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Leadership in teheran because i mean one thing is its propaganda but economic sanctions and this tightening of the screws that the. Trumpet ministration has pursued is something very serious i mean if we just look at that figure is how much oil iran has been able to export over the last couple of years the figures show a very very dramatic plunge from some 2500000 Barrels Per Day a couple of years ago to almost 100000 and to live this is a very very dramatic decline and im sure the fact everybody into iran whether people are in in the government or simply as you said on the street and yes you know the there is a difference in and usually for the past 40 years their patent had been established between the United States and the Islamic Republic according to this pattern and the Islamic Republic rules do. I guess if it moves you know some mischief from the American Point of view but then quietly retreat then the United States would offer some concessions and then to go for the next phase but you know that to lead to do this dance to yes result going beyond certain limits for example the Islamic Republic has always had an american hostage or to a number of american hostages and the americans have negotiated for the release of these hostages but neither side wanted to go beyond certain difference and he said he was storing the tension in the persian gulf if you know in the gulf of oman that he said that tax on the saudi that is beyond saw an extra kid was taken into iran so that nobodys kid is not on the ship thought about the damaged no american and target is attacked and so on. But mr trump has changed this dance because he insists you know that the. Islamic republic should in fact surrender to him hes done today there for a secret they go she wants to take a picture of the iranian leaders as he did with north korea to say you know in the next election that i tamed i dont scurry as i bleed the chinese i. Counted yes or for the line i brought there by laws of tehran and so on so trump has changed the rules of the game that has been going on for 40 years but with all due respect is it the is it the only trying to change that because as you mentioned there has been some moves and countermoves from both sides over the last couple of decades but its been a couple of weeks since the absolutely brazen attack on the Saudi Oil Facilities a few months since these still mysterious strikes against oil tankers in the sea of amman as you mention jesus thing those advances have the same muster mind and do you think the street. Of obscure he adds but obscure but very profound very impactful hits that we havent witnessed before is it likely to continue. Really dont know because you know the Islamic Republic was playing the 40 year old game according to this stablish rules but. Now they see that it does have absolutely no impact the trump is not ready you know to do anything you know in any form of concessions you know the 12 points foot by secretary of state usa could devastate from pill for the Islamic Republic and they are in fact cutting them all to iran but the United States is not giving them any of the wars for that is not telling them you know like for example president obama did or president bush did before about 3 gun did carter the clinton did all of them and then went Islamic Republic treaty today a little bit didnt want to you 1000000 today the decider just sort of friendship even president obama smuggled money to todays driver here probably for president they got a smuggled officer to the Islamic Republic but you dont know a southern leadership in tehran says that there was a game have changed trump does not want you know to play the or game hes playing another game by the fact nobody knows what this new games rules are gather it from your writings that you put the blame for those attacks squarely on task or on something that the leadership into iran denies and something that i have to say the russian intelligence agencies also dispute if you believe the iranians are behind the attacks on that on call on oil tankers why do you think they would do Something Like that well 1st of all i didnt say that iran was behind it its an entirely that you know and if if i believed it i would write it so you dont think thats the case i dont know but what im saying is that its looks. Its a game that has been playing for deposit fortius you know the. U. S. Embassy in tehran was clear you know it was the beginning of all the patent you know the condom matins station in beirut you know i dont want to go hostages dining over the head of the cia in beirut where there is a recent attacks maybe they were done by jinnys or by i dont talk about j. V. I dont know but what is clear is that oil does this and that are exactly following the old pattern they have not worked well mr to harry you said that there has been a long established pattern and yet i think many people with claim that. We have never seen before Something Like the attacks on im a facility i know that you suggested that whoever planned those attacks was more interested in testing the waters and see how far it was possible to go without the making a crushing response inevitable but taking out half of the Saudi Oil Production even temporarily strikes me as more than just asking the what is its actually taking a pretty deep plunge do you think that hackers actually aiming for such massive damage could they have imagined that this crucial facility would be left so nakedly unprotected and with similar things have happened before you know and i teed. It is he said the 7 days are going to probably leak in truck to flow of oil from kuwait by fighting under thank yes the americans if like the tankers and exported or allows as a medicine or. Maybe it was a bit of death i cannot im cool but it comes in the context of. A different context of oil or trade because the united this is no longer dependent on the persian gulf or. It does become to be just a producer of oil itself and the saudis have huge reserves in. Which they have closed because they dont want the price of oil to come down and attack on. Recent attacks will be compensated for rigid if you reach so you know its not going to have a long term effect that as you can see the price of oil has not jumped as expected and i dont think theres i mean he probably wanted the price of oil to jump or this i would be ordered to be interrupted only 2. 