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Great to have you with us this evening youre watching r t international. Hundreds of people have gathered in northern mexico for the 1st funerals of an American Family brutally slaughtered by a Drug Cartel Leader in the week its since been revealed that they were killed by weapons of originating from the United States and more printing explains theres little to restrict the flow of arms across the border. 9 americans dead 3 women and 6 children hit by mexican drug lords a 13 year old boy who walked 23 miles to get help for the others and now us politicians are willing to run through walls to serve up justice it seems this is the time for mexico with the help of the United States to wage war on the drug cartels and wipe them off the face of the earth we merely a way to call from your great new president the Mexican Government cant protect americans inside of mexico but america may have to take matters into our own hands this is only 50 miles away from our southern border we can certainly defend american citizens inside of mexico if mexico into mexico was not willing or able to do so is the senator suggesting that the United States send authorities or perhaps even troops into sovereign mexico now the perpetrators of this heinous crime may be subject to a high profile murder trial but are we overlooking something this was a mormon family slaughtered with 223 remington rifles made in america over 200000 firearms are smuggled from the usa to mexico every year this comes at horrific cost to society south of the border and 28000. 00 alone the Mexican Police opened 33000. 00 different homicide investigations at a higher rate of homicide than conflict at syria mexican law makes it near impossible for civilians to legally purchase guns in fact there is only one store in mexico that actually sells firearms but yet the mexican drug cartels continue to get their hands on high tech weaponry that because this isnt the weapons that are right in the United States of america because they arent in the United States then because were going to mexico the lowest though that thats very low or in there if the United States. Or they want to order they would be in in lima. The act or arm or plate from the structure and thats no arm and arm session or harm in concert are now or are going to be by arm its a hypocrisy in that sense the office of Government Accountability in the United States has documented that 70 percent of the weapons seized by the Mexican Police originated in the United States mexican leaders have long urged the usa to crack down on the flow of weapons into their country however attempts to do so so far have failed for decades heres the thing mexico is certainly dangerous or at least thats the message that donald trump rang out pretty loudly on the campaign trail in 2016 nearly 180000 Illegal Immigrants with criminal records ordered deported from our country are tonight roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens when mexico sends his people to not sending their best to sending people that have lots of problems and theyre bringing those problems with us. Theyre bringing in drugs theyre bringing in crime drugs like heroin and cocaine are flowing over the Mexican Border into the United States however the gangs that are executing people resisting Law Enforcement and transporting those drugs are armed with guns that originally flowed in the opposite direction the United States has to you know with its diction problem with this problem of consumption not just like being on the supply side of things but also on that man and treating these as a Public Health issue would be a good idea to start with its also the sales of arms not just like benefiting those businesses that also benefit the economy of the United States and cooperating with next providing. Information to do financially televisions in a more appropriate way and really participating in. Chinese tech giant to our way has seen a surge in global profits also continue to squeeze its u. S. Rival apple out of the lucrative Chinese Market but despite the u. S. Governments efforts to orbit burn the company it alleges has close ties with the beijing government and intelligence agencies are always seen you know though remains confident about the companys future even without the u. S. In a war you people who question try dont care about the china us trade negotiations we wont be used as a bargaining chip we can survive very well without the us we dont control the equipment so we have no idea how they operate i dont even know whos monitoring my phone i dont know which country maybe americas ease dropping on my phone calls. Vacuum a washington did while way to a Commerce Department entity list that means that the worlds number 2 make of smartphones would not be able to deal with American Companies they limited while his ability to source key parts in particular also the daughter of always found her remains under house arrest in canada she is fighting extradition to the states as washington accuses the company of violating sanctions on iran the u. S. Also urged countries around the world to boycott the 1st of the 5 g. Network developments by way. The companys profits rose by 25 percent to a record 8800000000 dollars last year they shipped 206000000. 