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Of the rainfall. And a Major International military drill gets underway in russia with russia china and india thats a surprise to us also to come on american street where sparks outrage by using the names of School Shootings took place on the new range of get reaction from a relative of one of the victims i lost my brother in 25 other families for forever. I think that shows what type of person you are people side by those close so i think theyre going to do very poorly if they decide to sell their clothes. Good morning its 11 oclock here in moscow youre watching international the facebook c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg has met with the president on trial. As part of his d. C. Tour social media platforms chief is looking to defend his company amid mounting criticism by lawmakers over privacy issues and Data Protection facebook has been facing a number of legal battles in a recent case where a band user accused the social media giant of defamation facebook argued it was a publisher and hence had the right to choose what content to put out previously the company had claimed it is a platform and therefore not legally responsible for things that get posted as easy to prank or as more than story so why dont we hear. Thats better. Plaintive ultra right activist laura luma who was taken off pretty much all major Online Platforms defendant facebook one of the giants which kicked her out we carefully flicked through these court papers which the defendant filed could fly and bury the lawsuit and heres what really caught the eye. To the extent miss lewis claimed targets facebooks decision to deactivate her accounts it is also deficient on the well established law made the facebook nor any of the publisher can be liable for failing to publish someone elses message 1st amendment provides absolute protection for such decisions what was it again neither of facebook nor any other publisher protection by the 1st amendment so in this particular case the lawyers of sucking co are happy to legally refer to their social network as publisher digging a bit deeper will reveal facebook has done that in the past as well when last year and app startup was crossing swords with facebook in court this is what came from the network spent the discretion is it 3 speechwriter respective what technological means is used so is it just me or somethings wrong with how the platform we use every day identifies itself because when facebook bosses take questions in other places it seems they always try to distance themselves from the notion publisher which are you are you a tech company or are you the Worlds Largest publisher because i think that goes to a really important question on what form of regulation or Government Action if any we would take senator this is. A really big question i view us as a tech company because the primary thing that we do is build technology and products as your sponsor for your content which make exactly on of a publisher. Well i agree that were responsible for the content but we dont produce the content and thats been the message for quite a while. We are a tech company not a Media Company i do think we have to be the publisher and we definitely dont want to be the arbiter of the truth now just imagine what kind of legal trouble the tech giant may put itself in if it becomes universally recognized the company Mr Zuckerberg is running is a publisher not just a tech platform are they really ready to be responsible for anything disturbing or outright criminal that gets posted under the blue logo the examples have been out there in abundance. The way or what if simply someone decides to lawyer and bully me with all kinds of offensive stuff right on facebook should i then also follow defamation suit against the network because they as a publisher alloted its well known you cant have a cake and eat it at the same time will probably unless your last name is sucker berg in a prank there will be did ask facebook to comment on this story lets say far we havent had a reply we got opinion from the legal media on this line. What is facebook now when Mark Zuckerberg spoke before congress he said were just a tech company i just make the platform available for people to say what they want to i have not publishing i dont put out of pinions im just like a bill thats the way people get around the idea of of perhaps allowing defamatory or libelous statements and the like now theyre saying were publishers we have the right to have anybody on that we want well if youre a publisher under defamation law libel law you can be held accountable and liable for the longest Time Facebook was trying to have it both ways if i want to t. V. Station and i Say Something defamatory about you or organisation the t. V. Station the magazine theyre liable to because they broadcast it they put this libelous statement out so whats it going to be facebook do you want the liability that comes with being a publisher or do you want to just merely be a tech platform and if you want to be just a tech platform you have to make up your mind because you cant limit speech you cant act like a publisher unless you are a publisher. Now the news this morning austrian m. P. s viennas to veto a major trade deal between the e. U. And south america they are unhappy about the way brazil is handling the large scale amazon fires there at the moment and similar concerns have been expressed to you by france and germany however many businesses do work with firms that have a direct connection to the fi is zazi sheltered bin ski explains its an environmentalist Worst Nightmare wildfire is raging in the amazon destroying the worlds most biodiverse tropical rain forest. Our house is burning literally the amazon rainforest the lungs which produce 20 percent of our planets oxygen is on fire as an International Crisis i couldnt agree more manual macro we need to act for the amazon and for our planet talk kids and grandkids accounting on the lines of the entire earth are affected and thats why we need to find Common Solutions here leaders of the globes most advanced countries pledged to do more at the g 7 the heat may have died down but the blame game certainly hasnt with some looking closely at where the amazon wus may. Europes