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Time since Global Financial crisis but demand for cash is greater than feds liquidity injection of 75000000000 and then the next day they printed another 75000000000 so thanks for starting to look a little bit like 20072008 when weird little ruptures and ruptures in the whole Financial System were starting to emerge all right well the key phrase there would be a bank run. On the money market funds yeah right so you know we know what that means that means member Northern Rock in the u. K. They had a bank run that was part of the 2008 crisis or in the 1929 crash we had a bank run this is when the bank is insolvent and folks are concerned about their money so they panic withdraw the money so here you have 1. 00 of the foundation blocks of the Global Derivatives market the repo market and its being bailed out every day now by 75000000000. 00 a day so its the biggest per day per hour ive never seen a bail up on an hourly basis this big ever in history bigger than the 2008 crisis bigger than the 2001 bigger than the i would say probably bigger than Long Term Capital Management bail of bigger than the 87 bell this is the biggest bailout ever and i would suggest to viewers out there you go to duck duck go dot com or start praise stunned that because google results dont actually give you the results from 2008200920 extension 10 when kaiser report was talking about these money markets when they broke the buck and that almost collapsed the Global Financial system it wasnt just bear stearns and Lehman Brothers of those sort of base class it was the money market funds and thats what you really have to look for in this seems to be what the fed has been rescuing in the past week more than like a bank and you know Wells Fargo Bank branch at the corner having a bank run its like the actual trillions and trillions of dollars that could bring down the system again we dont know yet whats going on well find out soon im sure though so again another story that you should go to duck duck go or start page dot net and look for 2010 in 2011 episodes a kaiser report because you cant find them going directly to youtube or google dot com but we covered this back then extensively so look for kaiser reports a. P. Morgan racketeering rico silver manipulation. Morgan by silver heres the headline from fox business and were using fox business because bloomberg n f t now have like pay walls that are impenetrable so we must turn to fox business to get these stories j. P. Morgan traders indicted for market manipulation racketeering feds say the 3 j. P. Morgan employees some of whom were executives were indicted on charges related to making fake orders of gold silver and other metals to trick the market at the federal department of justice and now its on monday glow of course yes weve been covering this for 10 years or racketeering going on there j. P. Morgan goes back to the 2008 crisis again remember there was a insolvency crisis in the worlds Banking System which the central bankers decided to classify as and liquidity crisis and so they printed up 16 or 17 trillion dollars and they shotgun marriage a few institutions to cover over the problem one being j. P. Morgan buying bear stearns now i knew at the time my role as a journalist here in planet earth was to think about this for a moment because i knew that bear stearns had a multi 100000000 down short position in sohmer bear stearns was the go to bank to manipulate the prices over so j. P. Morgan is buying bear stearns what are they do with that item on the Balance Sheet and we said quite correctly now turns out that they would engage in massive racketeering racketeering with the traders the management of course jamie diamond it is a racketeer now been proven and shown the funds that are putting money to work in various commodity desks except for a so this has been a wide scale racketeering fraud perpetrated for years and documented by us here kaiser report and shown several analysts who would actually go to the actual trading desk and show when the price manipulation was taking place irrefutable evidence ah i remember now garth. Darth darth bart bart chilton barton chilton bart chilton of course refuted this. May rest in peace with now know the truth actually were going to talk in the 2nd half to craig metals report it was a guy named meister who is the head of the c f t c who absolved j. P. Morgan at the time of any manipulation of the Precious Metals market he is now there are the lawyer for these guys now facing these charges so he absolve them as the head of the safe c f t c or in charge of the investigation but turning back to this investigation today because importantly it began as the d. O. J. The department of justice is charging them with rico racketeering charges it was may 2008 just after j. P. Morgan had indeed bought bear stearns with the help of the government it was a shotgun wedding over the weekend remember that was the beginning of the real craziness of the financial crisis ben bernanke you cut Interest Rates by 75 basis points on a sunday night they inherited this massive short position that bear stearns had. Accumulated and were going to get into that in the next headline because theyre now blaming bear stearns for their crime wave that went on until august 26th seen so thats the remarkable thing to me is that you and i here on price report were covering that extensively especially in 2010201120 while were covering nonstop this Precious Metals manipulation from j. P. Morgan that didnt seem to deter them the fact that we were shining a light and exposing their crimes they they were quite confident apparently that they continued until 2016 according to the allegations from the department of justice they were quite confident well were doing more get away with it we did more than just report on it but as i suggested to the global audience because j. P. Morgan inherited this massive short position you could effectively put j. P. Morgan out of business yes if you drove the price of silver higher because there their number of shorts out numbered that actual number of ounces available on the global physical market. Right so to cover their shorts they would have to leverage their Balance Sheet to the point of having to declare bankruptcy in a crisis number one from 15 to 50 yes it was an all time high and a lot of people by the way are total losers they think like a loser they dont think like a winner and thats why these likes and