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The path of impeachment but that may be the only remedy by failing to act congress is complicit in trumps latest attempt to solicit foreign interference to the us elections do your constitutional duty and impeach the president. A very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our teacher here in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. The World Antidoping Agency is investigating its russian wing amid claims moscow provided manipulated data the probe could have serious consequences for russias participation in next years Tokyo Olympics russias Antidoping Agency or receiver has already reacted to the allegations. Rosado is in full compliance with the code this is confirmed by the fog that we have passed to audits in 2 years i was responsible for them i can guarantee this was absolute certainty is committed to meeting all these International Obligations however we have nothing to do is the most school board tree or the samples. Are kids medina question of joins us in the studio with all the details bring us up to speed well with the lympics already upon us next summer the World Antidoping Agency is actually investigating a bombshell allegation that could see russia suspended from tokyo games next year now let me give you some details on whats happening now russia has been given a 3 week deadline to explain why data from a moscow Drug Testing Laboratory provided to the World Antidoping Agency might have been tampered with and eve these suspicions of trant tampering prove correct then the country could again be suspended and that is happening just a year after russia was reinstated actually handing over that particular day there from villa bora tree was among the critical requirements for the reinstatement and of course there has been some high level reaction from moscow on to this news and here is what the sports minister had to say. We meant all the conditions for the restoration of sunder which were established by the World Executive Committee we were told that database transfers to water by the informant was slightly different from the one the water experts had taken a copy of in moscow in 2019 what exactly these discrepancies are and what they are connected with would be established by experts from both sides for our parts we continue to provide all possible the systems but even this is all feeling rather familiar well of course because this may call it a saga has been going on for quite some time now let me. That russias Anti Doping Agency was actually suspended back in 2015 and after 3 years it was reinstated as ive mentioned before all of that happened after claims that there was a widespread state run doping scheme in the country actually there was a number of some really strong accusations that we heard of the time however not everything was actually proved with some harsh avodah and as for moscow well moscow denied it was state sponsored but still there was enough evidence to ban scores of russian athletes they were allowed to participate only to a limited extent and at the Winter Olympics in south korea under the neutral flag and now this is just a basically the latest twist in this ongoing story. Thank you for bringing us the latest. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has pointed the finger at iran over a recent attack on Saudi Oil Refineries he also pledged to help the u. S. Secure the gulf region. The u. K. Is attributing responsibility with a very high degree of probability to run for the aramco attacks we think its very likely indeed that ron was indeed responsible we will be working with our american friends and european friends to construct a response that tries to deescalate tensions in the gulf region clearly if we are asked either by the saudis or by the americans to have a role then we will consider in what way we could be useful. Because live now to our correspondent who is in london Boris Johnson looking fully committed to the Transatlantic Partnership there. Absolutely the british Prime Minister Boris Johnson seemingly getting on board with the accusations made by the u. S. And also by the saudis the iranians if they was responsible for that attack particularly the saudis saying that the components that they found was rainy and made in terms of who took part in that attack on the Saudi Oil Facilities and Boris Johnson there say that it was very likely to have been iran pointing to what he said were cruise missiles and drones and other technology that could have possibly been used in the attack now he said that the u. K. Wants to deescalate the situation but would also be willing to commit u. K. Military resources and personnel to a possible u. S. Led action in the region a military action in the region now its unclear exactly how far the u. K. Would be willing to go in any u. S. Led adventures in the region but we know that the iranians have stated and denied repeatedly that they were involved at any point but have also been warning the west that if there is any aggression against iran theyre more than capable of meeting it head on. If foreign powers are sincere in seeking peace and security in my stroke deploying dangerous weapons to a region and group an arms reach they should stay away because their presence has always brought pain and misery now we know of course that the us very quick to blame iran saying that they would be deploying more troops to the region but one issue that might help to deescalate the situation the socalled tanker was we saw the iranian tanker seized off the coast of japan by the u. K. s royal navy the iranians responded in kind by confiscating the u. K. Flag tanka the iranian one was released and now the iranians to say that as a gesture of good will and today deescalate the situation they are willing to release that u. K. Flag tanker not the century it is free to go so there are some who fear that while the iranians are trying to tamp down those tensions there are some in riyadh in washington and here in london who are doing the exact opposite r. T. If you take you for bringing us that report tensions in the gulf region have been mounting for months