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Threatening to withhold treatment from people who abuse star we put the issue up for the back. The mother was a nurse for. Most of our laws for the n. H. S. And nothing was done on the body abuse that she sees the n. H. S. Is there to treat people should treat people. Without question. Though theyre welcome the latest news in a look back at whats been happening to me over the last. Week here an arctic elite video appears to show that americas a. B. C. News channel shelved a story on disgraced billionaire Geoffrey Epstein 3 years ago a Network Anchor was recorded ranting about the station quashing her explosive interview with an accuser of the convicted paedophile in its a number of powerful figures are implicated in his crimes the following clip his part of the video by the Transparency Group project. Had sort of 3 years ive had to say are you with Jenny Roberts that the palace found out that we have her whole allegations are false andrew and threatened us a 1000000 different ways she told me everything she had pictures everything she was a hiding for 12 years making history how do we convince her to talk to us it was unbelievable what we had cleared with everything. I had i tried for 3 years to get it on to no avail and now its all coming out and i think these new well of revelations and i presume had i was so pissed i have to wonder why did they not air these stories why why were that why was the shelled now this came to us from an insider within the network an insider who currently works at a. B. C. News leaked us this tape she says there seems to be some type of network of people that you know that that is covering up for this and she says she has a she thought all of it quite telling that this insider leaked this tape to project their its us and not the Washington Post the New York Times c. B. S. Or c. N. N. Because they seem to want to protect the people that were working with Jeffrey Epstein again amy robach saying that f. Epstein was blackmailing people theres a lot of powerful people on those airplanes that amy is 100 percent certain he did not commit suicide i dont know why she wont say that publicly but there she is in the leaked tape on the set of the program saying these things when nobody is looking. Well a. B. C. News has defended its decision not to broadcast the story saying that it didnt meet editorial standards at the time the anchor and he wrote back to agreed explaining her comments were made in a private moment of frustration so then a quick reminder of how the story developed 66 year old multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein is convicted of soliciting prostitution from a minor back in 2008 and was then registered as a sex offender in july this year he was arrested again and was to face trial over the ledge creation of a sex Trafficking Network charges though he repeatedly denied however a month later at sting was found dead in his cell in the power and suicide the founder of project veritas again james okeefe says that despite a. B. C. Saying that the allegations were uncorroborated the network doesnt shy away from other high profile cases you can see how frustrated any robot when you listen when you watch this tape it directly contradicts what a. B. C. News is saying publicly now about not having enough corroboration there theyre fine airing the allegations against maybe Brett Kavanaugh for or trump or anybody else but when it comes to bill clinton and some of these folks d that are mentioned by amy in this hot mike tape they say they just didnt have enough corroboration im not sure how a. B. C. News defines a corroboration when it comes to credible witnesses talking about Sexual Assault but the only conclusion i can draw is that a lot of these Network Executives are very close to the people that were hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein per amy amy roebucks. Us democrats have failed to push through a bill to keep the identity of whistleblowers secret it comes as the president s son has tweeted the alleged name of the whistleblower who triggered the trump impeachment inquiry Saskia Taylor now reports from the fate of those who recently dared to speak out in america. For the democrats impeachment must now seem tantalizingly close all they need is the final piece of damning evidence to seal the deal and to Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer he has come out arguing for the protection of whistleblowers only rather of one Intelligence Officer whose insider info could make or break the impeachment dream the calls to make public the whistleblowers identity are despicable whistleblowers should be protected period period thats quite the radical departure from his previous comments on those exposing government abuses and each day that snowden is allowed to room 3 is another twist to the merits snowden is a one of the few picked up by the media he chose the path of raising his voice and going clone ball unlike the hundreds of others who chose the path of least resistance you see they quietly launched official complaints hoping for the system to reform but they were out of luck because as a damning report from an intelligence watchdog shows the cia and n. S. A. When 189 out of 190 cases of whistleblower complaints by had to send you the link but the report was shot down i wonder if mr schumer praised or even remembers all those whistleblowers who ruled against what the name for example rich barlow bring about now living in a trailer