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To talk. Reports emerged that u. S. Authorities are investigating the popular chinese own video sharing over National Security concerns. Just after 9 am in houston 11 pm in taipei and 6 in the evening right here in moscow this tuesday november the 5th hello and welcome to our to international. A u. S. Military convoy has come under fire from turkish fighters near the ton of them here in North Eastern syria pensacola Officials Say their patrol was not hits and that no american soldiers were harmed but given no further details the attack comes as u. S. Troops resume positions in areas of the region they had withdrawn from last month the president trumps the head of a turkish offensive it is the 2nd time that militants fighting for the Syrian National army have targeted American Forces in recent weeks washingtons envoy to syria also claims the s. N. A. Which has its roots in the Free Syrian Army committed war crimes during and chris operation against Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria turkish supported. Opposition eery Opposition Forces who were under general turkish command in at least one instance did carry out a crime and we have reached out to turkey to demand an explanation of turkey has promised to investigate the claims against the syrian allies it is worth noting that some of the groups under the umbrella force accused of war crimes were previously supported by washington and explain. The Free Syrian Army American Media and politicians told of glorious Freedom Fighters picking up a gun for democracy and human rights and the usa wasnt afraid to show its support the United States has been one of the biggest supporters whether its politically whether its financially in a range of manners of the moderate opposition including the freestream our syrian army the administration is staking its efforts in syria on the Free Syrian Army aid and assistance that were going to give to the Free Syrian Army is used to advance the cause against guys will watch the transformation of the Free Syrian Army as well early on have they gotten more quickly better or is it just me well guess what forces fighting under the f s as latest incarnation are now attacking the United States as part of the de confliction Exchange Information has been received from the u. S. Side to that on 3rd november a convoy of american servicemen was fired upon from the territory controlled by the pro turkish Syrian National army so how did this happen and as a group go from being worthy of u. S. Support weapons and training to being terrorists to attack america as well lets review the process of the f s as evolution as the syrian conflict escalated they were presented as a soft force to counter the quote brutal regime of Bashar Al Assad western journalist even visited them they are former syrian soldiers they say they refused orders to fire on their own countrymen a few months alongside to take up arms against the assad regime there are pretty gnarly bunch for a soft force but who pays attention to these details western media fell in love with them and their commander solemn interest even got a surprise visit from john mccain the u. S. Senator slipped across syrias border so he could meet with Americas Dream Team fighting against the Syrian Government and sense then solemn even appeared on major to. The networks in the United States i spoke with general salim idriss just moments ago hes head of the Free Syrian Army i spoke earlier today to rebel leader general salim he connected with us via skype from inside syria egypt spoke to state Department Correspondent Margaret Brennan in turkey in 2014 the pentagon splurged 500000000. 00 on Syrian Opposition groups to the now infamous train and equip program the goal was pretty glorious 5000 soldiers a year for the following 3 years however at the end of the day the mathematical calculations ended up with a pretty big margin of error its a small number. Ones that are in the fight. Is were talking 445 the overall goal is to make sure that we have enough mass to be able to get work done on the ground a lot of the weapons and money spent and it up in the hands of terrorist groups like i still or the al nasra front fine use of u. S. Taxpayers money and since then the u. S. Trained fighting force seems to have almost disappeared but now theyre back weve got the Syrian National army this is a totally new organization with dozens of different factions 80000. 00 total fighters approximately and guess who their minister of defense is well you guessed it its major solomon idris but hes got a completely new script now he is no longer a big fan of the stars and stripes as the syrian conflict twists and turns you have to ask yourself who is the United States going to end up supporting next and how long until they turn against the United States again this incident at the very least. Destabilizing the presence of american speed and also the support for these groups like the socalled Syrian National army which consists of people who quite aggressive jihad to use and so its been ones convenience and its become inconvenient. For that how do those who have seen that yes the americans have abandoned the kurds who they disliked but of course they fear that they too will be controlled but they didnt really think about who their friends were who they were helping who they were arming and funding. Ok to another story generating a lot of interest today a big shake up is making waves in the world of fast food mcdonalds has fired its c. E. O. Steve easterbrook for engaging in a consensual relationship with an employee which is against Company Policy there was an outpouring of support for easterbrook unlike mcdonalds c. E. O. All fired after having interfere with a nun ploy get your hand out of sand shes not a victim steve