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And. Lets start in the United Kingdom where a christian doctor who was sacked after refusing to use female pronouns when discussing a transgender woman has lost his legal fight against his former employers he says that they discriminated against his religious beliefs but an employment tribunal has ruled that his stance was quote incompatible with Human Dignity with more details. Well youre probably familiar with pronouns such as he she and them and respecting them is especially important for the Transgender Community gender nonconforming and binary people however failing to get it right could now cost you your job at least thats the case for one dr he himself was sacked he faced dismissal because he failed to use these pronouns due to his own personal religious beliefs and in a Controversial Court statement it read his christian values were in direct contradiction with the fundamental rights of others and lack of belief in transgenderism and Conscientious Objection to transgenderism in our judgment incompatible with Human Dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others in so far as those beliefs form part of his wine to faith hes why defrayed also does not satisfy the requirement of being worthy of respect in a Democratic Society so whats the case well dr David Margaret as a christian man who worked for the n. H. S. For 26 years now he was subsequently sacked after a conversation with his boss who asked him how would you respond if a 6 foot tall man came into your office and asked to be called mrs or she well dr macros refused and said he would simply not be able to conform to those requests and he was subsequently sacked from his position now the department for work and pensions argues that dr david mark critz fears are in direct breach of the equality act of 2010 on top of all of that the firm that hired the man is also being sued for religious beliefs but the fact remains that the tribunals did rule of course that his believes could cause offense and in fact many people in the Trans Community and trans activists say that all of this has psychological ram of ramifications is tantamount to abuse not to mention of course that medical Health Care Professionals should be treating people and not judging people in their opinion well anyway dr david is now saying he will. That decision. And im joined now on the line by the person in question behind this story dr david mack with good evening to you dr lets just recap some of the key points of this story the department for work and pensions as i understand says your behavior would have failed to treat transgender people with dignity do you accept that your attitude could have caused offense i do accept who was the but of course we dont live in a world where we all exist or without some unfounded that i lost my job for example. As i understand you stood your ground in terms of your opinion on this when you went to a tribunals why do you feel so strongly about this youre willing to lose your job over it. To go through the 1st one is because im a christian i would consider it that its almost used pronouns in that way and simple deeply rooted my christian or a lot. Of the doctor its simply unscientific. Group im. Going to. My understand this right it seems that the assertion by the tribunals that your faith christianity doesnt afford transgender people respect is that correct. We respect everybody we have to respect everybody else jesus christ mass us to do that and i will never refuse to treat any patients or whatever they are they come from the question here is whether i can be forced to do something so something which goes. Only with a desire. To live with it but i desire not to be forced to do something that i cannot do. How do you feel about that fact it seems that the department for work and pensions of pitted the rights of transgender people against the rights of a christian and it seems the rights of transgenders have one how do you feel about that. All of them i think we would agree with. Most of. Which you can certainly. Shocked but i think many other people will this world works well once the judge has ruled on this so if we call christian beliefs its as though the judges put a target on the back of every christian that works in the n. H. S. With that its up to a nurse or somebody else. Is a core christian religious christian has been around for a very long time there are a large number of christians who are in the National Health service and people who are christians who still have from convictions on the subject we are very worried about. Another key issue i feel here is a fire under stand this correctly this is a hypothetical scenario for which you have lost your job it never actually transpired you never actually used any language towards a transgender patient how do you feel about being punished for something thats hypothetical. Well i think the people who call this the thought police and were not and situation no one would have held speech in other words the judges ruling is saying that i should be compelled to use language in this way but also. Compelling us to think of a way and therefore to believe a certain thing as well is here with more weve been told that not to believe even though the transgender movement. Isnt compatible with the Human Dignity and yet even where i work a significant proportion means that they dont get it but what is going to happen now i know that this principle of. What is going to happen to all of us i was taken off the shop floor and i was i saw it arrogated or when i heard. About what i believe my manager people who will look for short floor of the National Health service then enter a bit about their