in remote montana with his hunting dogs back in the late eightys boller worked for the cia now he found himself in a patriotic dye lama when he uncovered what he said amounted to the u. S. Helping pakistan become a Nuclear Power including by selling Brand Technology though he followed protocol he became the victim of a smear come. Pain disgraced and discredited barely able to scrape together a living i was disgustingly patriotic and i thought the government is allowing pakistan to develop and spread Nuclear Weapons and i got destroyed for trying to stop it what about former u. S. Marine affronts gayo he thought hed found a way of reducing the number of u. S. Troops dying in iraq as a result of improvised explosive devices all that was needed was a simple swap of patrol vehicles and given that were responsible for over 60 percent of all american losses in the country between 20032008 surely the pentagon would have been interested the response was more of. An automated response hes not obeying our instructions hes hes gone off the reservation as we often say. And weve got to stop him from doing that and just as it took gail 7 years to restore his reputation it took just a few months to discredit Peter Van Buren raising 24 years of loyal Diplomatic Service from pure and found himself on the wrong side of the table when he shed light on state department mismanagement im waste in iraq. What happens when youre thrown out of the government and blacklisted that use your security clearance and its very difficult to find a grown up job in washington you have to step down a few levels to find a place where they dont care enough about your background to even look into why you washed up there the list of nameless faceless and unrecognized whistleblowers goes on and who to blame them for choosing to do to free fall their complaints because if you follow and nonmobile snowdens footsteps sure you might end up with your name on a packet and become the face of the fight for transparency but you might also find yourself behind bars and while youre sitting in prison think about how your brothers in arms only have a how to one and 190 chance of success whistleblowing protection should actually exist in all countries because it helps the country to have people tell the truth about corrupt officials United States pretends to have allies that protect whistleblowers but they often either dont work or they are deliberately sordid and certainly the government officials do not want anyone ever telling about things they do illegally the governments are basically wanting to control saying whos in control Public Opinion they put John Kiriakou in prison for telling that for instance is that the cia was torturing so they normally absolutely do not want to protect whistleblowers and they actually hate anyone who tells the truth about their illegal activities hume about him alongside the washington elite needs to clarify his position on whistleblowers if you are a whistleblower you need to accept that harassment prison selfimposed exile just being consigned to the forgotten pages of history are all on the cards unless of course you happen to be the. The rare breed of whistle blower who finds himself in the right place at the right time with just the right expose. And also this week patients who abuse staff at a hospital in western england were told they could actually receive lengthy bans from using the n. H. S. The North Bristol health trust has launched a read a story a red card to Racism Campaign which could see treatment refused when it is safe to do so. With the heart didnt its an aggression we are seeing in the wrong but we really do need to use it to safeguard our stuff im working for colleagues every 60 of us and i gotta be able to show their face it aims to stamp out abuses hospital staff often face aside from racism there is 0 tolerance to sexism and offensive language malicious allegations and also intentional damage to property patients found to be beautiful encounter a sports like disciplinary system a warning or a yellow card will be given on the 1st incident and a 2nd time the patients will get a red card meaning that treatment will be withdrawn on her patients condition is safe we got reaction on this story from the National Secretary for the English Democrats Party Stephen Morrison also from the human bennett hes from the stand up to Racism Action Group mother was a nurse for for most of her life for the n. H. S. And nothing was done about the abuse that she see faced and theres no reason why she should have put up with the abuse of the nursing people in those serious conditions i think a message to tolerance towards it would lead to a level of self control and a church is there to treat people it should treat people. Without question the issues of sexism racism it opens a massive can of worms because obviously the hospitals could be in breach of the only quality because obviously a female there who wants to be treated by a female will not be allowed to because it will be deemed a sexist or if you have certain religious views you wont be allowed because it be deemed racist or sexist in some form if youre racist you will have a problem with this because you think its a normal discourse a normal way of behavior some framed in some ridiculous notion that youve got freedom to insult and abuse people and to lock them up is serious actually most of these people will find that one step behavior is deemed on that sceptical people realise they can no longer behave like that is not true