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To win he distance himself from him but it was was trump kind of big gateway for netanyahu to go either for even further to the right because of course you know there were these placards all over israel with trump and netanyahu together. Make about a poor calculation here. Well i think actually it was it was netanyahu who was making the calculation i think he was delivering the message that he could get virtually anything out of trump and in seeking to make that impression he was talking about a rather extreme step which would be occupying annexing. Much of the west bank and he knew he could get away with it that trump would support him on this where he was mistaken in thinking that this would be a game changer for him on his corruption charges and other problems with them and of course it didnt work out that way ok you know you know so you lets go back to tell of eve i mean. Its going to be a new government eventually but how much different will it be from netanyahu is government and his long tenure as Prime Minister i mean it seems to me theres so much focus on personalities here but policy wise again for my perch very far away it looks not even new once go ahead and tell be well i think the reason is sea change in israel. And you know with defeated. These really electorate decided to stop these efforts. To undermine these really fragile but still democracy and the debts as mean that they always do lose their and doesnt like losers in terribly off policy changes that would be much more difficulty but at least there would be some changes externally well i doubt it but there is a hope. Getting the same question to you i mean it i guess you know one of the biggest wild cards that could be played thats never been played before in israeli politics is the arab list of 13 seats that the arabs captured in now well obviously theyre not going to be made king makers or king breakers but there is a possibility something that none of us ever really thought could happen if they could be somehow maybe not be in the government but maybe support it and that changes a lot of things i would imagine go ahead gideon. I wouldnt go so far jointly which is the serve the Biggest Party these are the parliament after those elections is hardly counted i mean theyre really. Both. Tried to avoid themselves from the. Left center socalled the bloke will have to use their votes but i dont see any guns inviting them to the government part of them wouldnt join his government but part of the might join the government but. The guns are not ready to legitimize to rare legitimize these early palestinians who invited them into the government they will try years to gain the support to give them something in return it might be a small step toward normalization equalization if you want but the policy is still very very long to go you know if philip its very interesting with the possibility i think what we could call a mini arab spring within israel parse that with the. Deal of the century what we know of it which is a farce from what i have seen so far it basically negates the very existence. The palestinians are just not there so you dont have to deal with a problem that doesnt exist but with this election cycle youre going to have some people in israel have to start thinking really hard because this is the 2nd election this year be the main parties that are in deadlock something has to change here but the question of her plan only makes things worse again from what we already know of it go ahead bill well i think that your assessment of the question or plan is is extremely accurate the course their plan is going nowhere and it will go nowhere i think that the that in washington theyve been reading the tea leaves on this for some time the expected money from some of the arab states that was supposed to pay for all of this is not forthcoming the palestinians are going to say no to it and i think with the change in government which we expect either into a unity government of some kind without netanyahu or with ganske any gann says Prime Minister will be significant gant says has been while not welcoming the palestinians or the arabs has basically been saying some good things about them discussing them as fellow citizens and i think it does change the mathematics if you have 13 parliamentarians who are with the arab group and they are not voting against the government that changes the mathematics of what the new administration might look like ok its go back to yossi in tel aviv what i think we have to assume it least under certain circumstances that netanyahu is out at least for now hes going to face an indictment in about 2 weeks we dont know the outcome about what is his long legacy in israeli politics is that a positive or on the negative side of the ledger go ahead and tell it be. Well i i think is legacy would be as far a lie. Israeli politics. It must arise the israeli elected wrecked and in their way. He became aware leader on the world stage he served or brought israel to on the very joyful next sation. He has polarized the israeli society. On. Trying to basically kill the israeli democracy and turn into a kind of fire you ever do on israeli version of turkish air do on and things gawd at least how awful days really populous a little bit more than i have like 51 christians decided enough is enough and i believe that. Net is on the its way to the grave to the story graveyard of those who did nothing in terms of making the change. And leaving it there are legacy to future generations you know gideon i mean ive read quite a bit about netanyahu is did he move did he was he the trailblazer moving israeli politics of the right or was he a follower realizing that it was a good vote catcher ok i mean where is he in the dynamic and whats the cause and effect relationship go ahead gideon. I just want to continue your series. Yossi didnt mention one thing which for for my point of view is crucial i seeing mitt and he. Killed finally finally he didnt started what he killed finally the 2 state solution he put it off the table in irreversible way i dont see anyone picking it up again and this is very crucial now i have some appreciation to not only our unlikely many of my friends because i think that he had the vision and the vision was to kill the 2 state solution i think this man does not believe neither peace nor in any kind of relations with the arabs in general and the palestinians in particular he doesnt believe in diplomacy which leads to peace which leads to a real peace he believes only only living on the saw living god is a power living on its army or its intelligence or its technology and this is a very depressing vision but thats the thing else allusion ok fillable finish out the part of the program where cancer mean hes no job i mean he probably. As he will go down in history along in the for the people in gaza again what is the what is to change what is the continuity go ahead philip. Well the continuity is i think that he has pushed the country to the right. He may have you could argue that hes exploited sentiment that was already there but his his particular brand of fear mongering mongering and his particular brand of of emphasizing force as a solution is something that was unique to him and i think this is something that may not be recoverable and of course a good point a commentary that he has destroyed the 2 state solution is completely accurate ok but i jump in here were going to go to a short break and after that short break well continue our discussion on israels election state with our. