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Alone youre watching r. T. International im rosa island awkward welcome to the program and now we start with that breaking news the United States is sending extra troops and air Defense Systems to the middle east to protect saudi and the saudi arabia and the u. A. E. From quote iranian aggression the u. S. Defense secretary mark asprin made that announcement at a pentagon briefing. The president has approved the deployment of u. S. Forces which will be defensive in nature and primarily focused on air and Missile Defense we will also work to accelerate the delivery of military equipment to the kingdom of saudi arabia and the u. A. E. To enhance their ability to defend themselves well this all comes after washington accused iran of bombing Saudi Oil Infrastructure a week ago iran denies any involvement in that incident and has warned that a military strike on its territory would lead to all out war the drone and missile attacks were claimed by the shia who threw rebels in yemen which saudi arabia has been fighting for the past 4 and a half years on friday that who see said they are holding off on further strikes but are ready to act if the saudis fail to reciprocate. Well for more on this now we can cross live to political analyst colin cavil who joins us to give us a bit more insight into this colin thank you tom lets start here very simply what do you think is the thinking behind these u. S. Deployments. The thinking burn this is your 1st deployments ms rose is there that you are trying to considers to be there or or what is considered to be theirs dziedzic lifeline by sending more troops because we served 500 troops back in july but i read that in this Troop Deployment of yours is very concerned about security of Saudi Arabia Oil so youre saying that youve got security about oil so thats you know essentially a financial concern an export concern balancing all markets but what about this what about the defense argument that there is a need for protection for saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Do you see this all is laying groundwork for military action against iran. Well its definitely putting the United States in a position where he either direction but the saudis or by powers in the area could trigger some sort of conflict that draws the United States in right now but protecting saudi arabia the United States is putting it so in a very tenuous situation because if the American People theyve already known weve been so poor in saudi arabia but i dont think the American People are willing to fight for a monarchy especially for corrupt monarchy such as we have in saudi arabia but the American Revolution was against monarchy so weve come full circle since 1783. 00 and are now supporting monarchy and i think if donald trump attempts to say were going to fight a war for my home have been sown in the monarchy i think youre going to see a lot of disillusionment a months american soul whos calling you mentioned there at the start of your response about triggering a response from iran we havent actually had a response from iran officially yet on these deployments which you just heard about the loss of 2 hours how do you think the country is going to be viewing this situation especially given that foreign and the pharmacy jevon serif has warned the any strike will lead to all out war. Well definitely iran will defend its territorial integrity right no donald trump has alone with so much. That the rumors have come from iran and theyve also suggested that it was not just drones there was missiles as well however theres been no proof made to the public about this so these are simply allegations by the Trump Administration targeting iran and setting the stage for some sort of prolonged conflict with iran but the announcement by only the many fathers they were the ones who sent these drones they have been sending drones. Targeting saudi arabia for some time now those who have been following this conflict are pretty sure that the drones games from the many fighters why because saudi arabia has been continuously bombing the yemeni people and causing havoc on their population attempting to reinserted their d puppet government over human so it is the right it is the duty of the many people to defend themselves and they have done that in this situation iran has not sent missiles they have never sent drones to saudi arabia and until that prove is made then the International Community is going to be very skeptical as he said that we havent. Heard from we saw the saudi press briefing the other day where they were pointing out bits of ammunition and saying where did the ammunition come from theyre still conducting their own investigations were still waiting as you say official evidence and proof that we also heard from mark asprin the pentagon that one of the goals of these extra deployments is to bring iran to the negotiating table can you see that happening. No definitely not the negotiating table is with the jelly the. So that can happen any time the United States which pulled out of those talks can get back to those dogs and there will be the negotiating table for iran to agreed to some separate negotiation based upon intimidation and bullying by the United States is illogical and those who follow International Relations know that its not going to happen so trump of and he can but is not going to blow the iranian house down lets talk a little bit about u. S. Military presence in the region because saudi arabia already hosts 5 American Military bases theyve course you know it is well dont expect hundreds of billions of dollars in american weaponry including the Patriot Missile Defense Systems more u. S. Forces and weapons really whats needed in the