that just clogging up the. System we say people should be prosecuted but you dont want to prosecuted because your actual words was it would only call got the court system somebody who may have a feel philosophical or religious belief about being treated by women are being treated by a certain person then there are philosophical and religious beliefs have to be also respected and if the n. H. S. Are not going to respect their views then theyre going to fall foul of the courts here at the n. H. S. Was built on immigrant a migrant labor from all over the world she was going many people yes and my god oh here we go you have no idea as a bill does it on the trees dont use that because it wasnt built just on that this is ridiculous if somebody says i dont want to be treated by some of these black or asian theres no reason to respect that at all been a race isnt a philosophical view its just plain wrong only those people who believe it should be tolerated actually resist any kind of basic principles. Because all the way it. Prosecuted youre talking about people under normal circumstances these are not normal circumstances where people go into a in a. Way in pain they wanted us so these an absolute wide range of circumstances just to say can you come down a bit the can ask you like the situation you want to use a little coward to tell people off i say lets get him prosecuted you didnt want to do that because you said it blocked the Court Systems are not against prosecute them i think its easier its easier for Health Professionals to give people a warning about their behavior and challenge it without necessarily bringing in the police and the courts i think that people are a racist need to be challenge to and that has to be done in such a way as they can simply understand that their behavior is unacceptable what you need to do is make sure you get them treated get them out reports and then get prosecuted if need be afterwards very simple if you start issuing yellow cards red cards in the hospitals thats going thats going to a people more. The syrian president claims that the west attempt to incite revolution in his country through sanctions has failed charlotte sad shared his thoughts and in an exclusive interview with r. T. It is the 1st time hes spoken to an International Channel in more than anything of me or. What did you make of it when. The British Government sent the royal navy to intercept of the iranian vessel. They said the iranian government said it was with heating oil for syria and the sections from the European Union going to the poorest people of syria. This winter. Exactly 1st of all this is both. The biography by the United Kingdom and this is the core meaning of the word regime called regime in both in gangs of youth something similar. Yes they wanted to effect the people in syria why because those people expected to rule with against their government during the difference to just all the war but they didnt they were supposed to be supporting the terrorists the moderate rebels the angels of white helmet but the people didnt this would with their government so they have to suffer they have to pay the price 1st for they have to learn that lesson but you should. With version the 2nd this is maybe the last ditch attempt in order to push them to be against Big Government but they tried to plow through winter to try to before and they didnt work because the people who knew the whole story and they know where their interests lie. And you can. Watch the full version of that interview here on our t. Tomorrow as well as on our website at r. T. Dot com in the meantime still to come this hour on the weekly a small town in england. The concerns of racism white stuff. In a world of big. Lot and conspiracies its time to wake up to dig deeper to get the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. In. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by the person that there is greater. Than. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. Him back to the weekly nag today spain is holding its 2nd general election of the year and its 4th since 201514 parties are on the ballot paper and they do need a 176 seats to win a parliamentary majority of people have been lining up to vote since early this morning in the polls 2 shot at 8 pm local time. Once they are closed he will bring you updates on the results as they come. Out the u. S. Government is reportedly investigating the social media platform to talk over security concerns the video sharing app is chinese owned and is popular among teenagers it is also one of the few to challenge the monopoly of tech giants such as facebook and google. The sound now. Was. I. Ill be honest with you up until last week i had no idea this thing even exist it take tock tick tock for me simply the sound i associate with the clock well if you feel the same ill have to tell you either youre getting old like me or its just that your Online Habits need an urgent update take talk a platform to share short videos is now the most downloaded app the king of all apps and Instagram Twitter and co youve been dethroned just so you know ever heard the song. If it wasnt for his app store majesty the song wouldnt have become a hit you can hear on the radio anywhere in the world but heres something that may surprise Old School Folks like me even more the king belongs to an asian dynasty tick tock is that chinese app. So thats why the top democrat senator in his late sixtys is more up to speed than me 110000000 americans who have information