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Suspects were at large. And in ecuador violent protests led to the government relocating from the capital. Here watching R T International for your live local news update this hour welcome to the program. We start with breaking news president has announced the launch of a military offensive in syria reports are coming that air strikes have been conducted into syrian towns were now joined live in the studio again by our. Now bring us the latest whats the newest information well the newest information is both the turks and the kurds that the airstrikes have indeed been launched the kurds of course are saying that they are being bombed and this whole operation frankly should say that is anything but a surprise it has been a very very Long Time Coming the gun has made numerous threats that hes going to do it and finally well he has moved in how he is justifying the alteration. Together with the Syrian National Just Launched operation peace spring against p. K. K y p g and terrorists in Northern Syria a mission is to prevent the creation of a terror corridor or across our southern border and to bring peace to the area now its not an unfortunate slip or anything the fact that the p. K. K. And the y. P. G. Kurdish military branches are in the same sentence in the same context as a dire shortage the islamic stake state turkey views them as the saying they say that they are terrorists they are equally terrorists just like as Islamic State is and hence the advance there is saying this operation is exactly that it is antiterrorist operation they have so far launched strikes in 2 towns in the town of russell the town of tel a byard kurdish regions in the north of syria and theyre aiming to well a vic people from there tell us about the kurdish reaction well obviously they dont nobody likes when theyre being equalised to terrorists to terrorists and well they are saying that this is a disaster that this is theyre saying that civilian areas are being targeted and that for instance the spokesman person. Has that people are panic there that there is widespread panic among the kurds heres Something Else that the as the has said. Were ready to confront and respond to all kinds of attacks that could be launched against us but column and all minorities ethnic and religious groups to come together as one soul and raise our voices against turkish attacks the young people have a great responsibility and role in confronting attacks by the turkish state. So basically what turkey wants it wants to cut all ties of the syrian kurds in the north and the kurds in turkey into south so they are aiming at creating a some 3rd. See kilometer wide buffer zone to prevent them from you know having direct access to the border to buy them i mean the kurds of course and they are planning to victor all residents all kurdish population from the well from said buffer zone give us a bit of background here how we got into this point into this point well 2 factors a broader one turkey simply hates the kurds and considers them again terrorists and a move a more recent one the United States states the United States troops they left the areas that are being formed right now it is hardly a coincidence i should say its hardly a coincidence that the gun just decided to bomb in and tell of yod the moment the u. S. Troops left those areas because very often throughout history throw out even the syrian war it was the u. S. Forces that stood between the Turkish Military and the Kurdish Military and when i say stood between thats not a figure of speech literally they were putting their bodies to prevent any bloodshed and frankly it has caused a lot of questions as to why the United States have decided to do so because for instance the kurds they are now weakened because they had to dismantle their fortifications in the region after being asked to do so by the United States kind of something as a you know and as in all of brunch with turkey they did so they complied with everything that the United States told them to do with their big ally told them to do now this is abandoning them and this is something that. The attention of the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov have a listen. Renaults its hard to say whats wrong with americas actions in syria but they are riddled with contradictions and exhibit the impossibility of negotiating with washington donald trump claimed he would withdraw u. S. Troops from syria and other countries but after taking office hes gone back on those promises and my guess is it will be the same this time around such a frivolous approach can aggravate tensions in the entire region and so must be avoided as weve repeatedly told the us this thought it understood that nothings changed and then the United States there seems to be an across the board condemnation of this decision as well but when it comes to you know breaking promises into the all the broad if you look at all these broken promises that the United States made to the kurds well theres quite a bit of history of that in fact i did produce a report on just that so have a look. It seemed impossible sounded like crazy talk and yet it happened a moment of unity between republicans and democrats as they both condemned americas disloyalty to its kurdish allies the person who United States is in danger of losing the mandate of heaven this is that crazy. Which allies in syria or elsewhere in the middle east will fully trust