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A very warm welcome to you youre watching the weekly here on r. T. International with all the latest world news and a roundup of the stories that shape the week but 1st in the biggest news from this week theres been a sense of triumph among us democrats and its off to an official impeachment inquiry was launched into President Trump on choose day this latest chapter has been brought about by his alleged attempts to undermine a key democratic rival in the 2020 president ial race and make claims trump leaned on ukraines president to investigate joe bidens sons activities in the country in exchange for u. S. Support for clear of r. T. C. Goshdarn of takes a look at the democrats his obsession with impeachment. Democrats have always seen impeachment as Donald Trumps kryptonite a swift and effective way of ending his political life and theyve been promising to pull that switch since he got in office the walls feel like theyre closing in on the tradition right now and im not sure the figures hold them off for much longer the walls are closing in and everyone is freaking out the walls are closing the wheels are coming off. The walls are closing in on President Trump the walls are closing it was trouble the walls are closing in on the trump white house. All of the walls are closing in at this point the walls are closing in fast and on 3 talked about it so much in fact it almost became too much some would have been forgiven for thinking it was all bark and no bite yet this week to the surprise of some and delight of others House Speaker nancy pelosi announced that theyre pushing the red button the actions of the Trump Presidency reveal which just sound more fact of the president s betrayal of his oath of office betrayal of our National Security and the trail of the integrity of our elections therefore today im announcing the house of representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry the launching of the inquiry signals the very start of the proceedings that could eventually end up with impeachment and even trump losing office so what was that thing that was convincing enough for the democrats to finally buckle up take a deep breath and say. An anonymous whistleblower sounded an alarm with the National Intelligence over Donald Trumps conversation with the ukrainian president. During the conversation trump suggested that his counterpart investigate his most likely rival in the 2020 election joe biden and his son hunter over their business in ukraine. Apparently as Vice President at the time biden sr might have blackmailed the previous Ukrainian Administration into closing a corruption investigation into a gas company his son had an executive role that i so you know i get the bill you know i will be leaving here i think it was about 6 hours or longer is it really 6 hours if the prosecutor is not fired youre not getting the money or son of a. Youre fired trump seems to be in all sorts of trouble following pelosi is announcement is openly accused of extortion as well as of asking a foreign state to meddle in americas president ial election sounds familiar nobody knows for sure though what exactly trumps words were but the democrats put all their trust in that whistleblower expecting a bombshell collusion story and then trump releases the transcript. Theres a lot of talk about biden son that biden stop the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you could do would be great biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it it sounds horrible to me the issue of the investigation of the case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty so we will take care of that and we work on the investigation of the case i would kindly ask if you have any Additional Information that you can provide to us it would be very helpful from the investigation no matter what side youre on that was hardly a bombshell a firecracker a best it gets rough for both camps the transcripts not word for word but rather a recollection of events by witnesses its vague to the point of a rorschach test anyone can until printed the way they want to and so they do like any mafia boss the president didnt need to say thats a nice country you have it be a shame if something happened to it because that was clear from the conversation there is no quid pro quo necessary to betray your country or your oath of office even though many read this as a quid pro quo im not concerned whether it is a quid pro quo or not now every sides got a lot at stake in this game but its the democrats who have gone all in theres no way back and normal chips in the bank the impeachment bazooka can fire only one round so they apply the whole arsenal of political stunts in this video for instance democrat adam schiff is giving a monster clause in reading between the lines in the transcript that everyones seen want you to make up dirt on my political potent understand lots of it. On this and on that and by the way dont call me again ill call you when youve done what i asked and sure enough there was no way in hell Hillary Clinton the person with the biggest bone to pick with trump could have remained a bystander in this this argument occupant of the oval office poses a clear and present danger to our future to our democracy is endangered by putting his personal and political interests ahead of the interests of the American People as for the woman who announced the impeachment in the 1st place she seemed keen to invoke the memory of the russia saga and the hysteria that went with it as we saw with the russian interference and by the way i think russia has a hand in this by the way democrats have