00 smartphones in 2018 sales were up 45 percent issue while we are already past the 200000000 phones mark thats 2 months earlier than last year with the expected rollout of this super fast 5 g. Network in china to come in the next few months while its position is expected to grow even further on 30 countries have already signed 5 g. Deals with the company. Just blogger of the London Capital Group Believes that as of now washington steps have been towards advantage. The revenues that were seeing reported now from while way were actually preedy us ban in may so even though that ban was actually delayed until november all those products are a result of the whole ways free ability to deal with u. S. Companies since then its been more problematic for example always soon to release a phone that doesnt even have the official license Android Version so that is going to limit sales moving forward so what we could be looking at here is a is a peak moments in overseas shipments of its smart phones theres been a bit of a nationalistic spirit in china to. Buy our way products and more specifically not to buy u. S. Products and apple has taken the brunt of that and we know that actually according to recent reports apples market share has actually dropped significantly in apple is looking at some of its worst couple of quarters in a row here of sales in china that experience to date. Clearly not. Quite what the u. S. Intended there and certainly what apple would have liked but certainly seems to have been so far a benefit for weiwei. Germanys been facing widespread demonstrations from its farmers as they disrupt transport routes using tractors to block traffic comes as industry feels that its being unfairly blamed for Climate Change also having to bend to berlins push towards Carbon Neutral aunties evangelise sepsis has more story. German farmers are furious but this is not a united front 2 camps are taking aim to the government over its environmental rules for very Different Reasons on the one corner d thousands of farmers causing gridlock in several major cities over environmental measures which they say are crippling their life the biggest one in bonn hold to the german argue Cultural Ministry were a 10 kilometer convoy brought the city to a halt. A looming ban on the controversial weed killer and tighter controls on slurry and fertilizer are just some of the measures that farmers say will force them out of business germanys last 16 percent of its farms between the years of 2007 and 2017 a trend that the germans Farmers Association says is reflected across western europe farmers see the had enough of being labelled as the bad guys in the growing Climate Change movement we are not satisfied with the Agricultural Policy which is being shaped its a policy that is not based on facts new requirements are being issued all the time at a rate we simply cannot keep up with we have no chance to adjust our farms in time the wish list from different n. G. O. S is getting longer and we are getting fed up with the fact that with being made responsible for every dead insects and so on them we are fed up with this pharma bashing campaign. We simply want to show that were fed up with being scapegoated for everything is negative we are to blame for Climate Change for air Water Pollution you cant go on like this. But on the other corner are the German Farmers are accusing the government of failing the environment and putting them out of business if you want the federal government to rethink its crime and goals rather than take further action to reduce c o 2 emissions and stead of roadblocks they try taking the legal route the 1st time the government had been taken to court for failing to protect the environment. He has become clear that climate protection is prosecutable we can end up in coolant that is how i see i believe that we should move forward with a positive attitude and i think more action must be taken now. Germanys plan was to cut 40 percent of Greenhouse Gas emissions by 2020 and compared with those in 1990 but it has fallen short it only reduced 31 percent but a court in berlin found that the targets were not legally binding undeterred the farmers are digging in on both sides we want to be perceived as people who produce Healthy Products in harmony with nature and not as the biggest destroyer of nature in germany more needs to be done so the government recognises that it must act now they may be opposites over the impact and solutions of Climate Change but theres one thing that they do agree on that bird lyn is failing them both a federal law suits us for our team. Brazils leftist icon and former president Lula Da Silva has walked free from prison earlier today a crowd of supporters greeted him waving his partys flag. It was. He was convicted of corruption and Money Laundering but today his supporters chanted lula is innocent his release was possible after a new court ruling announced the day that allows convicted criminals to avoid prison if they have not exhausted all their appeals. With the civil was brazils president from 2003 to 20102017 he was convicted of corruption and sentenced to 12 years in prison and summer of 2019 there was a twist though he knew this case as a late conversation showed the prosecutor and the judge had been privately discussing the case hasnt it been a long time without an operation you cannot make that kind of mistake now think hard whether thats good idea what do you think of these crazy statements from the Workers Party National Board should with fish to rebut. And in an interview given to r. T. Lula da silva told us he does not support foreign interference and that brazil must defend its sovereignty. No one has to accept foreign interference in the affairs of a sovereign state i do not support american brazilian colombian or any other interference their attempts to control another country by promoting their own candidates by creating a fake figurehead like one guy joe im totally against this there are situations that a democratic country has to deal with on its own but. You brazil is a very big country it can be fully sovereign it could become one of the main actors on International Policy i admire the role that president putin plays in the modern world it shows that the world cannot be held hostage to u. S. Policy to trumps craziness the craziness of a u. S. President who believes that he could invade any country kill any president somebody has to stop him and brazil concluded that. With them doing live in a city now by brain or when is the chief editor of the brazilian news website opera monday is going to have you here to speak about this and and hes a very serious story but its incredibly dramatic at the same time the money was