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Of moscow its midday here this thursday the 7th of november my name is kevin irwin here with a half hour headline round up for you and us democrats have failed to push through a build a keep the identity of whistle blow secret republican senator rand paul block the proposal accusing the democrats of spreading selective outrage as he put it the amendment was designed to bolster the senates position that whistleblowers should be protected from retaliation and their contribution acknowledged it comes in the heat of the trump impeachment inquiry ongoing that was sparked by anonymous testimony from an insider next than today Saskia Taylor reports on the fate of those who dared to speak out in america recently. For the democrats impeachment must now seem tantalizingly close all they need is the final piece of damning evidence to seal the deal and to Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer he has come out arguing for the protection of whistleblowers only rather of one Intelligence Officer who is insider info could make or break the impeachment dream the calls to make public the whistleblowers identity are despicable whistleblowers should be protected period period thats quite the radical departure from his previous comments on those exposing government of uses and each day that snowden is allowed to room 3 is another twist to the merits snowden is a one of the few picked up by the media he chose the path of raising his voice and going close bowl unlike the hundreds of others who chose the path of least resistance you see they quietly lodged official complaints hoping for the system to reform but they were out of luck because as a damning report from an intelligence watchdog shows the cia and n. S. A. When 189 out of 190 cases of whistleblower complaints by had to send you the link but the report was shot down i wonder if mr hume appraised or even remembers all those whistleblowers who ruled against what the name for example rich barlow bring about now living in a trailer in remote montana with his hunting dogs back in the late eightys bhalo worked for the cia now he found himself in a patriotic dye lama when he uncovered what he said amounted to the u. S. Helping pakistan become a Nuclear Power including by selling Band Technology and though he followed protocol he became the victim of a smear come. Disgraced and discredited barely able to scrape together a living i was disgustingly patriotic and i thought the government is allowing pakistan to develop and spread Nuclear Weapons and i got destroyed for trying to stop it what about former u. S. Marine affronts kayo he thought hed found a way of reducing the number of u. S. Troops dying in iraq as a result of improvised explosive devices all that was needed was a simple swap of patrol vehicles and given that were responsible for over 60 percent of all american losses in the country between 20032008 surely the pentagon would have been interested the response was more of. An automated response hes not obeying our instructions hes hes gone off the reservation as we often say. And weve got to stop him from doing that and just as it took gail 7 years to restore his reputation it took just a few months to discredit Peter Van Buren raising 24 years of loyal Diplomatic Service from pure and found himself on the wrong side of the table when he shed light on state department mismanagement im waste in iraq what happens when youre thrown out of the government and blacklisted is that you lose your security clearance and its very difficult to find a grown up job in washington you have to step down a few levels to find a place where they dont care enough about your background to even look into why you washed up there the list of nameless faceless and unrecognized whistleblowers goes on and who to blame them for choosing to do to free fall their complaints because if you follow and manning will snowdens footsteps sure you might end up with your name on a plaque card and become the face of the fight for transparency but you might also find yourself. Bars and while youre sitting in prison think about how your brothers in arms only have a how to one and 190 chance of success whistleblowing protection should actually exist in all countries because it helps the country to have people tell the truth about corrupt officials United States pretends to have allies that protect whistleblowers but they often either dont work or they are deliberately sordid and certainly the government officials do not want anyone ever telling about things they do illegally the governments are basically wanting to control things and control Public Opinion they put John Kiriakou in prison for telling that for instance is that the cia was torturing so they normally absolutely do not want to protect whistleblowers and they actually hate anyone who tells the truth about their illegal activities schumer about him alongside the washington elite needs to clarify his position on whistleblowers if you are a whistleblower you need to accept that harassment prison selfimposed exile just being consigned to the forgotten pages of history are all on the cards unless of course you happen to be that rab breed of whistle blower who finds himself in the right place at the right time with just the right expose. Next to the u. K. It seems patients who abuse foot one also prevail and west of england could find themselves without medical help the North Bristol health trust launched the red card to Racism Company which could seek treatment refused when its safe to do so. But the hard to avoid the question we are seeing in the moment we really do need to use it to safeguard our stuff and work with colleagues over the 60. And i want to be able to ensure that theyre safe. That campaign aims to cut a wide range of abuse that hospital staff could face day to day aside from racism the National Health service will apply as 0 tolerance policy to sexism in offensive language