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In response to an alleged iranian strike on an oil facility claims even riyadh knows its not supplying. Thanks for joining us watching our team to national lets bring you up to date with what is happening around the world. First clashes have erupted at whats become the traditional saturday protest in paris demonstrators that gathered to vent their anger at the poor Living Conditions also this time the Climate Change 150 people were detained reports from the city. Several clashes taking place across paris were here on the show in silesia where act 45 is taking place or you just get a sense of behind me there is a huge amount of anger here and thats because the police of course who dont area with the people inside it which they are not letting out and as you can see some of the people on the outside protesters are calling for the liberty of these people being cordoned in this section cordoned for no reason we were actually in there ourselves we were allowed out because were members of the press or the police did this decided to bring people up the street bring people down the street and hold them together this is no coup was in a sense of tension he might feel see this one man who is all going with the Police People will be saying you know given their liberty this is against a Constitutional Rights to be held like this for no reason and weve also seen tear gas used here on this shows a lazy again used on people who didnt appear to be doing anything to warrant the use of that type of force there is a huge mobilization of Police Across paris today more than 7000 offices that is equivalent to what we saw on may the 1st when they were food 1000 protesters out on the streets its not clear how many are out on the streets today but what i can tell you is all around me there is this palpable anger and this is just one spot in paris where people are gathered just moved by had never seen such strong suppression i just counted 35. 00 motorcycles that is 35. 00 Police Motorcycles that is a total of 70 Police Officers on motorbikes will kill you does that they will cause not to wear yellow vests so as not to become a target of Law Enforcement but besides this i realize that many participants in the movement dont want to have us in regardless of these calls invest were more noticeable which means theyre easy to spot they attack us and so we dissolve in the crowd and in fact was so branded by taking off. On you know past we again become ordinary citizens just angry citizens but we can see that the police are clearly trying to crack down on any violence they have been what we call cackling people into certain areas and not allowing them to go out and then tear gassing them in those areas for what seems like no reason you can see that the firefight is just behind me putting out some of those fires that have been burned by some of the protesters and if we just sort of turn around and look you start to see just how many people in this area many protesters just being pushed to these extremes in away from the areas where they were cooled and didnt buy the police gas has been raining down on us since we arrived at this part of paris but although this is where the main action is taking place there have also been at the skirmishes in other parts of the city across the day and the same can be said in other cities across france as well it just seems as if this movement the l a best movement which many people thought could be dying down over the summer looks like its been ignited one small does that mean that were going to see tens of thousands of people on the streets once again thats certainly what the authorities fear and thats why they wanted to have this massive crackdown today 45 weeks of yellow vest protests 45 days of saturday protests and its still here almost a year on people still angry with the current state of france. So just move seems to be taking hold around the world coming up later in the program hong kong again in the grip of protests with anti beijing activists appealing to the west those who support china leaking the identity is of mass to vandals. But before that top traders for americas largest bank people organ chaser found themselves at the center of a Justice Department investigation theyre accused of manipulating the price of Precious Metals over the course of 8 years on the scale of morbid looks at how they managed to stay under the radar for so long. When it comes to wall street hollywood doesnt exactly sprinkle stardust while portraying bankers thanks to a greedy. We profit off their stupid if you want to bet against the banks that think were either high or having a stroke. Name you move the money from your clients like you would if you could make clients money at the same time its advantageous to everyone correct. But it turns out that that Silver Screen image isnt that far from the truth 3 top executives at j. P. Morgan have found themselves in court the defendants who know this allegedly did a massive multiyear scheme to manipulate the market for Precious Metals futures contracts and defraud Market Participants now one of the laws invoked by the federal prosecutors is the rico act this is a law designed to take down criminal syndicates like the mafia. So what exactly did these j. P. Morgan guys do well according to the indictment federal prosecutors say they used any illegal method called spoofing to mess with the price of silver well lets say that you flood the market with orders for silver this creates the impression that the demand is higher and you cancel all of those orders now this is illegal because it essentially makes the price of yoyo in an illegitimate synthetic way not according