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Excuse me how long was the trumps women in that swamp fought in the gaza boys johnson always johnson is really no difference here acting no certainly to how his predecessors acted and in blue dog suit joe biden and its alleged involvement business in both in ukraine peta i can quite easily believe that joe biden abused his position walk and i certainly i certainly hope well find that out because theres a lot of resistance to that ok because he is the face of the quote unquote stablish mint that wants to take on trump who is also part of the establishment here its about maintaining the status quo robert and this is what theyre afraid of theyre afraid of losing power its not about principles its not in their mind its not about ideology though deep dimitry bobbish would disagree with that and that well hear from him in a 2nd but its about maintaining. How are they preach democracy but they dont practice it and theyre afraid of one thing i think you have to remember is the context here though. Whats happening in washington d. C. Right now is the. Donald trump appointed bar marcus says that theyre not trying to drain the swamp i would disagree to a point that hasnt happened yet it might not happen he might be right but in may of 2019 trump appointed bill barr and john durham to essentially drain the swamp ok theyre going after Hillary Clinton theyre going after the top guns in the democratic heart of what we hope for here i know you appearing about we keep hearing about it and its the news is out there actually its not out there you never read about it in the Mainstream Media and i think a lot of americans would be surprised to know that the democrats are actually under investigation theres a huge and now its interesting if you had google if you google that bill barr would you come up with hes implicated in this whistle blowing d scandal ok but dont you think robert i dont want to go directly into the ukraine great so quickly but since were there dont you think this call for an impeachment is a distraction from the i. G. Report and the origins of russia because i think it is i think theres a huge its. Great here the the the crown prince of western liberal ideology as a critic. Well the point is that mr biden is rightly accused of corruption because what happened was that he did not just fire the prosecutor the way he he he demanded he didnt fire him he didnt fire how did it happen he sat in the president s chair. Then he addressed their Ukrainian Parliament saying in 6 hours my plane is leaving in 6 hours i want this guy out and the parliament and the government you know almost a big. Simply because by them wanted that whether mr shorten was corrupt or not its a big question you know again short and was appointed by these new government which came to power a violent coup you know with the support over the United States and the European Union and this new government under leashed and civil war and what makes me specially angry is what are the democrats angry about trying to give them sound on time with the weapons you know the sniper rifles that antitank missiles well its going to be very clear here during the in this conversation this famous conversation right now the president of ukraine did not know that trumpet had 2nd thoughts about since for example the money for army as it is to thank drum for same day in the weapons so it was not so important for the landscape where the weapons arrived on time it was in july you know so the democrats are strong over not saying in these weapons for 2 months well what are these weapons these weapons were supposed to be used to kill people who went to the same school who watched the same television who lived in the same country for at least 203040 years of their lives and the democrats are just you know infuse that vote that i was extremely disappointed by the raw dreher who wrote in the american conservative that these my knee was actually supposed to. Protect themselves no the smiley in these weapons were support well to cry i think i think ron should stick to conservative ideology because thats his good suit not formal he doesnt know whether its about to go back to markets i mean thats its an obvious point here and watching reading western media about whats going on in ukraine. Theyre blind theyre deaf because of both they dont know what to say i mean its really a tragedy but i want to go i want to go back to this anti. Democratic. Strain that we see in these elites here because it seems to me in the case of breaks that and in the case of the attempted impeachment of donald trump they are destroying Democratic Institutions because theyre not going to be worth very much if they are so abused for it with the only aim is to gain power and to gain power by means that are not democratic and short circuiting democratic norms your thoughts marcus. Well look as i said moments ago dont donald trump one that the 2016 president ial election fairly and squarely that is democracy people in britain in jamesy fast in the 16 votes its a leave the that is not democracy by its classical definition but nonetheless thats was the will of the power and therefore the conservatives and the liberals who constitute the american and british establishment should respect the will of the American People and all the british people but then pizza since when has the american establishment and the british establishment been truly a big can of democracy and they havent and they are not go in so they are as bad as each other well you know if we were talking about joe biden and ukraine and i dont want to go back on the subjects you know peter if you were able to get Sheldon Adelson on the cross oh and by using your penetrates and analysis penetrating question and you could be able to get details out of him about how donald trump i suspect strongly suspect is abusing his president ial position to secure more Business Contracts for himself in saudi arabia and israel i do i would find that very easy to believe and such he wants to look at them and mark in and Marcus Marcus im not going to disagree with you if it can be proven that the president of the United States is abusing his power show me the evidence and make it public and move forward here but robert did but this is not whats happening here because i think its pretty easy obvious they say that biden was up to something ok i dont want to be libeled or sued radios not get something in ukraine here but the Mainstream Media doesnt really want to they dont focus in on it now me something biden apparently did something in ukraine but its Donald Trumps fault thats my mess. It makes me think the when i 1st heard about it i thought to myself this is a perfect way to get the media to talk about what joe biden and his son hunter hes really doing that hes the user that loser in all of this because they will scratch a little bit because now they have to talk about it and if they go to impeachment this makes this makes the democrats look doubly desperate to go to this thing if you think because. I mean to take it to this level where theyre going to have to show and prove all these things about hunter well how he got his money not only from ukraine but from china were talking billions of dollars reportedly 1500000000 