00 wanted to do was to do the exactly the whole game to say you see if you press prevent me and they said open it is a fish caught they support our order then nobody else would be able to export our or so please Pay Attention to us but we need to do a bit of mischief to keep our position as a revolutionary movement as a successor to the soviet union as a challenge to capitalism and imperialism and western domination of the world the things they say you know all of this discourse is centered on that please let us have that discourse we are not going to do to go beyond this that i dont that you also believe that with the trumpet mr ation tightening the screws on iran the status quo is becoming increasingly unsustainable for the reigning letisha but isnt that also true for the saudi leadership dont they also have reasons to kind of shake things up because its clear that donald trump is not rushing to that defines this is clear that all the billions that baseband on those. Air Defense Systems are sensually. A waste of time and money so dont you think that the saudis would also have a motive to get some attention from the United States and particularly donald trump yes but you know this i would havent done anything to gain attention or not in the end by repeated in. This i would dispute that he did all the sources on deposit in the past 40 years that you are talking about so i would use all of it i did on policy views of you don they were allies of the United States but they were not complete followers of the United States the so did King Abdullah had the Islamic Republic in tehran to organize the islamic summit even paid to put it to our very good editions with president rafsanjani the j. V. Donned the highest number of places for the hatch pretty good image. Which is not many to advice for predation they did a lot of favors i did issues between the 2 sides they improved but as i try to take during this conversation the pattern of the game in the past 40 years has changed there was a status quo in reach nobody was happy but nobody was too unhappy either but now that the status quo is being destabilized and we dont know what is going to take its place well it misted to hear what we know for sure is that we now have to take a very very short break but they will be back in just a few moments stay tuned. In 2040 you know bloody revolution of you tube clip the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it still war here i mean you know liz put video in the new bill is that i do split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. Of those who took. It invested over 5000000000. 00 to assist ukraine in these and other calls that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. This is a story about what happens austria stray bullets kills a young girl in the streets. What happens to her family and daughters in florida you know the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery meaning messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pen this than him and what happens in court he. Shot shot as far as i feel. We dont know just from. That end of this trial unfortunately you. Will still not know. Welcome back to well the part i think i may have to haiti and theyre bringing in the writer and the chairman of the gates to an institute in europe mr to here we have been discussing the americans the iranians the saudis lets talk about the europeans now because just the other day the leaders of the United Kingdom france and germany came out with a what i thought was a very strange statement blaming the attack on iran and thats after weeks of kind of trying to seed on the fans and trying to keep their neutrality what do you think happened to the e. U. 3 well you know the it is between a rock on the hearts place they dont know what to do because. They dont want this tension between the United States and if you publish to go beyond said to him its because if something absolutely disastrous happens in the village and the europeans are to be the 1st to suffer you know days i mean the public has a record of terrorist activities in European Countries especially in france 117 people have been assassinated the pos 40 years but in the past 10 years the Islamic Republic has be quiet it has not been doing any mischief in europe it doesnt trading with europe so the europeans want to keep that i do when i talk to the european as policy measures leaders etc they say they have 3 preoccupations that the 1st preoccupation is that if this situation in egypt and i did these are if you probably goes beyond certain limb is out of to be going to have a systemic collapse in iran like you had in syria the 2nd problem is that really not just tension is spread to the whole of them and that is because that i shiites in various. Other countries apart from iran would become a big mess the feds. Problem or can send the europeans. You know i just think it goes beyond the set and limits. Try to clear this mess is there somebody to run it on off the Islamic Republic force because their plan is i think the public has many many open and