants now making the economy of venezuela screed. Thats geysers financial Survival Guide liquid assets now does it you can convert as quite easily. To keep in mind as a tremendous place it. Is youll media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being. What is true. Is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the death. Or inmate in the shallowness. Readings in salutation. The federal bureau of investigations is reeling with the barest mint this week oct watchers no im not im not talking about the news that mr higher loyalty im self former f. B. I. Director james comey has been awarded his own brand new mini series based on his book about his firing as f. B. I. Director by donald trump in the midst of russia gate starring jeff daniels no not talking about that now this news is far more embarrassing and in any normal functioning society would produce massive reforms and firings it appears that our good friends at the f. B. I. Were found to be in appropriately using and abusing the Data Collected under the tories section 7 o 2 the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act ars technica reports that the United States foreign Intelligence Surveillance court actually ruled back in

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