president destined to be president again in prison now set free what on earth is this latest twist mean for brazilian pox i think we are in. I mean doing all this to the last years the condemnation against the for political process to put playing out of the electoral process we had met last year and. In which both a man who has been elected now with out of jail decide to ation have a very very important challenge because its going to be deleted of the Opposition Leader is going to be walking on the streets talking to the people i mean officially hes powerless and different participation in politics he took but hes much bigger than that hes able to do that with dis decision of the Supreme Court hes totally free to do what he wants to do including any kind of Political Action is part of the decision thats remarkable even though he has an outstanding conviction for corruption and it just shows how differently the legal system works in brazil so that wont hold it back at all and yeah civic i mean what whats going to happen i mean his his the decision that the call to primm has adulthood. A couple of days ago is that no one its written in our constitution no one. Is have no one is going to everybody is going to have the right to appeal in freedom up to the last appeal thats which is written in our constitution the school the Supreme Court has changed it does interpretation 3 years ago just as part of the law against lula because this is the system of justice in both of you have all the possibilities to put people in jail i mean we have a provisional prison in brazil the justice can put someone in jail we thout sentence so the double system of prison was really an abuse of power and now this Supreme Court has has get has stepped back. Interpretation going back to the constitution. Determination that no one must go to prison before all the appeals are extant so in theory little could still end up in prison but in the meantime you can be politically active does that put pressure on. Me he does more. Has not received back his electorial rights because he has a can the nations 2nd degree by brazilian law if someone has become the nations 2nd degree this. Man is not able anymore to compete in electoral process. Thats another step the 1st step was is in 3 d. And the 2nd step lula and his supporters are fighting to aggravate the judge that the combinations that he received in this process because after interest. Published the the exchange of masses between the judge and the prosecutors is a lot of suspension about the conventions against this is the next step in this process because in this month of november disapproval court is going to judge another appeal from. Arguing that the process was a fraud and that his process shall be extend if hell try to get the yashin over to of course if he is sexo in this appeal then hes going to have his electoral rights back and then he should be able for instance to be in the competition for the next president ial election brazil in 2002 but even before that i would argue that just Lula Da Silva walking the streets you said shaking hands i remember from when i was in brazil for the 24 Team President lula was standing but it was clear this man is greatly loved in brazil hes got a huge fan base a real presence now him just being out and about with the electorate does that put a lot of pressure on the current president im sure. Because now the opposition is going to have a leader up to destroy him amounts after both are maddow. The opposition has not have a leader improve you have has no really the conditions to talk to people now with lula are walking and talking on the streets the opposition is going to have a very important leader in it that i think this event is going to change political situation in brazil im sure about that politically though where does the support stand right now because some people say will sonora wouldnt even get into power if it wasnt for the scandal that saw you know problems for lula im for Dilma Rousseff but at the same time there were big problems when theyre in brazil financially if nothing else. I think im sure many polls indicated that if lula would be have been candid the candidate left probably hes going to win the elections and both would be defeated. I think that this this situation is the main reason for the brazilian political crisis thats the main reason because the bill so now is not a real live hit him president he won the elections because his main opening was out of the game. What about Dilma Rousseff because a little and very closely connected it was a huge supporter of hers when she was elected and theres a kind of both kind of caught under this umbrella of the same scandal i mean is there any hope for Dilma Rousseff if she was not impeached for the same reason the lula was on the native against duma who said if it was a no the reason most many people say its a phony reason it is its a breeze only make it to the more responsible responsibility i mean it does not have has no connections with corruption or Money Laundering accusations she was in. Impeachment because eventually if she was accused of. Misinterpretation or view late in the hour one of our fiscal laws i mean. Not accused of anything link it to corruption any accusation against her war has been stopped by the Supreme Court or even by judges in the 1st degree and funny to be the critics will say the critics and basically the incumbent president and his party they are saying that you know this decision now it completely sets back the entire operation to combat corruption in brazil operation carwash says that this is undermining it and holding it back what do you think about i think its not true 1st of 4 would have. To discuss this operation. To have to discuss this operation pain much attention to intercept arch goes about what it is. Perhaps all of a to. Fast in a meaningless reduce our. Operation i mean we have to pay a lot of attention in dissipate it was not an operation really is it was not an operation against corruption