judy have been 40 seconds go well just let me. Cite double standards here even me as we find out from the Washington Post senators what menendez you know Richard Durbin wrote a letter to the prosecutor general youre able to uncle expression concern at the quote was you know for investigations thats that they said were critical to the Mueller Probe so they can pressure the ukrainian prosecutor general not to show that its very sensitive as a democrat that the crowds can demand investigations but republicans cant ok thats why the media will back up and say ideology is important here because the crocs you know the central ultra liberal ideology these are the democrats in the case of the night were going to were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion and some real news staying. Live. Leg. Length. Leg. Live. Live live. Live. Live. Live. The. Play. Live. Lists lists live. Live. And very well might continue watching on since last. Donny and by north its so many people because they copied him hes so good that even such a bad puppy sending. Im not killed me but being. Killed to find the next guy. Looked up live on canyoning being done the infidel to feed the dog she went on panty attempt. To deflect some 40 c. O. Ses he has a deflection what is comfortable saying. That is a got to be better than i got up to many observers. That he and others are going to write about the. Plan that he can bank on you get nothing like a. Long long while and you dont want to bottom the Shopping List which i live on principle can not only. Handle a new person and later ne move 100 gandhi the new normal and gunned. Down the peace prize ignore you then go to mock you then damon join you. In a world of big partisan group logs and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to get the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now. Were watching closely watching the hawks. Welcome back to crossfire where all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing some real news. Ok lets go back to london to change gears here i want to talk about russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov he addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations in new york and i really like to speech because he didnt mince his words if you know if youll give me a 2nd here ill give you 2 quotes that i like the most quote its hard for the west to accept that its centuries long domination is diminishing another sentence here the west has been increasingly forgetting about International Law and more often dwell on what rules based order whatever that means ok marcus whats your major take away from that because it really was a salvo across the west bio about how the world is being run or not being run very well go ahead marcus in london. So roth is a magnificent diplomat and he delivers a magnificent speech and in my estimation he is russias greatest amat after our own joy let me tell you and he is absolutely correct that the wests power is waning it is diminishing but we must not get carried away by American Global dominance or for medical very real military strength its cultural strengths its political strength its economic strength we must recognize that america is a superpower and American Global your west. Is going to remain indefinitely but things are different compared to how it was in the 99 seats in the 99 sees america supreme russia was on its knees china was still progressing but today we have a very strong russia and a very strong china i dont necessarily believe that there is going to the world of eloquence of multipole about i always believe that the wells will be comprised of the 2 superpowers lusha and america i dont attach much importance to the other great countries later i mean i think a very strong case can be made basically a topic for another program that i see are a bipolar world it will be a chinese han world it will be a competing west ok what the west will be made of but it comprises of is a different topic altogether and very very complicated but but robert there really there isnt a recognition within the American Foreign policy blob that multilateralism it is coming into being i mean and i think this. This this explains a lot of the aggression coming out of washington in its western allies where im thinking about iran im thinking of im in because then. Window the unit polar moment it might even be already close to ok were in Something Different is coming about and that that explains all of this aggression because that moment to be able to do things so unilaterally is coming to an end and a lot of people more and more people are just ignoring the u. S. Because the u. S. Is isolating itself what do you think. Well i dont think its going to be possible to completely ignore the United States all im not saying that in a multilateral world that still there and what we what we have going on now is that you see the United States military is just all over the place i mean if you look at a map where the flags of the u. S. Military are it its just red everywhere ok except china and. This is this is where this whole idea of you know pull the world and the multipolar world are clashing whats going to happen when when russia and china or also for middle enough to send fleets so latin america to have their bases there in latin america to start you know what the United States the u. S. Navy is doing right now in china there are just the armada there is just amazing theyve got the whole china china sea covered with all the islands. For now whats going to happen its going to happen now how is the United States going to respond to this so this this is a very dangerous moment right now in World History because the United States is theres a are there power is waning i dont know if you could say waning but its being balanced its being balanced i mean if you have whats going to happen once once the turn really face russia and china on their own territory back you are likely to russia have a diff slightly different game here i mean russia and china are purely defensive right now theyre not exporting ideology theyre not exporting their model theyre none of those things they want to survive as the old as the world order evolves and its good. Be very. Unstable you could be in again reckless and im thinking of brussels and washington as they see their power slipping through their fingers you know. Whats worse about this is that the american exceptionalism see it reminds me of what. During the after the 2nd world war in Eastern Europe and said that the gains of socialism cannot be lost ok because that is what history has in one direction ok the burden is going to end so i feel that this is the same kind of mindset that you have with washington is that the the order that they created is the order that was ordained by american exceptionalism and the bolton line ok that isnt true and thats what makes it very dangerous if you look at that that if there and i go with your proclaimed the nations that care it is exceptional the nonces did it for biological reasons why we germans were belong to the record images and did it for ideological reasons the russian people is the 1st to establish its the greatest nation on the earth i remember that and and what happens now is that theyre actually its not you he said