backed themselves into a corner and the path the impeachment will follow as of now is a make or break situation the democrats are desperate. They are terrified of losing the election joe biden. Is a disaster as a candidate if if he is the nominee he will im almost certain he will lose to trump and the democrats are hoping to bring trump down through this whole impeachment process this idea of. Finding a scandal and running around hysterically where there really is no criminal offense so theyre hoping to bring trump down but i just cant imagine it will work. As we thought a fresh wave of Global Climate protests including in canada where thousands took to the streets in cities across the country among those taking part in the rally in montreal where the canadian Prime Minister and teen activists question. At a meeting between the 2 she urged Justin Trudeau to do more to save the planet on monday funday delivered an impassioned address to the un Climate Action summit the Swedish Campaign ever buttes wealthy it is full of failing to tackle the destruction of the biosphere. You have stolen my dreams my childhood which you were and. Yet im one of the jocks once. People are suffering people are dying entire School Systems are collapsing we are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal Economic Growth how dare you 6. Or shes been widely praised for her impassioned address there are those who say shes leading or cold for the Younger Generation there are girls who have looked at the thin line between activism and fanaticism. The thing with Climate Change is its called deligated we dont fully understand it ourselves we know its happening we know some of the reasons but its all tenuous and the guys who have the best grasp of it scientists an always easy to understand but thats why Mother Nature gave us Climate Change activists no need for his meteorology degree there. Are many activists it isnt about science or facts policy or debate its faith belief in something greater something they dont necessarily understand conics plain and boom comprehend like the Judeo Christian religion the world is going to end in 12 years if we dont address Climate Change we face catastrophe and crisis on this planet Climate Change that though is not something that we have to prepare for it is something that is here you know theres a word for that the in that feeling that the world is about to and that im again is around the corner schooled eschatology and that formed the basis of early christian dogma but the day of the lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up we should be grateful to Climate Change activists trying to save our and worthy polluted souls save us from judgment day and as with any faith they have a prophet that you need a college. Cation jesus didnt have a University Degree now the lord of climate stability has sent us his daughter we are not in school today. And this time we are not alone we have some adults one i work today eva. Yeah. And why because this is an emergency our house isnt cyan faith is for everyone the rich and the poor all genders races and ages this is a hooley crusade and anyone old enough to hold a protest side or throw a rock concert of the holy spirit of the atmosphere. Brings a tear to my eyes its exactly like the crusade of the year 1212 what thousands of European Children joined up to liberate the holy land of course none of them got them many died along the way but cmon its kids doing stuff spies everybody plus it makes the heretics look bad oh yeah like with any were legit there are heretics those who refuse to acknowledge god or whatever you believe in they have a name in this faith Climate Change deniers is no middle ground either if youre a skeptic you are a denial and Climate Change deniers a dirty trashy folk the sort who go into a room. Stay in the hell where the lights stay on even when nobodys home Climate Change deniers are a danger to our security the gloves are off predatory climate deniers are threat to our children the depravity of Climate Change denial it sure looks like Climate Change is the new 21st century dogma overthe gotten through to you we in the media we want to save your soul if you already think were. Going to church well Online Church just open your internet browser and go to n. B. C. Dot com you can 1st their concerts my children confess your sins cleanse your polluted sols seriously theyve got a clone with confessions page now tell me this isnt the full blown religion. Childrens toys were in the crosshairs tuesday as the french government signed an agreement to combat gender stereotypes trying to ensure toy makers and sellers dont automatically push dolls for girls and cars for boys the new directive seeks to attract more girls toward finds activities stating that gender divisions in stores are a thing of the past and should be scrapped before christmas they aim they say is to broaden childrens imaginations so theyre not influenced by stereotypes as they grow up relatives who worked in the creation of new toys and also how theyre represented in advertisement and the way they are sold fighting discrimination later on requires action right from the very 1st days or so welcome in the move others claim is a form of gender engineering heres what i get that on the matter. Its really good because they want to put an end to gender death toll is they want to give the freedom to children to choose whatever they want to so were not forcing boys to play with dolls if they dont want to of course and girls again they can play with adult all and then they can play without the stuff related to to you know Computer Science maybe other things that actually will be an incentive to women to troops on the subjects in the university a psychology professor in Cambridge University Simon Baron Cohen has shown that as early as several days after birth female babies show an interest in faces whereas male babies typically show an interest in mechanical items so theres some hard wiring that the idea that somehow you can charge society by but by by forcing boys to play with dolls and and girls play with trucks is is an absolute its ludicrous bills and boys are different men and women a difference and there is no problem to be fixed. Head of the program all straight if those are going to snap parliamentary election with the countrys former chancellor hoping to make a political comeback after a scandal led to the collapse of his government weve got that and other developments right after this very quick break. