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A company linked to the son of former u. S. Vice president joe biden. Are broadcasting live director our studios in moscow this is our International Im sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us all right in yet another twist in the saga of deceased financier Geoffrey Epstein a leaked video shows a. B. C. News presenter amy robach off air claiming the network had explosive interviews on the convicted pedophiles predatory behavior more than 3 years ago but it chose not to run the content it also implicated high profile figures including britains Prince Andrew and bill clinton heres a look at that footage obtained by the Transparency Group project. Unbelievable what we have we have everything. I tried for 3 years to get it on to no avail and now its all coming out well of revelations and im freaking. Im so pissed right now that every day i get more and more pissed because im just like. It was what we had it was on real. Get. Served a 13 month sentence in 2008 for prostitution related charges involving a minor later he faced dozens of other cases involving Sexual Assault and trafficking before his arrest in july 2019 on august 10th epstein was found dead in his cell and weeks later the cases against him were closed the authorities ruled his death a suicide a. B. C. News has defended its decision not to broadcast the story stating it didnt meet editorial standards at the time well and. Agreed explaining her comments were made in a private moment of frustration earlier my colleague spoke with the founder of project very thomas and journalist james okeefe. Well i think its a huge concern in that the statement that you just read there was seemingly written by corporate lawyers for a. B. C. It directly contradicts what amy robock says on the set and this leaked hot mike tape i think comes across quite well and if i were her id be upset at these executives for squashing the story as well but the tape is if you watch the full 3 minute tape youll see that she is shes very upset that these interviews with the accusers were not aired she says shes 100 percent confident that epstein was was killed and this is a pretty prominent american a. B. C. News journalist making these statements and i have to wonder why did they not air these stories why why were they why was the sheld i think that a lot of these people are can are not trusting the media anymore in this country because the media does not cover the news i mean this is a big story this is a a huge story and you can see that the anger you can see how frustrated amy robock when you listen when you watch this tape it directly contradicts what a. B. C. News is saying publicly now about not having enough corroboration there theyre fine airing the allegations against maybe Brett Kavanaugh for or trump or anybody else but when it comes to bill clinton and some of these folks d that are mentioned by amy in this hot mike tape they say they just didnt have enough corroboration im not sure how a. B. C. News defines a corroboration when it comes to credible witnesses talking about Sexual Assault. A u. S. Military convoy has come under fire from Turkish Backed fighters near the town of tell to tell tom or excuse me in northeastern Syria Pentagon Officials Say their patrol was not hit and that no american soldiers were harmed but have given no further details of the attack comes as u. S. Troops resume positions in areas of the region they had withdrawn from last month and President Trumps command ahead of a turkish offensive it is the 2nd time that militants fighting for the Syrian National army have targeted American Forces in recent weeks washingtons envoy to syria also claims the s. N. A. Which has its roots in the Free Syrian Army committed war crimes during on crowes operation against Kurdish Forces in northern syria. Turkish supported. Opposition Opposition Forces who were under general turkish command in at least one instance did carry out a walk crime and we have reached out to turkey to demand an explanation turkey has promised to investigate the claims against its syrian allies it is worth noting that some of the groups under the umbrella a force now accused of war crimes were previously supported and armed by washington parties came up in comments. The Free Syrian Army American Media and politicians told of glorious Freedom Fighters picking up a gun for democracy and human rights and the usa wasnt afraid to show its support the United States has been one of the biggest supporters whether its politically whether its financially in a range of manners of the moderate opposition including the freestream our syrian army the administration is staking its efforts in syria on the Free Syrian Army aid and assistance that were going to give to the Free Syrian Army is used to advance the cause against guys will watch the transformation of the Free Syrian Army as well early on have they gotten more quickly better or is it just me well guess what forces fighting under the f s as latest incarnation are now attacking the United States as part of the de confliction Exchange Information has been received from the u. S. Side to that on 3rd november a convoy of american servicemen was fired upon from the territory controlled by the pro turkish Syrian National army so how did this happen it was a group go from being worthy of u. S. Support weapons and training to being terrorists to attack america as well lets review the process of the f s as evolution as the syrian conflict escalated they were presented as a soft force to counter the quote brutal regime of Bashar