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Behavior through the use of dynamic narratives using the very best talent from the regulars and reserve in other words propaganda leaders and gentlemen they are warriors created to spread British Military propaganda so isnt that a wild going to be doing that mr mcmillan found himself an exhibit in an executive position on one of the biggest social media empires on the planet. One of the chances yes thats the narrative theyre pushing which means its time for us to start watching the whole. Thing. But the. Real thing is what we. Need to get out of it. What they like you know what i got. Was that we. Would say. Welcome on the watch of the i robot and on top of. The you you brought this story to my attention this morning and its a doozy to think that like yours as a British Intelligence officer that or in this part time but also theres like major executive about a tauriel of twitter thats thats incredible and you know apparently mcmillans involvement with the something some group was made public would have disclosed to of all places on his linked in page. Absolutely insane the british army by the way did the client to disclose anything about mcmillans duties with the 77th grade or say whether or not you know twitter helps with it or are involved or theyre basically saying you know we know nothing we can say anything like nothing at all unusual or usual. Or bowl. Confirmation or didnt write well twitter responded a spokesperson from twitter had told the independent that it was quote an open neutral and dependent service and matter of you mr mcmillan service as an army reserve found no violations of its policies they went on to declare saying employees who pursue acts volunteer opportunities are encouraged to do so provided theyre complying with their Company Guidelines i find it a little. Hard to believe that the company. Guidelines. Say can be working for countries military lawyer. Making decisions like what sites. Entities. And are allowed to use the site and which arent and the idea that youre an editorial meeting youre sort of shaping this story its a little hard to believe. That theres a very. I mean especially with your figure that works in a unit thats designed to work and information to control. Well that is the difficult they are about a lot of things whether its taking away. Because youre part of a certain News Organization or what have you or Political Organization even its a little weird considering twitter is very particular about. I mean they dont care about rape and Death Threats when they come to women but theyre but they got this. Specialist. Who clearly is not doing any of his job it is deciding who gets to be on there. And they say its not. The accepted one. Speaking of folks who got exercise from twitter. When asked about the controversy asked him earlier today dan mcadams the executive director for ron paul and 2 for peace and prosperity he told me and i was here watching the hawks but considering twitters Relentless Assault on users opposed to the dominant United States United Kingdom Foreign Policy narrative it is hardly surprising to learn that one of its Senior Executives is in reality a government Information Warfare specialist he went on to say twitter continues to ban users such as myself in blatant violation of their own terms of service the company should be held to account for its fraudulent Business Practices and for acting as a de facto. Arm of western government propaganda didnt mince words about the. New. I wouldnt i wouldnt go as far as to say that theyre a defacto arm of western government. Because im not really sure who western government. Down to. Oh i mean theres a 1000000 people going i mean you probably should probably should weve had researchers on the show talking about how this was the paris review back in during vietnam and the idea of pushing people away from communism socialism i mean. Its kind of. No it really is i think. Theres only going to be one narrative of but i dont know if its somebody coming down from up on high saying like only push this narrative its more that kind of like universal culturally accepted narrative when youre living in the western governments kind of thing and its man its i just you would think twitter would be smart enough to avoid p. R. Why would you think twitter was smart enough to not hire government propagandists and information agents who literally want to tell people how to trick people into thinking a certain way air voting a certain way or given to it way too much credit im not sure if i had any of that and thats where i think i have the sort of i have to laugh that is not twitter. Really youre shocked dont be shocked dont not so surprise. Coffee tea or micro plastics this is a choice some consumers made when they opted for the kind of extra bag that uses not for the bags that youre saving a tree of their well artsy americas bills the t. V. A micro plastics. If youre accusing one of those fancy nylon tea bags the billions of micro plastics are seeping into every cup of tea you drink and while we do consume plastic and other products researchers say this one tops the list around 2006 the island was thought to be a fancier alternative to paper without the soggy remains well it turns out there is indeed a trade off according to a new study out of Mcgill University in montreal once a single plastic bag is at a temperature of 203. 00 degrees fahrenheit 11600000000. 00 micro plastics and 3. 