also inappropriate behavior malicious allegations and intentional damage to property patients found to be abusive will face a sports like disciplinary system or warning or yellow card will be given 1st then a 2nd time the patient will be given a red card and that means treatment will be withdrawn once a patients condition is safe and stable well is some of the reaction we got to the plan then for women benefit from stand up to racism and the National Secretary of the English Democrats Party stephen morris. My mother was a nurse for for most of her life for the n. H. S. And nothing was done about the abuse that she see faced and theres no reason why she should have put up with the abuse of the nursing people in very serious conditions i think a message to tolerance towards it would lead to a level of self control and h. S. Is there to treat people that should treat people. Without question the issues of sexism racism is a massive can of worms because obviously the hospitals could be in breach of the only quality because obviously a female that he wants to be treated by a female will not be allowed to because it will be deemed a sexist or if you have certain religious views you wont be allowed because it be deemed racist or sexist in some form that if youre racist you will have a problem with this because you think its a normal discourse of normal wear behavior some framed in some ridiculous notion that youve got freedom to insult and abuse people on to lock them up is serious actually most of these people will find that one state behavior is deemed unacceptable people realize they can no longer behave like that is not true that just clogging up the court system we say people should be prosecuted but you dont want to prosecute it because your actual words was it would only clog up the court system somebody who may have a feel philosophical or religious belief about being treated by women are being treated by a certain person then there are philosophical and religious beliefs have to be also respected and if the n. H. S. Are not going to respect their views then begin to fall foul of the equality at the n. H. S. Was built on immigrant a migrant labor from all over the world it was the many people yes in ireland my god oh here we go you have no idea its a bill that said on the trees dont use that because it wasnt built just on that this is ridiculous if somebody says i dont want to be treated by some of these black or asian theres no reason to respect that at all being a race isnt a philosophical view its just plain wrong only those peace. Believe it should be tolerated actually resists any kind of basic principles. Because of the way it. Prosecuted youre talking about people under normal circumstances these are not normal circumstances where people go into a in a. In pain they want us so these are an absolute wide range of circumstances just to say can you come down a bit the can ask you like the situation you want to use a little coward to tell people off i say lets get him prosecuted you didnt want to do that because you said it blocked up the Court Systems are not against prosecute them i think its easier its easier for Health Professionals to give people a warning about their behavior and challenge it without necessarily bringing in the police what you need to do is make sure you get them treated get them out reports and then get prosecuted if need be afterwards very simple if you start. Out in the hospitals thats going thats going to a people more. News now that france is set to toughen up on immigration numbers the Prime Minister says the country needs to take back control the 1st ever plans for quotas a bit announced shall or do bensky takes a closer look. My corps was catapulted into the french presidency on a ticket of not being from the right nor the left it was a poor enabling him to attract votes from across the political spectrum and it was a successful tactic halfway through his mandate and it seems to still not shy about pinching an idea here or there from his political enemies in order to pepper the french governments policies for some theres a feeling that mcallen may be dipping too much into the pool of ideas from the right with a crackdown on immigration high on his agenda take this france cannot host everyone if it wants to host people well that seems a bit familiar. Right now where demand to mark time on migration because friendship is sinking and what about showing gain the sharing an area in the ruins of dublin regulation does not work anymore if we have to suspend. The French Public have been given more and more teases of policies to come policies that many feel wouldnt look out of place had they been announced by Marine Le Pens National rally the countrys Prime Minister has outlined 20 measures for tighter controls these include making it more difficult for migrants to claim benefits and health care under these new rules that we should claim asylum would have to wait 3 months after launching the claim before being able to access proxies universal health care france is also looking to introduce for the very 1st time economic quotas setting quotas is a u. Turn from corn during his president ial campaign he had ruled out so this is a clear attempt to appeal to right wing fotis for whom migration without limit is a huge issue that comes as recent figures showed france had. Received nearly 123000 asylum requests last year not only a record high but an increase of 22 percent compared to the year before matt korn himself has admitted his party just cant ignore the problem of immigration the bush was you have no problem with migrants because they dont see them but the working classes do and they have been seduced by marine le pens and the immigration far right machinable rally may have thrown down the gauntlet in his attempts to pry voters away from the National Rally but lappin isnt backing down either shes warned may want to act tough his party is somewhat softer than its leader proposals to