Al Assad western journalist even visited them they are former syrian soldiers they say they refused orders to fire on their own countrymen a few months alongside to take up arms against the assad regime there are pretty gnarly bunch for a soft force but who pays attention to these details western media fell in love with them and their commander solemn interest even got a surprise visit from john mccain the u. S. Senator slipped across syrias borders so he could meet with Americas Dream Team fighting against the Syrian Government and sense then solemn even appeared on major to. The networks in the United States i spoke with general salim idriss just moments ago hes head of the Free Syrian Army i spoke earlier today to rebel leader general salim he connected with us via skype from inside syria egypt spoke to state Department Correspondent Margaret Brennan in turkey in 2014 the pentagon splurged 500000000. 00 on Syrian Opposition groups to the now infamous train and equip program the goal was pretty glorious 5000 soldiers a year for the following 3 years however at the end of the day the mathematical calculations ended up with a pretty big margin of error its a small number. The ones that are in the fight. Is is were talking 445 the overall goal is to make sure that we have enough mass to be able to get work done on the ground a lot of the weapons and money spent and it up in the hands of terrorist groups like i still or the al nasra front fine use of u. S. Taxpayers money and sense than the u. S. Trained fighting force seems to have almost disappeared but now theyre back weve got the Syrian National army this is a totally new organization with dozens of different factions 80000. 00 total fighters approximately and guess who the minister of defense is well you guessed it its major solemn interests but hes got a completely new script now he is no longer a big fan of the stars and stripes as the syrian conflict twists and turns you have to ask yourself who is the United States going to end up supporting next and how long until they turn against the United States again this incident at the very least. Destabilizing the presence of american speed and also the support for these groups like the socalled Syrian National army which consists of people who quite aggressive jihad to use and so its been once convenience and now its become inconvenient. For the truth how did this who have seen us the americans who abandoned the kurds who they disliked but of course the control but they didnt really think about who their friends were who they were hoping who they were funding. Newly revised testimony u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. Gordon someone says he told the Ukrainian Government that there would be a quid pro quo on the issue of military aid being held up by the white house something he previously denied knowledge of also i now do recall a conversation on september 1st 29 seen in warsaw with you mr your mac this brief polish side conversation followed a larger meeting involving Vice President pants and president lensky in which president selenski had raised the issue of suspension of u. S. Aid to ukraine directly with Vice President pence after that large meeting i now recall speaking individually with mr your mac said that resumption of u. S. Aid would likely not occur until ukraine provided the public anticorruption statement that we have been discussing for many weeks where this comes as u. S. House democrats continue an impeachment investigation into u. S. President donald trump they allege he tried to force ukrainian president vladimir selenski to start a corruption investigation against a brick Small Holdings where hunter biden the son of former Vice President joe biden was a board member it is claimed that trump withheld hundreds of millions in military aid to ukraine in an effort to pressure kiev to launch such a probe. For more on this we can cross live it is former cia officer ray mcgovern ray thanks for being with us here on r. T. International. So how significant is this admission by ambassador saw and it is a significant change in fact many say its a complete reversal does this create more problems for the white house. Well not really simon is just aware that theyre probably his messages have been compromised or that hes been monitored hes just trying to correct the record its a big mistake this is all a political game here in washington to big mistake for the democrats to circumscribe their their inquiry their pietschmann a story as to the ukraine problem what effect does that have well. Joe biden is out of the running as far as im concerned theres so much dirt on joe biden i just wonder what more dirt President Trump was trying to dig out so as these things become revealed its going to be also revealed that the people talking to the democrats here newness i mean not new news but the fellow whos running the thing is that the intelligence committee. That those people d have been in touch with these other people like the whistleblower socalled and they in turn that in working for the deep state brennan and others and so you know the things going to fall apart what they should pursue and i feel very strongly about this because they have 9 range rover is the trooper leaves the parish records today formally 1st real legal step well what does that mean for the world truth has little children dying in the quarter an hour south defies the constitution right and left so why did they pick out this quid pro quo because this the only good comes out of that is that most americans learn a latin quid pro quo. So now sandland himself and he