00 a 1000000000 plastics are released into the cup now nano plastics are even smaller than a piece of hair possibly small enough to cross cells and permeate the body in the study scientists fed the plastics to microscopical water fleas the study author said they swim crazily in the exposure to the plastics really stressed them out their exoskeletons became ballooned leaving researchers wanting to study the topic further the World Wide Fund for nature estimates the average person consumes 5 grams of plastic a week the equivalent size of a credit card and based on that Research Experts say we consume more than 260 grams of plastic each year but this new study alludes to the fact that we need be consuming even more plastic than we thought and the effects of micro plastics on the body have not been fully study experts say its easy to mistake nylon tea bags for silk ones if youre unsure Health Professionals say the best way to drink your tea is through the loose leaves. With a reusable strainer in los angeles and sweet r t. W blood dove into the micro plastic scourge on the show a way back before they were actually banned. From the day when it was little micro b. Ads that were in everything you know all our face crabs and everything i make or beads are today said to make or be as they went. And then they realize oh wait theres a bunch of other stuff does it. Know its the last say if its plastic youre going to get micro plastic from make youre going to get nano plastic from it and whoever tells you that there is magical plastic that can break down into biodegradable composable it aint out there it isnt out there if its real plastic if its breaking down its breaking and in this Something Like that its mike or a nano plastics literally only thing you can do this is a Petroleum Product so why would you want to product made from oil so you look at those and this is the thing you so the idea was you were buying these much more expensive now understand that these kinds of teabags these nylon ones make up a very small percentage of actual tea drinkers most they say peter f. Coogee was a president with Tea Association of the United States of america very important my ancestors threw in the harbor and started fights. But even they got a plastic tea bags anyway only about 5 percent of them are these nylon kind the idea was that oh there is no paper or theres no cotton or theres nothing that will come out and i had rather eat tree is in the wood and paper the man out. In the middle plastic is everywhere and you know like the taj was coasting at the end where its like you know using loose leaf tea in the morning disposable packaging is actually healthier alternative for people and i mean if you are honestly and heres a good thing anything you buy in bulk not in a single use anything is going to be cheaper its also mentally you can buy a better quality tea that doesnt have pesticides it doesnt have these things thats maybe better for you and maybe your favorite flavor is someone who makes you happy go spend you can spend a little more are not like you could literally if you buy it now were safe which most things do its actually cheaper per ounce monumentally cheaper and you only have to use the one can use a french press theres many ways to make up for my fans in the u. K. But not with a lousy tea bag just. To back off with the plus. 3 quite a break og lodgers dont forget to let us know what you think of the topics weve covered on our social media be sure to check out watching the hawks the podcast which is now available on spotify off the music and everywhere you list in the podcast coming up we delve into the massive protests taking place in the island nation of haiti with brian of the institute for justice and democracy in the hague in the National Banks bring this an update on the verdict in the killing of both of these genes but before we go here for your viewing curiosity take a look at this computer simulation of the many sides of the black holes of the space and time round. Sole repose candle is ongoing the whole negative Interest Rates are the same is that we work better in the bond market these things are happening or experiencing a breakdown of markets all over the world so what we have we dodged one bullet call the wed work i. P. O. But were getting gunned down in a hail of financial bullets from financial bad guys shooting at us with impunity. Gandhian by north and so many people because a cop beat him hes so good that even such a bad cop be sending. Im not kill to kill anybody and. Im going to find the next guy. Who looked up never. Done be in philosophy and let god she went down plenty of. The clicks and moved for the c. E. O. She has the deflection board is comfortable saying. That is a god given that i got out from idiots a. Lot about. That that you can thank god you get nothing back up. Long long the name. On the bottom theres a famous French Airline control cannot all. Handle a new person and they have to me move 100 gandhi a new loan gunned. Down. Then they will join you. Seem wrong. To shape out just to come out ahead and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. The controversial murder case of both and jeanne has come to a conclusion quaters the trial centered around the murder of a young black dallas texas resident who was shot dead in his own apartment by now fired Dallas Police officer amber geiger after she mistakenly entered this home thinking it was hers on tuesday after deliberating for just 5 hours came to a verdict of guilty heres r t america correspondent ashley banks with the story. Tears running out of the courtroom earlier today after judge tammy can read the verdict finding former dallas officer amber geiger guilty of murdering her neighbor botham john this 2800 shooting sparked outrage across the nation as many people couldnt comprehend how someone could be killed and their very own apartment on the night of the shooting geiger claimed she was exhausted from work and parked on the wrong floor she then proceeded to walk toward an apartment that she thought was her she says she heard someone moving around in the apartment when too much to enter she then saw a silhouette of a figure and opened fire the victim was her 26 year old neighbor who was sitting on his couch watching his t. V. During a Court Appearance she detailed what went through my mind moments before she shot john what was going through your mind ok and you sound like youre on the set my heart was just on that thread. Where you feel that they were scared its there. Is the only way. You see you and then you say thats where they were directly in the middle towards the windows when they saw the silhouette feeders that regardless of her emotional plea and maintaining she feared for her life the jury did not buy it taking a lesson. 