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Drastic package of measures was the Tipping Point where amongst other things he doubled the price of diesel one of the main fuels and this tried peoples patience thats the reason for the protests well ill get through Christine Legarde i. M. F. Austerity measures in a moment shes of course leaving the i. M. F. To run the defacto e. U. Bank the c b but what do you think about lenin merinos chances of staying in power hes fled to kill and there are reports of him saying killings to come although the minister of defense has said there are not tanks on the streets of your capital camouflaged. Condition but lets start with the final part of the question believe me perhaps it is hard for me to be objective because ive also been persecuted by this government but i dont remember since i have political understanding having seen a repression of this magnitude in the seventys we had military dictatorships i was a teenager but not. Even at that time i remember the people being so brutally restrained so he takes this decision by suppressing Constitutional Rights by bugging communications looting houses without illegal order and all of this they are also using their force even with lethal weapons against the protesters so this is something that has not been seen before i dont remember anything like this since i have political understanding in terms of government the government has already fallen merinos already fall and they have to look for a democratic and constitutional way of keeping peace and keeping the country running otherwise they can lead us to a civil war more than a civil war a brutal repression by the enforcing authours luckily our constitution offers those measures those democratic and institutional measures the article 130. 00 allows the assembly in case of a social turmoil to 2 thirds of its members to authorize the election to be brought forward and the president himself in article 148 of the constitution has the faculty to bring the elections forward why isnt he doing this he knows that if he brings the elections forward he will be losing and we will win so he prefers the country to fall they prefer the violence they prefer this very serious situation instead of getting out by the measures that i insist a part of the constitution and a perfectly institutional and perfectly democratic manner do you think he wants to be the next pinochet no lenin moray he was a puppet of the oligarchy but he has been an instrument and he will stay there as long as he serves the grips of power why former president do you not in ecuador now with the 10s of thousands of Indigenous People demonstrating in quito and will you run again to become leader of acquittal in i am not interested in that my plans for life or others i had to get back into politics because they destroyed my nation and mainly because of the personal and great persecution we have been through in ecuador. Crimes of hatred are taking place every day they say we have to chase the car easters we have to clean our government from the car which is not only allowed by the media but also fostered by certain press creatures that do hate us because they experience restrictions their privilege and their abuse when we were there from 2007 to 2017 was the decade of most progress in the nation in history we doubled the economic product we were the regional champions in reducing poverty in reducing inequality and this is not understood here in europe that is something that the elites do not like it bothers them because it is only in the vertical direction of social relationships in the inequalities that they have that power and well being because they believe they are superior to others if you offer our elites to be 3 times more prosperous but equal to the rest of the people they will reject that well speaking of media your in europe why do you think the media arguably seem more interested in pictures of demonstrations in all call and previously demonstrations against in venezuela. Cause on the streets of quito in your country the answer is obvious it is because they play a clear political role it would be enough to see except for a few exceptions who owns the head demonic media the National Ones within the latin american countries which is a very serious problem but on International Level they do not belong to the poll they do not belong to charities except for a few exceptions they belong to the big capital and they play a political role to defend the status quo the media at the National Level in our countries and other global levels plays a political wrong but at least at a global level they keep certain limits more professionalism as you said there is a totally symmetry in the information double morality if there are demonstrations in hong kong they are not even sorry if they are against the chinese regime they will be shown every day right i want to ask you about Julian Assange in a moment but ive got to ask you because. Today is the anniversary of the washington linked killing of che guevara imagineer liberalism why do you think his face is on the flags probably of flags in your capital city certainly from on flags of the liaison in paris and across france what does he mean to you on the anniversary of his death. Well again. They talk about democracy and respect of human rights when it is convenient to them so the killing of che guevara is a good example of that he was captured while he was alive and he was executed extra judicially while he was in prison it was a crime so he was sanctioned for that crime and ordered by the actual cia they have the names and nothing happens it is like the case of Julian Assange they chase the ones who discovered the war crimes but not the ones who committed the murder and these crimes are still on punished as in the case of che guevara what is the meaning of sake of or we could agree or disagree about the ideology of che guevara but