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Probably. So you had this remarkable phone call. Apparently talking about how they were playing to restructure the government of ukraine. Exactly im not saying the whole u. S. Government feels that way the there is there is division but the neo conservative element very much to change the strategic dynamic in eastern europe. People and theyve been at this for a long time they came in around the issue of propaganda they studied how to create hot buttons for the American People they had this experience when they were getting the American People to get excited about Central America back in the 1900. And theyve been applying those same strategies ever since they were dedicated to achieving their goals they still want to get rid of certain governments they want a regime change in syria for instance regime change. Very skilled at this and they have now inside the news media inside the government means the. They can do a lot to control the narrative of any story so i think in america these days we have somehow told ourselves that there are a lot of ways of dealing with these problems other than hard power blabber putin cares about hard power the neoconservatives can now demonize a leader of a country that sells with the American People so you dont just sort of argue a policy you attack the leader so the neoconservatives became very skilled at picking out leaders finding their ugly traits and then highlighting them yet a cold bitch you might say was a rather clunky political leader but you make him into a devil he is hes totally corrupt and hes evil and he wants to kill people in the made in these wonderful white headed demonstrators so you get a black cat versus white hat and then you keep repeating that basic scenario and it works with the American People got to realize what Vladimir Putin is hes an old k. G. B. Colonel it wants to restore the russian empire you make them into demons and the American People find that the way they can understand the world once that happens its very difficult for a journalist or anyone else to say you know hold that guy hes got more of a gray hat than a white hat or a black at and if you say that you suddenly or youre unico which apologist or youre putting apologist and and then the attacks come on to the person saying it the journalist the academic or whoever. Any good director will tell you that tempo and rhythm are the most essential components to hold an audiences attention. Some are. Pretty mean you know with. Them. You must you suck it out and it was a. At the chest. It can also be called a method of betrayal when the allies and followers are relentlessly thrown into the revolutionary flame. The idea is simple when the preparation work is done the trigger just needs to be full the 2nd machine into full motion. The murder of politician rafi courier e led to the cedar revolution. Looking back at the mysterious poisoning of Viktor Yuschenko right before the orange revolution of 2004 we see now that he became a sacred victim himself. Most political analysts believe the compassion of the ukrainian people at that moment tilted the scales giving him the presidency. The number of victims among the protesters during your on my dime totaled over 100 they are called to the heavenly 100 all the sacred victims were immediately mythologized. The beating of students on november 30th 2013 was the obvious trigger of your own mind on. Those who sent trained provocateurs to the square very well realized that Peaceful Protesters were the ones who would get hurt the most. Its hard to keep protests going for months on end tension subside and people inevitably get tired. Holidays are also a big danger for revolutionary masterminds people want to be home with their families and friends and one needs to get inventive to keep people in a cold tent city. On Christmas Day of 2013 tabloid journalist and political want to be taught the on a chart of all was chosen to become the tool to whip the protests on my don back up a civic activist in journalist known for investigating corruption among senior officials was beaten outside ukraines capital on christmas. Her heroic deeds as a reporter looked more like petty crimes trespassing on the president ial residence of victory on a covert age leading the rioting crowd to seize the Kiev City Administration building breaking into a car of the Security Service of ukraine it looked like tatyana was more interested in making news than reporting it and gaining name recognition that could be turned into votes for her struggling political career in the Opposition Party fatherland she gave the world media a Christmas Present in 2013 when she was cruelly beaten by unknown assailants on the road despite the fact that in just 3 days all the suspects were arrested and confessed to beating tatyana during a road rage incident world media kept insisting upon the political background of the crime instantaneously tatyana became a heroic martyr uniting people around her image the beating coming amid political turmoil in ukraine this is draw if protest your own my done was once again center stage and tatyana in less than 2 months after the assault she was already healthy enough to attack the office of party of regions the party of victory on a covert each month due to the jealousy much in the bloom and that the look at this they did little to switch in the view of their god it was like this who does if one of the Staff Members 65 year old i. T. Specialist of lattimers a heart of was killed during the attack. So where is tatyana now well she finally got her position of power in the new government. One month later the time for another act in the play came. Armenian ukrainian protester sir gagne go on was one of the 1st to arrive at my don he wasnt radical or violent but instead naive and full of hope. Watching surrogate read a patriotic poem is like watching a casting tape for the role of a sacred victim lead to simple meal is the most common solicitousness. For this is. Unfortunately sergey got the part betrayed by his brothers in arms this video would eventually go viral after sergei was killed early in the morning of january 22nd 2014 the circumstances of his death remain unknown to this day even though the whole area of protests was heavily filmed at that time there were no records or witnesses to help the