said in earlier testimony that trump insisted that he wanted nothing from ukraine in fact we keep hearing that no quid pro quo no quid pro quo you bring up the phrase there. Why then would someone tell kiev otherwise if i mean is he going against the president is i mean is this like whats the real deal whats really happening here well i think what has to prove a the atmosphere here is the fact that everything is monitored surveillance is blanket deep so heres silent thinking will that n. S. A. Certainly has the conversation with that reveal i was lying or that is that in the room. Member the floor and n. S. A. Has everything now whats the point here the point here is that an essay also has the complete text of the telephone conversation between sharon and salutes so it shouldnt read theres any ambiguity here where theres any dispute about what was cut outs look the whole transcript got asked and is saved for the transcript well if im sure theres a quid pro quo it may have been not outspoken but you know this happens all the time i know defender of truth i think hes the worst president weve ever had but for this kind of dealey to go on is not unusual they should be shrill right quick but not on these flimsy charges of quid pro quo and briefly the White House Press secretary has reacted saying that the transcript of President Trumps call with his ukrainian counterpart still makes clear there wasnt no quid pro quo offered weve kind of weve talked about the quid pro quo idea if not this what should he be impeached for. Well i think the paris accord leading to paris accord is that is the most damaging thing that any president the United States can do to the whole world and then talk about his is thumbing his nose so to speak at the constitution and building a wall without the Appropriations Committee ruling on it as the constitution requires. Letting the children be separated from their parents on the southern border and some of them dying living in terrible conditions you know how many things you need to impeach a president why dont they pursue these things so whats going to happen is this is going to come around to bite them because if the deeper they get into ukraine the deeper joe biden and his son are in deep shit as my south korean friends say and the whole things going to fall apart when the democrats pursue this line as very narrow circumscribed line and and neglect the real the real impeachable offenses is the president have not only that but its looks like if the senate does not convict him trump will be able to accuse the democrats with some reason doing this pitch battle against him forever for another year all right former a former cia officer ray mcgovern always interesting to hear a thought thanks for being with us here on our to international most welcome john. Or you are watching right International Well be back with more news after a short break stay with us. The world is driven by shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. The good news if you like and use the term deep state here were no longer deemed a conspiracy theorist the bad news is the deep state is very real and powerful and a danger to the democratic process the deep state as the 4th branch of government as it counts. I welcome back this is Art International now the u. S. Government is reportedly investigating social media platform to talk one of the most downloaded video sharing apps over National Security concerns the company which is chinese own exploded in popularity in america especially with teens and is now one of the few to challenge the monopoly of a tech a behemoth like facebook and google. This is. The sound now look at may not. Yet. Ill be honest with you up until last week i had no idea this thing even existed take tock tick tock for me simply the sound i associate with the clock well if you feel the same ill have to tell you either youre getting old like me or its just that your Online Habits need an urgent update take talk a platform to share short videos is now the most downloaded app the king of all apps and twitter and co youve been dethroned just so you know ever heard the song. If it wasnt for his app store majesty the song wouldnt have become a hit you can hear on the radio anywhere in the world but heres something that may surprise Old School Folks like me even more the king belongs to an asian dynasty tick tock is that chinese app. So thats why the top democrat senator in his late sixtys is more up to speed than me 110000000 americans who have information with and the Chinese Government could be grabbing every one of them guess what the u. S. Government is already up to reports say theyve launched a National Security probe into tick talk and the worries are the Chinese Government could spy through take talk influence through take talk and censor whats on tape talk good god how come the rest of the world hasnt given up american born facebook speaking of the man who introduced the blue f to us all its only natural he is keen to have a go at his competitors or Services Like whats up are used by protesters and activists everywhere due to strong encryption privacy protections on tick tock the chinese are quickly around the world mentions of these same protests. Censored now just let me show you what the people behind ticktock have to say about all that our data centers are located entirely outside of china and none of our data is subject to chinese law were not influenced by any Foreign Government including the Chinese Government to talk does not operate in china nor do we have any intention of doing so in the future oh someone here is either