Financial Institutions the companies and the financier is housed in those countries are contributing to the forestation many of these companies are known to have unsuitable practices in their supply chain to be clearing areas for the expansion of agriculture especially pursuing cattle so yeah and cattle ranching account for 80 percent of deforestation Major Companies such as a. T. M. Call gail j. B. S. Are being financed by some of us biggest banks including b m p power of us dont spank and block walk they not only bankroll the debt theyre also major shareholders with a voice in how these companies are run so areas of the amazon are sometimes. To provide all earned for cows to graze or to grow crops to feed life stock these european banks are directly linked the forestation do it your bank and he black rock in vanguard collectively more than a 1000000000 dollars in debt in just the 3 largest saw in the 3 largest cattle Companies Operating in brazil are these even banks often vocal about their staying ability policies. Are also being accused of hypocrisy Environmental Campaign group amazon watch contacted them about their role in the amazon war the fires bank and black orchid didnt respond b. M. P. Paragraphs had this to say the m. P. Paribus has been strengthening the sector policies related to deforestation for several years and this prompted his clients to protect natural active systems and preserve biodiversity to the best of their abilities that experts say is just simply not good enough we can encourage that is that family is here to take a role in requiring that the companies have certain standards the doubt deforestation commitments that they implement those commitments and then they report on their progress to address the deforestation with in their supply chains given that even if theyre not producing these materials or directly clearing the forests they have a role to play in ensuring that that clearance doesnt happen without the traceability and the accountability of all actors involved including here in europe the fear is that our house will continue to burn. Off powers but we did ask your bank to comment on their links to the forestation of the amazon although so far we havent had a reply. Now to turn to russia where a Major International military exercises just got underway among the participants there are russia china and india on the drill sorry drill does aim to take cooperation between the neighbors to a new level in the face of ice or like terror threats. The story is radical islamist terrorists of come to power in a simulated Central Asian republic they formed a quasi caliph that if you will and the mission is to stop them to prevent them from seizing any mood territories they come into possession of advanced weapons and being belligerent the woods participating nations and participating in 8 countries representing a good heart full of the worlds population china India Pakistan russia as well as for Central Asian republics their mission is to stop the terrorists and prevent them from taking any more territory to defend themselves the military contingency representing those 8 nations amanda 128000 troops as well as 20000 vehicles and tanks of all time until or even air defense missiles systems as well as 600 aircraft including drones the military exercises themselves are stretched over a 6 day period across a variety of different battlefields and today the grand crescendo the objective is to hold an enemy attack knock out their cruise missiles and at the end go on the offensive and crush them the point of these military exercises isnt to show off any participating nations to some degree will face the threat of radical extremism and the point of these war games is to make sure that if worst comes to worst and these people come to power. That but disability nations can present a united front to stop an enemy that has demonstrated it is remorseless merciless and capable of anything. Or gas gas to a proportion theyre now several 100 people have gathered in the nevada desert in the u. S. Under the rallying cry of storm area 51. 00 what started as a joke call to break into the u. S. Military base ended up attracting about 2000000 supporters on facebook with many claiming the American Government is hiding u. F. O. s there with more on the story is dont quote. Its the day weve all been waiting for a chance to discover weve been contacted by aliens over 2000000 people have already said theyre going to storm area 51 top secret u. S. Military base its notoriously connected to u. F. O. Sightings and 2 teens have already gotten their feet wet trespassers caught near area 512 men from the netherlands arrested after getting 3 miles inside the Valid National security site morning the truth is out there but so are the Police Busting to dutchman they say were trying to sneak a peek at area 51 a legendary classified base in nevada supposedly home to little green men in their spaceships it was just a joke at 1st a Facebook Event encouraging people to storm the mysterious space. We will meet up in rural nevada and cool neato impose g. s if we no room to room we can move faster than their bullets lets see them allianz even the guy who came up with the idea wasnt taking it too seriously it was all fun and games until the f. B. I. Came knocking on his door thinking he could be a terrorist it started out as just from a pure stroke of imagination this is meant to be funny i want to do something cool out there now that we have a bunch of people but i dont want anybody to get hurt still that hasnt stopped people from jumping on the bandwagon maybe most will just stick to being keyboard warriors and chicken out at the last minute ok but the authorities are not treating this as a joke which may just be adding to the curiosity. All joking aside were taking it very seriously on nation has secrets and those secrets deserve to be protected secrets well theyve got to be important because extra security and barricades have already been prepared in anticipation of the hoard it also doesnt help that several videos have surfaced in recent years of supposedly u. F. O. Sightings all captured by u. S. Navy pilots. Could be. And the navy only added fuel to the fire of speculation when it labeled those objects and identified aerial phenomena the navy