to the Natural Cycles of the market it is illegal to do this just once but apparently these j. P. Morgan guys were doing it for an entire decade now its worth mentioning that at this point j. P. Morgan owns roughly 50 percent. Of the world silver so messing with the price of it certainly had big implications for them now the scheme that the federal prosecutors have apparently just uncovered has been somewhat of an open secret for years heres our tease max kaiser describing it almost a decade ago on this channel they have sold shell silver contracts that dont exist theyre engaged in naked short selling this is a form of counterfeiting well heres a modern day max telling us exactly how they got away with it for so long well eric holder who was the attorney general under obama when this 1st came to light said that market manipulation and fraud were important for the American Economy and that he is the attorney general could not prosecute and that too big to jail was a part of the part of the legal landscape of america now and so bankers were given a green light to commit massive fraud so that was the message from the department of justice under eric holder was committed all the fraud you need as long as we support the u. S. Dollar and if you need to manipulate markets and break laws then were going to look the other way because the just the part of believes that the broadening the markets is somehow sacrosanct with the american way they they equate americanism and capitalism with fraud that thanks to eric holder barack obama and now donald trump this is the American Economy weve been reporting for he hears as you know. These indictments always curious to see if anything comes out of it so far nobody has really paid a price for committing massive fraud. Around says its ready to turn any country that the tanks it into a battlefield if it has to retaliate this is the Saudi Foreign minister blamed for recent drone attacks and Saudi Oil Facilities despite the fact that its own investigation is still ongoing. From the cover be assured we are certain the attacks didnt come from yemen but from the north the attacks were undertaken with iranian weapons and for this reason we hold iran accountable for them but. If any country wants to attack iran it will seize territory turn into the conflicts main battlefields will never let any war be dragged into iran will continue until the end we will continue until the full destruction of any aggressor and we will leave no safe place for enemies or for the u. S. Washington is sending extra troops under Defense Systems to saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Here according to the pentagon the move is a response to perceived iranian aggression you know michael exactly in virgo talk to r. T. Taylor about developments. The pentagon announced on friday that it will be sending additional troops what it calls a moderate number which is yet to be disclosed and minute should quit both to saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Primarily it says for defensive purposes now the u. S. Claims that this was the request of local authorities to iran electrically conducted a drone attack on 2 state run Oil Refineries and a Major Oil Field in saudi arabia just last week as the president has made clear the United States does not seek conflict with iran that said we have many other military options available should they be necessary it would be rosen with thousands of troops struggling hundreds of troops so does the secretary. Do you think this is going to be enough we think for now that would be sufficient but that doesnt mean there could be additional deployments as needed based on the changing situation and surprisingly there have been accusations about but what concrete facts do we know about those attacks well whats important to note is that the u. S. Has yet to provide any concrete evidence that iran is behind the attack despite conducting various investigations in fact the rebels in yemen has already claimed responsibility which is something that the u. S. A sort of turning a bit of a blind eye to at the moment but his but there are some mixed messages because also on friday the saudi forces retaliated by want to a series of strikes near the yemeni port city of data by their own admission to stop rebels from conducting air assaults on shipping vessels in the red sea and this seems a bit contradictory because as the Iranian Foreign minister says the strikes seemingly seem to suggest that saudi of saudi arabia saying yes this is the rebels are behind attacking Oil Facilities and so were not going to punish them and prevent them from doing anything similar in the future. Since the saudi regime has blamed iran the basis is that is for the attacks on its own facilities curious that they retaliated against her data in yemen today breaking the u. N. Cease fire it is clear that even the saudis themselves dont believe the fiction of iranian involvement tehran claims that its ready for any scenario and that whichever country decides to potentially attack iran will become the site of a major battlefield so we have the u. S. Sending these troops but thats not the only pressure theyve decided to put on the iranians tell us more about that well no as is often the case as strikes and Troop Deployment havent been the only reaction this is been a sort of multipronged attack so washington has also decided to continue economically strangling iran by announcing a new a severe round of sanctions this time both on the central bank of iran and the National Development fund these are the highest sanctions ever imposed on a country weve never done it to this level. Its too bad whats happening with iran its going to