some argued i mean as are many groups many parties but there isnt you know under her eyes an alternative so these are the europeans because of it but if they have so many concerns as you mentioned whats the point though for essentially abandoning iran when it needs them most siding indirectly siding with the americans because this is essentially what they did they not only didnt deliver on diet part of day scipione but they are now putting the blame for everything on the iran and doing it in a very very strange way because that the statement that i mentioned it doesnt cite any evidence it makes no mention of a Television Source as it simply says that there is no other plausible explanation as if it was an exercise in formal logic rather than intelligence collection if if were talking about an act of war which is what the attack on iran could was doesnt it war and harsher response than these retorted wagging over think well i dont know because i dont said the european policy but today im just stunned this situation and i dont justify it but you know do they really think that if his side completely redesigned here probably did lose all influence be trump on this issue is better to keep some influence or trump this is a Vice President micro enough rounds talk to President Trump about accepting and on official visit to be on his joining the g. 7 summit bias is that if the foreign minister and the americans accept it so you know the maybe side usually ideally dont know because President Trump is a very complicated. Leader ive never met him you know i havent talked to him so but the europeans say that hes a state influence of a so you have to give him something every now and then for these are pretty about these attacks doesnt cost anything but on the other hand be to yaz that look you know we are working for you we are trying to. Negotiate a Credit Facility for us 15000000000. 00 does love your publics needs 60000000000. 00 a yeah in order to pay these essential. Expenses you know the side of his over his Civil Service is military so the o. P. s if you are working on the president micro it is really a fight as i can think dedicated to Islamic Republic assembled just by me and im so right until hes off of them any kind of position election receive trump is that if trump is not then so you know they have a short term policy of templating both sides giving a little self to the americans i need to stop today you know he has said so that the 2 have influence on both size and that influence is please dont go beyond set the limits now you know i had a chance to talk to Foreign Ministers that have just after his trip to france and there are that interview he was as usual mocking the europeans all for not being able to stand up to the american pressure but that was also clear that he was Still Holding out their hold that the europeans may come around b. J. C. P. O. A the nuclear deal may still be salvaged or that iran at the very least may be able to exploit this rift between europe and america dont you think that with this european turnaround the europeans may gain some influence with trump whatever its worth but they may lose that influence with the with a rainy and. I dont know because you know that i understand the position of that you found who on the outside on it in a very bad situation not to due to their own faults you know you you dont read date on then media to see how they are attacked every day but the center of their policy has been this and you could you clearly did so if you does debt you know that they have really nothing. To feel that hold of it and their last hope is european so that it has to walk the utopia so that he will tell his opponents in iran you see im also mocking the they utopias by the same time quietly to talk to the europeans to try to assemble their money as i suggested. If that is. Salvaged or a floating for another year or 2 on to the end of the american position election that also that action is and Islamic Republic itself next march which is very important if there is nothing you know if the present situation continues if the european hopis or so that just then rouhani is that if their groovin be wiped out soon after these e. U. 3 statement was published president rouhani indicated that he is now open to a madmans to the nuclear deal provided that the United States lifted sanctions is that the little too late did do you think there is still a chance for these if a deal to be resurrected yet you know this amendments rissa just said even before trump became president for example that you dont how do i get it to do these additional protocols and you know out of the 52. 00 sites it on the nuclear sides well it 22 have been open to inspection but there are not probably is to open the other 2 have as well but the problem is read the american side you know really. Trump and his group be satisfied. Or not and even if theyre satisfied do they want to sit on their set and to be advertised you know to be photographed to feed it to be on t. V. To be on russia today t. V. And every other t. V. Or not that would be very difficult for the Islamic Republic to accept Islamic Republic is ready to do become citizens but quietly not to lose face its interesting you say that because i was watching delayed as interviewed the generosity of gave to c. N. N. And he still strikes me as being a little bit similar to Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov who has this habit of sort of talking around trump whenever there is a negative development he tends to attribute that to the american bureaucracy some midlevel saboteur within the administration but not the commander in chief itself and i thought that that he was pretty much playing the same game do you think the iranians are still