j. P. Morgan get to rule the world its because if you look at the comments on the youtube right now youll see that people are like you guys we all lost we lost but j. P. Morgan was exposed their actions were exposed as racketeering because we exposed what they were doing and they had to leave act rapidly they are now the largest silver actual physical silver holder in the world because of our exposure of their naked shorts exactly and that we had j. P. Morgan on the ropes but then the Financial Press Financial Times wall street journal came in with propaganda their propaganda as they tacked on it from shares of their financial in the Financial Times they smeared me and then the fed opened up the regulations they just created new laws at the behest of jamie dimon to make it possible to shore more out of silver and that is to create counterfeit cells and they were bailed out that was another huge bailout of Jamie Dimon Jamie Dimon became a billionaire by nickel and dime in people to death and by getting a perpetual bailout and living above the law the law doesnt apply to him for 25 years and again im going to read the charges the department of justice is alleging that j. P. Morgan was engaged and these are the charges i remember this is from may 2008 in august of 2016 so thats the whole obama era when obama insisted we must look forward we must not ever look back we must not charge any of these bankers eric holder his attorney general said he he was like he couldnt sleep at night thinking that he might have to arrest some of these bankers his his guy lenny brauer with said that each of the 3 j. P. Morgan employees was hit with charges of conspiracy to commit wire fraud affecting a Financial Institution bank for. Commodities fraud price manipulation and spoofing bank fraud wire fraud affecting a Financial Institution and conspiracy to conduct the affairs of an enterprise involved in interstate or foreign commerce through a pattern of racketeering activity often known as rico conspiracy the d. O. J. Said again kaiser report said that we said racketeering in 2010 im going to read you a headline we actually covered in november 2010 so today in 2019 the department of justice the charging them with rico and racketeering heres a headline we covered from november 3rd 2010 jesses cafe america new comix related silver manipulation lawsuit includes charges of racketeering this is the guy carlo he was an investment he was an investor in silver futures and he charged he basically took a civil action against j. P. Morgan and charge them with rico exactly what the department of justice is now almost 10 years later charging them with rights so as usual the bank will get charged a small fine some member of the model of jamie diamond is to keep 0. 90 of every dollar he steals right number one with the bank yes but these executives themselves including the head of their Precious Metals trading desk now theyre being charged criminally in court and face up to 30 years in prison and actually will say that so far the tracker goes back and they get a slap on the wrist so the bank of course will get no penalty meaningful penalty whatsoever number one number 2 to make this point the racketeering manipulation is going on right now its a p. Morgan at the bank today and jamie diamond has its fingers in many pies of fraud but they say but this is right now the department of justice agrees with kaiser report if you again go to doctor go and start page dot net law to look for it because as of this this past month you tube has changed their algorithm so they no longer they only include legitimate press which. C m b c but you didnt cover this and the likes of them and so you wouldnt find this information you would out there you know authorized and legitimate and authoritative news didnt cover this like we did and here is kaiser report was right about this to crash j. P. Morgan by silver i was tweeting about a link from 0 has j. P. Morgan blames bear stearns for criminal enterprise and Precious Metals trading desk and the article points to bloomberg 2 traders who joined j. P. Morgans Precious Metals trading desk after the takeover of bear stearns helped introduce the illegal manipulation strategy known as spoofing to their peers on the desk theyre claiming j. P. Morgan stanley oh. Theyre claiming an arms length relationship with the bank they just bought and they had no what they were gifted basically for pennies on the dollar they had no idea it was going on and you know our friend p. R. Job out of it if you really want to get into the details of this write a whole book about retrench a whole book about life masters who were having to leave j. P. Morgan because she was too close to the stink well were going to take a little break and when we come back much more coming your way on the guys report 1st with the truth last with regret. This is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. What happens to have daughters in florida you know the mother daughter is very serious and terry. This is with your what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police need is a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on him than what happens in court. Shot after shot Smart Society revealed. We dont know childress from. The end of this trial unfortunately you. Will still not know childress. You know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. In 2040 you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just no lawyer here. Put video through me in the new bill is that im new school in need of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of 2014. Those who took the lead in this to do over 5000000000. 00 to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time out of turn to crag hampikian have to phenols report dot com craig welcome back max its always a pleasure we got a lot to talk about my friend oh my god doing before we talk about the racketeering charges against a. P. Morgan precious metal trainers what are your thoughts on the repo market in the fed injecting hundreds of billions of dollars in the past when cracked. Up q. E. By any other name is still q. E. Right what is it 200. 00 some odd 1000000000. 