prevent abuse of the salem system viral shut down by his own Party Members although much cons attempts to reach out to right wing voters comes ahead of municipal elections its clear this is about something bigger much bigger in fact 2 and a half years before the next president ial election in france polls are showing that kwames only competition will likely come in the form of le pen the indication is that the race could be a tight one and matt cohen in a bid to stay ahead is having to pull out all the punches even if that means possibly alienating many of those who put him in power in the 1st place. R. T. Other after midday 50 moscow time if you can stay with us well tell you a verse on the way the u. N. And round out of israel over most of the 14 american human rights chief he tells r. T. Direct it sets a dangerous president and our. It was introduced in a changed global geopolitics forever and you cant on invented gunpowder big oil is changed now the whole notion of what money is and you cannot uninvented theres no turning back. In my i phone or have a 1000 times the capability of that of the computers we had on board the space for the time i mean its ridiculous that in my back pocket i have much much more capability. To do the entire apollo program. To. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president and she. Wanted. To go on to be this is what the before 3 of them cant be. Interested in the water. Again good afternoon this is international next day israels top courts upheld the government decision to deport the regional head of Human Rights Watch oh my show kid whos a u. S. Citizen cannot be removed under a law which prohibits public cold for a boycott of israel but the organization wont is going to set a dangerous president 1st off we spoke with the man at the center of the story. Neither Human Rights Watch nor i as its representatives have called for boycotts we do not call for a consumer boycott we do not call for a boycott of israel proper what we do do as we do throughout the world is call on businesses to respect rights in the context of the west bank years of research has led us to determine that any company that operates in illegal settlements inherently contributes to rights abuses so weve called on companies to uphold the rights and stop those activities but weve never called for a boycott of those Companies Much less israel proper so reaction the European Union has spoken out in support of Human Rights Watch calling on israel not to deport shakir the u. S. Has chipped in to it said that israel must allow the rights to offenders to carry out their work without threats or intimidation is really called based its decision on a law introduced back in 2017 which can deny entry to any individual or company if the call for a boycott of the country over its actions or settlements in the west bank Human Rights Watch has long been critical of the Israeli Government the groups website claims the state is expropriating Palestinian Land no less and the building illegal settlements in the west bank im a shock here again says the courts decision exposes the systematic oppression of rights activists. This decision is coming in the context of many other measures that have been taken against human rights defenders just the last couple of months last week we saw palestinian staff member of Amnesty International issued a travel ban for unspecified security reasons clearly a punitive measure given amnesty is work weve seen a campaign of incitement against groups like palestinian groups like its really groups like that said we saw a raid on the offices of a Palestinian Prisoner Rights Group of the media that just in september whats happening here is a systematic pattern but now that the court has rubber stamped and said this has the veneer of legality under israeli law it really sends a chilling message and threatens to embolden the government to take further steps today it might be deportation denials tomorrow is that criminalizing the same kind of speech today its boycotts tomorrow is that calling settlements illegal or the west bank occupied its an incredibly dangerous precedent. American cash to boost roads rail other infrastructure appears to be getting lost on route we can report the u. S. Is planning instead to plow transport funds into asia as it competes with china even though americans back home is still contending with probing roads creaking well d ways on a day to day airports all despite Donald Trumps election promise to sort it out caleb maupin reports. Chinas one belt one road project of Building Infrastructure around the world is facing a challenger and the United States is not hiding its intent we have no intention of vacating our military or geopolitical position we are here permanently and we will be continuing to invest more here and we will be continuing to have more bilateral trade and im spending much more time in the region but wait a mere year ago donald trump promised to channel money into rebuilding americas decaying infrastructure ive asked republicans and democrats in congress to come together and deliver the biggest and boldest d infrastructure play in the last half century the plan generates an unprecedented 1. 00 trillion dollar investment in american infrastructure well it sounds great but those plans have been show now the American Society of engineers has graded americas infrastructure and they are pretty unimpressed when it comes to bridges c. Plus with more than 200000 around the country that are over half a century old dams d. More than 15500. 00 of them are listed as high hazard Drinking Water d. With 2 trillion gallons of treated water lost every year essentially wasted and energy lines are also pretty weak take a look around new york city the richest city in the country the brooklyn queens expressway is falling apart City Planners say that by 2026 big trucks will no longer be able to use it for gifted children sign about London Bridge falling down its the Brooklyn Bridge thats visibly breaking apart a few years ago 5 people were injured after pieces of granite fell on to the underpass of the iconic Brooklyn Bridge in fact that bridge is said to be structurally deficient 683. 