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Gas and Coal Companies face a backlash from the Climate Change movement as a 3rd of the worlds banks now cut back on their investments. The policy is here to stay the. Right thing. People are. Extreme activists. The only reason the solutions required to deal with these problems are now so extreme that we have produced more emissions in the last 30 years than the entirety of Human History before. Their friday morning 27th of september a very good morning for me kevin 0 in welcome to our 30 minute world news from international h. Q. Here 1st straight to the us again where Democratic Party leaders are pushing for swift action to impeach donald trump saying he has betrayed his duty as president and is no longer fit for office. This occupant occupant of the oval office poses a clear and present danger to our future to our democracy isnt day. By putting his personal and political interests ahead of the interests of the American People place that i hoped we would never be and never thought we would see a president take the actions that he has its not about politics its not about partisanship its bad patriotism on tuesday the house of representatives launched a formal impeachment inquiry into donald trump after a whistleblower claim prong doing during a phone call between the president and his ukrainian counterpart led him is alinsky well this is the latest in a slew of impeachment attempts Donald Trumps face to call since he took office back in january 27th in. The walls feel like theyre closing in on the trumpet ministration right now and im not sure they can hold them off for much longer the walls are closing in and everyone is freaking out the walls are closing the wheels are coming off. The walls are closing in on President Trump walls are closing it with trump on the walls are closing in on the trump white house. All of the walls are closing in at this point the walls are closing in fast and. Then as you remember the democrats onslaught was mostly dominated by the russian collusion probe nextel Senior Correspondent takes a closer look at the moves against President Trump now that. If youre a democrat the hardcore liberal type you knew in your heart that trump would be brought down the only question was how long it would take just needed a reason and come on there were plenty though people put their money on the trump russia collusion story treason collusion between the trunk team and the russians and trump knew about it that would truly be impeachable its miss prison of treason and so far his. Answers been exploding and unfortunately proved entirely fabricated but to hell with it obstruction of justice a federal system in the United States that ought to do it to president trying trying to block the f. B. I. s rush investigation commit an Impeachable Offense are we getting closer and closer to the possibility of yet another impeachment process no dodges that to come on lets go in on the guy slept with the porn star media told us and paid the highest money to keep it silent no way hed survive that bicycle you see the trump Team Stepping into every trap that she and her lawyer set for them havent a president knowledge that he was actually meant to be a party to the nondisclosure agreement and now of course shes got a an avenue and a way to fire back at it cohen what is going on a mini get out of jail free cards does trump have you can keep this up surely every excuse to get rid of trump was bought up the sky just dissected in this guarded nothing would stick until now it seems like ukraine is the 1st nail in trumps political coffin bloodhounds democrats smell blood weakness at long last trump is vulnerable i think focusing on this ukraine scandal singularly is important i think we have to act quickly but not with haste. More able to speak with one voice on that subject than on some of the other weve got to go narrow no question about it i would hope within a 6 week frame we could get the evidence on the table so the American People can see it just one phone conversation and trump signed his political death warrant and if you thought it was about rush. You thought wrong even the russia was discussed in that very call i would like to find out what happened with this whole situation with the ukraine they say crowd strike i guess you have one of your wealthy people the server they say ukraine has it that sounds crazy democrat servers hacked by the russians allegedly somehow ending up in ukraine what these things are so secure crowd strike the d. N. C. As Computer Security squad wouldnt let the f. B. I. Look at them would threaten their security if the f. B. I. Investigated they claimed all that the agents received were redacted draft reports all the information about russian hacking was pushed amongst others by crowd strike and the f. B. I. Putting him politely said this isnt how things really done its not the way we would prefer to do the investigation 2 years have passed than trump still hasnt been able to find those servers trump may or may not have reason to think that the servers are in ukraine and is trying to rule whatever they know in washington its clear that the democrats wont let go of this whole Ukraine Business if finally got solid ground for their long awaited impeachment oh and russia forget it when cares anymore the democrats are desperate. Theyre terrified of losing the election joe biden is a is a disaster as a candidate if if he is the nominee he will im almost certain he will lose to trump and the democrats are hoping to bring the trump down through this whole impeachment process this idea of. Finding a scandal and running around hysterically where there really is no criminal offense. So theyre hoping to bring trump down but i just cant imagine it will work friday morning 8 minutes past the hour on the button and next in a move that sounds straight from Science Fiction the pentagon