beliefs this is really really the residents of the. Us and thats thats why we really were shocked at the. Ok appreciate you coming on david giving as your perspective of the proceedings thanks so much dr david mack with mike and. 4 Police Officers have been killed several others wounded after a man wielding a knife attacks the Police Headquarters in paris the motives behind the attack are still unclear. He has a story. A deadly night for rampage unfolded just behind me about 100 meters away in the hague at the paris police day lunchtime its been confirmed now that 4 people died in that attack we understand that the attack was carried out by one of their own one of their colleagues who also injured several other individuals lets get the latest details now very specific. People dead their Staff Members of the Police Headquarters 3 men and one woman an investigation has been opened and is being headed by the police we will seek to establish the motives of the perpetrator who was neutralized by a Police Officer at the scene the presumed attacker is age 45 and his home is currently being searched additional searches will take place within the next hours while those investigations now underway christopher customer the interior minister president of france as well as the Prime Minister Edward Filippo all come here to find out exactly what happened there are also being many tributes paid to those officers who lost their lives. Pariss mornin its on the south to noon after this appalling attack on the Police Headquarters the toll is heavy several policemen have lost their lives in my name and that of presents my 1st thoughts go to the families of the victims and their relatives the motive for this attack is not yet clear but one police union described this as being a moment of madness and it is of course just 24 hours since we saw those huge Police Protests across the country with Police Officers talking about the stresses that they face in their work the psychological stress is the sheer amount of work theyre having to do and also the violence they face as they trying to carry out their jobs we spoke to some officers at that march on wednesday to get them to explain those precious to us. Your dream today the police have no money yet salaries keep killing status and our pension are being attacked officers are tired with the yellow vast meaning that there is a lot of work sacrificing their family life and we are expressing a deep depression in our profession. Im here to defend our working conditions the threat to our special pensions status the lack of resources across the board. We are the Police Officers from france not just riot police but also misses all the unions we have all gathered to express our discontent with the administration the silence about the way the Police Suicides this year we are short of staff short of money we cannot do our job and here to tell the administration that that stress Police Officers are also coming in is due to the volume of work that theyve been doing paris of course and france of course has been at the high alert for terror incidents since 2015 and since then officers support some 23000000 additional hours much of that has not been paid for them the motive for this attack is. Clear what we do know is that the assailant was 45 years old he was neutralized at the scene before being utilized was able to attack and kill 4 of his colleagues and injure several others jollity not see paris. Democrats in the United States is vital a whistleblower is protected after his revelations triggered an impeachment inquiry against donald trump an anonymous cia officer alleges the president pressured his ukrainian counterpart to verse to go to an issue surrounding joe biden one of his potential rivals for next years race for the White House Trump has dismissed claims of Improper Conduct and brunt of the informant a spy either got a totally wrong made it up or the person giving the information to the worst of lho was dishonest and this country has to find out who that person was because that person is a spy in my opinion the president traveling doesnt realize. How dangerous his statements are when he says he wants to expose the whistleblower is and those who may have given whistleblower that information. Democrats are keen to protect this particular will so blow or theyve been less so about others who revealed uncomfortable truths in the past hes killing more pain takes a look. We are now told that in this dark age of trumpington tyranny one heroic individual has spoken up like a voice crying out in the wilderness we dont know his name or his occupation but we know that he is good i think the whistleblower did the right thing i think he followed the law every step of the way the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community found this whistleblower complaint both credible and urgent i want to say thank you also to the whistleblower for having the courage of the bravery to come forward on behalf of the nation now not only must this gallant hero be held in the highest level of reverence but he must also be protected any attack on him would be an attack on the american way of life from everything we know and we dont know much this is a experienced person who saw things that bothered him thats what the whole whistle ball blower statue is for and it is to protect their identity and i understand hes going to testify and well let the process unfold and the you remember how Hillary Clinton apparently wanted to kill julian assad with a drone well lets not get lost in the details but lets go over some recent whistleblowers in u. S. History. Some might argue that this case is different because this whistleblower didnt run to the press but simply