now the hawkins look at how the standoff could play out. Iran and the United States go way back a relationship at sea in a coup terrorism sanctions even direct confrontation for over half a century its hard to find enemies more bitter could we see all out war the question today on the minds of many listening to recent rhetoric youd certainly think that possibility is growing that if any country wants to attack iran it will seize territory turn into the conflicts main battlefields will never let any war be dragged into iran we will continue until the end we will continue until the full destruction of any aggressor and we will leave no safe place for enemies and that was a very large attack. And it could be met with an attack many many times larger very easily by our country the saudis have called for u. S. Help after those attacks on its old refineries it seems all those billions spent on u. S. Military gadgets werent enough to keep them safe back in may the u. S. Sent an Aircraft Carrier strike group to the gulf to this latest incident the u. S. Was quick to announce another military deployment the president has approved the deployment of u. S. Forces which will be defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and Missile Defense we will also work to accelerate the delivery of military equipment to the kingdom of saudi arabia and the u. A. E. To enhance their ability to defend themselves many see some historical deja vu in this latest move dating back 3 decades at my direction elements of the 82nd Airborne Division as well as key units of the United States air force are arriving today to take up defensive positions in saudi arabia i took this action to assist the Saudi Arabian government in the defense of its homeland operation Desert Shield back then protecting these to the of the region and the worlds oil markets and supply lines was one key factor behalf. Time intervention but much has changed in 3 decades the us is now the Worlds Biggest Oil producer protecting gulf oil exports just isnt a priority anymore neither is being in the middle of a war between riyadh and tehran the United States is pursuing its own interests and that is to control the floyds flow of oil to the world and that means providing oil to its friends and denying oil to its enemies weve seen the United States embargo oil to play countries like syria the sale of oil from iran sudan libya many other places this is about the United States control over the most important commodity in the world that keeps industry going keeps country standing on their feet and domestic appetite for sending the boys to a place of sand and death is weak according to a recent poll just 13 percent would support a military intervention to protect the saudis adding a 2nd a 3rd party into that kind of tense scenario doesnt necessarily deescalate things if anything it escalates things even further just so we get into another war like afghanistan or iraq and get stuck over there for another 1015 years we think iraq was bad iran would be 100000 times worse and we would absolutely destroy there i just think we should be less involved in other World Affairs no desire for conflict with iran this seems to be a war that neither side wants or at least says they want yet still seem to be on a collision course we have made it very clear that we dont want war we have made it very clear that we dont want escalation making a statement that we dont want war we dont want to engage in a military confrontation america 1st has been trumps mantra since before his Election Campaign ending costly conflicts no more world policeman with analysts warning of the devastating costs of a war with iran the u. S. Stands at a crossroads just how high a price are they willing to. Paid to meet their objectives the u. S. As we know is now the worlds Number One Oil producer fracking has changed the nature of Oil Production particularly in the us and there is an overhang in the oil market so Many Americans are saying why are we interested in the gulf we dont need saudi oil but you know if the lesson the fact of the matter is that oil is not just a product it is leverage over the International Community its geostrategic lee important ever since world war 2 the United States has wanted to control energy in the world so the United States is very loath to leave the gulf even though it doesnt actually need the oil itself or it is after this short break. You know worlds big partisan movie lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. Make this manufactured to send to the public well. When the ruling class is protect themselves. In the final merry go round listen to the one percent. We can all middle of the room sit. Room. Welcome back a number of us democrats say they may start impeachment proceedings against present donald trump thats on the back of reports here pressured his ukrainian counterpart to investigate possible corruption involving 2020 hopeful joe biden. Ive been very reluctant to go down the path of impeachment but if the president is essentially trying to browbeat a foreign leader into doing something illicit then that may be the only remedy by failing to act congress is complicit in trumps latest attempt to solicit foreign interference to aid him in the us elections do your constitutional duty and impeach the president at this point a bigger National Scandal isnt the president s low breaking behavior it is the Democratic Party is refusing to impeach him for it on sunday trump denied any misconduct while discussing his potential rival during a phone call with president vladimir the linsky back in june he also accused the former Vice President of corruption tied to his sons Business Activities in ukraine the phone conversation has come to light after a whistleblower claim that trump solicited help from a foreign leader. Taylor reports. Youve got to give it to the democrats theyre hard working bunt especially when somethings related to the biggest pet peeve kalu said but with all attempts over the past 3 years to push trump out of the white house have a bit flat new rumors have put the fire back in their bellies urgent complaint about President Trump it