00 last week and now she was going to happen this week you know it should be a temporary thing right where they repose these securities from their member bank or banks whichever it is in exchange for cash and then they get the cash they get the cash back and they give the bonds back the collateral back and it should be a temporary thing which is one day you think case some bank kind of got themselves into a jam it was the end of a quarter you know like the last day of the quarter you might think ok were not the last of the quarter and this has gone on for for you know 4 or 5 days interesting phenomenon would be inching to see if it does stop at some point but i mean it just underscores the the scam of the whole system for the last 10 years and how fragile it is even though the banks have created you know trillions and trillions of currency so i dont know its not a good sign lets kind of leave it at that are you surprised that the department of justice is charging 3 possibly 12 bankers some j. P. Morgan with racketeering tell us a little bit about the case lets put it this way im not surprised because its an ongoing crime and one of the racketeering the rico act thats what theyre going for and its an ongoing current thats why they considered a criminal organization all of that is how you define the statute as written and also when they do it under the rico act it means you can go after people that order. Of the crimes thats how they got you know the mobsters the mafia guys it wasnt just you know jimmy no thumbs that wiped out that guy it was you know whoever ordered jimmy no thumbs to kill him and thats why we got like guys like this michael no whack who until recently was the head of j. P. Morgans Precious Metals trading so we got michael no ak in cuffs and so its nice to see these guys get perp walk apparently this is been planned for quite some time because the investigation covers the period when you and i 1st really got interested back and in silver from 20800168 max youve been following silver theres no shock that suddenly j. P. Morgan is in trouble i mean max you and i are how many times you talk about i know i recall the 1st time you and i ever met and discussed this there were you when are we film that interview walking back and forth in front of the j. P. Morgan building in manhattan until member of the security guys came and cheered us away so this isnt any surprise. Then as you describe defense ill get no active turn on the orchestrator of this crime jamie diamond that would be fun would i think at least to be theyve got to go after Blythe Masters unless hes already saying and because where no ak was the head of Precious Metals trading his boss should have been youd think Blythe Masters the head of Global Commodities right and so in member she was on a 20121 on a c n b c is that on nauru you dont do anything like that. Entering to see you know they start the low levels that guy edmunds he sings like a canary right to implicate higher ups or no act does max heres the thing if i may i want to i want to kind of summarize the corruption and all this Everybody Knows theres a revolving door between regulators and the private sector right guy i mean the 60 minutes was all over the guys at the f. D. A. That left the f. D. A. And then went to work and represented Cardinal Health and pretty. Purdue pharmaceuticals but this is even worse in whats happening now you recall and probably a lot of the viewers recall there had been a c. F. T. C. Investigation of silver covering the same time period the deal jay jay thing is from 2002016 were going in 2008 there was an official see if do you see you saying she had been investigated silver investigation that was when we had the hearings on capitol hill and her mcguire became a popular figure all that stuff well then they sat on it ok and nothing ever came of that the head of that in forced that division at the see if you see at the time the guy basically running the investigation was a gentleman by them and David Meister once intimate who are came on your show in 2013 and voles that we actually had whistleblowers official wessel blowers from j. P. Morgan that it submitted and that is to see if to see the very next day the see if d. C. Closed investigation 2 days later meister quit the c. F. To see i thought maybe he didnt discuss now as it turns out he was there to protect j. P. Morgan he shuts down the investigation his actual burbage was we could find no viable basis for bringing in force in action why its one of the do it one of the department of justice was fined over the same time period they wanted at the end of the day meister leaves goes to work in the private sector and now max guess who is michael no axe defense attorney. David meister i mean this is a corrupt as it gets man this is this is sickening the level of corruption we see in the Precious Metals right i mean you use the phrase ad jack corruption in a recent raise sea of red and youve summarized it there nicely you know when we talk about the hundreds of billions of dollars in the past week that has been injected into the repo market that is a sign of market failure the corruption that we are discovering about j. P. Morgan in the Precious Metals market that is market failure and the actions of the Federal Reserve bank to bring us things like negative Interest Rates various banks around the world that is also market failure craig when do we all just wake up and smell the coffee here that capitalism free market capitalism as a spend in are rated by bankers who have replaced hard working jobs with financialization and manipulation on a wholesale level d as amounted to massive market failure where in a post market world craggy there was one way to put it i mean its the corruption that now you know has taken over within the capitalism thats killing and making it look at you know and you look now across these banks i mean the situation from 2008 never changed i mean it god frank and then they unwound it nick glass steagall went away in the early ninetys and its never come back and now youve got these banks dealing with negative Interest Rates because of the actions of the Central Banks and they cant make money the traditional way you know where you borrow shortland loan you cant do that at negative rates and so in a search of a profits and greed they keep doing more and more extreme things not just manipulating the Precious Metals but manipulating all markets right out of the answer always is there print more money its 100000000000. 00 market it was china dollars a barrel about in 2008 i was a stock broker 987. 