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in the countrys military and the decision lotos sheltered lives every song came to a complete. Mystery to be instructive you know told to shut up what they kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me me me come in the gram my arm and he raped me with his birth. If you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing tapping but ive never seen trauma like ive seen women who are veterans who suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished than the offender and almost 10 year career which i was very invested in and. And i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of our in violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats men or women. Join me every thursday on the all excitement and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business. Hes. Dismissed. This is a story about what happens auster a stray bullet kills a young in the streets. What happens to her family and daughters and. The mother daughter is buried in a cemetery meaning this is with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the Police Needed a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record better to than him and what happens in court the. Shock shock is far off society we deal. We dont know still just for the. End of this trial unfortunately you. Will still not know the actual chests full. Welcome back to crossfire where all Things Considered im Peter Lavelle to monday were discussing israels recent elections. Ok i want to go back to getting an intel of eve i want to continue a theme that you start in the 1st part of the program here. If its we heard from our other guests in tel aviv. The legacy of Benjamin Netanyahu might have damaged the israels democracy i think a very strong argument for that here but you point out its the end of the 2 state solution i will ask the very obvious question and its a question that israel gets furious about on the International Stage and i suppose even internally that if there isnt a democratization that includes arabs that are Israeli Citizens then you do have the word that they hate apartheid now how do you square that circle go ahead get him. It is very problematic to talk about israel as a democracy where needs becky half an hour away from the studio that im sitting here. Exists one of the most brutal military tyrell nice on earth today so within a 20 hour or without the 30 hour litany of didnt start the occupation by all means know that it was labor which started it it was labor which established the it was labor which put it all the power and the settler and the means to become not contemporary phenomena but a permanent phenomena so 1st of all its really problematic to talk about israel as a democracy even now now. Israel claims that its not an apartheid state because the. Law of israel is quite a democratic law there is a parliament palestinian israeli palestinians are part of the parliament or this is very dies it is true partly for sure for jewish citizens israelis a liberal democracy an attorney out tried to harm this but by the end of the day we are playing to his words because we sold the respect to the democracy the only democracy in the middle east which refers to me as a privileged jew in this country if half an hour away from here people are living without any rights over 50 years what kind of democracies its a joke its not a democracy ok its going to go back you know seen in tel aviv i mean is it under is this one of the legacies of netanyahu is that the 2 state solution is over so if there is no 2 state solution then there is a one state solution can israels political right deal with a one state solution or are you going to be just like jared questionnaire and just pretend theyre not there go ahead and tell b. Well theyre a year from now probably would not be around. Secondly israelis as solid lead vital democracy. Obviously the result you patient alongside these men is democracy i dont think he needs story where are the rivera symbol moves and 1 i i would say thats not the end of the 2 state solution but you need. To put all that label in israel for your q patient and and for their war its wrong you need to for for for an agreement all this thing is for many many years blow it. Off their time so if we are very new beginning maybe do result change and i think its a good its a good sign did you always going out ok philip we were talking about the 2 state solution i mean and all of this goes back to which i think at the end of the day my personal opinion it was just a con job thats how its been worked out and im not giving any kudos to the Palestinian Authority because i think that they were actually. They were actually involved in seeing it failed thats a topic for another program but the United States has not done the Peace Process no good because it has basically dismissed it is if there is no conflict again this hope concept of just dismissing things away and then you dont have to deal with them i mean would be a trump gave netanyahu is extraordinary oh of it against International Law by the way the american citizens are never told about in the media i would say that you know passage of american administrations and particularly the trumpet administration has actually hurt the prospects for settlements for example the conflict between israel and the palestinians go ahead philip well i think the United States is of course the. The 600. 