involves ukraine troubling promise president may have made to a foreign leader years ago 1st got in office were also nervous that dont trump was some sort of sleeper agent who was going to sell america out to a foreign power behind our backs. Well Throwback Thursday no balled into multiple reports of potentially illegal activity new allegations of attempted foreign collusion the Washington Post reported that back in july trump and the newly elected wanted to ms and how did a little chat in which trump asked his ukrainian counterpart to investigate former Vice President joe biden and apparently top level whistleblower leaked that trump unethically said hed be generous with billions worth of American Military and intelligence aid if selenski was cooperative whistleblower is under what i can only imagine must be the most. Intense pressure sharing anything that is truly sensitive and endangers our National Security youre in our world of trouble sounds juicy but then things took a slightly disappointing turn the Washington Post sort of backtracked and admitted that well actually they might have jumped the gun just to listen. One source familiar with the contents of the phone call so the trim did not raise the issue of American Military and intelligence aid that the administration was at the time withholding from ukraine indicating that there may not be known explicit quid pro quo expressed in the conversation but for the desperate damns even the with of the scandal was enough reports of a reliable whistleblower complaint regarding the president S Communications with a foreign leader brings grief urgent concerns of our National Security when you have the president call him in from other countries and whistleblowers are talking about compromising who he has deemed a political enemy this is serious this is very very serious and we have to investigate it this is all in the spirit of pursuing justice and protecting the American People from shady political dealings so probably a bit awkward that trump was gunning for an investigation into how a bomb as a right hand man biden had pushed for a top ukrainian prosecutor to be fired but hey its probably just a coincidence that the prosecutor was leading a corruption investigation into a Natural Gas Company that bidens son was linked to biden bragging that he basically blackmailed x. President Petro Poroshenko into firing the guy isnt that convincing is it i said you not get the 1000000000 im going to be leaving the us about 6 hours i look as im leaving in 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired youre not getting the money or son of a. Fighter no not biden surely not he looks so good in those shorts back in the sixtys he had such a lovable bromance with obama he cant be shady i love joe biden but there is still so much good in this country and joe biden i think represents that the democrats will see him as the best choice voters in the battleground state of wisconsin say they favor by never President Trump everyone loves your by if youre trump because an elusive phone call from a secret source reported in a classified document leaked in an article but that corrected itself would be declared hard evidence and bring the year. Democrats knocking at your door but if youre the only candidate your party has mustered up that even stands a chance of getting the vote of the American People in 2020 c. D. s something thats up for interpretation and turning a blind eye. No harm no foul this is a bomb that basically joe biden has set off himself thats going to i think in the end push him perhaps out of contention it seems very much that the democrats like to shift Public Opinion away from their misconduct by alleging misconduct of trump and it fools. A large number of people who are not deep divers into details but its certainly not fooling me and its not full and i think many other pundits around the world who look at this and say the democrats are just deceiving themselves at this point they opened this can of worms trump didnt bring it up at 1st they brought it up now that people have brought it back up there are serious questions about what was going on in ukraine i would argue from 2004 forward. Involving corrupt elements of both Political Parties inside our country and now that the democrats approach this up again i believe trump has a megaphone with his twitter account and were going to get to the bottom of what was really going on in the changing nature of u. S. Ukraine and russian relations going to 2004 forward or maybe even further back than that. A filmmaker is being sued for his documentary on the sexual incitement of korean women and others by japanese troops before and during world war 2. They were not sex slaves they were prostitutes. Although i dont want i want to know how many think that someone young. Oh boy and i dont i suppose theyre. Going to look you a favor or want to talk about. For the ladies more than ask you to. Come for a minute shoot has always been a very contentious issue between korea and japan and some people actually think its the the most contentious issue between the 2 countries and through my own research i realize that you know my korean friends and japanese friends didnt know certain information i thought if i made a film i could possibly fill in this gap in information and bring more context in hopefully both sides would you know be able to talk about this more productively after the from the comfort women issue is very taboo in japan and surprisingly a lot of people like the film i notice a lot of people dont like the film are people who havent seen the film. The plaintiffs participated in the film and represented the view that there is no direct proof that women were forced into slavery however they claim their views were distorted and that the filmmaker deceived them into thinking it was for his Academic Research they did not think it would result in a commercially released documentary the phrase comfort women is a euphemism for girls who were forced into sex slavery by japanese soldiers in occupied territories at least 200000 young women were made to work in military brothels these women were from across Southeast