00 when they entered. Duce the plunge Protection Team to just print writing a bailout bankers we saw the dot com bust where every writing goal turning the economy that disadvantage is the financiers on wall street is met with a wave of printed money and so in money itself the money the us dollar has lost an incredible amount of purchasing power and of course the need to manipulate Precious Metals is tantamount with this fee out money scam in other words you had to keep the price of gold in metal cheap because you were printing all this money because otherwise people with that printed money would have bought gold and thats gold is the enemy of the criminality of jamie diamond thats why jamie i mean hates gold thats why he hates bitcoin he did after this scandal after blith masters was conveniently relocated to europe after it was clear she was going to be a liability after orchestrating this massive fraud he went ahead and now theyre the biggest owner of silver markets and of silver in the world i believe at this time so theyre preparing for the fear of money apocalypse but all the while not informing a Single Person about this the rico case now is being investigated do you think that this let me let me let me rephrase the question you know ive been watching markets for 35 years ive been in the markets for 35 years and i can tell you from experience that whenever a scam like this is exposed theyre already well into the next scam and a lot of reading into the next manipulations would you agree that. Simply exposing this massive tearing doesnt mean anything in terms of the level of fraud being committed every day every hour by jamie dimon and the wall street banks right now yes my specific concern for gold and silver though which is my focus i mean its good news because special of the rico act because now the new perp walk no whack going to take that job and say ok i want to be the next to be indicted and so in the end this does likely lead to not only j. P. Morgan moving out of this bullion banking business or not doing it as aggressively as they would have to other backs beginning you know they dont want the trouble is i mean theyre mainly in a for profit and if you cant make money at it anymore and if youre just simply putting yourself at legal risk by doing it i think weve got a chance to start moving the banks out of this the paper market scam the fractional reserve banking scam that weve had to deal with 3 years so thats the one good thing at least that comes out of this yeah i dont think so correct but remember during 2008 when it looked like bankers were going to have to actually pay some money back in my face some accountability bankers simply call a para called or the attorney general and said hey eric were going to give you up there is a big bag of money downstairs we need to come out a statement that says that banks are above the law that to go after banks for criminality it would be a threat to the system that banks are too big to jail eric dude ok buddy golfing partner and eric you know i mean i can think of a very in elegant way to describe his reaction but ill just say he went along for the ride as we talked to him directly face to face in one of our interviews and he essentially tacitly admitted this and so why would they just call up their current attorney general are done with trump or whoever they need and just say. The bag of money is downstairs buddy we got heres a script hit it dont let me why why not and rex no i agree with all that i know we dont have a lot of time left i do want to make one big point though theres a lot of folks out there saying this is some kind of isolated deal and its just based on spoofing which you know everybody does know this have a look that really ignores the global gold market and the trading desk that has been indicted works hand in glove with j. P. Morgans 1000000000 Bank Operations in london where they deliver a physical allegedly and so the whole thing its a global scam ok this little exposure in new york is just one part of it its not like this an isolated incident people need to understand that this is a big deal and the least of anything if we can start at these banks out of the pricing of Precious Metals when least maybe 1. 00 of them a victory that will happen this is step in the right direction well we know now looking through the carnage chair that the crash j. P. Morgan buy sell for a campaign that we did on the show kaiser report with guys like you and others driving the price of silver up to 50. 00 and causing j. P. Morgan a massive margin call came very close to destroying one of the pariahs on planet earth one of you know what i call fiat terrorist you know jamie dimon almost had to face the music there we came close maybe this time well get even closer craig what do you see Going Forward i guess this is that bullish for gold and silver weve got about 20 seconds max weve heard weve described this years being equivalent to 2010 with the reversion back to q. E. And cutting rates just like 2010 we call this year to be the best year for Precious Metals since 2010 were well on our way we may go sideways even through the end the year and still mark the best gains since 2012020 is going to be better all right thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max keiser and stacy erb like to thank our guests cry camp if metals report dot com if you like to get in touch you can find us kaiser report on twitter or kaiser report dot com until next time. The tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faced only temperament from the inside venezuela things were different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associate the. Famous will that have a supplement those who feel that empathy and that sort of polling data to see on the moon to keep the map of the moment the focus of the whose story isnt new nixon called in Henry Kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated that in latin america. An alternative that konami and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream so wants now making the economy of venezuela screed. But if she warned you and i did the dishes at the balls more than those. You see me. In the news i mean those are the infants involved. As if by 2 kids each other both. These. Cabinet 5 days doing this is. A. New. Law school accuses washington of violating its ensure National Commitments to the u. S. Failed business to several members of the russian delegation to the u. N. General assembly. Of north korea china donald trump a real golf the usual rivals in his u. N. Address in a speech largely aimed. At britains highest court rules the prime minister

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