country is that going to help them protect themselves. No absolutely no luck what in fact what is needed is for the us really examine its core values and has good self why are we supporting this better despotic monarchs particularly the most despotic monarchy in the world and saudi arabia and if we did that we would find what we should be supporting or those who are fighting for freedom those who are fighting for liberation from oppression wish and support your many fighters so until the hounslow fall all of which has been the root cause of all of the regions wars and overthrows an assassination. For the least the last few decades is removed were going to see any peace in the region so the United States is the point right now where its going to have to fight in order to protect this corrupt monarchy and theyre going to have to go through the american soldiers and tell them youre fighting for monarchy and of course they wont do that theyre going to say youre fighting for freedom and democracy but theres pretty widespread feeling right now amongst u. S. Troops that there is not the case plenty of historical and political context to consider when looking at this decision to deploy calling cavill political analyst thank you for your time. Well earlier donald trump slapped sanctions on Irans Central Bank after accusing the country of carrying out drone and missile strikes on Saudi Oil Refineries a week ago. These are the highest sanctions ever imposed on a country never done it to this level and its too bad whats happening with the rand its going to hell now trump is calling it the highest level of sanctions ever imposed against the Islamic Republic of iran now the sanctions are being imposed in response to the recent attack against any aramco oil facility saudi arabia says that iran is to blame for the attack now iran vehemently denies that they are responsible says that they did not carry out this attack and that this is a deception from saudi arabia interestingly who is the forces in yemen have claimed responsibility for the attack but saudi arabia says it doubts that the who the forces have the capability of carrying out such a strike now there was some anticipation of a possible military response from the United States but now donald trump has come forward and said that there will be an escalation of sanctions against iran this highest level of sanctions and sanctions imposed on irans National Bank but not a military response this is donald trump speaking to journalists easiest thing i could do if i could do it while youre here which say go ahead fellows going to knock out 15 different major things in around i could do that and all set to go its all set to go but i think the strong persons approach and the thing that does show strength would be showing a little bit of restraint now while saudi arabia maintains they are sure that it is iran was responsible on thursday we heard from the pentagon and they said they are still investigating and havent come to solid conclusions let yet this is the u. S. Department of defense our position on this has been were going to work through with the saudis as they make their assessment of what took place so were going to work with them but were going to allow the saudis to make the declarations on where they believe the attacks came from and the ultimate responsibility unlike the pentagon might pompei o who is. On a regional visit to saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates said he is sure iran was responsible secretary to gather any new evidence that shows who is behind the attacks and do you think it is a slam dunk case to bring to the u. N. Next week. I think its abundantly clear and there is an enormous consensus in the region that we know precisely who conducted these attacks was iran i didnt hear anybody in the region who doubted there were a single mom so it seems there is no hard evidence and rather than waiting for the u. N. Team to come to a conclusion after investigating it seems the United States has responded by taking these actions against iran and imposing these new sanctions despite the fact that no hard evidence seems to be presented and that the u. N. Team has not concluded its investigation and has not reached any conclusions about who is responsible now its also important to point out that iran has reacted saying that it will offer a response to the u. S. Plots. Nothing to say more of a Headline News facebook c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg has met with president obama trump social media platforms chief is looking to defend his company amid mounting criticism over privacy issues and Data Protection and the recent legal case facebook claimed it is a publisher and is therefore allowed to ban who it wants but potentially that would also make it liable for what goes out on its platform responsibility it has previously tried to dodge and explains so what have we got here. Thats better. Plaintive ultra right activist laura luma who was taken off pretty much all major Online Platforms defendant facebook one of the giants which kicked her out we carefully flicked through these court papers which the defendant filed compline barry the lawsuit and heres what really caught the eye. To the extent miss lewis claimed targets facebooks decision to deactivate her accounts it is also deficient on the well established will need to facebook nor any other publisher can be liable for failing to publish someone elses message 1st amendment provides absolute protection for such decisions what was it again neither facebook nor any other publisher protection by the 1st amendment so in this particular case the lawyers of sucking co are happy to legally refer to their social network as up publisher digging a bit deeper will reveal