followed standard procedure but the record seems to show that a lot of cases have whistleblowers who do follow this procedure so why jail time for some of them so it turns out the law does not actually protect them from retaliation they can be fired or prosecuted. So are all future whistleblowers doomed well not quite secure backers carefully protecting whistleblowers who see wrongdoing of any kind in our government is essential so if youre a whistleblower in america take a step back look over what you have an ask yourself get this information benefit anyone powerful in america if not your official complaint will probably be ignored and if you dont shut up after that the consequences could be severe the current whistleblowers case is very different from others. The others were blowing the whistle on the system so these were real real abuses what crimes and abuses of our 4th amendment now this new whistleblower we need to put in quotes what was he reporting of course there are double standards there are standards for those who want to put pursue their political aims using this particular whistleblower in quotes and there are other rules for people who really oppose the system and its abuses. One of the whistleblowers just mentioning cant observe what he said would snowden hes reacted to on twitter to protect those who spilled the beans noting the case of x. And a say on the list daniel hale has been prosecuted for lifting the lid on u. S. Drone warfare programs. Ok more news coming your way to stay with aunty we can take a short break. Who ever situation. Grandchildren or little children ask their great grandparents. Is it true that. These cars used to have people driving. Cray cray. Thats what we use to. Welcome back International Relations are the focus of russias annual Conference Thursday is the events final day in the black sea resort of sochi the title for this years event is the dawn of the east and the world political order. Is in such a force. It has become a tradition but on the last day of the gathering of all the Discussion Club mosco based International Think tank russias president Vladimir Putin joins the conversation based near the east asia and the middle east with 3 days of intensive discussions with high ranking politicians and alice from 37 countries are behind on how to avoid conflicts and violence how to maintain peace and boost the development of these big strategic region heres how to call tonight International Efforts to achieve common goals and get. Well apart from putting the leaders by john has lost on the philippines and jordan are also here are to exchange their views and positions and before sitting all together they all had a tete a tetes with widely reported to discuss bilateral as well as global issues but this is the heat event the final Plenary Session happened later in the evening and all the highest participants took part these are one of the major key points of what was discussed maybe the grandmother. We proposed to put aside all pent up preconceptions mutual pretensions and in fact try to create from scratch the organization for security and cooperation in the persian gulf which aside from gulf states actors like china russia the us e. U. India and others could join as observers. This is for decades u. S. President s ignored north korea perceived it as an outlaw donald trump has managed to make a historic step to tide over that line of misunderstanding and estrangement he met with kim jong un and started the negotiation process he says she would go to the time has come to talk about the global concert of Development Models interests cultures and traditions where the sounding of each instead. Is vital irreplaceable and valuable and so that music would be played without falsity for it to sound with harmony it is important to take into consideration options of every participant of International Life if. The iraqi governments put an indefinite curfew on the capital baghdad amid reports of more than a dozen deaths and hundreds of injuries as a wave of violent protests have swept the country. More demonstrations began on tuesday over unemployment and corruption with clashes erupting when the army stepped in to defend the heavily fortified Green Zone Police were deployed to gas rubber bullets and live fire against protesters who say that theyre angry at the way the country is being run. That they are come to your senses adel go away we didnt elect you the iraqi people dont have real elections anymore you have changed the turnout from 19 to 45. 5 percent there were no elections according to the laws of all the countries in the world if the turnout is less than 19 percent the elections didnt take place. If they are true iraqis and honest people they will immediately hold an emergency session to make the Prime Minister and the leader of the army and the interior Affairs Minister resign the blood was spilled for iraq true iraqis to come to the streets for iraq for our land we are iraqis and we love our county if they are traitors that will be our neighbors we the iraqis we wont sell our homeland. The government also restricted Internet Access in a bid to control the unrest and this is coincided with a visit by a high ranking iraqi officials to the United States the move is seen by some as a sign of loyalty to washington to baghdad now a lockdown iraqs Prime Minister says its up to local governors to decide whether to declare curfews in their own provinces. Dr abdullah is assistant professor at Nottingham University center of conflict security and terrorism kindly joins me on the line up very good evening doctor the situation clearly tense several people have been killed now theyve imposed a curfew and it seems the protesters