the word of President Trump in the future the thing all of these politicians pundits and channels seem to forget though is that the kurds i used to waking up to a groundhog day of american betrayal the only difference is that its been going on for more than half a century and hasnt been funny at all. In the fiftys and early sixtys the cia pushed the kurds to revolt against baghdad as part of their efforts to overthrow their leader a bill karim kassim eventually he was toppled by but the new ruler wasnt a big fan of ideal of kurdish independence so he bombed them into submission bombed with napalm kindly provided by the United States. The kurds seem to either have a short memory or a forgiving heart because in the 70s the u. S. Was back on their good side iraq and iran were involved in a border dispute and washington was correctly supplying the minority with weapons once again pitching them against baghdad but then iraq and iran kissed and made up and all of a sudden the kurds were on their own being blown to pieces as they are supposed transatlantic Guardian Angel was watching idly even the americans at the time admitted that keeping their involvement under. Was simply no excuse this policy was not imparted to our clients who were encouraged to continue fighting here in the context of covert action ours was a cynical enterprise hoovered action should not be confused with missionary work. Fast forward to the eightys and for the us it was the golden decade of big metallic umma dawn and m. T. V. For the kurds it was well just another decade of more u. S. Betrayal in the late eightys Saddam Hussein unleashed his chemical arsenal against them an atrocity looking bound to drop the wrath of the worlds policeman but it was still a long time before saddam was to turn from friend to full so american wrath didnt go further than statements like these we want to maintain good political and economic relations with iraq but the issue of chemical weapons gets in the way of that. In 2003 it looked like the u. S. Was finally ready to make amends for its decades of forsaking the kurds helping them was among the pretexts for the invasion of iraq but then even in washington many took such goals with a pinch of salt the kurds have every reason to believe or think that they will be betrayed again by the United States or so often in the past contracts the spectacle of our inviting turks in to this war earlier trying to bribe them into it could not have been reassuring to the kurds even under the turks before trial against betraying the kurds that is your point yeah surely your point isnt that because we betrayed them in the past we should betray them this time not that we should just we will we will not will not yes they did in 2007 the us let turkey have its way with the kurdish rebels in iraq as ankara launched a lethal bombing raid against them this is of course nowhere near. A full list by 2019 america had left the kurds for dead a few more times both in iraq and syria. American traditions go beyond partisan lines america loves having turkey on thanksgiving going to the Pumpkin Patch for halloween and launching fireworks on the 4th of july screwing the kurds over is nothing but a decades long political tradition for america and they will abide by it be the democrat or republican. German Police Report 3 shootings 2 in the city of hama and one in landsberg some 15 kilometers away 2 people have been confirmed killed video of the suspected shooter has emerged in the german media showing the moment of one of the attacks one shooting occurred outside a synagogue and another at a barber shop there are also reports of a grenade being thrown at the Jewish Cemetery security measures have been increased at synagogues across the country and also pass reports. As mentioned earlier 3 shootings have been reported by the police on wednesday afternoon and highly germany one took out of a synagogue the other at a local kid bop shop and the other one about 15 kilometers away at a nearby town called landsberg it all happened at 1 pm local time around 1 pm local time when a man was said that he opened fire with a submachine gun to a crowd killing 2 and injuring many many others it is also believed that the threw a grenade at the Jewish Cemetery now according to eyewitnesses that were there they said that these men were wearing combat gear pretty much helmets bulletproof vests and they were carrying multiple weapons not the train station in the main train station in the city of a holiday. Is on lockdown at the Moment Police seeing if that possible more than one suspects they have detained one but the believe that there are more and they are at large and believe that they are heavily armed and their courage in everybody in the area and the nearby towns this they endorse since the the area is still on high alert and just the point out here today marks the holiest day in the jewish calendar your kit pour which pretty much means that all the people are gathered in spending more most of their times in the synagogues and this is actually comes after 18 other incident that took place in berlin earlier this month on october 4th there has been no casualties no people injured but the jewish communities have raised their concerns to local authorities about today this upcoming holiday. Without profit live to Chris Philips former head of the u. K. National counterterrorism Security Office now what are your thoughts on these events today does it look like a planned