says its seeking to boost immunity of u. S. Soldiers against chemical and biological attacks by gene editing but there are fears that offensive human upgrade could be weaponized to caleb maupin has got the story for you. This soldier of the future wont just be battle trained and ready to kill theyll be genetically engineered to withstand a biological attack the pentagon has a plan for editing the d. N. A. And creating Super Soldiers why is Defense Advanced Research projects agency doing this to protect a soldier on the battlefield from chemical weapons and biological weapons by controlling their genome have in the genome produce proteins that would automatically protect the soldier from the inside out so far this sounds a little bit closer to Science Fiction perhaps a bit more fantasy than fact he will be the 1st marine. Earlier this year a chinese scientist announced that 2 girls were born with edited genomes genomes that were edited to be a child be resistant so with potentially boundless possibilities the question now is what altered genes would a u. S. Soldier need probably put some brains in them so they can question the policies theyre already good soldiers i think i think how god created them is enough good enough for me are you kidding me no no well im asking you that the most outrageous thing ive ever heard you do better thinks of d. N. A. Could be could be used to live longer. Maybe mitt be less relying on things like waste why why we use this with soldiers you dont like the idea no i dont thats sad because theres got to be consequences to the oh i change you know their strength their vision their its you know anythings the end anything that would make them a better. Soldier asbos but before you let your imagination run too wild remember the u. S. Military says there is no need to worry its all for a good cause all these technologies they were dual use. You can use them for good and you can use them for evil Defense Advanced Research projects agency is about using them for good to protect our war fighters these fantasies of the Super Soldier again that they tie into these fantasies of arsenal im just the superhero fantasies. That are being with us for a long time and it relates to any myths of the hero the champion that doesnt mean that some of them might not be be realizable to some extent. But there are many reasons why we should not go in that direction we did some great dangers you dont know what kind of. What kind of sex will occur from a genetic change because. Interacts and they can often interact in unexpected ways. As well as the fact that our ability to targets. Certain cells is still far from perfect the potential of genetic engineering should not be underestimated theres a lot that could be done beyond simply fire breathing always on fully weaponized mauriers and keep your eyes out for the genetically modified soldiers of the future unlike g. M. O. Foods they may not always be labeled kaleb up and hearty new york. Evolutionary biologist ahmed leroy told us he said we have enough of the breeding people for specific tell us theres a long way off so hes full of want to catch it various times for the day to day too. At the moment we still have a very poor understanding of the genetic variation that allows people to become one to excel in one kind of profession and another the notion that you can breed people for particular aspects. Although in principle is possible in practice its very far away what we do is we what im suggesting will happen soon is selection for such an attribute. But the number of choices that you get are relatively few what i simply mean is that youve only got a handful of eggs and embryos in a petri dish and you can only make a limited number of choices between them and the choices that youre going to make of them is basically to eliminate the bad things youre not going to be breeding soldiers or super and super intelligent kids out of there. Another day of the story is britain edges closer to breaks it maybe it seems is tightening up its migration policies along the way it is a serious story now a 10 Year Old Girl is facing deportation and a high risk of female genital mutilation inside that of to have mothers been refused asylum in the u. K. Isa rallies following his story for us. Putting aside his enthusiasm for war and its cozy relationships with sports and the tight says the British Government styles itself as the storage defender of human rights around the world the latest crusade theyve taken up is the fight against of g. M. In other countries theyve pledged 50000000 pounds by 2030 to combat the issue of the bible at least 3 days into any requirement it doesnt make. Sense to war in the state of god but the British Home Office is pushing ahead with deporting a woman and her 10 year old daughter to bahrain from where lawyers fear then be deported on to done with the mother is originally from the country has one of the highest rates of conducting f. G. S. In the world and the risks being another victim they are happy to prosecute female genital mutilation theyre happy to give money abroad to stamp it out but theyre failing to protect women who are at risk if deported a British Family Court earlier ruled that the coal face the risk of being circumcised against her will if censor board but it was a rule by the home office which said immigration issues are not the courts business perhaps the most hard profile attempt by the u. K. To deport someone it was the case of abu qatada radical cleric the u. K. Accused of having ties to al qaida it took 12 years and 1700000 pounds to remove him and was a victory for the British Government yet since hes deployed taishan britain has spent almost 200000 pounds protecting his wealth in jordan and the question now is whether the mother and her little girl would also get that much protection from u. K. Authorities if she ends up back in sudan in all good conscience in the