investigation and his body was moved immediately from the scene of the crime. Sergei became the 1st killed martyr of your own my don and in a heartbeat the Police Officers were appointed as his killers almost 2 years later the official investigation would still deliver no results now it is widely believed that nico yons murder was staged by provoke a tourist to escalate the conflict. God speaks to people with the language of silence on january 26th 2014 hope francis prayed for ukraine addressing thousands of people at st Peters Square in vatican city p. D. Hate speech and. After the prayer to white doves were released from the papal window and were immediately attacked by a crow and siegel those who understand the language could easily read the meaning of this ailment soon great forces the sea eagle and the crow would be tearing apart to slavic me. The white doves this omen gave hope to the ukrainian people saying that by gods will the dubs would be saved but it also predicted severe hardship and many victims. The events which could enter into the history of the color revolutions as the most massive human sacrifice yet arrived right on schedule one month later. For weeks this european powerful has been the scene of a violent uprising. A day yet the protesters are pushing up towards the government district arms here with molotov cocktails but we still havent guns and shotguns to. There are casualties on both sides but it. Pushes just said that there is 6 dead people out there not just a day they say theyve been hit by snipers. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to a guest of the world of politics sport thats less im show business ill see that. Problem in syria how it started and became exacerbated is probably because the United States and the Russian Federation both of them decided to deal with it at an arms length and they allowed the requote allies to take care of things there are a number of opportunities there were if they were seized and there were real serious attempts by moscow and washington to solve the problem and i was witness to a number of them and it could have been possible and with a short in the war and would have saved a lot of lifes theres no doubt. Rob going to follow on that comes out of a war that you are the sort of one among what i would are them. A product from a t. V. Way too high is not the high. End of the month when but the how long so and so on. So close to the most to me a lot of the. Theater someone would do the board. In front. Of us connects to moments laugh and ask for the last 70 and seeing and im interested for the batch who should commission. Richard shift shoot on disk in the. Asian community. You know new car so i said im not going to much to the mama just back yet. Well its all the way to let us through it so through theyre going to. Storm naturalists through. The years. Consider what the order. To libya where we still are but full of cum petroleum will seal my gum and here again we meet our old acquaintance from not old new andree part of me who was at the peak of his glorious self proclaimed commandant of my gun. Which basically means the leader of the radical opposition. Would have to be knocked down so my done most of that this activity usually this year when the bus will open under. Oath im sure by sea host nor of course addition you both seem to still consider both. The protesters were filmed leading a long line of riot police away its not clear where they were taking them 67 officers are currently reported to be missing 14 policemen and 43104 huge shifts in the world social. Security and the news 3000000 years. Old whats that bitter if you want to learn story naturals. Because from inside the protest camp the Opposition Leader Vitali Klitschko urged his supporters to stay put each of you here should stay strong in spirit he said because were not going anywhere. We believe with the video put him in the video what us up as its he or she just the. Gucky a poor support at the. Top as its a gift or a new put in the. Water and i think is a shell of what is in you know when a social. Board. Like in 2004 during the orange Revolution International leaders felt it necessary to intervene and bring both sides to the negotiating table but he used the dust on the. Fabius. Front valter shimei. Wratislaw sikorsky. Must be sure. It isnt. The would put a union desperation. Move through. The ukrainian president and the leaders of the antigovernment protests there have agreed on a truce the truth was to give talks between president on the oppositions. Just like in 2004 the opposition or at least its radical faction the right sector headed by Dmitri Yarrow she had no intention on fulfilling its part of the bargain. To double what they could but youre what youre needed by that date much of the public realm and you know. What i always said yes top f. Boys but i respect book if they have a couple so obvious the job double look at it but if we cannot play all of the shots we will stop at other club which at. The celtic will put up a cool. New. Store. When you put this sin the 90. 1 supplement on you in blue news because im. At the news if. You notice. The Opposition Leaders left saying they may have found a way to end the bloodshed but they wanted to take the conclusions from that meeting to the people. It was soon apparent that the people were not happy in a solution when the english. Would have stood on their would have thought it. Was a what do you eat what is a young. Just. Because it is a. Little. You got a lot of mush in a couple of. Hours that we didnt know when you know. Yes and if it is a deal. It is the. Dogs are below. Us though in the eyes of the news of what the word president. Rested in the. President to put you know or is it a shrill media letter to. The us it is the votes that should have. At the same time was saying its last goodbyes to the victims of the massacre. It was also welcoming those who came to power at their cost ukraines parliament has voted for the new speaker of the assembly to become interim president Oleksandr Turchynov called on lawmakers to form an interim government by tuesday these latest developments out follow the dismissal of president viktor young a call thats on saturday and they removed being a co bitch not following the constitutional procedures for impeachment. Led there were those who would but only because its all is so if the whole is sold. So much for the lime into those fish to deport up to the parliament of ukraine consists of 450. 