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Messed things up for long enough youre not really listening the only way we can actually get your attention is actually by civil disobedience Extinction Rebellion is without question britains Fastest Growing pagan religion. Are broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow recapping the weeks top stories with our Weekly Program this. Syrian state media reporting that Government Forces have begun moving into the north of the country where turkey is carrying out an offensive against the kurds these are images from the Northern Syrian city of. Syrian media says that locals are celebrating an agreement there between damascus and the local kurdish authorities our middle east correspondent has more. Were just receiving reports that the Kurdish Administration and the Syrian Government have signed an agreement that will see the syrian Army Deployed along the whole border with turkey nasr in state media is reporting that the Syrian Army Forces are making their way to the north of the country in an effort to stage off what they call an offensive by turkey on syrian territory at the same time were hearing from lebanon is television reporting that some of the Syrian Forces have a really interesting more than show in town of money bish and that they were able to do so because kurdish fighters simply let them pass through their checkpoints Lebanese Television also reporting that damascus and the kurdish that Syrian Democratic forces have signed an agreement that will see the Syrian Forces into another key town called bani within the coming hours and that right now the syrian armys soldiers are really just preparing for that now on this sunday there was concern expressed by the u. S. Defense secretary mark that the kurds and the syrians had struck a deal to Work Together at the same time the United States has announced that its withdrawing some 1000 troops from Northern Syria out of concern that they could get caught in the crossfire between the kurds the turks and the syrians and all of this coming as american President Donald Trump tweets and warning to turkey that he will impose powerful sanctions against ankara puff we heard any more information any reaction to those reports of multiple prison breakouts by isis militants while hundreds of Islamic State fighters have been fleeing from numerous detention camps that were previously controlled by the kurds in Northern Syria the kurds have been retreating from their positions since waynes day when turkey launched what it calls an end to her wrist operation now a number of European Countries particularly germany and france have expressed concern that this offensive will result in disastrous humanitarian situation and. Theyve also said that they are extremely concerned about Islamic State finances escaping on mass now they have already said that they have halted on sales to turkey and there are questions of whether or not they will impose sanctions at the same time the turkish president added one has said that all these reports about Islamic State finances breaking out of prisons are fabricated and that they are all aimed at creating fear in the face of the turkish offensive which he continues to justify. Joshua landis a professor at the university of oklahoma is college of International Studies and a director of the u. S. Center for middle east studies told us the areas rich resources are crucial for damascus. Well i think were going to were seeing a scramble for the northeast of syria in the same way that there was a scramble during the collapse of isis state and. The resources of the area are going to be the 1st to be taken as we saw with the oil fields around areas or and i think what were going to see is the Syrian Government is going to try to go across get the oil fields the gas fields that are so crucial for a serious economic well being also this is prime Agricultural Land the Euphrates River flows down here the dam that top the dam it which is so important to the flow of the euphrates which america and the kurds have held the Syrian Governments going to want to take that back as well so what were going to see is a scramble for resources in the area and and turkey is going to be come under intense pressure well see what air to one and assad can negotiate in a way to deescalate so that there isnt war between turkey and syria. In the wake of violent protests in ecuador talks have started between indigenous protest leaders and the government while at negotiations are under way of the ecuadorians and those cuts into Oil Subsidies continue to show their discontent on the streets of the countryside capital quito the death toll has reached 7 people the local Ombudsman Office says. Earlier some of the professors protesters attacked government buildings and a t. V. Channels office demonstrators have been seen picking their way through burnt tires and the debris cluttering the roads more than a week has passed since people 1st came out to oppose government cuts on the fuel subsidies are to spend nickel sanchez or donovan reports now from quito. God. Damn. This is what theyre doing look these are real goods real bullets against people the companies who protect themselves from carbon sticks who dropped explosives on out and didnt is people who are sleeping cost conscious the rest of the thats what the current dogs. Have had. Had. A great sound right now and in absolute chaos there is thousands and thousands of birds i says lets try and get thanks incident from the line just the just a few things and why its the president ial palace its heaven the god part military and police since these protests who fought to get their 1st 10 minutes ago while i was there in the last shot in our spanish version we dont hit by. Their right from the right and thats what we think so you know right the protestors are using the actual quote ferals stones bricks just like the. And Police Firing back with tear gas with sound bombs its a situation of extreme tension in the streets. Just to give you an idea. Suspended any activity in the city center they say its not safe for doctors and for ambulances instead weve got crews are volunteers that are just taking the dozens and dozens of wounded people to. Stop them treating them there its actually pretty shocking and here fluency measures that were implemented by the government included scrapping the subsidies do you know. Gasoline. And that has triggered these protests the monday we had the students then on tuesday we have been degenerates communities today they will move together theyve joined together in the same tens of thousands of people who are taking over the streets of quito president lenin moreno poland is going to see in what is going to hit is a message. Certainly riposte so his government his ministers and say the measures that deal with the i. M. F. 4200000000. 