hell because sanctioning Irans Central Bank reveals more than anything the u. S. Is desperation the americans have imposed all types of sanctions they can on iran now what theyre doing is imposing sanctions on the central bank which was sanctioned before under a different pretext their action is certainly hazardous and unacceptable and it is also a violation of international law. Definitely a tense and quite fast unfolding situation and certainly an indication that unfortunately the standoff between tehran and washington doesnt look like its going to ease up anytime soon. Political analysts. Believe that the u. S. Military threat has lost all credibility in the eyes of iranian officials. As a matter of fact in addition to milk in the south of the cows that same fashion nowadays. There needs to be some reinforcement in the region for the United States in order to take the gesture that its still a strong its ready to go for action to save face in the world on the other hand they have long been pursuing this strategy to widen their military build up in the persian gulf in order to push themselves into the management and control of the waterway the strait of hormuz once youre on shut down their global hawk the american drone 3 months ago this law was called by iran and there are you know military threats have no more credibility in the eyes of the iranian officials but all in all its not going to be war against iran we all know that we are sure about that for various reasons. Hong kong police are trying to break up antigovernment protesters after several 1000 of them gathered for the 16th consecutive weekend of demonstrations was. Hes already use control weapons and pepper spray against the demonstrators who have been blocking streets with barricades burning flags and destroying property to nearby subway stations were closed early approach china supporters pulled down messages and images put on a special wall by anti beijing activists devival signs theyve laid it up to the tactics to try and get their own way and hawkins explains. For months hong kong has been embroiled in massive protests each passing week his sea mistrust confrontation and violence on the 2 sides of the barricades escalate for many on the streets this has become a war of attrition with an implacable enemy both sides pick new tactics to get one over their opponents in an apparent deadlock. Many protesters feel this conflict is unwinnable war they are a powerful ally and western political intervention to tip the scales in their favor peace. And your health are paddling. Upon. By potentially passing this act the u. S. Risks the revocation of Hong Kong Special status crushing the regions economy but this seems a secondary concern when there are bigger battles to fight. While pitched battles are fought in the streets conflict has also spilled over all 9 docks in the intentional spreading of private details in order to harass intimidate or coerce is the new favorite weapon and both sides are guilty its a tactic thats illegal yet hundreds of complaints have been emerging over the last few months many incidents of targeted pro opposition journalists Chinese State media have condoned revealing identities of protesters and on the opposite side about 40 percent of such cases have targeted Police Officers or their families government officials and other citizens a large number of our officers and their families have the impression that the lawfully collected at least some practice norms and passing the personal data including id card numbers birth date telephone numbers dress and photos such they tell us this goes on social media without the consent of our colleagues. That now seems inevitable recent polls show that 90 percent. Demonstrators now agree that radical tactics are needed to get their way a sign that a political ceasefire is nowhere in sight the protesters have got what they wanted all those months ago withdraw all of the widely criticized extradition bill but thats no longer enough an inquiry into Police Brutality fundamental political reforms resignations the list of demands grows longer the hong kong chief executive carrier has offered dialogue. We are holding the 1st session next week and this is an open dialogue platform we will invite people from all walks of life to come to express their views to us this is because of our conviction that common occasion is far better than confrontation but when both sides seem more focused on fighting their perceived enemy than seeking a way forward kerry has a mountain to climb but violence is always appreciated for the political play the best video or heard of it so surprising with british or more the american borders are always there but were always begins charging there was food that was what they are they were there or usually girlhood were public property allies who are. Actually. Peaceful citizens and the law and force him to. Be sure its all the rage people are outraged inch and high also which. Theyd prefer you know all this while the creation of beijing is going to drag. Out those who its going to be used against immediately but almost. So come our correspondent travels to pakistan where locals are worried about rising taxes amid fears of political and restful bringing report shortbread. The world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person. The bears thinks. We dared to ask. You know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. Welcome back with pakistan planning its budget for next year many locals are worried by rising taxes amid fears of political unrest thats what our correspondent paula slip found during her trip to islam about. This is one of pakistans busiest markets where shop owners are the 1st to