roughly the same things that you out and he was even more outspoken at the un i think 2 years ago when you said that we should law i would outlaw that i do or would you change and here you slightly disagree regime change is a tool its an instrument into an instrument for achieving their goals theres a little chump about it because theres a regime change you cant see that it was. Terrible because they look nice on the surface just like just what goals also look nice on the surface because you know the socialist ideals of the 19th century were absolutely great you know they were really humane but the way you study and treated them was terrible the same story without a liberal ideas no equality of sex protection of minority. This is all nice but when David Cameron for example suggested that we dont send economic aid to african countries which do not recognize same sex marriage this is cruelty you know this is a good idea turned on its on its had basically you know protected in my experience so you know but its not its not about that its about hegemony thats what its supposed to say about you know its and once again its not about oh its about just its about power. Very quickly and and here you know and the story of gratitude you know when again you can disagree with her you can agree with her person on fox news who said that she was sick and people who sent her there were basically using it for their means to seek child you can disagree with that person and you can agree but it was spotty could announce that he wont be allowed to speak on television you know that they wont invite him anymore and that was terrible because people should be able to express any thoughts that they. Really regulating as a topic of a very specific Program Going you want to go ok this is going off a bit but i think when we really see an ideological. Face down hes going to be at the next olympics and i predict ok american transgender woman is going to go compete against russian guy ok or man get bit confusing and the americans going to win or the russian will win whatever you from your sort of love to be there this is what your question and this is another part of the idea of ideological war that we really need to talk about and think about this whole idea of. I mean for example transgender this is something that is just unheard of in this part of the world. So and its in now the west is is theyre going to start patrolling russia is being cruel they dont accept these people and especially little happens in the olympics they said i mean this was just this is just one side of the hard to see. Remember remember the world cup game is too wide but they didnt know all the different ethnic groups that were just very quickly in all 5 seconds look how many of your overtreat terms they have invented homo force me so genius. That reminds me of. Every opponent was that right is deviation is left his deviation iest whoosh you are individuated buan after this they can talk they conclave a normal discussion they must in some way to before they know it their own and they can do that they do mean you and then you know were going to is going to go back to the markets different direction that i didnt expect or i want to go back to lover of speech what i think is interesting is that a lot of smart people people not in the mainstream picked up on his speech in which is absolutely right hes spoken about this before but it doesnt get any traction whatsoever with the elites does it its almost as if they didnt even happen but if you really want to understand how the International Order is changing love rough is one you should listen to i bet go ahead marcus. Well the american elites and the british elites all of course is not going to agree with what its like or that are set up but in private they are very alarmed by the growing power of influence and confidence of both russia and china and that is why they are taking action that the moments to try and weaken the both moscow and beijing but on the other hand the americans and the british still remain confident piece if we go back to 2007 most of latin america had elected democratically elected left wing and governments which want is a distance that country so america now look what happens the americans struck back most of latin america is again crow american today ukraine is and this pains me to say is in americas orbits and each day as each week as each month as each year goes past ukraine the birthplace of russia is integrated and more and more in the west why do i say that because my argument is this American Global power western global dominance adamant it is a miserable what it is so its strong that it is frightening and yes we have russia that is immensely peoples and yes china which is soon celebrating 70 years of communism and has achieved extraordinary accomplishments its strong but we must never underestimate what america is capable of doing abseiled lost it but they are looking to strike back at you know i am sure we live in very dangerous times absolutely let me give a 15 seconds here i agree with marcus that this ball is for me the ball but it is also blind and to pit and the story between joe biden and trump has shown that you know they want that this printout made what it added to what they can no warmth. But if it was that kind of ukrainian warps they saw is basically leaking out to trump all these little i know to russia exactly and. The truth is also you have to thats how we end the program here as all the time we have many thanks and i guess he remarks and in london and thanks to our viewers for watching us here r. T. See you next time and remember. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. In 2040 you know bloody revolution here to crush the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no lawyer here i mean your list book video. Is out on you splendid all of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. Of those who took part in it invested over 5000000000. 00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. County and by north and so many people because a cop beat him is so good that even such a bad cop be sending. Im not anybody. On the field to find the next guy. Who looked up live again in the human being done the influence of the drug blood she even dumped the attempt. To deflect some of the c. E. O. Saying he has the deflection what does have to say. That is going to be that when i got up there many observers. Yes thats a. Long long while the next. 100 gandhi the new normal im going to. Seize. You. Join you. I want you to go martin. You were going to ok. I. I. I. Secret room changes of the u. S. Apparently made possible the scandal creating revelations about president Donald Trumps calls to ukraine with whistleblowers appointed me no longer required to have 1st times knowledge of the. Cinemas in Canada Council screenings of a documentary about a famous psychologist if you use that challenging Political Correctness we speak to the filmmakers you know all of the people who are talking about i mean its this kind of like. Culture wars leaving the all right or you know reading in there that yes i believe dangerous ideas that. America is on to Defamation League recognizes the ok hon is just as i hate simple

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