attack to you you know very much so and the fact that these go. Machine guns really just goes to show that i mean its going into this. Is the goal as well says is the busiest day of the year president go youll get many many jewish people will go to so if people would have known it was cool but they had some security on the routes are you going to distribute much. As we mentioned there are reports that want to tack to place at the synagogue and other adequate shops or do you think its not a coincidence that this took place on yom kippur. So it is just one day in a year that could have been chosen but of course it is a significant day we often see terrorist attacks take place on significant occasions religious occasions and i suppose well soon find out who the suspects the people or the did this but the fact that a turkish Devout Church has been attacked as well tends to lead to this is probably some something of the right we stream is and so on this the authorities have said that they have arrested one person but there is a possibility that other suspects have not been captured they think they still pose a danger of very much so and this this event is not yet over Police Officers will be hunting down the people that are involved and hopefully theyve got some leads to follow because of course people Walking Around with guns with that with have already potentially killed are very dangerous people indeed and we hope the German Police are behind them the police have asked people not to speculate about the attacks because it prevents the police from doing their job why do you think people are trying to spread speculations on the story while the key point here is that they havent caught everyone yet so they need to catch those involved the speculation the investigation will go on after that the important thing now is to catch these people those that are involved they dont know how many actually may have done this it may well be another group of people out there as well that that there are planning another attack so its important to the police to get on with that and be allowed to do that before we start working out the reasons why it. Has a case and most times we see such attacks theres always the question of was there a possibility of preventing this attack. Well theres always a possibility of prevention but that comes from good intelligence work and clearly thats not always going to be successful the interesting point here is that synagogues do take security syria. And i think the fact that they are. Aware of the dangers that they face when theyre a player except probably prevented the deaths of. Chris philips former head of the u. K. National counterterrorism Security Office thank you for joining us on the program thank you well have live racks into turkeys offensive in syria after the short break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back we return to our breaking news story now turkey has launched a military offensive in syria against kurdish groups and Islamic State we go live to load of a news former Deputy Speaker of the Belgian Parliament now how extensive could this operation become do you think. M l d so this could turn out to try to go wrong because what indeed turkish president is doing is calling for much harder than what hes saying its going to do its all about creating a border zone now im not a specialist on the whole syrian issue but i do quite a lot about the common Foreign Policy of the European Union towards the middle east historically and today and its quite apparent that the European Union has see using some words but without any real action to go against what turkey is doing im not talking about the utter have not received the United States in this issue for the umpteenth time they are betraying the currently should people but its quite clear that the turkey is doing what it does because it can do it because it is being allowed to do so d. O. B. And unit union might say that theyre dead against it but in an actual actuality the problem with the European Union is that they have no common there no common how to say standpoint on this issue france is going its own weight on the issue and u. K. You might dispute it whether its still a real member of the e. U. Is also following its own agenda so there is no common position on this issue so there will be no pressure on the European Union on turkey to change it theres also the issue of syria the 3000000. 00 Syrian Refugees within turkey where turkey is still threatening to send them. Overseas to greece if they dont act so what hes doing hes playing on on all these cards its also a matter of internal turkish politics you know a president i dont know didnt do quite well in the last elections and he might as he might do very probably call snap elections in the coming months to start up nationalistic jingoistic feelings so basically the real victims here would be 1st of all. The Syrian Kurdish population and the syrians people in that area in general but theres also another matter namely that all the extremists i see fight this war being held there by the kurdish. Armed forces there. The Kurdish Armed forces are not a well to do both guard these people and at the same time fight a very unequal fight against 3rd you should not forget that the Coalition Forces there do not have an air force do not have a real and air defense capability so it will be a slaughter and how that this tragedy will evolve will all depend on how the International Public