it was an operation against a Political Party that i think there is a lot of proves an ad about this. Now and nowadays i mean after intercept articles its very clear that were talking about a political operation a political parisian link it to the right wing parties and link it to both or neither when his supporters and its a kind of operation that indeed name of the of the fight against corruption introduce in our country a very strong law case. Really appreciate you coming through to you my guest of honor of mint chief editor of the brazilian news website opera monday. Even to the news now the u. N. General assembly has voted overwhelmingly to and americas economic embargo of cuba which is lasted nearly 30 years now but the u. S. And israel have voted no. President Donald Trumps government has begun escalating its aggression against cuba by apply an unconventional measures in order to prevent the supply of fuel to our country its goal beyond disrupting the economy is to damage a cuban family standards of living. But it is time for the vast majority to be heard it unilaterally demands the media to definitive to the end the chronic and inhuman good case against cuba it is time to put an end to double standards in international relations. Like all nations we get to choose which countries we trade where this is our sovereign right so it is worrying that the International Community in the name of protecting sovereignty continues to challenge this right. The resolutions not legally binding but it follows a trend of u. S. Isolation from the International Community heres a look at just this month alone one of in the 1st the General Assembly again overwhelmingly approved a draft resolution that called for a middle east free of Nuclear Weapons the u. S. And israel voted against a bill days later the organization voted on a draft resolution aimed at preventing an arms race in outer space the u. S. And israel also said no to that as well as on a draft resolution that calls for prevention of militarization of space political analyst and former u. N. Officer francisco colona told us in his opinion what makes washington this way. Theyre desperate if you are so mean but we know what it called primal i mean. Because we havent built a new world order i mean there are all spaces. Or on their own. Reality on their own. But. Wars conflict disorder i mean not only the trial i mean for you and barack obama there was no new world order so you know after the 4 you knew crowds they snore one quarter i mean does that leave a book a main responsibility lives on groups. By u. S. Policy or reaffirm a constant. Promise. Despite a history of animosity between north and south korea people in the south would side with north korea in the event of a conflict with japan thats results of a survey by a think tank and so almost half those are said that theyd back pay on young even though there was an option to stay neutral only 15 percent said theyd side with. Despite continuous warnings by western allies of the threat posed by north korea. North koreas 6 test of a Nuclear Device and its missiles launches are a threat not only to the people of south korea but to the people all across our globe it has never been more important to be working closely together given the threat of north korea and north korea has conducted 10 missile tests this year 2 of them involved solid fuel missiles which the north can launch with less morning we saw soldiers preparing patriot missiles to shoot down incoming Ballistic Missiles from north korea the most immediate threat tonight from north korea is far more conventional they could fire on south korea. The survey also comes relations with 3 south korea and japan a sing another that with disputes resurfacing of a longstanding controversies back in 1000. 00 turn japan turned career into its colony fought hard against the Independence Movement back then japan controlled almost every aspect of life on the peninsula during world war 2 japan drew heavily on korea hundreds of thousands of koreans were forced to work in japan with conditions well they were so bad its estimated that more than 60000 died as a result women from korea were used sex slaves by japanese soldiers many koreans believe the treaty signed between the countries in 96 to 5 didnt demand the wrongs that have been done in rights attorney eric surat kimberlys japan and the us often by the dont picture of north south Relations Just to fit their own political agenda. These outside influences japan in the United States for their own political purposes i think they exaggerate the desire of the North Koreans to somehow attack south korea and i think that this will begin to bear out when these types of surveys and discussions take place and when the mood in ministrations finally i hope has the ability and the the guts frankly to do what they say they want to do and that is in. Peace and settle the korean war with the North Koreans and so i think japan will continue to stay on these flames until the South Koreans really put into it by formalizing relations and taking further serious steps toward peace. Joining me here this evening on r. T. International my colleague was on a lock which will be here to bring you right up to date in half an hour. Public impeachment hearings Begin Next Week how worried should the president be will take a look at that on this edition of. The politicking on larry king the House Intelligence Committee will begin Holding Public impeachment hearings next week bringing lawmakers a step closer to the possible impeachment of President Trump how worried should he be about this as talk with someone who knows the increasing process very well former u. S. Representative Elizabeth Holtzman a 4 time democratic congresswoman from new york she served as a member of the House Judiciary Committee that investigated the role of president nixon in the watergate scandal and voted to impeach him shes the author of the book the case for him p

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