feel the brunt of the governments efforts to introduce tax reform and i think economic measures to try and address the failing economy but people here are angry the thing is that many of the shops here are not legally wages to and so the requirement that they do so and also pay taxes to put it mildly is not being welcomed by everyone yes we are facing difficulties on inflation on the rates of poverty are high still we hope things will get better its on the pakistani economy is facing one of its worst crises ever the population here numbers some 208000000 but hes growing by nearly no surprise then that the government has been forced to come up with out of the Box Solutions Economic Situation if you can park a. Thing you can only cry through if. We country for programs for the right because of the. Condition of. The impact of these going to show for the poor and the low income groups which. Belong to various factions including the leader of the group and the opportunity to give to the Government People are in distress or are there for you think. Growth of the program theyre not happy for there are transferred there are people who may go on strike i missed him on cons government has prioritized the development of small and Medium Sized Enterprises how satisfied are you with what the government has been doing for the last year economically. In the course of just a year nothing can actually be done iran has a 5 year job to do out there that will see what hes managed to achieve despite the difficult times most people here have hope that the Economic Times will turn. R. T. Islamabad. The acting director of u. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says the rhetoric of some democrats is leading to attacks against its employees the treatment of migrant facilities has been likened by some politicians to nazi era concentration camps. We dont run concentration camps ice doesnt put kids in cages. Or not not so you can foresee a lot of the worse by a federal judge. United states is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are going to raid these peoples houses and what have you know if theyd really reminiscent of that nazi germany just say i am now ladies and gentlemen. And we are reading this to say never. It happened. I think its one of the most disgusting mis uses of this type of dog whistle politics ive ever seen in my life are you i was watching the video with the ice director of mass you. Really making a plead 1st day on it i mean these Border Agents have a dangerous job you know that we had the incident where somebody tried to shoot one of the facilities the other was our attempted a bomb threat you know we already put her you know detainees i mean i really find it disgusting and particularly you know if i was jewish and living in america and hearing that type of comparison to them being nazis it would be sickening and maybe never want to vote for people. Unless you go ahead and push this language in this kind of this kind of anti rhetoric i think this rhetoric at all or any way is designed to help anything i mean i just think if anything it just by doing the nation further. Kind of language and that kind of rhetoric. That results in people who may not be of sound mind doing things like shooting bullets into and i saw in San Antonio Texas almost hitting one of my agents. F. B. I. Special agent in charge worried about her medical debate like to be. Sure that. With a couple 100 of them who went on to isis property broke the rules what was supposed to be a legal and peaceful protest the search is underway for one or more suspects the f. B. I. Says shot and then i saw. Things up fold they say this is an international appreciate you company. Tensions between the masses and clauses have existed ever since multan states came into being but often serve as a driver political change with Russian Civil Society growing larger and louder against the excesses of the government leaks what does the future of the political system look like. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and their decision lotos sheltered lives every song came to a complete. The day that i was raped be instructed you know told to shut up what theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me to his birthing area if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished than the offender and almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or woman. Honey badger dont care about or dont care here were at the honey badger baltic conference in riga lot. Oh yeah its really cool lets check in with. Max today is a good day to talk about mad cow and mad men because these are good lessons for why weve been queen and why we need big coin and why honey badger dont care about these mad men and and mad cow hes running our world 1st of all you know a lot of people disagree about Climate Change whats causing it why why why the arctic is melting and things like that but no plans have ever actually materialized to fix it so here we have bill gates part of the intellectual property. You know wielding sort of billionaire class and he has an idea the bill gates this bill gates funded chemical cloud could help stop Global Warming fires burning across the amazon rain forest every new the debate about solutions to Climate Change bill gates is backing the 1st High Altitude experiment of one radical approach called solar geo engineering is meant to mimic the effects of a giant volcanic eruption thousands of planes would fly at High Altitudes spraying millions of tons of particles around the planet to create a massive chemical cloud that would cool the surface you know. When i 1st heard the term chem trails

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