00 bridges in new york city are in disrepair and then theres the subways. Constant delays the ask elaters keep breaking down in fact only 31. 00 out of 472. 00 subway stations are listed as having all structural components in good repair we should be paying attention to whats going on within this country 1st and foremost before we start spending out to look around new york and tell me if thats what we dont need to do absolutely look at the subway system so 100 something years old and its still like something from the turn of the century we need to invest in our cities our country and make our country a better place to live with it was worth going to as a kid so clean it lot of people say u. S. Infrastructure is just a mass i mean do you buy that yes i would because i drive a lot of drive it depends on where you move to new york for instance the bridge is in bad shape. And i guess you should take the initiative to really fix it will start here for this to yes Public Opinion seems to feel pretty strongly that we ought to focus on fixing things up here before we go around the world and try to beat china at its own game. R. T. New york. Finally as they say for now but to britain and focusing on a smaller store a town there in southwest england supposedly found itself on the front line in the battle against racism a local councilor put forward a motion to change and centuries old nickname because he says it sounds like a racial slur however to see not everyone in the town agree. This wording is not to remove the town council could be glossed as a racist white supremacist therefore the issues should be rectified immediately. Travel through the delicious scenery of north devon must needs know the little white town a bit if. You. Can imagine why it wouldnt. Shock. Every part is now over the top of. Everybodys to. Get stupid. Little watch on the watch and for the local folks if i did watch most of the rice its unbelievable Political Correctness. I live. I. Disquieted devon my old home country was apart some next on this channel here in moscow is kevin owen same function watching an. Imagined 635 if you have a career and clear involves using your eyes slowly in your computer and things like that in an office. Perhaps you sort of getting going its circular its. Going to have to stop doing all this and this is tell you lou the minutes must be from my world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up letting it box. Very strong Magnetic Field held in my head. Think of it like a real heart my skin burned and now Wireless Access Point and its just continuous on saying what are students in the school. We are just continually in our citizens in this microwave radiation it is certainly electoral small and its getting worse. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing Dramatic Development only going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. All. Part of hungary has long positioned itself as an independent player within the European Union capable of putting its foot down and standing up to brussels when it comes to Poor National interests but when dealing with the trauma administration is the organ government equally forthcoming in putting hungry 1st to discuss that im now joined by the countrys Foreign Affairs minister. This its always a pleasure seeing you in russia thank you for your time and your help at the river now judging from your recent interviews one of the most popular words in your vocabulary is hypocrisy involved almost every time you are asked about hunger relations with china this russia with the e. U. Itself is really so prevalent in your line of work. Well actually if you look at. Politics recently especially during the campaign of the European Parliament elections you will see a big big portion of hypocrisy Political Correctness and the fortunes of double standards and this specially when it comes to cooperation with china comes to cooperation with russia and when it comes to internal issues of the European Union as well sometimes you do have the feeling that some smaller member states. The same things for which some of those got praised you know and this is really something that we have to change thats very vocal. About the future of the union we want to take part in these debates in very actively. Now the last time i heard you mention that when it was in relation to. Central and Eastern European countries willingness to do business with china and you made the point that bigger countries like germany and france are far ahead in the game and yet for some reason they seem to be rather displeased about other countries willing to catch up how do you interpret that kind of criticism is a competition is it an effort to control is it something else. Making business with china is pretty beneficial for everyone because the Chinese Companies are getting stronger and stronger. Chinese investors. Are. Countries. No question about it i mean the old. Laws from west to east looking for cheap labor Knowledge Base of the of the changes regarding Global Economy is dictated by Eastern Companies as well at least as much as by western companies and if you look at the figures you know figures. The 11. Countries have a share. 11 countries 9. 9 percent when it comes to the china trade and the 5 countries making the biggest business for china are of course of western European Countries by germany which we have no problem i mean we why why do you think they have a problem. They always criticize us for for making business rich just for the art of criticism for the engine off or for allowing chinese investors in their countries but you know what im telling you is that there are 16 a Major Investments by Chinese Companies in hungary 1116

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