being really does honest or outright paranoid or a bit of both its time to stick in. The us china trade wars ill tell you what this year has shown these has still ities could easily spill over into modern tech slash online territory remember how america once went after i phone killer one of the wall way if you want to be still the right word washington even saw jail time for one of while these top executives and held google to the wall over android updates anyway for now clocks in teen minds and quite a few older ones even in america will be taking the chinese take talk way mr schumer do you have the guts to keep up with the times and join the royal after party. Political correctness has been propelled to center stage at theatres in londons west end they say they are phasing out phrases like ladies and gentlemen and seeking gender neutral expressions to replace them with more heres arties i sally. Ladies and gentlemen the show is about to stop please make your way to youll see us the usual queue for punches of the westons famously it says here in london but its a saying that might be making a hasty exit they could see the actors and entertainers trade union has released guidelines encouraging theaters to drop the term ladies and gentleman and use gender neutral terminology for collective calls both front of house and back stage so avoid alienating people who identify as nonbinary so neither male nor female some venues like the apollo have already dropped the phrase opting instead for good evening or welcome stressing that they want everyone to feel welcome while londons transport network has already made the change from ladies and gentlemen to phrases such as good evening everyone but want to see its a go is think about these changes if they didnt announce what they were doing it probably wouldnt notice so suppose its fair enough although i quite like that is gentlemen to be honest should be on nothing give us 2. 00 to 4. 00 to fall seriously its a. Tough 3 do you. Think maybe older generations might you know think its a bit controversial but you know what i mean maybe upset because theyre used to the tradition i mean if people that tended by that time right thing isnt. Either a lady or a gentleman either or and to me thats. The ticket price to see both sides up and if it does change then i feel like it wouldnt be bad but at the same time if it doesnt change i think youd have to respect that people should say ladies and gentlemen you cant list all all the gender has exactly its only a meeting and its National Guidance released by equity follows on from a motion passed by Student Union representatives last month at Oxford University the motion encourages the phasing out of capping to be replaced by a more side of the polls. Doubles. Its a move to foster more inclusive it see the critics according this Political Correctness gone to fall so will the changes be met with calls for an encore all booed off stage. London. But that doesnt mean ill be back with more news at the top the hour stay with us this is Art International. Just. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or somehow want to be. That youd like to be press its like that before 3 in the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters of our. City. Is youll be via reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe side. Isolation for you to see. Are you going the right way or are you being led so. Directly. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallows. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision lotos sheltered lives every song came to a complete. The day that i was right. You know told to shut up what theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing area if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished them the offender and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or woman. A lot of people like to use the word electro small very good analogy but when we have soul towers on every to every big building when we are going to put these 5 g. Generators on every light pole on every street it is certainly electro small and its getting worse. My world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up winning it up in a box and in a shielded room we the same person that was helping us to shield found the right material to hold back that particular frequency that was coming in and burning my skin and we built a room it looks like a little foil but its not its 3 layers thickens like a very very fine chicken wire in the middle of it there were days that i didnt know it the sun came up the sun went down and christmas came around we had christmas inside the cellar room as we like to call it. Which you know you look at it couldve been really sad so we made the best of it. Having christmas in here meant a lot to all of us it was so many events so many School Events so many things that my wife could not to she even missed her daughters graduation to college just 34 hours away she couldnt take the drive and she could stay overnight. And you know the kind of thing you know really tell people because one dont think you crazy to the death of the warmest in and thats why i bother so for the last. How many years since a band i think for the last 4 years now i spent a minimum of 10000 dollars each year on in a couple years i spent 20000. 00 just in trial going from one position to another and supplements and treatments so its like most of my savings its been put toward trying to figure out whats wrong with me in again my health back. Piece here in our company does a z k o

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