Asia but the majority were from korea the japanese government issued a statement about it in 1993 tokyo admitted responsibility for the sexual coercion of women and apologize the filmmaker like he thinks that if his film is censored it will violate his right to free speech. Well i think its definitely a case of freedom of expression and i think my film if it gets silenced or taken down or you know prevent bigger distribution then this is another you know. Expression in japan and its these little tiny digs at freedom of expression that make it really hard for the media and people in general to talk about these issues and so it just becomes one of these things where the powerful people get to say what they want to say about the issue and then the people who have an opposing opinion cant say anything. Thats a global news update for this hour for the details on all those stories and many more had to our website r. T. Dot com. And pain your assistance cross started 10 years i think its time to shake things up maybe change the branding maybe the format here is what ive been thinking about next season related episodes filmed on an island 10 experts fight it out for a trophy what do you think ok a more affordable option 25. 00 text for. One red rose another suggestion geopolitical jeopardy parity no political cookout where we will literally. Believe its. Late night show its a rare form of these days and its chief all you need is an old microphone in a printed banner but actually we want to i guess i can do this campbell after politics gone wild like music. Ok crosstalk is not about hype its about meaning 10 years of talk and still going strong. Peter if you want to change something why dont we get rid of the bow tie no that is too much. Of a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been frayed only implement from the inside venezuela things are different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associated. Famously have a supplemental to get out of that. Battle so on to keep. The moment the focus of the who story isnt new makes him cold in Henry Kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america. An alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream so wants and making the economy of venezuela screed. You know world big part of the new law and conspiracy its time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other its taught for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for washington close for watching the hawks. Thank god. Was that the. Was. The National Times youre welcome to this going on the run Global Climate strike special coming up in the show but he signed his Campaign Organizer lawrence nuff annual on his campaign to unseat a 10 term u. S. Congressman from South Carolina one of a new generation fighting for a Green New Deal and will you be one of the 40000. 00 who die prematurely in britain every year because of toxic pollution we investigate a new online tool that not only tells you if your local area is polluted but whether house prices in your neighborhood could crash plus as a Global Strike for the future of the planet continues this week extinction rebellion. If we can win in the face of capitalism and Scotland Yard also more coming up in todays going underground Global Climate strike special but 1st we go to the us deep south to talk to one of a new generation of politicians challenging the status quo in the most c o 2 polluting country in the world joining me from columbia South Carolina is one of Bernie Sanders organizer and prospective Democratic Congressional candidate Lawrence Nathaniel thanks so much for coming on to tell me about the campaign because youre up against a 10 term republican congressman joe wilson who yes im up against you i joe wilson on the campaign is actually going great we have been receiving a lot of help ours have been mostly people or even to instead of money oriented. A youll see kind of change Global Platform or a lot of young political. Organizers so a lot of us are following her needs which is basically reaching out to the people and going for the people d in that for the party itself so weve been getting a lot of great responses for that that we are not a part of the status quo when it comes to american politics and the 1st africanamerican to even run in my district so. Give really the carolinas have never been more environmentally conscious what with Hurricane Dorian but do you see the Green New Deal as being a vote winner on the doorstep yes i believe that is a road map to where we need to be especially where our climate is today. Our state was one of the states that was a part of the regulation mandatory evacuations when it came to hurricane door and. One of things that we did gracefully we wasnt impacted as much as the bahamas was we probably got 1100000. 00 in damages along our coast stretches from south to North Carolina for hurricanes stay over the bahamas something that has never been seen before for thousands of people are missing and the fact that our country wrongly that allowed these people that are trying to escape pale to come in is just shows you what our nation is today why do you think were not hearing more about the destruction of the bahamas now that you mention it a former british colony and people are arguably more interested in that all trump believing it was going to hit alabama again door in our president has a stretch of this imaginations but i think one of the reasons why were not hearing too much is that barack the harnesses because i dont think is doing a good job is keeping it at bay our news its saturated with our president all across the worked so yes kind of hard to focus in on on the promise when we have a president who is more focused on his selves were talking about mothers with sick babies were talking about School Teachers were talking about students were talking about children that have been kicked out boats because our president says there are too many bad people on those boats even though theyre most of us use the promise as our vacation destination is a spot that we go to where we share family men

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