no one could deny his authenticity and his attitude to go through extreme sacrifices even to leave his family and give his own life for his ideology and that is something that should be respected by everyone but well you gave asylum to julian a son just your embassy in london hes facing a Court Hearing on friday for extradition to the United States for espionage what did you make of the el pais revelations that your embassy was actually being bugged and edge of the by cia linked Security Services including the bugging of his lawyer Geoffrey Robertson queens counsel. Remember they said exactly the opposite from the embassy chilliness and used to spy there was evidence that they had been spying on me and my families and spying on even the sacred conversations but client with his lawyer said was extremely serious and take it as granted that Julian Assange and will be extradited to the United States always from the beginning that was the agreement you said you may have been the subject of surveillance to do you think that came from washington and do you think that whistleblowers of war crimes by nato countries Boris Johnson told trump who previously said he liked with the leaks he love wiki leaks they want. Dead as a lesson to other whistle blows so you see the International Double morality and the asylum granted to Julian Assange is not because we agree with whatever Julian Assange just done i believe the nations in terms of National Security certain information should be confidential for war crimes cannot be hidden but the asylum was granted to him because there were no guarantees of the fact process because he was to be charged with laws that allow for the Death Penalty to threaten the interim american system of human rights only human rights treaties at a global level are against the Death Penalty of former president greg thank you youre well after the break Julian Assange just father says the worlds greatest journalist publisher is close to death as he battles for his life while facing 175 years in the u. S. Supermax prison and is about the u. K. Minority leader Boris Johnson is hit by a wave of scandals alleging everything from corruption to more attempts to break the law and we really believe the polls ahead of an imminent general election all this all coming up about to have going on the ground. What politicians do. They put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. For something i want to. Have to do i would be the 1st to see what before 3 of them or cant be good. Interested always in the waters in the house. There should. Be good news if you like and use the term deep state you are no longer deemed a conspiracy theorist the bad news the deep sea is very real and powerful and a danger to the democratic process the deep state as the 4th branch of government as it counts. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military the decision. Every song came to a complete. The day that i was raped. You know told to shut up what theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life many screamed at me and he made me come in and you graham my arm and he raped me with his birthing curia if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and be offended and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an hour in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or woman. Welcome back aim bought one we heard form a good orian president Rafael Correa de facto claim the cia illegally spied on him well also monitored has been the publisher he gave asylum to in his London Embassy after u. K. Torture according to the u. N. Week he thinks founder Julian Assange faces a friday london Court Hearing certified by Boris Johnsons minority government the court declined to tell going on the ground who will preside over the case its by delegations of m i 5 links to his prosecution joining us on just father john chipped in joins me now thanks so much sean for coming in person that youre going underground studio as youve seen julian in the past 24 hours how easy is he faces 175 years in an american prison sort of drill in this morning for an hour and as you would expect is a bit down in the dumps. And disturbed by the. Ceaseless and and intensifying persecution of him thats going on now for 9 years so. I presume that hes seen still in the hospital we. Have and there is. Activity in action to improve his circumstances he still spends 22 hours a day in solitary. And only recently has been given court papers to prepare skies does he know whats going on because of course he said in the bail hearing when the asked by a judge here do you want to take the opportunity to apply for bail he said the lawyers are handling it i dont know i dont understand whats going on that theres a technical hearing where in the judge. Magistrate briefs are in the Extradition Court took it upon. So to hear a case that wasnt before and having heard because she concluded that really in order not to receive by a. Mob you game but in fairness julians lawyers didnt apply for bad or they didnt apply to talk. Judge the judge right applied herself by all and then refused youre very aware the wiki leaks revelations change the lives of millions around the world theyve discovered the truth about their governments what sort of support is your son getting today as well as your appearances trying to make the public at large understanding the plight of your son rohan still come i was there last week the support there is strong particularly among. A section of that society. And we did a macho down the main street 300 office and then i went to germany the support there is very strong in berlin we did a vigil the brandenburg i there was a vigil in cologne and one in docile though from the other one in frankfurt on the same day and that will be the same on wednesday does your son think that maybe President Donald Trump could intervene famously said he loved wiki leaks who is he holding