u. K. Today 21st century constant do you just just say that the whole mob is decided and the little cannot be overturned i think that we have to to. The conversation and make sure about at least when children. All concerned when hall made being john to people. Did you know we should bend should be accommodating sometime people coming to the u. K. They resign over side but we dont even know who feel what they all and so we need to ask ourselves the question well pay we you know this kind of moral politics i mean there is a point in time where yes we have to be pragmatic when it comes to when it comes to the know when youve been immigration because of course the country cannot just simply youre going to open up its border and you know and hope that it will be ok that being said i think that we need to be very careful about how we treat people especially when those people call me should they go back. Friday morning 1160 remorse because thank you for choosing all to International Live from here coming up move when an imaginary villain from a hollywood film takes on a move to real form is the water in the u. S. Military is warning that screenings of any joke a film could end in a bloodbath more often right. Richard marles Worst Nightmare hi im richard. Dead planet everything on planet earth is dead because bin securitized we can send it all well theres a teenager in the us or a brother heartbroken trying or eyes out because shes going to grow up on a dead planet because all been securitized sold and resold that. Time spent time were left with nothing except a dream what it was what it was and it is no more. You know worlds big partners. And conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to get the story. That Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Again this is out international monitors kevin now and good morning a cinema chain in the u. S. Has banned movie goers from wearing costumes masks and paint face page early screenings of a new joke film and its the it is. Just me is joker. Creepy and there all the band comes amid fears of possible violence during screenings especially after concerns were raised by families of victims of that mass shooting that batman movie back in 2012 but then some were unproven claims going around that the killer was inspired by the joker character the shooter also became a hero to the incell community the involuntarily celibate as theyre known this latest release wont be shown at the venue where that massacre happened and the studio now has distanced itself from the violence denying that the Dark Knight Rises movie influenced the perpetrators actions meantime the u. S. Military is issued warnings to its Service Members about a mass shooting threat at showings of the new film several potentially dangerous messages posted by the insult community were discovered by intelligence officers. Posts in social media have made reference to involuntary celibate insole extremists replicating the 2012 theater shooting in aurora colorado at screenings of the joker move it nationwide theaters this presents a potential risk to department of defense personnel and family members though there are no known specific Credible Threats to the opening of the joke on the 4th of october. So the threat is allegedly coming from the insult community whose philosophy resembles that of the main character of the film the joker lets look at a little bit more depth of who the ansels other online group who describe themselves as in voluntarily celibate hes described old men apparently feel neglected and undesired in modern day sexualized society not being able to find a romantic or Sexual Partner so therefore it goes on the thought is that some of them then turn openly hostile to society and promote violence will told phillips the director of jokes nonetheless rebuffs all the accusations and believes it is a political matter simply. A little troubling when people write the pieces without having seen it and even in their think piece is right i dont need to see it to know what it is to me thats you know i find it astounding to be quite frank how easily the far left can sound like the far right when it suits their agenda i think the reason for that is is somewhat hypocritical the concern over the joker movie is warranted because according to the f. B. I. They have been picking up chatter on some dark web websites that indicate that there is talk about a possible incident that could occur somewhere at a Movie Theater thats been undisclosed the United States especially right now were in such a fractured society in terms of the view of you know racial politics and how everyone views each other there is a huge concern about this idea of white males being a threat to the society in general i dont think thats an accurate assessment in terms of the actual belief that white males in general are a danger to society but this is a needy a narrative thats been playing out for some time now. Swedish daily newspapers banned all advertisement of fossil fuel based products and services with immediate effect the papers at the site of the Environmental Concerns for its decision we call for the biggest mass climate protest in history separately a 3rd of the worlds banks no have signed up to a Un Initiative to f. To tackle Climate Change such as cutting back on investing in fossil fuel projects among them or Major Players Like Deutsche Bank citigroup and barclays in total 130. 00 Financial Institutions in 49. 