some of them at least are ignoring this where is this heading are things going to escalate. Well this is a serious this is the latest in a series of protests starting on 2015 after the elections in 2014 which failed to deliver to government so what we have is a widespread discontent against the corruption and failures of the government to provide energy livelihoods and other essentials for the people of iraq in the past similar protests have been put down this one is distinctive in that a large number of people have been killed and so i think what we will see is an escalation of this protest. Government is trying very hard not to provoke an escalation wristed a number of people and most of them are reportedly been already released but i think that there is going to be a little bit of a cat and mouse game here with the government trying to pacify the protesters venting them from war going eyes in the cells by venting acts opposed to the internet to social media which is used by these protesters to stir organize themselves at the same time i think the protesters are going to want some form of a settlement before they stop protesting and so you might see the reintroduction of players such as there also has in the past championed the cause of protesters and we might see some passive buying influences from 0 dollars a stanley and others to try and find some sort of resolution to this because in the past other factors such as isis into mean and the priority of the government has been directed towards security but now it doesnt have that excuse. Some people are saying they want the whole government to step down do you think theyll get anything close to that. Well thats only going to happen if other political leaders come in to support that request i dont think the government is going to unilaterally step down in this stage at least it doesnt look like it will but what he will have to do is to provide some or all. Believable or shops and theyre going to make a change and its very hard to imagine anything. The current government can do that will pacify the protesters im so i think ultimately it may well come down to him at least a new election or perhaps a stepping down but it people such as mcdowell also or others formed a Popular Movement to try and change the government then we might see a change in government coming about fairly rapidly but well what of course is the problems are very much entrenched in the in the in the post war iraq to Society Problems of. Corruption problems of lack of expertise problems of an Energy Sector that has recovered from the war and problems of employment and investment in the country which has been exacerbated by the conflicts in syria and from the internal insecurity caused by terrorist groups are designed dr thanks so much for your time dr after my guest visiting fellow at Nottingham Universitys so should say assistant professor at boston University Center of conflict security and terrorism. Ok that brings you right up to date lots more coming this evening dont miss out stay with r. T. Updates and after that. 2040 you know bloody revolution 2 to crack the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no war here i mean your list put. Neighborly as i do school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. Those who took. Invested over 5000000000. 00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. Problem to maximize their financial survival guide. Thats midtown. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. You watch kaiser report. The. Last campaign asked for the last 70 and seeing and on the day today for the dutch. Commission see you. Bridge to just shoot on disk in the. Middle aged mom. You know new car so so. Dont open much to new mama is just around the end of the arab thank our lolo a occupy thank i dont all welcome to the alex salmond show where we moved from the parliamentary fireworks in the house of commons to those who have no house at home the homeless like the poor seem to be ever with us i know it is issue more apparent than on the streets of london london writes 6th in the league table of the richest cities in the world unfortunately it also ranks as one of the leading cities for rough sleeping. This most cosmopolitan of all cities is still struggling with the homeless issue which is rapidly growing no its gradually diminishing this week we move from parliamentary debates to people on the ground who are taking Practical Action to meet this challenge that are a range of charities working in the capital city many a well known and national such is the big issue crisis im shelter however today alex this is one of the local initiatives the brixton soup kitchen is on the front line of helping homeless im fighting against poverty which blights londons plenty. Of research there in a soup kitchen to realise that a lot of our Service Users of Mental Health so even just seeing the colors on the war was Different Services that we provide so weve got about god what we do growing for people where they grow their own produces you know weve got massage massage mondays you know and this is in a sub this is about that is about kind of help in the situations that you already in you know ive never really understood when they said give a homeless person a heart you mill give up are they give a homeless person a hearty modes going to come tomorrow still wait for another heart you know so the whole purpose of the soup kitchen is to yeah we use food as a vicinity for them to come in but weve got Many Services was in the masses way possible for them to not return now in a properly ordered society it would be homelessness no it breaks it which really dominate

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