out hope for in this maze of legal problems and hearings i magine you know i dont know i cant speak for julian but i imagine that. The United Kingdoms government asserting its independence and the searching that the independence of the judiciary which up until recently had a very great reputation you dont think the Prime Minister just wants your. Son to die and. The the the institutions concern the manage this process. The Crown Prosecuting Service at the behest of. The foreign and Colonial Office which acts at the behest of the United States department of justice and say i that i would be delighted if julian collapsed under the pressures that theyve put upon him but the judiciary is independent and maintaining their independence is one of their prime concern is also if the reputation of the United Kingdom is to mine the mine time it would be based to a by International Covenants and loads that signed on to and you tell them talk to julian about that in prison. Presumably he doesnt have as much faith as as you do in the British Government has attacked un report terrorism obviously his asylum was breached well use that thats what they have done and its both them nothing but obviously and accusation and so. We presume and we hope i can realise its to their benefit to establish the independence of action and thats the benefit of the u. K. To support International Covenants and law which covered the people of the United Kingdom presumably he doesnt get newspapers or access to the internet but he said he got some legal documents is he aware of the story in the spanish papers about the fact that he was being bugged by cia linked curity contractors what did he say about my i havent discussed that with a minute thats. Several Ongoing Court cases involved there but i mean you know they were with they had 3 fades one for them so which they tried to sell 3000000. 00 another one for the space at the dorian government and another one which was called a swiss we can. Which according to David Morales who ran the country the company. According to him it ran to the cia theres a further difficulty they have because. I is part of 5 hours of the leading. Intelligence institution in 5 striders a member so we have 2 problems they one if that was being fed into our stride of this information then its a scandal as they knew was happening to julie and. If they didnt its a scandal because this is supposed to share. Information in both cases its came from the Australian Government theyre not helping this is. The government and malcolm turnbull. St instructed foreign minister bishop to rise the matter with jeremy which she did. And. Said you know hes facing serious charges both at the time there are no charges whatsoever he just lawyer. The will for him to take it yes then the week later from mr bishop. Approach. In Sacramento California at a meeting with pio said were not interested in talking about that and i know you know worlds forums if you are not saying to act independently your voice is not heard i just simply said well you know a strike they will just say what its told to do by the United States similarly the United Kingdom if its perceived that the United Kingdom doesnt stand up for the laws the. Conventions that its signed to then its voice becomes weak in will form. The emerging emerging multipole there at. Requires you to have a. Voice in will for to get there you act independently and forcefully transshipped and thank you thank you. Well u. K. Labor leader Jeremy Corwin appears to have said little or nothing in defense of julian a son has he faces the u. S. Extradition this is called in the flounders in opinion polls ahead of any imminent general election so how teflon is no bricks it deal Boris Johnson it was just Corruption Scandals an unlawful attempt to shut down democracy joining me now is labor Prime Minister Gordon Browns pollster and Founding Partner of britain thanks deborah maddens and deborah thanks for coming on the show the last time around it has to be said the 2017 goal winning greece labors share of the vote by more than anyone since clever that in the why did it live government can you do it again you didnt win that crucially and i think its very important when we say that to remember that he didnt win it was very unusual. And stances and it was particularly unusual that the 2 main parties polled as well as they did because they both collectively they polled more than 80 percent they hadnt done that since the 1970 s. So that was a bit of an outlier it was very unusual it is not what were going to see in the next election but i mean thats what we actually can make what should we believe the polls i mean this week in the past 10 days or so we had Supreme Court decisions in johnson acted unlawfully weve had him throw out 21 m. P. Now the Corruption Scandal over fund and yet and yet hes doing better at these rating went up 2 percent after the corruption investigations yeah you know i mean you have the right to have a because of that 2 percent is obviously within a margin of error so you need to make sure youre looking at and also you need different posters are giving different scores to the main Party Leaders but one thing is for sure that however you look at it right now Boris Johnson has a fairly Comfortable Lead over Jeremy Corbyn and that certainly isnt changing and it may well be that its increased a little bit and sort of shored up his view shored up those views of him over the last few weeks what they think of him is that he is determined and energetic and there is a characteristics that they very much like in a leader it contrasts between in may and it certainly contrasts the journey corbet so with a mismatch between if you go to any of the betting shops in london or around the country corbin is odds on favorite to be the next Prime Minister by a huge deal and has been for weeks and then as you say ok that one was there a margin you govern opinion so