opinion will react for the moment well when im saying Public Opinion internationally im basically talking about the United States and the European Union because whatever african countries and latin american countries or even Asian Countries are saying that the reality is that they do not have a real say or influence in the issue the only ones there are as always the former colonial powers European Union and the United States and for the moment it does not look like theyre going to try to avoid a new human tragedy in syria now of course this is all happening in syria how do you think the Syrian Government is going to perceive this as an invasion and would that be a correct classification. You dont need to be opinion of the Syrian Government to establish this as an invasion this is a sovereign country sending its troops into the territory of another sovereign country without the permission of said the invaded so that is clearly on under all definitions of International Law or International Customs and invasion its as simple as that i mean even within turkey they do not even try to. Do contradicted each only invasion of course they will use old or stone here money Terry Melcher their answer but thats what every invading power does when it invades another country show us dishes and invasion a lot of venues former Deputy Speaker of the Belgian Parliaments thank you for joining us on the program by. Thousands are protesting against austerity and i quote arse capital for a 6 day earlier the government in quito relocated to the countrys 2nd city amid unrest and clashes. Was. It was the it. Was the protests were triggered by the removal of fuel subsidies as part of a loan deal with the International Monetary fund many of the demonstrators come from poor and indigenous communities across ecuador Nicholas Odonovan reports from kiddo. Yet another day of violent clashes between protesters and Police Forces here in ecuador what weve seen today is the indigenous communities thousands and thousands of people that came from different parts of ecuador here to the capital to protest there was a moment of tension when they stormed the National Assembly the 1st few moments after that they were dispersed and we saw massive clashes between rioters and police we spoke to some of the people here and this is what they had to say lets take a listen it will be the government it is a traitor and a lot of what we want is. Not what you do not have power and we will ask only for all we have without any shame it means we want to get rid of the traits we will fight till the end we could die like you although we will fight still unity at least one person has died and theres been dozens of injured among protesters and Police Officers president moreno who is in quiet kill said that the violence was instigated by his predecessor rafael career and venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro the tyrant madeira has activated along with korea the destabilization plan. There the corrupt who have felled the food stamps of just disclose and then to make them theyre the ones behind this attempted coup the target but this is the merino also said that he is willing to negotiate a solution to the crisis with the Indigenous Movement the government has also ordered a curfew in areas close to government buildings insta t. J. Can still ations the order prevents Public Access to these areas between 8 pm and 5 am local time while the National State of emergency remains the Indigenous People that are protesting here very clear they wont move until lenin merino suspends the economic measures that hurt him so. Much they say that will they will stay here they will protest and they well. Thats a global news wrap up for now but ill be back at the top of the hour with the latest thanks for tuning in. The swarms of them so moving. To good use who was before. Much of those who heard its a preview are. Slim we will. We will were going to. Move. Move. Move show you the snoopy do a little. Good for a good. Movie muslim also does go through a good few films for good good goof. The british will say look why do you distribute boom or you can show its good to have you should go. To startups to. Get to meet until it was the middle of the mist dates to look at is it. Jim stuffs not a chance to just meet the mashed old truck to stop the president and please introduce more of them to. Those we have producers to produce for to snap them up when you will because that is the cousin with you swear your supporters to your machine station shooting star you should cook door for the one whos doing the. Ice kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is a hedge fund its a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. Thats right these as far as are simply not accountable and were just adding more and more to them. Totally destabilize the Global Economy you need to protect yourself and get informed guys or. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with lots of arguments theres a lot of conflicts within the games between the 2 teams most of the conflict i would say overall is around money and most of them money is made. Close one on the childrens cosimo each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of prison complexes you get some point in your life where. You dont care anymore nobody cares about you so you dont care about anything. Girl us boy. Love. It. For you. You should. Be. Done

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