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics or business im sure business ill see you there. Back people in austria are casting their votes and if not parliamentary election the countrys been ruled by a caretaker government for months thats after a political scandal brought down the consistent conservative coalition the main contenders are extranets less abassi and kurds is allstream Peoples Party on the right and the social Democratic Party on the left with most projections putting the conservatives in the lead however the winner is unlikely to get the majority needed to form a government and will therefore have to enter into Coalition Talks with other parties possible kingmakers include the right wing Austrian Freedom Party and the green party the previous government with sebastien kurds at the helm fell in late may that was off to a vote of no confidence this was triggered by an expose showing coats his Coalition Partner offering political favors to a wealthy woman claiming to be from russia in exchange for donations for his Election Campaign the incident became known became known as the it before affair as the video was shot on the island ahead of todays vote we gauge peoples expectations on the streets of iran. I think the worst outcome would be if everything stayed the same as it is and of the coalition went on why goodness and we were confronted with. Some point im excited about the race for the 2nd place who will be end up in the 2nd place position in the past one and a half years under the black and blue has already been a shock and you have the feeling that the country is going completely in the wrong direction and when to be for happened it was kind of a relief like somebody pressed a stop button. The hard man got a professor of Political Science at the university of innsbruck told us theres a good chance kurds will manage to resurrect his Old Coalition despite the a b. For scandal. I think that Sebastian Coe is beast taking the lead in the polls hes leading by about 12 percent of the social democrats so evil be declared in their of todays snap elections and he will be given the right by the federal president to form a new government which most likely will have to be a Coalition Government because of all the criticism about his Previous Coalition if the far right Freedom Party the 1st try to enter into negotiations with other parties particularly the greens however i dont think that there will be a coalition between these 2 parties because theres a great deal of difference particularly on migration and pressure to policies between could says Peoples Party in the green party so what he might see is best and could turn to the far right Freedom Party to really install a black Blue Coalition of the far right and the conservative party. Tensions have been flaring once again in hong kong as protesters mark the 5th anniversary of the umbrella prodemocracy movement. Large groups of demonstrators unhappy with the citys communist party rule is in beijing blocked roads and caused damage to buildings on saturday as police deploying tear gas and pouring blue dye on protesters so that they can later identify and arrest them so the protests are planned ahead of the 70th anniversary of the peoples republic of china on tuesday continuing more than 3 months of unrest. But its been a tough 7 days for the u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson and next week could be even worse support for a no confidence vote is gaining momentum among opposition m. P. s who now see no other way of avoiding a no deal braggs it earlier this week campaigns returned to westminster after the u. K. s Supremes Court ruled that johnson suspension of parliament had been unlawful the Prime Ministers attempt to suspend parliament was widely seen as a ploy to evade scrutiny of his breaks it plans the 1st session back saw some heated exchanges. Thank you god. Willing to charge the people who say the Prime Minister should have done the honorable thing and resigned. This government in shame tendering you legal advice to our monarch and not even able to uphold the most basic but most important of principles abiding by the believe this should be written if you like to project you should try sure childish was what was i judge the practical side. Right you are party like this i really dont like this Prime Minister to talk about. The right to treat it like this right. The Prime Minister has been adamant that hes prepared to take the u. K. Out. The e. U. With or without a deal by october the 31st deadline however at the start of september parliament passed a law designed to stop breaks it we spoke to a lecturer in International Politics these days either leaders are tired of the whole braggs it or deal with a concern letter to brussels and say we would like an extension and the government