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There are many up and coming dancers in the theatre. Everybody is given the opportunity to dance and. Sometimes some of them have plenty of work. For some people like me there were periods where i had nothing to do until recently. Well i think luckily. I. Think im performing some of the parts im completely exhausted nobody envious me because they know its hard. To see that youre almost ready to die. When you leave the court about to do so you feel very lonely because some of your friends have turned away from me but thats the sort of situation that i experienced during the 1st year of my 4th season but now everybody has come around the thought that thomas a dancer after all. A little closer to it should be no distance between you take a step towards her and make sure her chest faces this way right up to her true too. Delicately. Very often oksana finds herself at the center of some gossip to work with but this is only natural because when she suddenly appears in a solo part after dancing in the corridor ballet for a long time with nobody well everybody starts whispering about her. I think all those rumors are started by many other dancers wanting to take her place. But. The guys are far easier to deal with in general they are better at agreeing on things and just clearing the air. Of reason dunces a single minded people think they devote their lives to one cause to work and to. Their audience should only see the results of their labor up there on the stage illuminated by the spotlight authority which sometimes theyll spend months or maybe years training just to be able to dance a beautiful variation that lasts maybe a couple of minutes. At the end of the day the ballet dancer is totally played out because so much so that he looks more dead than alive and its no wonder people say that if a ballet dancer doesnt feel pain when he gets up to use the press it means hes more or less dead. Goods goods you want to do a one second youre obviously standing way too close far far too close shes doing the pacu and youll ever hear of course you can catch it here but she ends up over there. My boyfriend is a sign. Of this. So you could say we spend all of our time together theres no rivalry we stimulate each other to improve our performance what i say stuff like why did you let it go and then he says why did you dive into a stretch i cant. Bring all this criticism to one another does help us. I think it upsets him when i do it. To take away. Your brain is always about work it never takes a rest we argue a lot because we do need to relax to forget all about our work and switch to other activities but that never happens for instance i might have to dance a new ballets while theres nothing for me to do. I find it hard to dance on this stage its true that i always get nervous dancing on other stages because i feel responsible for what im doing. But this stage squeezes a good deal of moral and physical strength out of me i dont know why perhaps theres something in its history traditions or the audience that makes performing here is so difficult. Distance was. Good evening ladies and gentlemen tonights performance will begin in 20 minutes. Because what you see on stage looks gloriously beautiful and everything seems as it should be but i know its the result of very hard work and if someone were to ask me whether id like to go through all of that again with the knowledge i have now id think twice before answering the question. Because he did. It. With lawmakers manufacture consent of public wealth. When the ruling classes protect themselves. With the claim of. The one percent. Nor middle of the room. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military a decision that has shattered lives. Don came to a complete. The day that i was very strong. You know told to shut up kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birth thinking if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing have happened but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished dont be offended i had an almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or one. The world is driven by shaped by one person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. This is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young girl in the streets. What happens to her family my daughters in florida law the mother daughter is very reminiscent of cherry it really messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so. Why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court. Shocked shocked as far. As i feel. We dont know shell just brutal. End of this trial im sure. You. Will still love no chill just. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics or business im sure. Ill see over. 2 or 3 of us share a room christina and i come from different cities and the other girls from St Petersburg we usually get up at 730 some of us like to get up early or classes begin at 920 sometimes we have 78 or even 9 lessons lasting until 5 30 pm the full and sometimes we have rehearsals after that then we do our homework so some of us come here to strach others to play the piano. Bench for the little it does for us when i was at home i used to have about half an hour to watch t. V. Or simply relax but not now i havent watched t. V. For more than a month. Maybe even 2 and a half. I rented a room with a girl jaring the 1st year. During the 1st season i was lucky to get a room all to myself even though you can get 2 people in here. Downstairs 2 people live together in a room like this which. I druther stay away from the still metry. Some buildings in some petersburg said to him it an unpleasant energy. I think this is one such building. Credibility after i came to perth to try to enter Ballet School as 3 girls out of 80 were admitted. I was the only one. To finish that school. I was a teacher shows to me saying lose weight it is what it is true that keeping in shape is quite a challenge i try not to be and i think if were going to be there but when i come home after a performance i really want to say which is all i can afford is a glass of yogurt for going to. It is a big problem for us back home you can eat whatever you want but here you have to be thin sometimes its hard to hold back yassir allowed to eat more or less what you like but only a small portion of the time and if you overdo it you have to exercise i know that sugar and up in the thighs and if you become too fat they kick you out. Its hard for putting him out because everybody is eating fruit and chocolates and drinking juice in front of her she isnt allowed to eat those things its clear that shes still a kid and wants everything but shes not allowed to. Sell what annoys me most of all is that my teacher charles me that i do very well but then she takes home some marks because she says i havent got the right figure. Dont cross your feet and dont drag them like that point your toes are not jumping at old. Junk theyre. Junk. But now the last you managed to push every other time you were going like this you need to go up. Talented children are few and far between thats why we have to make the others do things to the best of their ability we want them to be up to the mark so that Ballet Companies get good dances after graduation fortunately no style that is overlooked in the academy corridors we make them a swathe here. Yes but youre still there she and i have supported diana since she was around 34. 