with and the Chinese Government could be grabbing every one of them guess what the u. S. Government is already up to reports say theyve launched a National Security probe into tick talk and the worries are the Chinese Government could spy through take talk influence through take talk and censor whats on tape talk good god how come the rest of the world hasnt given up american born facebook speaking of the man who introduced the blue f to us all its only natural he is keen to have a go at his competitors or Services Like whats up are used by protesters and activists everywhere due to strong encryption privacy protections on tick tock the chinese up quickly around the world mentions of these same protests. Censored now just let me show you what the people behind ticktock have to say about all that our data centers are located entirely outside of china and none of our data is subject to chinese law we are not influenced by any Foreign Government including the Chinese Government to talk does not operate in china nor do we have any intention of doing so in the future oh someone here is either being really does honest or outright paranoid or a bit of both its time to stick in the us china trade wars ill tell you what this year has shown these his deliveries can easily spill over into modern tech slash online territory remember how america once went after i phone killer want to be while way. Want to be still the right word washington even saw jail time for one of wall ways top executives and held google to the wall over android updates anyway for now clocks in. Quite a few older ones even in america will be picking the chinese take talk way mr schumer do you have the guts to keep up with the times and join the royal after party. Now look at. It thank you then i finally a small seaside town in the south of england has been spent up into a storm of controversy over the suggestion its longstanding nickname smacks of White Supremacy something though that has left that i cause both. This wording is not to remove the town council could be classed as a racist white supremacist therefore this should be rectified immediate. Travel through the delicious scenery of north devon must needs know the little white town a bit if it. Shock and. I think its true that. Its a little white. It always in the white house nothing to do. You have to stop. Its not like you know everything. Everybody can. Get. Out its unbelievable political correctness. And. You with us say thanks for watching we can use our back again in about 35. Time after time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate the transition to sustainable transport sustainability stay in her manner more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. It done does not the Companies Want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away and this is Something Else this must be going to mean and i mean look. This is the mills and news new deal and the nieminen im stunned. Understood so when. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Direct. What is true what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Maybe in the shallows. You know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. On may 3rd of 2003 the ambassador of switzerland to tehran delivers a letter from iran to the United States. In that letter the iranians essentially offer negotiations to open up the Nuclear Program for full transparency. The proposal came in i happened to see its because it was also given to a member of congress that i worked for at the time. He sent it over to the white house and called rove called rove called back he said that he found the proposal intriguing he wanted to know if it was genuine were a promise to put it in front of the president i would call karl rove a dear friend. Ive seen made a far sighted courage put america on a war footing. And protect us against a brutal enemy in a dangerous conflict that will shape this new century no formal response was given to the iranians at all im grateful to have been witness to history. And the argument was that whatever could come out of a negotiation with the iranians. Even more could be achieved by simply removing the regime in iraq. In a way to sum up the arguments however the principle in the Bush Administration said that we simply do not talk to evil. And as tony zinni said former Central Command commander if you like the rock youll love iraq that is a 10 to 14 year 3 to 4. 00 trillion dollar invasion at the end of which the world western asia will look not much different than it does right now it will still be in turmoil and still be in chaos and 70 plus 1000000 iranians will hate our living. In the pentagon and i want to see your inner circle very different 90 years. Wolfowitz shared with me in charge or at cheney in 911000. Retooling went to the white house briefed people like president America Needs a new strategy to force regime change. So theres this idea springs back up again in 2000. I went through the pentagon in november of 2001 and one of the general said sure i got this memo on. Were going to go after 7 countries in 5 years. I said is that a classified memo he said to her. Start with iraq and then were going to move to syria lebanon libya somalia sudan and iran. I think its highly probable the administration has already made the decision to go to war against iran there are already u. S. Troops inside iran want to repeat that there are already u. S. Troops inside iran the u. S. Has long

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