facebook has done that in the past as well when last year an app startup was crossing swords with facebook in court this is what came from the network spent the discretion is it 3 speechwriter respect to what technological means is used so is it just me or somethings wrong with how the platform we use every day identifies itself because when facebook bosses take questions in other places it seems they always try to distance themselves from the notion publisher which are you are you a tech company or are you the Worlds Largest publisher because i think that goes to a really important question on what form of regulation or Government Action if any we would take senator this is. A really big question i view us as a tech company because the primary thing that we do is build technology and products as your sponsor for your content which make exactly on of a publisher. Well i agree that were responsible for the content but we dont produce the content and thats been the message for quite a while. We are a tech company not a media company. I do think we have to be the publisher and we definitely dont want to be the arbiter of the truth now just imagine what kind of legal trouble the tech giant may put itself in if it becomes universally recognized the company Mr Zuckerberg is running is a publisher not just a tech platform are they really ready to be responsible for anything disturbing or outright criminal that gets posted under the blue logo the examples have been out there in abundance. The way or what if simply someone decides to lawyer and bully me with all kinds of offensive stuff right on facebook should i then also follow defamation suit against the network because they as a publisher a lot of its well known you can have a cake and eat it at the same time will probably unless your last name is sucker berg we have all facebook for comment on this story and well of course bring you any response we get from them legal and media analyst leinil give us his view. What is facebook now when Mark Zuckerberg spoke before congress he said were just a tech company i just make the platform available for people to say what they want to i have not publishing i dont put out of pinions im just like a billboard and thats the way people get around the idea of of perhaps allowing defamatory or libelous statements and the like now theyre saying were publishers we have the right to have anybody on that we want well if youre a publisher under defamation law libel law you can be held accountable and liable for the longest Time Facebook push trying to have it both ways if im on a t. V. Station and i Say Something defamatory about you or organisation the t. V. Station the magazine theyre liable to because they broadcast it they put this libelous statement out so whats it going to be facebook do you want the liability that comes with being a publisher or do you want to just merely be a tech platform and if you want to be just a tech platform here have to make up your mind because you cant limit speech you cant act like a publisher unless you are a publisher russia is hosting a launch scale matric signs with chinese and Indian Forces involved will have that story and more after this break. A process for constructing this was too incredible as a biodegradable scaffold which is porous and when this is inserted beneath the skin when the skin is suctioned over the scaffold over a period of about 6 months you have to shoot in growth investor eyes eisen occurring in other words the cells in your in your body grow into the scaffold it grows its own blood supply so now this is fully integrated as part of my arm its a living part of my arm. Tensions between the masses and classes have existed ever since modern states came into being they often serve as a driver or a political change with Russian Civil Society growing larger and louder against the excesses of the governing elites what is the future of the political system look like. Welcome back now austrian m. P. s are urging vienna to veto a major trade deal between the e. U. And south america they are unhappy about the way brazil is handling the last amazon fire its similar concerns have been expressed by france and germany but many e. U. Businesses work with firms that have a direct connection to the issue as arties sean it depends explains its an environmentalist school worst night back wildfires raging in the amazon destroying the worlds most biodiverse tropical rainforest. Our house is burning literally the amazon rainforest the lungs which produce 20 percent of our planets oxygen is on fire as an International Crisis i couldnt agree more manual macro we need to act for the amazon and for our planet its our kids and grandkids are counting on us the ones of the entire earth are for acted and thats why we need to find Common Solutions here leaders of the globes most advanced countries pledged to do more at the g 7 the heat may have died down but the blame game certainly hasnt with some looking closely at where the amazon wus may. Europes Financial Institutions the companies and the financier is housed in those countries are contributing to the forestation many of these companies are known to have unsuitable practices in their supply chain to be clearing areas for the expansion of agriculture especially pursuing cattle so yeah and cattle ranching account for 80 percent of deforestation Major Companies such as a. T. M. Call gail j. B. S. Are being financed by some of us biggest banks including b m p paragraphs dont spank and block walk they not only bankroll the debt theyre also major shareholders with a voice in how these companies are run so those areas of the amazon are sometimes. To provide all earned for cows to graze or to grow crops to feed life stock these european banks are directly