shouldnt have been sacked by mike dont see the need to movement is picking low hanging fruit if they are claiming steve sculp. The difference today in the era of the me too movement is growing public pressure on organizations including corporations and religious institutions to hold powerful people accountable for search abuse harassment and other bad behavior. Just to make clear mcdonalds rules for bedroom up to relationships between managers on both direct and indirect employees easterbrook took over as chief executive in 2015 after working his way up through the company and has been widely credited with revitalizing the fast food chains restaurants and its menu in a message to stuff he apologized and said his this missile was the right decision we got the opinions of legal analysts t. V. Radio host current turk. The fact that the best c. E. O. That theyve had in a long time is now going to be out of a job because of a personal issue is really sad i mean its just the state of how we look at things today in america and this was a consensual relationship there was really nothing a licit that he did is the way it is i did todays era of me too and the like not to mention their own the history of. Problems here and there what are they going to do its their law he knew it would he was executive he violated it thats it you know its hard to meet people these days im sure its hard to be single im married but you know as a Single Person in america you know being a c. E. O. I dont know how much time this guy had on his hands to meet people you know what is golden parachutes going to be today oh my god this poor guy were good to me to the body. Just saying it was rape nobodys a kludge it was a violent physical attack of course it was consensual but do you know the rule that we live in this is an era right now of matt lauer and me too i do you know the rules out all over i mean see the era of over it over it. Over it could i mean as a woman in america. Judging people im tired of us judging you everybody is going to relationship no im not and you know why if i was if i was in charge i think the world might be a better place because were going to sirt some logic into this minutia that has become so consuming in todays journalism and in todays america perhaps the company could have some sort of agreement where you know we allow consensual relationships with some sort of agreement between the parties before our eyes and you know and gauge in sexual shouldnt would you please. To which would you signal that yes we are and people didnt people do it every day now its a world we live in and ship. Who signs contracts for sexuality what are you talking about who does it might you might have to you might have to you might have to have a contract to protect yourself. The u. S. Government is reportedly investigating social media platform to talk one of the most loaded videos showing us National Security concerns the company which is chinese owned exploded in popularity in america especially teens and is one of the few to challenge the monopoly of tech behemoths like facebook and google. These. Are now. Ill be honest with you up until last week i had no idea this thing even existed take tock tick tock for me simply the sound i associate with the clock well if you feel the same ill have to tell you either youre getting old like me or its just that your Online Habits need an urgent update take talk a platform to share short videos is now the most downloaded app the king of all apps and twitter and co youve been dethroned just so you know ever heard the song. If it wasnt for his app store majesty the song wouldnt have become a hit you can hear on the radio anywhere in the world but heres something that may surprise Old School Folks like me even more the king belongs to an asian dynasty tick tock is that chinese app. So thats why the top democrat senator in his late sixtys is more up to speed than me 110000000 americans who have information with and the Chinese Government could be grabbing every one of them guess what the u. S. Government is already up to reports say theyve launched a National Security probe into tick talk and the worries are the Chinese Government could spy through take talk influence through take talk and censor whats on tape talk good god how come the rest of the world hasnt given up american born facebook speaking of the man who introduced the blue f to us all its only natural he is keen to have a go at his competitors or Services Like whats up are used by protesters and activists everywhere due to strong encryption privacy protections on tick talk the chinese up quickly around the world mentions of these same protests. Censored now just let me show you what the people behind ticktock have to say about all that our data centers are located entirely outside of china and none of our data is subject to chinese law were not influenced by any Foreign Government including the Chinese Government to talk does not operate in china nor do we have any intention of doing so in the future someone here is either being really does honest or outright paranoid or a bit of both its time to stick in the u. S. China trade wars ill tell you what this year has shown these has still it could easily spill over into modern tech slash online territory remember how america once went after i phone killer one of the wall way. Want to be still the right word washington even sought jail time for one of wall ways top executives and held google to the wall over android updates anyway for now. Quite a few older ones even in america will be picking the chinese take talk way mr schumer do you have the guts to keep up with the times and join the royal after party. So. Spain has issued fresh arrest warrants for 3. Separatist leaders it follows a visit by the king of spain to the a thomas regions capital on monday which