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A 2nd day with donald trump now offering us mediation in the conflict just days after ordering the withdrawal of american troops from the region. From also news h. Q. You want to. Welcome to the program. And german interior minister. Horse has promised to boost security in all the countries synagogues citing its germanys duty to never again allow the growth of antisemitism he made this statement said a News Conference in the hollow where 2 people were shot dead at a synagogue on wednesday. As more. Or earlier today germanys federal prosecutor mentioned the perpetrator stefan who killed 2 people in germany was preparing a massacre we also know about in the vigil that he had a manifesto and he posted it online with many anti jewish comments in it he also lifestream the incident to encourage other people to follow is that earlier today though germanys interior minister whole for spoke to the media saying that this event is quote shame to our nation he also mentioned that at the semitic attacks have been on the rise in germany and extremism is very high but he also mentioned that islamist terror is the central challenge for germany he also mentioned that he is working closely with germanys Law Enforcement agencies to make it more difficult for individuals to buy materials online to create weapons at their house just like the ones we saw at the attack yesterday german chancellor Angela Merkel are n. Z. Hole for all outrage with the rise of extremism in germany. Hate racism and antisemitism must not be present in our country and apart from the consistency of our constitutional state nothing can serve this goal better than a multifaceted civic commitment because to stand up against prejudices and hatred to stand up for respect and tolerance to participate in. Monterey services and other initiatives that makes us stronger as a society. Germany made a promise to the whole world after world war 2 never again i feel deeply committed to this right now this federal government must do everything so the jews in our country can live without threats and fear about. It is not enough to condemn such a cowardly attack it must be clear that the state takes responsibility for jewish life for the security of jewish life in germany it must be equally clear that Society Society as a whole must show an attitude a clear. Solidarity with the jewish people in our country but this shooting incident that took place here said it did not go on notice on the world stage Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attacks saying that the rise of extremism and submitted extremism in europe is on the rise but not only him here in germany jewish german leader also said that he was very shocked with the lack of Police Presence at the synagogue on the whole the estate of the jewish calendar one cannot understand the tool is why the synagogue had no Police Protection on the most important jewish day of celebration had there been the shooter would with all likelihood have been prevented from committing a 2nd attack politicians and Community Leaders will be holding sabbath tomorrow as well as a candlelight vigil in how late but there are many more they are going to be taking place in cities across germany. Environmental action Group Extinction Rebellion has been rallying in Central London for a 4th day as part of a Global Campaign demanding government to take Climate Change more seriously since monday police have arrested over 800 people protesters of also trying to shut down London City Airport with an activist even climbing on top of a British Airways plane hes been detained by Airport Security several arrests were made and officers pulled away demonstrators who blew themselves to the floor. While the london rallies were ongoing Extinction Rebellion activist block time square in new york with protesters gluing themselves to a boat and after activists in Melbourne Australia blocked roads the woman broke into tears when she couldnt get to the home of her mother passed away on sunday. In the mines like instead. To lead up the. Seating he. Says i dont even know what the run of them was in for its for the environment. Author and sociology professor frank furedi says many activists dont seem to care about the effect their actions solving on other people. Is thinking about this kind of protest is that it appeals to a certain section of society. British politics is divided into different bubbles and people who identified with the exposure of billions will not care if there are destruction of the peoples lives or do an upside down. You know they will still put up with this even though it might be inconvenient i think a lot of people you know the rest of society is very irritated the often feel that they have to censor themselves or talk to a lot of people with saying dont leave demonstrators are a bunch of children. Who are who demand a lot of attention but constructive but theyre almost afraid to voice their concerns in case they are denounced for not caring about their argument and i think what happens now is are you going to mention the word enlightenment and nobody rolls over its almost like seeing the devil you know its sort of hell and people just the react as if it was some kind of religious cause that you cannot criticize and in case you missed the sovereign right question is whether Extinction Rebellion group wants to save the world or just ruin your joining to work. The Extinction Rebellion hordes are back on the streets to save the world and your souls really need 1st well take you to melbourne where Stephanie Anderson is standing by intense things there they are blocking roads. Absolutely divine or in fact the intensity is just wrapping up the contents of them swearing at. Wellington madrid paris and new york they bring news of apocalyptic death and destruction for all but the using tactics which are not personally popular like the truth 1 may go by now why are you worried. That you are scared to go to feeling hells going to freeze over before these guys give it up and then again that is Climate Change. In the event that you actually want to talk to one of these activists more likely to avoid one how do you support them well. You know what youll support them in fact british Prime Minister brown stones announces that when. Im cooperative. They can vote right theres plenty of people out there wondering whether constantly antagonizing the general public is going to be successful when i say its worked on me im annoyed me so much she went to find out what theyre demanding demand number one the demonstrators are demanding the government tells the truth kids to love and perhaps we can get flying piggies to eat all the carbon and turn it into rainbows too. But the government must act now to hold boiler diversity loss and reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions to net 0 by 2020. Ok well as pretty ambitious but you know no out of they want to do it they want to cut down on the amount will fly enough one less