is already implied that it will send a 2nd letter full of reasons why the europeans shouldnt grant the extension because its not an Automatic Process just because we asked for it doesnt mean we get it and the europeans especially the french seem to be running out of patience with the United Kingdom theres been no alternative put forward this is what the europeans are so frustrated about nothing on paper that is feasible has been for put forward as to what another extension will achieve its anyones guess it does take no deal imminently off the table and that would be damaging for the country but it just kicks the can down the road more delay more drama and people seem to be getting a little tired of this faffing around thanks for joining us here on r. T. International and we always love to hear your views on all of our stories so do get in touch by following us on social media and even though your comments that were back at the top of the hour with the latest either. Ra going to follow on that comes out of the cold war throughout all of this set up one among what i would them. A font after 90 they tell you not the high. And i mean. Some of the set on months in front of the office and so on. For the photo that im open to me a lot of the. Then that it is someone who did the board. Of the tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implement from the inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against a troll is to venezuela associate famously have a supplement to. Get out of that political battle to stay on the path to the mat the moment. The whose story isnt new nixon called in Henry Kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated that in latin america and old terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the chilean economy scream so wants to make the economy of venezuela screed. Well and welcome to worlds apart of the big hopes for the u. S. Iranian summit on the sidelines of the Un General Assembly deflated asked promptly as they appeared giving way to the carnival effect preachment proceedings against President Trump but while this board life has now moved to washington d. C. Curity situation in the gulf remains perilous and open to manipulation is it likely to get even worst now the trumps attention is diverted elsewhere well to discuss that im now joined by i may have to here be an iranian writer and the chairman of the gates still institute in europe mr to hear its very good to talk to you thank you very much for your time as youre very much now when President Trump was delivering his speech at the General Assembly earlier this week he seemed rather angry and some observers said the time interpreted that as hes frustration of it they ran eons i think in hindsight we can now as safely say that it was probably due to the impeachment speculations as unrelated as these 2 things appear to be do you think they may influence one another do you think trumps political dissent difficult it may have any impact on his it rainy and policy well i dont know its a matter of pure speculation but what is important is that youre on the youre not to the states have 2 sets of problems bilateral problems that go back 40 years and multilateral problems that need attention. The mood in washington the problems of the. Present trouble may have some nuances in as far as if u. S. Is concerned on u. S. Policy but the longer on order this strategy. U. S. Policy towards iran in the form of job Islamic Republic reluctant i think at the very least we can say that both iran and perhaps saudi arabia following the u. S. As Political Developments both countries that calibrating that move depending on what they think trumps the reaction is going to be all what he is chances of political survival are is it fair to say at this point that the iranians definitely want trump out and the saudis definitely want trump in well i dont know what this out is by by 2 or the iranians but what is important is that the Islamic Republic you know the Islamic Revolution in iran has put the united says at the center of its considerations its world view from the beginning you know if you follow you dont do enough is here to see that if any of warning you get off the media you know the people who speak even ordinary people they talk America America america and. Recently that is the 12 year old boy in one of the most towns in iran and centrally iran who was sending american dollars. In fact the leadership of the Islamic Republic is has made many kind upset for all iranians and they need this in order for the news that he has said several times in order to attract were that tension because if theyre not already public it stops being enemy of the United States know whether he takes any notice of it this is that he says that if we abandon our medicine his stance really big. Like pakistan even if you have Nuclear Weapons no with mr mr. To hear it dont you think that the americans or the trumpet ministration least has aided these attention seeking on the part of the leadership in teheran because i mean one thing is its propaganda but economic sanctions and this tightening of the screws that the. Trumpet ministration has pursued is something very serious i mean if we just look at the figures of how much oil iran has been able to export over the last couple of years the figures show a very very dramatic plunge from some 2500000 Barrels Per Day a couple of years ago to almost 100000 in july of this is a very very dramatic decline and im sure the fact everybody into whether people are in in the government or simply as you said on the street yes you know theres a difference

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