hoping to leverage mr trump albeit indirectly. I hope not yet and im not you know are blaming everything on. American bureaucracy or anybody you know the u. S. Has by lots of problems in iran i dont know whether there is time to talk about these or not these bilateral problems john to be solved very quickly is there multilateral problems that are difficult to solve and then you know you need regular diplomacy and at the moment the President Trump you know the diplomacy seems very difficult for me that he through our new you know whoever it is and place and in tehran they dont have to play just one game you know if youre know how to play chess you dont necessarily know how to play poker so sudden this somebody comes and prays another day and they dont know what to do with it you know their best hope is to temporize and they continue on to the next american election. And if trump is the decider of relief because the democrats are better disposed towards the Islamic Republic and if trump is dead he would no longer need to be people i think for to get off syria read them in order to be done election so you know maybe we can go back to the old game. Quietly give you consistent as i quietly you and a living pressure on us and finally let me ask you a question about the arena in the elections i know that you believe that the divisions between belabor ols and the hardliners in iran are more theatrical than substantive in the us given that we a month away from being a parliamentary vote in iran would you really want the or all jaimes every faction to be on to mind in my opinion to know it is better to you know to the to lead this revolution and Islamic Republic to go to its logical conclusion but you know the problem is in the does not make it public is that neither side neither of these rival was are allowed to order and they believed to carry out their policies so you know the whole country is paralyzed and despite our lease is against the interests of iran as a nation and the case the interests of iran as a vehicle for the whole may decide that evolution it is so. You know if for example before i came to see you here i passed in front of the british house of commons read out breaks it for and against demonstrations and i talked to some participants they are as divided as iranians are in the Islamic Republic at the moment they hate each other they are not even ready to talk to each other but nevertheless they are bound to by a different set of values down by the institutions down by history and in the end you know they can buy. Did their differences through elections and is that he probably his death possibly you know how many of the hostages were not kept in these i mean if you publish are people who have been campaigning for his lobby he probably have been campaigning for Islamic Revolution in europe and the United States because dad been encouraged by rouhani is that a faction of people. Before that you know there are many pro Islamic Republic you dont need as outside you dont who did not go back to you know well i missed it so here i suppose you are probably one of them im not one of them yes really you can go back to run no no i dont i dont plan no i dont want to go back to you know what im saying is that because im not the so forth that i was driving to public ive been open and those are your public im saying that out so forth as of his life if you publicly did not to go back because there would be at instance you know this is because the Islamic Republic leadership is divided if there is one day that she read to one a strategy then you would know the news well i missed it to hear you have to leave it there nonetheless thank you very much for being with us today i really enjoy im sorry. Well our viewers can definitely keep this conversation going in our social media pages as for me and the team. And same place same time on the worlds apart. But if she wants and i do. Wish that there was more. She me we didnt you. Know when you guys e. Q. s will be home in the news i mean guys with an infantry ball. A lot of you will see sawing during fuzzy fights about who can shout the most hardened most schools. Doesnt it alludes to me as if. The. God that they were days doing leads to. An english lady a people who simply knew to manipulate in. Banks geysers financial survive until they say money to the relatives clergy abuse it this is the central plank support dying of blindness i dont call them i dont say stop the. Gandhian by north and some of the people because they call freedom is so boring that even such a bad copy sending. Im not anybody. To find that makes the. Top live in the human being done deal fell to feed to god she won. The flick some 40 c. Oh say the who the deflection board is tougher to say. That is a god that i got out from idiots or. You know what about born a long. Long long while the name. On the bottom the shipping industry cannot all. Handle one new person and labor day 100 gandhi going on going to. Run the cities across the river to go to you mark you join you. Us democrats kick into impeachment mode with an official probe launched into President Trump and the basis for an old reliance on a single whistleblower with a 2nd hands knowledge of the events. His former chancellor who lost his seat in a scandal is projected to make a comeback in the countries that come to like should. France goes to war on gender stereotypes with a new directive aimed at childrens toys but the decision has activists arguing about choice and difference. They want to give the freedom to children to choose whatever they want to girls and boys are different men and women are different and there is no problem to be fixed. And the pentagon plans for a general

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