whole day every year they want to cut down on the amount of dairy being produced by coffee for the grandkids and they want to cut down on the amount of meat will eat who loves the grandkids anyway. And demand 3 we have a National Citizen family on climate logical just only the idea is this Citizens Assembly is going to be made up of a crosssection of society and they probably know this guy let me. Be honest im not sure democracy in a loading line is going to work on this one i think they need to start thinking differently. The books refused to give up. The future of humanity. Is at stake. Account though theyve gone solo and Indiana Jones on their side. Donald trump has suggested the u. S. Could mediate between turkey and the kurds this comes as ankara continues its military offensive in northeastern syria following trumps the signal to withdraw u. S. Troops from the area you have the choice of bringing in the military and defeating everybody again or you have a choice of where theyre actually doing some very strong things. Or we can mediate i hope we can mediate. Turkeys military operation is called peace springs that will extend his existing buffer zone in the country and intends to victim kurdish fighters from the area and Group Classes as terrorists a Kurdish Forces accused of targeting civilians and claim 9 have already been killed. In the 1st phase of the operation began with air strikes on the 2 kurdish controlled border towns of us. And the kurds have ordered a general mobilization along the border with turkey valen to confront the attack the operation is now in its 2nd phase at a ground offensive and the International Community has condemned the action ankara has also warned the e. U. Were will open the gates and allow millions of Syrian Refugees in turkey to head to europe thats if the bloc calls its move an invasion russias un ambassador blame the situation on demographic engineering by members of the u. S. Led coalition against isis. Should and should. Do to the pollution but. Another thing is that this operation is it is old too for demographic engineering that some of the Coalition Partners do. We want them longtime not to experiment with that we were calling. Suited to engage in the. Gulf state analytics for more on this alexander thanks for joining us. Drew u. S. Forces from the region some call that a green light for turkey to proceed and now hes offering to mediate do you think this is a sign perhaps of guilt or regret that allowing this to happen. I dont think the sign of guilt i think its a political calculation if you can put it that way trump has been wanting to get out of the middle east for a long time hes done it in various steps. To bring it started in early 2001000 late 2018 there was another operation. In Northern Syria to remove u. S. Troops and i think he wants to play his trump wants to appeal to his base and deliver on his promises literal promises as the debate for the 20 twentieths action intensifies so the idea that he knows that a lot of his supporters are strong supporters agree with him on getting out. Of the middle east and wars american led wars in the middle east also he can use this. Policy to bring back the obama. Only role in getting involved in syria and in Northern Syria and with the kurds and the and isis and all the rest which is probably what the russian u. N. Ambassador mentioned referred to what he talked about the demographic engineering so. I think this is a way to for trump to open up some dialogue within his own Republican Group which are stand recently. Made a motion to enforce sanctions against turkey for. Its military action in syria and i just want to follow up on that quote by the russian u. N. Ambassador who as you rightly said blame the situation on demographic engineering by members of the u. S. Led coalition against isis what do you think he meant by that and what actions do you think hes referring to by the coalition who are trying to keep a very delicate balance here of Regional National interests here its a really powder keg out there isnt it. Well its certainly a part of it but during the early phases of the syrian lets call it a civil war i believe it was much worse than a civil war it was a proxy war there was u. S. Intervention and western intervention in various parts of. Syria and as usual the west always hinges on the kurdish groups in areas like iraq and syria where you can get some. Mentioned leverage to. Infiltrate and use these internal divisions nick religious divisions in these countries to its benefit to foment. Dissent and. Essentially breaking up the country week the civil war in syria was nothing short of trying to break up the syrian state created after world war one. And this is i think part of what the. Russian ambassador to the u. N. Was was referring to by some by demographic engineering lets go back to whats going on domestically in america theres dozens of republican representatives trying to pass a bill to impose fresh sanctions on turkey as a result of what theyre doing in this operation do you think it will succeed and how could it impact that conflict given relations between turkey and the u. S. Already strained. Well. That is a very complex problem for trump because he needs the republicans behind him if he doesnt. So that weakens trump position and perhaps leading to his move today to mediate now instead of. Allowing. Turkey has Carte Blanche to go in frankly nobody has allowed turkey Carte Blanche to move in and the russians have sort of like agreed to it only because turkey is part of the i stand group with iran and theyre trying to resolve the situation so i think the ultimate goal with you from russias point of use to bring turkey in to recognize assad as the legitimate president of syria and then begin a dialogue from that perspective. Trump perhaps wants to do the same oil or at least hes trying to get in that direction but he cant say that say that expressly that would eliminate any support he has in the United States so hes in a very tough spot. I dont think relations with turkey at the same time remain crucial turkey has the 2nd largest army in nato and one knows this very well hes a very important ally if the u. S. Weakens on turkey. Turkey can easily he has made very good openings to russia including in arms weapons purchased turkey recently bought the f. 400 system. From russia against all u. S. Comments and they they could buy 57 said of f. 35 so i think trump is trying to balance that and americans in Congress Know this so they cant go too far as well they have limits as well as trump does short selling a crucial few days a crucial week for that entire region and is on the road to honest at gulf state homiletics im for joining us today on r. T. Good to have you on. Thank you. The French Interior minister is warning of how to spot radicalization and raise this question. You know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Make this manufactured consent to the public wealth. When the ruling class is protect themselves. When