00. Were told that struggling with that not the people who say that the government is going to save a banks and big business instead of the people and thats why all of these people are protesting this is a National Strike and. Take acts with smoke its practically on bearable a tragic day and for those history. When fuel subsidies were cut prices reportedly rose by a 120 percent and leading to knock on inflation on other products the decision came as part of a deal made by the president with the International Monetary fund in march in exchange for another loan it to the country marina has so far refused to scrap the cuts but on saturday said that he would have a 2nd look upon human rights lawyer dan quality told us that public discontent with president merinos policy go. I think there are some really for a compromise. Between the 2 sides but i do think it may be a revolutionary situation where not just the Indigenous Peoples but the working class and or want to live in reno out because of these i remember all the cities which amongst other things have doubled the price of domestic fuel well i think we see time and again that the sign after a long sword while they provoke some immediate relief to the country one that come with Strings Attached which often require austerity measures which are kind of measures the radio was put in place but also course you know they let their country internet i think that this may not insanity certainly in the long run help there were no more help this government survive. Environmental action group Extinction Rebellion rallied in cities across the world this week on monday it launched a 2 week protest campaign to draw attention to the problem of Climate Change protests turned violent in brussels on sunday. 3. Was a thought was the smart set up to take these Good Good Good Good Good Good. Was was. Was. More than a 1000 activists were arrested in london demonstrators who tried to shut down key spots like Westminster Bridge and city airport rallies were held across the globe as well from north america to australia where numerous people were detained for blocking major intersections. Among Extinction Rebellions key demands our governments declare a Climate Emergency halt the loss of biodiversity and drastically reduce Carbon Emissions by 2025 however their actions have divided opinion and heres some of the reaction that weve been here. Extinction rebellion is without question britains Fastest Growing pagan religion and the reason i refer to as a pagan religion is just as all the classic hallmarks of a group of religious fundamentalists a belief that their view is the only view thats acceptable a desire to shut down everything that does not talk to their worldview they fundamental belief that they are in charge and everybody else also go to their beck and call how do you resolve pollution result polluted by Technological Advancements the Technological Advancements the Extinction Rebellion oppose what this generation seems to be saying is youve messed things up for long enough youre not really listening the only way we can actually get your attention is actually by civil disobedience in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther king jr and malcolm x. And rosa parks and people who decided that peaceful nonviolent public protest. Displays of public outrage but tamed and controlled because dont forget the Extinction Rebellion and anybody whos involved in political activism or any kind of change agenda they going to use your actions and activities against you look Extinction Rebellion of demanded effect we have returned to the stone age removal of economic progress a commitment to not grow the economy so essentially the British Government for example has committed to being 0 carbon by 2050 which i think is nominally said suppose you cant or shouldnt trust our word that how to ask him if he had our city contrasts it or not because our numbers in the names become clearer every single year if i can speak directly into the camera my 11 year old son who was at home with the band hello guys and we had a debate before it came on tonight about does he want to. Leave school. Take a break for an afternoon or a day to go and protest he was worried about the consequences at age 11 he understands that the climate is suffering and that rapid change is needed we do. Need to tackle pollution but i will tell you something you regret you reverse the economic advantages of lifted a 1000000000 people up and say how do you do not make the earth a better place Extinction Rebellion. In hong kong tensions remain near the boiling point after a government ban on protesters Wearing Masks that story much more after the break here but this is the week we are to internet. Manufacture consent to public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the famous merry go round. The one percent. Nor middle of the room. The war in syria seems to be winding down with some syrians returning to their homeland but going back to a normal life now seems like a pipe dream after almost a decade of proxy war this syrian l. Dooms 2 years of proceed peace. Back to the weekly R T International now in hong kong protesters are continuing to defy a ban on the wearing met. Masks and have set up a 4 metre lady liberty statue on top of the iconic line rock the statue they say represents an injured female protester and aims to boost of the fighting spirit the protests are now as strong as ever masked activists vandalized the metro stations across the city over the weekend using metal bars to smash ticket machines and saturday saw a petrol bomb of thrown inside one of the stations and the citys transport services are not the only infrastructure to fall victim to the violence. Chief executive kerry lamps earlier said it was too early to say whether the anti mask law had failed adding that it usually takes time for new legislation to get the desired result with violence erupting in hong kong as fear there is beginning to resemble a certain horror film as are to use your taylor comments. Hong kong has gone from being the economic power of the orient to the face of the fight for democracy but the faces of those trying to wrest control from beijings crossed a mosque and the democratic means theyre using wouldnt be out of place and hollywood horrified the pudge. The films premise is that once a year for 12 hours only crimes are allowed mogs a fact also rate you name it youve got a free pos and that because of this small window to release your rage the country becomes crime free for the album. 