2 days to find her guilty attorney as lee married who represents johns family says botham did not deserve to die and his family deserves justice many activists and followers of this case agree the jury made the right decision reporting in washington ashley banks our team. Its not just for us from hong kong that have seen their share of protests this year as the island nation of haiti saw thousands take to the streets once again over the weekend thanks to years of government fraud and abuse an economic crisis with a deepening food and fuel shortages currently gripping the country heres our 2 americas john hardy with the story. Violence and anger in Port Au Prince haiti as rioters looted and ransacked businesses along a busy commercial district the most savage in the citys airport and organized if a story a Police Station and setting at least 2 buildings on fire the country has been gripped with chaos as protesters demand the resignation of the haitian president job no moyse and some fear that the violence only worsen as at least 4 people have been reportedly killed so far. To spain and that has to think we might be prepared even if we have to take i mean weve picked to get them out of discussions haitis president hasnt been seen publicly since last week when he called for calm and offered to form a unity government haitis government has been without a Prime Minister because of moyses failed attempts to appoint someone to the position hes facing corruption allegations as the country with millions in an economic free i appreciate financial mismanagement oil and Food Shortages and widespread Power Outages oil 2 percent of the livered fuel to the island but the political and social turmoil has distracted Distribution Efforts police have used tear gas to try and push protesters on rioters back but are struggling to contain the thousands of people hitting the streets and demanding a trade. Joining us now to discuss the latest demonstrations in haiti and the story behind them is brian todd cannon one of the board of directors at the institute for justice and democracy and haiti thank you for joining us brian. Thank you for having me brian the protesters are now pushing for the resignation of the u. S. Backed haitian president. What are is this a real is his removal real possibility at this point could we see that in the future. Or we certainly cant if you just look at the president will we says support within haiti and balance that against the opposition to him he would have been gone already we would see allowing him to cling to power is as you mentioned u. S. Support and support from other members of the International Community but this is really a regime that is there not because haitians will tolerate it but its because the International Community is is propping it up. But recently the United Nations General Assembly president weighs have called for the formation of what he called a National Unity government what are what are the issues at this proposal and would it solve any of haitis main you know problems that are that theyre facing right at the moment. The president always has made a series of offers of things over the last 18 months but theyve been mostly rejected because nobody trusts him you know just as an example iii named a new government recently and said this government was going to be different in order to get that government ratified he paid opposition senators 100000. 00 for their boats this is a country where people are dying because they cant get basic health care cant get food and the government was paying 100000. 00 apiece for the boats so present movies has very little credibility hes done nothing to to allow any of the accountability mechanisms in the country to work hes continuing to to corrupt the the governance of. Country so at this point there is really no faith that hes that he will that he will negotiate in a way that will lead haiti out of the crisis so you have a extremely broad based movement everyone from Political Parties to to the churches to business groups who are saying no we cant sing. We cant move forward unless president will we sleeves and nobody is is under the illusion that him leaving is going to automatically change things people keep insisting that there are fundamental problems with haiti theres fundamental problems with the economic structure this fundamental problems with the with the political structure and all those need to be corrected in order for haiti to really get out of this crisis and you know its interesting because when you when you look at the at least you know western news and their coverage of this you know everythings kind of referred to and referred to earlier as you know protests and demonstrations and things of that nature but what i you know when you see things on the ground and you hear these people in the streets who are there and you know who are taking part in these you know it almost sounds more d like a revolution than a protest in a demonstration at this point are we it is a revolution at this point or will we hit that point in the near future. Or certainly headed there president kennedy famously said that those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable and i think the haitian government and its International Supporters are trying their best to prove president kennedy right theyve blocked off all of the normal avenues for peaceful evolution and peaceful change leaving them with with no choice in fact any see stories in the news of burning tires and burning Police Stations. Those those are violent but in fact not many people have been killed that most of those who have been killed have been killed by the police so that the protests have still remained amazingly nonviolent but i dont think that that kid and that will last forever and eventually haitian people will be pushed to the breaking point is there anyone involved in