funding the forestation do it your bank and he black rock in vanguard collectively more than a 1000000000 dollars in debt in just the 3 largest away in the 3 largest cattle Companies Operating in brazil are these even banks often vocal about their sustainability policies. Are also being accused of hypocrisy Environmental Campaign group amazon watch contacted them about their role in the amazon was fires bank and black orchid didnt respond b. M. P. Paragraphs had to say been people rebar has been strengthening insecta policies related to deforestation for several years and is prompting its clients to protect natural ecosystems and preserve biodiversity to the best of their ability but that experts say is just simply not good enough while we have applied the efforts of things like the p. To strengthen the seed gardens in their portfolio as our Research Demonstrates that another another crisis is playing out on the ground there are claiming to protect forests and poorest peoples in their official policies wow fuelling the destruction of the amazon their investments. Because lucas isnt see here that needs to be socially right home to these companies so that they better understand their role and also they can themselves be part of the solution rather than part of the problem without the traceability and the accountability of all actors involved including here in europe the fear is that our house will continue to burn. Off paris or we have our story to bank to comment on the links to the deforestation of the amazon we have yet to receive a response. Now to central russia where Major International military exercises center 29000. 00 is in full swing in addition to the hosts nations like china and india also taking pause the drill and to take cooperation between the countries to a new level in the face of ice alike terror threats among the spectators is a lot of peyton as well as watching them in a vis the russian president s been meeting with his coaches counterpart that. This is a very loud if press of spectacle the simulated food terrorists of predictably being beaten back and just a few meters away from us we have military observers from all over the world i counted at least a dozen nato badges watching the show watching the spectacle Vladimir Putin with the president of cuba start in the stands as well 20 meters away from us but theres a purpose to this is isnt just a shoe for enjoyment to a spectacle this is an exercise to form a unity to Form Corporation between asian nations asian states that are threatened by islamic radicalism and this is their effort to sort of get to get to know each other get to Work Together even india and pakistan odds with each other open conflict working together here behind me as i reported earlier the story is radical islamist terrorists of come to power in a simulated Central Asian republic theyve formed a cause. Caliph that if you will and the mission is to stop them to prevent them from seizing any more territory they come into possession of advanced weapons and being belligerent towards participating nations and participating are 8 countries representing a good heart full of the worlds population china India Pakistan russia as well as for Central Asian republics their mission is to stop the terrorists and to prevent them from taking any more territory to defend themselves the military contingent representing those 8 nations amanda 128000 troops as well as 20000 vehicles and tanks of all types. Air defense missiles systems as well as 600 aircraft including drones the military exercises themselves are stretched over a 6 day period across a variety of different battlefields and today the grand crescendo the objective is to hold an enemy attack knock out their cruise missiles and at the end go on the offensive and crush them the point of these military exercises isnt to show off any participating nations to some degree will face the threat of radical extremism and the point of these war games is to make sure that if worst comes to worse than these people come to power that the participating nations can present a united front and to stop an enemy that has demonstrated that it is remorseless merciless and capable of anything well the commander of the india Infantry Division who came to observe the trails says he hopes for similar exercises in the future. But jake ses is being conducted by all the countries in coordination against to. Common. Element and challenges all feather them and suchlike things is a very good the promise hope everybody has been waiting to be reassured that we. Are going to have. More and india would be happy to participate in such a curious. Well for more on all these stories make sure you have told website all t. Dont call and you can also download the app to your phone to get news updates on the. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision little shattered lives every song came to a complete. The day that i was raped to be instructed here you know told to shut up what theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing area if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing tat happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished and be offended i had an almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats men or women. Join me every thursday on the alex im im sure and ill be. Were going to get into the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. This is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering all aspects of our 21st Century Global economy. And im christiane washington has a lock out what we have in store for you today. But im not looking for a partial deal im looking for a complete deal. Turned on that comes out as a tiny

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