the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. Nor middle of the room 6. The real news is. Welcome back to the program my sign to government protests in ecuador have descended into a week of violence 5 people have reportedly been killed during unrest according to the public support Defenders Office an indigenous leader was among those who died demonstrators took at least 8 Police Officers kept saving the capital quito was the morning rally got on the way and. The genesis leaders gathered for a conference to condemn president menem morano and his decision last week to cut fuel subsidies our correspondent Nicholas Odonnell reports from interest and. Is ground 0 digits resistance thousands and thousands of people came to all the bells in the selecting the building behind me so they can get out of the building where theyve also kidnapped a policeman one of those officers came on stage to say that he was being treated well but the government was clear that any negotiations to carry on these offices have to be released the Indigenous People on the other hand have their own conditions to come to the table they want both the minister of defense and the interior minister to resign and theyre also still pushing for fuel subsidies to be back in place then theres a disagreement about the number of people that have died here in these days of protests the Indigenous Leaders say that it was 6 while the government is still sane one is the official figure also or a tease in ecuador who have arrested over 750 people in a week of unrest and dozens of Police Officers have been injured also hundreds of protesters have suffered injuries during these violent clashes so the situation here in ecuador still tense in the negotiations between the government and the digital speed still blocked or still far from the result because of those bulging. T. V. Shows will have to meet strict ethnic gender and sexual minority diversity standards to win britains top small screen awards the battles. We are delighted to be a pilot and the introduction of the be a fire diversity standers with plentiful introduce diverse to standards for 20. 21 our aim is to bring the industry together to improve diversity and inclusion through share and best practice. Must meet at least 2 of 4 diversity standards including at least one main character from one on the represented social group there are also requirements for the ethnic and sexual minority of balances among the whole cast and team working on the show we discuss the story with media and legal analyst he says that the new standards will hurt creativity in the industry. If im trying to do a story about a group of men in the war or students or whatever sometimes the subject matter lends itself to a particular demographic not because i am bi is not because im hateful not because i want to exclude but sometimes in the scheme of the imagine doing the godfather with more swedes or asians represented i mean it doesnt make any sense theyre doing this gratuitously i respectfully submit because it is posh it is the neck tattoo the stud the the it or so to speak it is what is hip what is new and what it is its falling it is taking the free exercise of unbridled creativity and saying you may do this but if you would like to win awards which of course your commercial success is dependent upon this you must comprise your particular creativity in this particular framework it is intellectually disingenuous its modern day blacklisting horrible. Russia have moved one step closer to qualifying for next years european football championship after beating scotland for mail in Moscow St Petersburg will be one of the host cities of next years events spoke exclusively to us for president alexander fed and he told us why he hopes russia will qualify. In any case if countries fail to qualify how how more much more challenging with that become in terms of logistics for the organizers for the logistics not much more challenging but the problem is that whenever the home team doesnt qualify take some spirit of the competition but still you have to know that 30000000 people will have the chance to be in the stadium during the euro until july weve got 19000000 the quest for. So everything will be sold out for sure i would love as many host teams to qualify but we cannot influence that. The full interview will be available shortly on our website all to call me as well any other stories you want to read up on were back in 30 minutes in the meantime with the latest global news headlines. In his community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids. And as a parent. I can come up with lots of arguments theres a lot of conflict in the game between the most of the conflict i would say around money and their money is made. Us want to know each other. Each other theres Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000 dollars a year of prison complexes gets a 20 year life where. You dont care and one of my cares about you so your hair might anything. What politicians do something to. Put themselves on the line. To get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or something i want to. Get you to go right to due process this is what the 43 a boy can be good for. Im interested always in the waters about how. Best suited. Her last boy. You got it. Good food. For you. Good. For the scottish football im glad that i asked was asked of me and seeing i downloaded this for the brides for the night they can post im going to do which is about the fun of them stalling out now because amanda and i watched are you more show proof for that or. Do you not stay at the show oh yes. You. Know new car so sit on the open. Mama says that im yang and. This is your. Children 6 brothers and 2 sisters from the you of the shrink of families suddenly became orphans only thought to walk to. The. Obama board our. Mama dont but thats awesome. Tina. What is short. When you win a dorm and you get. Does if by a little magic Child Services did allow christina the older sister to keep the children in her mind you but just. The dynamics but i didnt settle for why dont we show not only show the show did you know what i mean i wouldnt want to give the bride. To push school so. Much. She. Merchant ships to shoot on disc in the. Show your show. Goes to. Christina ribose mom and is already over 18 and independent in pursuit of. The students who deserve. To raise a brotherson youngest sister christina dropped out of college she used to dream of becoming a pastry chef but instead became a mom what she. Cheats i went on what. Love to be on that bought on the up and goes. For children to learn and grow and. Polish some of. All that if you live to teach today. This family of children follows an adult routine the youngest go to school each morning all by themselves in a nearby village and the oldest attend a Vocational School in tone of voice which is thought yeah interesting if sad joke i dont see how it was a side tickle bush or why

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