calls widespread. Protesters that bonfires along barcelonas main street spurning photos of the monarch as well as spanish likes the growing risk comes ahead of spains general election this week and its the 2nd in fact to be held this year testimony is bid for independence in 27 has thrown the country into its deep this constitutional crisis in decades and has overshadowed the election season protest game. Became increasingly violent since the jailing of 9 separatist leaders last month for their role in the referendum. The king has positioned himself against the catalans comes here 15 days after the sentencing he has no business being here is a provocation that someone is not going to say this is aggression in a televised speech he spoke of the spanish but i must say to the king of spain. And you do you. Still ahead iran continues to roll back more elements of the 2015 nuclear deal but tiran says it isnt too late to stop its program or not after the break. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. With yet another technical advance iran has taken a step further from the hard brokered 2015 nuclear deal the announcement was made by president Hassan Rouhani he says iran will only wind the program down again if sanctions are lifted. The department of energy to begin the working on the centrifuges starting from tomorrow. Just like the previous ones that is reversible work will be conducted under the supervision of the International Atomic energy agency. Well on monday really and officials also and they had double the number of advanced centrifuges the country how it all comes as iran suffers under us to around ses its also losing patience and can no longer wait for europe to come to its aid and trade germanys foreign minister says the whole agreement is now in jeopardy. This is unacceptable alternately iran is doing nothing less than putting the entire Nuclear Agreements at risk and that is why we expect iran to return to full compliance with its obligations. All the around nuclear deal was signed back in 2015 it took 9 years of painstaking talks to secure russia china the u. K. Germany france and the u. S. Were all signatories to it no under its terms sanctions by the International Community were to be lifted in exchange for to run freezing its Nuclear Program it was hailed as a landmark agreement ending more than a decade of strife with iran but in may last year the u. S. Unilaterally polled of the dream and despite criticism from european allies donald trump described the deal is flawed and subsequently really impose sanctions on iran since then the other signatories have been struggling to keep the spirit of the deal a life but politics professor side Mohamad Marandi believes European Countries should be doing a lot more well the problem is not just the United States as the european because contrary to what the german official said it is the iranians who have been abiding by the nuclear deal for over a year and a half now whereas the europeans have been in complete violation americans toward the agreement and no child has been putting pressure on the european europeans so they are effectively pursuing the same policy as the United States unless the europeans. Grow a backbone and unless they abide by their obligations the iranians have no other option but to gradually exit the agreement and so far we dont see the europeans growing a backbone and its not good for them internationally because the International Community sees the europeans as ineffective and basically subordinate to the United States. Political correctness has been propel to center stage at theatres in londons west end they say phrases like ladies and gentlemen are to be phased out seller seeking more gender neutral expressions to replace them hirsi ali. Ladies and gentlemen the show is about to stop please make your way to youll see the usual queue for provinces of the west and famously it says here in london but its a saying that might be making a hasty exit they could see the actors and entertainers trade union has released guidelines encouraging theater is. Ladies and gentleman and use gender neutral terminology for collective calls both front of house and back stage so avoid alienating people who identify as nonbinary so neither male nor female some venues like the apollo have already dropped the phrase opting instead for good evening or welcome stressing that they want everyone to feel welcome while londons transport network has already made the change from ladies and gentlemen to phrases such as good evening everyone who want to see its a guy was think about these changes if they didnt announce what they were doing it probably wouldnt notice so suppose its fair enough although i quite like that is gentlemen to be honest should be on nothing give us 2 to 4 to fall seriously you say. Stuff 3 do you. Think maybe older generations might you know think its a bit controversial but you know what i mean maybe upset because theyre used to the tradition i mean if people that attended by that time right thing isnt. Either a lady or a gentleman either or and to me thats the ticket price to see both sides up and if it does change then i feel like it wouldnt be bad but at the same time if it doesnt change i think youd have to respect that people should say ladies and gentlemen you can list all all the gender has exactly and so its only a meeting and its traditional the guidance released by equity follows on from a motion passed by Student Union representatives last month at Oxford University the motion encourages the phasing out of capping to be replaced by a more side of the pools. Its a move to foster more inclusive its the critics are calling this political correctness. So will the changes be met with calls for. There is little sign protests in the south american nation of chile are set to end any time