00 pound gorilla in the room the fact is that since. The Reagan Administration or even before the United States has been lined up completely on the side of israel so when people talk about the Peace Process or peace negotiations here you have one immensely powerful state of israel backed up by the United States debating issues with the palestinians who have no power at all and are also under occupation so you know this whole thing is a farce thats been acting out my personal belief is that the United States is singularly at blame for whats been going on the United States long ago should have acted on the policy that it claimed to support which was opposition to the israeli settlements on the west bank and never did a damn thing so the on the contrary we have an ambassador david friedman. In israel right now who was against the law against american law providing support financial and otherwise to the settlers and so this is you know this is this is ridiculous its a farce of high order donald trump is just acting out what every other administration has done obama did not Like Netanyahu clearly enough but all he could do was abstain in a vote in the u. N. On the settlements and he gave he gave netanyahu 3000000000 dollars plus every year which he didnt have to do ok feel about it maybe just one kind of qualification is that the United States had a partner who coud partner that they had a partner in a party now within a state i would say because if you look at the neo cons circles around the United States they there are starts with they are ok maybe im quibbling here getting in earlier you were disagreeing with our other guest intel of bieber. Why. Because they seeing that after having 700000. 00 settlers including East Jerusalem there will be never an israeli statesman who will be able to evacuate them and without their creation you dont have any viable palestinian state you have been to stance but youre going to have a viable palestinian state the minimum would be the 67. 00 border and the 67. 00 borders are a raise from them a long time ago and continuing to talk about the 2 state solution for 52 years while israel is doing Everything Possible to prevent it by the way there was never an israeli Prime Minister who really meant to put an end to the occupation all ways and means to an ease the situation and to gain more time but there was not a single israeli Prime Minister who meant it seriously and there was no american president ever who really wanted israel to put an end to the patient would it be i think we wouldnt have been there anymore so all together there was a coalition no matter who was the president there are tory exchanged but no american president president really took measures against israel in order to push it to put an end to the patient no israeli Prime Minister put an end to the settlements project and as long as those 2 things didnt happen you cant take all those talking seriously except of lip service says and by the end of the day we have now 700. 00 said 700000 settlers one of the more powerful political groups in israel nobody is going to evacuate them you have just to travel along the west bank and see how it became israeli this is irreversible and instead of continuing to talk about something which will never take the. We have to start to talk about the good that its ok you know say go go but go to you in tel aviv so what is the alternative ive already talked about the single state solution because thats what youre thats the default position now what do you do. Well i dont i dont accept. You to toss all the blame to accuse israel is the only call for what is happening its wrong these rebel. Conflict has been. Cultivated by due to site publishing is and days israelis thats thats why well i mean but but but that wouldnt you agree that the 2 sides are not of equal power i think thats pretty. Obvious agree with you when Israeli Occupying power so its obviously stronger but things are changing their reality me the least its completely different the arab states dont care about the issue the arab states are much more concerned that these states are much more concerned that doesnt. Ok just because the arab states think differently doesnt mean the palestinians only have a right to selfdetermination philip let me jump in because i agree i ok i accept their force and youll be the i didnt say that but to put all the blame on the israeli wrong and he doesnt lead you doesnt lead us to a solution ok well Philip Cooney were all rapidly running out of time but it is the United States that is allowed israel just to kick the can down the road the you know the United States if it was determined enough without the influence of the lobby and even jello coals and all that kind of stuff there could have easily. Pointed israel in the right direction and the answer would be a safer place and so would be the middle east i would argue ok one minute lets go ahead philip. Ok very interesting i met a congressman a couple weeks ago and we had a discussion about this and he said you know things will change only when the United States treats israel like it treats every other country. And thats why i believe if the United States from the beginning had applied the same standards it was applying to south africa the same standards it was applying to other places where there were agreed use Human Rights Violations then the United States might have actually done something about it if the United States were concerned about actual american interests in the middle east it would have done something about it it would have pressured israel to change its policies but that hasnt happened the israel lobby is extremely strong and we have a president right now basically who feels it is but it is easiest it is most profitable for him as a person who can deal with the status quo and thats a tragedy for americans for israelis and for palestinians i couldnt have said it better myself here a lot of a lot is ahead gentlemen the government in israel new government israel has an image of stablish many thanks to my guests in tel aviv and personal and thanks to our viewers for watching us here darkie see you next time and remember. It is. This was. This was only. Going to the clergy the false sense that or just doctors coming even some of them with bullets at them some of them some of the lessons there was enough enough so. Its a good video the just. So sit on the scenes on that sound a sunspot a mouthpiece down this time out on top. Well. Look similar. When you move to the d. C. To continue the police if you use those you could pull the ripples from the way. The result. Of Interest Rates are telegraphing a drop in population if you look at forced himself from the present to feed the ponzi scheme that this generation will have to be sacrificed and so you know humans have not really psychologically evolved from the days when they just used to outright. Children for the gods of their books during the generations see the policy. But if she warned you and i do believe. That the was more than those jesus knew the speech she me. He means i mean that in fiction ball. A lot of you will see as if i had 2 kids each other most schools. As if. The. Cabinet 5 days doing this is. People who simply. Human include in. Time. Elite. Was. Breaking news on aussie the u. S. Is sending extra troops and anti missile weaponry to the middle east they say to protect saudi arabia from iraq. Crisis facebook now claims its not just for legal case which could have a major impact on what is posted on the site. Also all stream m. P. s want to pull the plug on a huge trade deal between latin america and the e. U. Over the fires in the amazon european firms all working with companies linked to the destruction

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