the protests or are there any political groups down there the protesters kind of are in support of or are looking to was like ok these could be the people that could potentially form the right kind of government the government for the people down there. They want not one kind of you know installed by the United States or helped along by the United States and and you know things like that is there anyone down there right now is kind of filling that role or who could in the future. There are certainly people who could i dont think theres anybody right now whos broadly identified as as able to fill that role one of the one of the challenge is is that there have been lots of people who are trying to control this process for their own aims their people who are politicians who have a long record of of positions that arent really helping haitis democracy but theyre jumping on the bandwagon and hoping to take control so that when this comes out theyll be in charge still have the same unfair grinding system with them in charge and theres obviously a lot of suspicion among the haitian people for that and you still dont really have any one organization that that is standing out as a as a front runner but there are a lot of organizations that are sitting down talking and there are a lot of people who plans on how we get out and i think what most people are saying is that once president always leaves then you need some kind of a Transitional Government thats not going to allow one party or one person to take control but will have some kind of a broad broad based power structure that isnt going to make any major any any decisions immediately but its going to kind of guide the country through a process where it can work can establish the foundation for moving forward so this is going to be a long process i dont think its going to be an automatic transition to to any one person but i think that there is a great opportunity if this process is supported by people in haiti and outside of haiti for haiti to see a better day. You know if you yeah it is really interesting and i hope that that happens because i mean in the country as this country has suffered for a long period of time which is a very quickly i give us the scope of life what you know these people have gone through not only with their government. But we also have you know the issues of the natural disasters i mean the kind of getting the trifecta the whole the bad politics from economic to government and then to the lack of real climate politics and dealing with those issues all about. Yes the answer that i could be talking for about for 100 hours id like to give but you know some of the highlights i mean hes had 33 coup detat many of them have been have been supported by the International Community basically haitis been punished since 1804. 00 because it was the 1st free nation of its the only nation that came from the slave revolt and it came into being as during a time when the powers of the world were slave owning countries and has been punished ever since its been for over 100 years there was an independence debt that was forced to pay back to haiti that prevented it from being able to develop its economy you go up to the u. S. Marine occupation the longest u. S. Marine occupation of anywhere was in haiti in the early part of the 20th century and going right up to 219 to 2004 when when the u. S. Overthrew haitis elected law the last government. It keeps going up and you have time after time where were haiti has been deprived of a chance to be to be prosperous and then you add in vulnerability too to tropical storms or to haiti has not been hit yet this Hurricane Season good earthquakes everything that but all those are complete thank goodness at this point the one constant how we look at the start of a bank you so much for coming on today and its good that haiti hasnt had to deal with that element of the of the major element so far brian can come in the board of directors of the institute of justice for democracy in haiti thank you as always for coming on. And good news u. S. Scientists at a Company Called grail teamed up with researchers in the Dana Farber Cancer institute and found a new way to effectively test for more than 20 kinds of cancer in fact the test which looks for abnormal patterns of something called map aleisha and the d. N. A. A sign of cancer. Was able to correctly detect cancer 99. 4 percent of the time and i dissent they found that the test could accurately detect the source of the cancer 90 percent of the time the test was tested more than 3500 times on over 1500 Cancer Patients and 2000 patients without cancer in time doctors and researchers fact that this test and others like it could mean the majority of cancer diagnoses is made by stage one or 2 and creasing survival rates exponentially and. A good place to show the right that is our show everybody remember everyone in this world we are told that we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am tired well but on top of the list keep on watching all those hawks out there are great. With this manufactured consensus and still public will. When the really close is protect themselves. With the flaming. Lips. Nothing within the middle of the room 6. 70 years ago this week china started down the path of communist rule over the past 2 decades china has emerged. Rather reemerged as a leading world power rivaling the us the communist party can rightly claim a string of stunning successes but challenges remain whats next for chinas extraordinary revolution. I was. A little bit about what. Youre misusing the flag. And protesting hong kong. With. Police and demonstrators throwing acid police officers. U. S. President ial hopeful joe biden News Networks giving it time to Donald Trumps lawyer accusing him of supporting lies about the former vice president. If Rudy Giuliani should be banned from the. Giuliani should be able to speak and biden should be able to refute any any charges they try to shut up the others

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