364. 00 days its a small sacrifice for the wider peace and stability and in scenes eerily similar to the films opening hong kong apparently had a pudge of its own. Broadcast system. And you will for the. Urgency services suspend for 12 hours. Remember urged us to define just like oh. Ok it was a hoax but it was a hoax that actually wasnt that far from the reality of the chaotic mania gripping the streets of hong kong. Hong kong had a very dark night because of the extreme acts of the rioters the citys now cemetery lies to everyone is worried her even afraid. Shops looted buildings burned the metro disrupted for the fast time in over 20 years Shopping Centers food shops and banks closed down fearing wolf islands from the vandals a city which was renowned for its efficiency and convenience is now ma it in confusion and to sorta the instability has spooked the markets and seen hong kongs retail sales suffer the biggest drop on record and while the citys 1000000 as a packing must do cases for those who can just rustle up a 1000000 euros to get a fosse truck residency abroad the options are limited you can go anywhere we came from Mainland China and we didnt know the stations were closed so now we can do is a big problem for public transport is for everyone a decision to open or close the station cannot be politically if its everyones daily life but if you save it situations its very good for your situation not so many people use the phrase and because of those. Very 3 we really are friends all of it i suppose and higher and higher thing anyway so i think thats kind of the. Yes now there are those who will say the film shows scenes of senseless violence while the protesters are engaged in a campaign of peaceful civil disobedience and what of course no image shows the full picture for this Undercover Police officer who was beaten and but with petrol bombs by and incensed mob the line is probably a bit more blood with the lenses of the International Media zoomed in on the region theres no shortage of scenes just like this and dont worry if its up slow day but im more than willing to lend a helping hand to spice up the show i dont agree with you. Thank you. Thank. God even. As businesses are crushed as fires by and as people are forced to pick sides claims that its all in the name of peace and democracy are increasingly wearing thin these protests is no longer a prodemocracy protests it is turning to rival that the protestant moves the engage in violence are young people it is because for the past. Dickys. The home call government nor. Her strong policy measures to ensure our. Young people after they graduated from school or university they would have high quality jobs report a start. Where organized they do not have a hierarchy to come into the store fortys to put a start of running around doing whatever they like leaving the police nor toys bussed to you. The. Situation. In the city. Is to come in and it is a see not a rule that i can anticipate the reach rule happened. Take a quick look at some other stories making headlines around the world this hour a powerful typhoon has torn through japan with at least 33 people reported killed and almost 200 injured in heavy rain and strong winds have led to landslides and power cuts rescue operations are under way as well with some 1000 people still missing. In a hotel being built in new orleans has collapsed killing 2 people and injuring 28 a number of people are still thought to be missing authorities have cordoned off the area as a further collapse is expected. In the city of stars that recently added another to its constellation remember that homeless singer from los angeles with an impressive operatic voice well shes now performing on stage heres her story. I dont. See the cleveland for me but there are those who think thats all you got it all you want it just turns peoples spirits with the music it. Was. 7 was. 4000000 people calling me home 4000000 stories 4000000 voices sometimes you just have to stop listening to warren to hear something beautiful. That i just got evicted because i could not have a new source or a source of income for my book my belly was broken i wasnt playing in the morning i wanted to really be. 2 2 2 2 6 6 a i knew. This is mikes you know. That of the telling people the real be who i was the whole time youre going to be very wrong when given time will see me out the closest trains to anywhere. I think i am going to start and i think that. He will just go right to the top of the charts. All right that was from about one of the weekly in about 35 minutes there with us sergeant trash. So what weve got to do is i dont. Defy the threats that we have its crazy to confront ation let it be an arms race is on offense very Dramatic Development the only closely im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. You know world of big partisan. Lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Do you really get the. Rumors of realty nonsolution what you think the 1st step. Was the didnt someone. Living. With you should learn morse just watchman over. Your. Own home. The law here. On the very hear. Hear. Millions and millions of years ago out of the vast mighty waters of the Pacific Ocean a liquid fire. In violence beyond its rules up from the sea. In violence a great beauty was born. Diesel lands with the youngest part of the earths vast visible surface the renewed. These islands were unique alone a park. An authentic natural paradise. Of all the growing things that existed in the silence 95 out of a 100 nowhere else in the world. Im sure. There was there as there is now no police known on earth to even begin to compete with these islands in their capacity to encourage natural life to develop free and radically up to its own potential. From the. Recent. Most boring. Today these islands face an uncertain future and the survival of this natural paradise is being threatened. Waimea valley. Was my school. This is the way i learned to hunt and fish. To enjoy. This whole valley. I used to go hunting from here id saddle up my mules right all the way into the valley. Valley was a very. Selfsustaining neighborhood

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