soon as the month social equality took the forefront of santiagos political policies clashes again took place on monday between demonstrators and police i know these latest demonstrations come after a short pause in weeks of protests at least 20 people have been killed during the looting and arson also forced Major International gatherings to be council including the un Climate Summit chiles government say 6 Police Officers were injured including 2 who were set on fire by molotov cocktails thrown by protests. French president has funded self in the midst of a diplomatic scandal after making controversial remarks about clandestine gangs of bulgaria and ukrainian migrants frances ambassador to the 2 countries have been summoned r. T. Charlotte reports. The president much corn is well known for his forthright views but once again being outspoken has run to take in hot water this time its with bulgaria crane so what exactly did he say i prefer to have people from guinea or ivory coast who work legally rather than clandestine networks of book ariens and ukrainians both countries were incensed enough to issue formal protests ambassador holding to explain marc ortons comments macross statement is outrageous because he is a participant in the norm a diplomat and should be specially careful in choosing a worse budget crain and ukrainians involved area and e. U. Country this was another example of the east west divide within the union french president my current statement is just another demonstration of political arrogance cheekiness whats also puzzling for bulgarians is the somewhat muddled reference to illegal immigration given that its an easy you country and its citizens have the right to work anywhere across the union including in france excuse me but is micron really able to talk about gary does he know the bulgarian is going to talk about them like this. I find such behavior towards us totally unacceptable however it is clear that there are criminal networks from bulgaria operating here in france and this it seems is what mark corn has issue with but how do people in paris feel about mcewans preference for working my quince so it is ridiculous its a french president of all people should make a distinction like this between different types of immigration to france i dont see why its come across to decide who has the right to come and who doesnt. Immigration whether from eastern europe. Well the ivory coast is all the same we allow everyone to integrate here while its true that im not too keen on micron in this case i think hes right it is better to verify whos coming in to control our borders and immigration not cohen has since his election in 2017 been clear about his views for the future of the European Union he wants an o. Me closer integration or nascent of the e. U. Project as such but though is lofty ambitions were once the toast of europe it seems his opinions all more often than not getting too close to home and turning allies against him and there are warnings that his plans will be difficult to achieve without friends. Paris at the pentagon has just released the startling report showing that veteran suicide takes more lives than active duty combat watching the hawks delves deeper. Backscatter Survival Guide states if you want to start simply. Dont get. Back to. This repatriation look at the rest of 70 years. Philip is that you guys are part. What politicians do you should. Put themselves on the line. They get accepted or rejected. So when you want to express. Something and want to reach out to the right person this is what. You get the. Interest of all those at the art. Greetings and salutations over the weekend thousands gathered on the banks of one of them indias most sacred waterways that you moon a river to pay respect to the rising sun the waters of the moon a river are meant to be holy to cleanse however what was once a place of peace is now covered in toxic foam brought about by the estimated one and a half 1000000000 liters of untreated sewage that enter the river every day but it was the skies above new delhi that had many stopped in their tracks this weekend as a Public Health emergency was declared when the air quality index reached 999 in most areas the reason it was 999 is that because that it thats as high as the meters are able to record its estimated that the air in new delhi is 7 times as bad as the air in beijing china and 20 times what the World Health Organization deemed safe this means thousands of schools shut down flights cancelled and cars banned from the roads on certain days to mitigate the already growing danger so what happened in india while an annual tradition of burning off with those in india called crop stubble combined with the excessive use of fireworks during religious ceremonies in recent weeks and you have just the right amount to tip an already. Solutions the area over the edge developing new delhi resident to you sean explains the other reasons for the crisis. Foreigners and the government should restrict some of the factories as well as traffic which both limit pollution we have to plant more trees and people should use more Public Transportation better the situation. And on the other side of the planet and a place where the politicians are supposed to be eco conscious in the water crisp and clear canada is now facing a flint of its own over 120 journalist editor students and teachers across canada came together for a Research Project called tainted water they found that in montreals got no saskatoon regina moose jaw and Prince Rupert had lead levels comparable or higher than those in flint michigan during its 2015 led crisis as the sky is burned with our waste and our waters team with toxins its time to stop doing what were doing and start watching the ox. Youre the one

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