00 deputies the constitution of ukraine requires at least a 3 fourths majority to vote in other words 338 votes in favor of the impeachment but only 328 deputies voted yes 3 sure to take. The u. S. State department i mean almost immediately said this was a legitimate government and that was part of this effort to get regime change in. Trying to find some way to revive the for going 21st agreement where maybe you could bring back in a coma and some titular way that became not a possibility anymore then you had Eastern Ukraine resisting crimea wanting to break away and things rapidly escalating. Voters will decide sunday whether theyll leave ukraine and join russia to campaign with the slogan together with russia has the backing of moscow the crimea situation the referendum is also happening during this period very quickly. In its. Karim. You. Know. But its done that was throw it. At the new security it still unless it. Says that the. Crimean authorities sensing the mood of the populace fully supported victory on a covert his decision to postpone the 2013 European Union Association Deal and side deeper ties to russia. As the events in kiev took their course crimean authorities issued a declaration putting into words the fears of its people based on the will of the crimean who elected us we declare that we will not give crimea to extremists and neo nazis seeking to seize power in ukraine at the cost of the blood of the country and its citizens after the regime change in kiev rumors began spreading in crimea that the new authorities would be merciless to those that oppose them so ill call you. This led to the pro russian demonstrations rejecting the new government in kiev. On february 27th the government buildings in the capital of crimea were seized by pro russian protesters. The current crimean government was dismissed and the new leader surrogate acciona of was assigned as the leader of the crimean. Autonomys republic when you. Go to war so you has this should be. On march 16th the crimean referendum or so held and the people voted to leave ukraine and enter the Russian Federation. The situation in crimea is being presented as a russian invasion and again nobody who looks at the seriously and looks at the poll numbers and some of the poll numbers done by the u. S. Government agencies themselves showing that the people of crimea prefer being part of russia in the u. S. News media its all been presented as the russians invaded they then station sham election with people with guns at their backs somehow the big the ballot boxes to get 96 percent approval for rejoining russia idea of a referendum in crimea is just quite simply unconstitutional but it does raise questions on whether this vote really is free and fair especially given the heavy military presence in crimea right now errol so thats how its been sold to American People the reality is very different yet this fear has to be any electric thousands of people have gathered in the capital crimean city and some from apple all of this finding a bit of a dim held last sunday in which the majority of people here overwhelmingly voted in support of being reunited with russia. With us but each to talk with. Political slow in the in the within that of those. We know its of when enough. So in the media and more exposure so its. So should you know its a bit of something you said you know but its unthinkable so it is a place in the. News not what is read to you. Today would. You be. You know when you will be able. To be in by north and so many people because a cop beat him hes so bored that even such a bad cop is sending. Im not guilty plus anybody. On the field to find the next guy. Who looked up live on canyoning booting done the influx of the blood she even dumped the attempt. To deflect some or the c. E. O. Saying he has a deflection what is comfortable saying. That is going to be better than i got out from idiots or. That he and others are going to going to see a lot about born a local am. I going to. Look up. A long long while and then he goes along the bottom theres a playlist which i live in control can not only. Handle one new person and later today move 100 gandhi a new normal im going to run the phrase christ be ready to go to you then go to mock you then they will join you. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see the kids. And as a parent. I can come up with arguments and theres a lot of conflict within the game and between the teams most of the conflict i would say overall is around money and most of them is made. Close one on each others its cosimo each other is Good Business the state of california makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some 25. 00 where. You dont care. Anything. Why a paradise with some ground turned into a round the experimentation field but agricultural chemicals we know that these chemicals have consequences they are major irritants theres no question otherwise why would that the Chemical Company workers themselves be geared up that suited up locals attempt to combat the on regulated experiments but often in day you have many of these people who have one foot into the biotech pharma and the other foot in the government regulatory bodies this kind of collusion is reprehensible while the battle goes on the chemicals continue to poison hawaii and its people so one has to ask the question whether there is a form of environmental racism going on in hawaii whether these Companies Feel they can get away with this because the people have less political power. And 2040 you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know lawyer here but i mean you know liz put video through to me in the new bill is that im new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. Those who took. It invested over 5000000000. 00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. Lives. The big stories of the week. Protection for the whistleblower. Inquiry. From the. People in india and around the world market 150 years since the birth of mahatma gandhi. Posters of. Celebrations also. Flashing the ok is apparently not ok anymore to hate symbol and got one thing. In the us. You can find it. When you search for the

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