00 countries have signal that they are on board but theres a big but notably 7 of the worlds 10 biggest banks are missing from the list the Un Initiative calls on banks to harmonize this strategies with the paris climate agreement and work towards a Sustainable Future one for being seen on one hand as maybe an overdue move to mobilize the influential Financial Sector to on the other a fire that will cause more problems than will solve we put it up for discussion here on r. T. What we really need to be looking out looking at is eliminating the funding of fossil fuels as quickly as possible and the key thing here is not to focus too much on the banks they will do whatever they can within what is profitable and legal key thing is to put pressure on governments to utterly change the rules in terms of what banks do to get rid of anything that is destroying the future for our children the Green Technologies that are presented as growing are not a toll in many instances in the Energy Sector today say no to Nuclear Energy there is no reason to say no to say no because Nuclear Energy doesnt emit any c o 2 and they say yes the electric car is an awful and see life cycle analysis if you look at their environmental footprint its much worse than my diesel car today and it will be for the next 50 years so because of the production of the batteries so this is sold rubbish this is perfect rubbish frankly and it is enough you know having 16 Year Old Girls like the one we had a system at the United Nations explaining to adults that there are stupid i mean this is not fun you know shes supported by the persons family of billionaires that have invested in the Green Technologies i mean this is who writes her texts this is a disgrace really its time to stop and the gulf mums progress of course in the reduction of c o 2 emissions but they should do it normally at a normal pace and for bidding that use of coal of fuel or gas is stupid especially for example in germany because of their choice for supposedly Renewable Energy such as wind energy they need coal plants to to produce the energy when there is no went so crazy identified you know perhaps correctly perceived problem to some of what is being pushed forward is green at the moment as a reason for carrying on burning fossil fuels when we know it is who already a crime against humanity in the form of catastrophic drought. Typhoons like clones hurricanes you know and the strength of these things is absolutely vastly greater than before and you know so to try and identify some of the problems with whats being put forward by you know the mainstream green narrative as a reason to carry on destroying ourselves its just madness that we need to do the right thing at the right time its not people are extreme extreme activists that need to decide governments cannot allow this and the United Nations should not allow this the only reason that the solutions required to deal with these problems are now so extreme is that well weve had 30 years of people like luke saying oh well we need to wait till we know more until the technology is about or what has happened over that period is that we have produced more emissions in the last 30 years than the entirety of Human History before so the very very tempting rationale which is that anything that looks greener than before is a step in the right direction we must go at the normal pace we cannot stop planes from flying from today on because thats what the extremists want to paraphrase god given low progress with your question i think what he obviously like progress on this. Cameras and about to get a destination with a big old scary difference in environment unfit for human habitation for years to come nonetheless we went there were talking to nobody you can see the site of the worlds Worst Nuclear Accident 33 years ago still draws visitors from across the globe for a brief look inside of the bitten area are only video agency got the rare opportunity to go to the very heart of the disaster you see the eerie control room from the power plants force the reactor and leave you with these rather dark and derelict shots from the safety of your own t. V. Of the great day. Our. God. I would stop my i phone out there in snow her mom it exploded her in the front of her. Most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the 1st one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest raid in truth to stand out in the News Business you just need to ask the right questions and demand the right answer. Questions. But if she warned you and i did the dishes at the bazemore those jeans nudist beach and you see me we need to be true street. Clothes and. When you guys you keep us. In the news i mean guys without infringing ball. Clotted you will see sawing during fuzzy fights about 2 kids each other both sides most schools. As if they are true. Events but out. Here in cherokee folks cabinet 5 days doing this is. An english lady a few people who simply knew she would include him it would. Seem wrong. But old rules just dont all. Get to shape out these days to come to advocate and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when you choose to look for common ground. Hello and welcome to cross talk where all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle its always only been a matter of time and peach mint has always been on the agenda settling on the issues in process was the sticking points the democrats and the liberal media aim to remove trump from marcus over a telephone call to the ukrainian president what could possibly go wrong. Talking impeachment im joined by my guest rob talban new york hes a humorist as well as a newsmax columnist in washington we have a lionel hes a legal analyst and news decoder at lionel media dot com also in washington we cross to christopher he is a republican strategist and founder of the ny one group. In effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it lionel let me go to you 1st here do you agree with what i said in my introduction was only a matter of time they just were looking for an issue and with the election cycle upon us they want to get they want one more bite at the apple to see if they can remove him which if you look at the math and you look at the Public Opinion polls and this whole ridiculous business with ukraine it seems

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