00 and. Ive trained her throughout the years that she has been here. Here shirt regrettably i dont have much opportunity for that now with such a talented student is a great joy for the teacher. Kind of dealing with human genome really well every year she progress to this we have predicted should get to a she is now you know with those no no i really dont think sarah frankly she wasnt doing very well at the time but she had no qualms about it when am i supposed to do she would ask shall i work on the steps ok thats exactly what im going to do she just did it and made progress. Just to be delisted if you turned down an offer to done so because you have an injury of some things to be pushing the they. Point to make that offer again you end up being blacklisted the. Now after a strained tendon but i keep on working anyway. Because i realize that if i take a break i wont catch a new bill one time i had to own a ligament of course i didnt want the shame of refusing the patents one like anyway i need the injury would still somehow interfere with my dancing regardless. But soon i changed my mind afterwards i can do it i can do it i said and thats why i got laid so were crazy. You know the one time oksana was told to prepare 7 numbers in a short period of time before they were totally different routines she rehearsal time for 4 or 5 hours a day but then she woke up in the morning and saw that her knee had completely swollen up. So i took all those painkillers and i still done. Just 2nd oh how excited are you going to show up at tomorrows rehearsal wasnt it cancelled. Please come. Ok i will. Think what it seems no one wants to go i think tomorrow i was meant to be the one day off into wakes. And now its his and. While. Most course im going to have children. Family is worse i treasure most of all. Everybody says that. She says that because its not on her mind right now but if she has to choose between being a prima ballerina and having a family. But shell settle for the former. As for me i have the same approach. Work will come 1st as long as the outlook is good. I know that if i have a child i wont be able to devote myself completely to the profession i keep trying to convince myself that children can wait but i think about it all the time but the truth and i mean. It never occurred to me that what im doing might be seen as a desire to build a career you know i have chosen an artistic path of my own my accomplishments are the result of my inner development they give me strength of their perception of life and its purpose i take an earnest view of my development i want to enjoy the process and make sure that this period of my life lasts for as long as it can i realize that a child would turn my life upside down. Ok once desert that voice everyone got sick. And im very insecure i used to dream of being a prima ballerina. I would even the appearance solo part that i played with the idea of allowing me to dance a really Important Role but i had a problem with my knee at the time perhaps its for the best because otherwise i might have never become a teacher. And the 2nd part of life is no less interesting than the 1st one in a different way yes but still. Shoulder blades one to the arm comes back up 3 floor and legs stretching out before they head 123. And 4. Up on. That on. That. Help me get admitted to the school and become a ballet dancer i earned a reputation because of her the she was the 1st to read something in my eyes that prompted her to look after me she has 4 daughters of her own and i guess you can call me her. Oh. Yeah ive got 5 nice grandchildren all i can say about them is that theyre simply fantastic. I only had daughters. But now i have 3 grandsons and 2 granddaughters. That they were. Watching diane on strange or bring her to sing with her took a good deal of my time and probably more than i could have spent with my daughter lisa but she never complained she probably and a stude what kind of dawn sedan there was. And lisa was following her own fan. She gave birth to a child recently. She might dance in mind of pads just to breathe the atmosphere of dance she doesnt aspire for more because shes not a lead ballerina about the world that youve been blocking the dancers doing sello pad so prima ballerina is find it very difficult to write an end to that really is. That they want more of the same which was her. Didnt you feel like a grown up artist performing on the big stage you have a golden crown and a picture to you once you have everything. And i am lucky because there are many turn to incapable dances at the main street theater disperse where some give up too early and stop short in the development and then some and just not given a chance meeting but then the sometimes you see at the dances that us and you think you knew well i wish i could dance that well. With. Can. What politicians do. They put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president im sure. You somehow want to. Have to go right to the press to see what the full story of the morning cant be good. Im interested always in the waters in the house. Or city. And it is. The worst. Dog on the course and i. Think when he does its always you know the fall so. You can cite chum and moved on with the bulls of them some on the left as there was enough to know something about him its a good video that the british wrote a song saddam husseins on the most on a soft spot im not sleepy town at this time i dont. Need to promote. Only wonderful committed committees to the truth in the political use of the pool the ripples from the way. You know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses. More than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. The rise the but if she warn you posted by you can i do the dishes at the bazemore those jeans nudist beach and see me you. Know muffin when you guys eat yes ill be home alone in the news i mean guys are that infants involved. A lot of you will see flowing in fuzzy fights about 2 kids each other both sides most called. It as in the adults to me as if. The. Last. Cabinet 5 days doing this is. In english medium for people who simply do something new. To. The tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news is the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implement from the inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against petroleum to venezuela associated. Famously have a son of the moment is. That at the same time Political Data to say on the technique of the moment the focus of the whole story is a new nixon Holding Henry kissinger to tell him that. It would not be tolerated in latin america. Terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream. Making the call in the event this one. Trader is not americas largest bank are charged under legislation targeting the mafia suspected of price manipulation of. Things he knows why they got away with it for years. Eric holder who was the attorney general under obama when the 1st came to light said. Market manipulation and fraud were important for the American Economy and that he is the attorney general could not prosecute. Also this hour the u. S. Will stand with more troops to saudi arabia and the u. A. E. And response to an alleged iranian strike on an oil facility. Claims even riyadh knows its not to blame

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