the tories went up in polls by double digits after the court said he acted on law and people complain about posters but actually im not sure the betting markets have been any more accurate in recent years so i wouldnt necessarily place much store by that either to be honest all the polls are accurate i dont know its all that we. I have and so lets look at them and see what theyre saying what i tend to do and what we do britain thinks in our International Work for world things is to marry together the quantitative the numbers with more intimate sort of focus groups and qualitative information that helps us to interpret those polls thats what weve done recently on our work looking at the particularly the 2 main leaders and its been very telling and it starts to i think explain to you why it is that Boris Johnson is is liked so much more by voters than Jeremy Corbyn basically as a say his in his energetic if we ask him you know if he was an animal what kind of animal would he be hes something quite strong and tough his a lawyer and his a ball we played a game where we said. Put in a china shop yeah we played a game where we said you know if this person was you know as a leader if they were the conductor of the orchestra what kind of music they play if they were the manager of a Football Team what would what sort of football with they play and he comes very well out of that so if you say what kind of Football Team would Boris Johnson be manager of then the answer is one that is determined to win whereas if you ask the same question of Jeremy Corbyn its a Football Team that is actually very mutinous and sort of rebelling against the manager if we say this was one of the really telling things if Boris Johnson was a conductor conducting an orchestra what kind of music was he paid people say that is exactly what its like he is like a conductor his arms are flailing around you have no idea whats going on but somehow it works and you get great music and i think what that tells us is that people believe that Boris Johnson has a plan. A plan that they cant necessarily understand just like they dont understand how it is the conductor gets great music now there will come a moment perhaps where they start to doubt that right now thats what theyre placing their faith in i mean i have to ask you about what its like actually running this organization print things and finding it because i dont go through all your client list but huge institutions n. G. O. S and Multinational Companies are relying on this kind of information to predict it this in the context of the fact that i mean even organizations that use this kind of focus group are going in the birth arguably they got it wrong the tories would. You dont get a majority with cameroon would win a majority and a cameron that would get breaks it is a. Whole industry of this kind of research in deep trouble but i dont think so i mean i think that that kind of political polling is obviously not how most Companies Like mine pay their rent its something of a sort of shop window for us and obviously its problematic when posters get it wrong and i have said britain thinks doesnt do that kind of political polling although we analyze and we do do the qualitative work but what we are doing is working without constant help another case a very difficult and uncertain time and we use a number of different tools to do that which includes kind of you know really digging underneath the what what did the depths of what people feel as well as looking at numbers looking at you know a date and so on so we bring those things together to sort of off the strategic advice never i just thank you. And thats it for the show and back on saturday the day after the irish backstop agreement deadline of a break shouldnt 35 years to the day of the provisional raise brighton attempted murder Margaret Thatcher an account of the tories were killed or injured and they keep touch my social media to get subscribe to a. You know world of big partisan. And conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching. The hawks. Today there are good terrorists and bad evidence the bad news in yemen who the United States deems to be a threat the good those war in syria the cia and the u. S. Military were engaged in covert actions really throughout the world. Where they were assassinating populist leaders they were backing up right away military windows funding and arming death squads theres no problems and the more because theres always a small people or a really good code thats. To profit. By mass kaiser or more of my guide to financial survival this is a hedge fund its a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. Thats right these has flaws are simply not accountable and were just adding more and more to them. Totally destabilize the Global Economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a while because were going. To mention. This in 35 and you have a career ending career involves using your i phone in your computer and things like that being in an office. Perhaps you sort of getting going its circular. Youre going to have to stop doing all of this i mean this is kind of you lou the minutes must be for my world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up winning it and cox. Very strong Magnetic Field on the field in my head. I think its like a real hard pressure on my skin burns and that Wireless Access Point and its just continuous on saying with our students in the school its. Just continually paid. Citizens in this microwave radiation it is certainly electro small and its getting worse. In the. General election campaigning. In the u. K. Britains Prime Minister at. His main rival by invoking the russian. Claimed. Labor quote. Poisoning. A major u. S. Network to. Credible allegations of sexual abuse. Claims the material just didnt meet its editorial. Desperation in iraq protests

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