does ignatz the objects contained in these videos as identified aerial phenomenon the unidentified aerial phenomena terminology is used because it provides the basic descriptor for the slicing observations of. Objects that have been observed entering operating in the is space various military controlled training ranges government secrecy always will fuel all kinds of speculation when you have a government that is not transparent its going to lose the confidence of the people this was the lesson of the soviet union its the lesson of the United States today where there is a lack of transparency where people know that theyre not getting the truth from their government on a large number of matters area 51 and you of those in general have never gone away in the public imagination certainly not in the United States. There have been many sightings of apparent u. S. Those in the vicinity of area 51 and people know about that and theres always been the stories so. I think it has captured the imagination of a lot of people we might not know how many people are really going to this area 51 a vent but one things for sure u. S. Government is acting like its got something to hide donald quarter marty. Watching out International Thanks for company this morning were going to take a quick break mooneys intimidates. Israels parliamentary elections to begin ended in deadlock the electorate is divided divided on the political right sitting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says its either my right wing blog or a dangerous backed government how does this kind of rhetoric bode for the palestinians middle east ability. Alone again that the us i suppose you started bankruptcy proceedings its been slapped with a multibillion dollar fine as a settlement for some 2 and a half fives and dorsey the drug is accused of creating an epidemic its claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people but nobody is likely to go to jail over it this explains Purdue Pharmaceuticals recently found liable for the opioid at the demick has filed for bankruptcy its reached an agreement for a settlement with 22 different state attorney generals regarding its malfeasance and the lawsuits now some attorney generals are saying its not enough it should not be about billionaires looking to use the bankruptcy process as a vehicle to further shield their assets and escape accountability this proposed deal isnt worth nearly what they say it is it doesnt require the sat there is to pay back a dime of the billions of dollars they set out a pretty you through the sales. Over the last many years now the Opioid Epidemic has claimed roughly 400000 lives so paying a big fine does seem a bit lenient right well youll notice that none of these prosecutors are talking about jailing big pharma execs and they cant its a civil suit not a criminal case but that raises the question what a Big Corporation makes reckless decisions in pursuit of its own profits. They sold more they made more money but yes. The same ones. Almost every other company in the industry and their actions result in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people shouldnt they face some kind of very severe or real panel think that attorneys general various states where the you know if you would begin to make this played out or should be looking very seriously at the conduct of the jewels and considering criminal prosecution if those individuals if the elements of the crimes that theyve committed are clear if the criminal law was brought to bear on those responsible this type of conduct would be unlikely to be repeated well the u. S. Legal system doesnt seem to work that way back in the early 2010 years that General Motors put an ignition switch in a very dangerous spot where drivers could inadvertently turn it off by accident it was very dangerous and as a result 124 people died so rather more the company actively tried to cover this up even works to darrelle a recall so what happened well the c. E. O. Got grilled by the u. S. Senate my sincere apologies to everyone who has been affected by this recall i am deeply sorry but did anyone go to jail no g. M. Got fined 900000000. 00 and haddocks production closely monitored by the government for 3 years but did anyone go to jail for actions that resulted in taking over 100 innocent lives you know there are principles in corporations that are in this country but around the world who escaped criminal liability because of their the power and the money they command of some of the people of these companies who contributed the opioid prescription opioids to do it in the United States knew that they were likely to be criminally prosecuted if they were identified they would think twice or 3 times or not engage in that behavior but for. Average americans who kill people or commit Violent Crimes the penalties are not so soft the United States has the biggest prison population of any country in the world its also the only western country to still practice the Death Penalty and sentences of life in prison without the possibility of parole are handed out in the United States all the time jurors heard 2 days of testimony about goals because difficult childhood goldsby himself asked the jury for mercy but 8 jurors still favored the Death Penalty admire the would you did you do you do not deserve it this is the way so the rule of american justice seems to be kill one person in a fit of rage youre going to jail maybe even for life but kill hundreds or maybe even thousands of people in pursuit of bigger profits for your shareholders well just pay a fine and dont lose too much sleep over it happen r. T. New york. Ok lets have a quick look at some of the climate protests that have been staged around the world today more than 5000. 00 events being held globally including in cities like sydney and new delhi and ali will be a march through new york city led by the prominent young activists from administrators according on this who are gathering for the u. N. Climate change summit to take immediate action to prevent what they say is a global profile i. Now the u. S. Street where brand be strong has released a collection of hundreds featuring the names of schools where that the shootings have taken place this there has prompted rage with people accusing the firm of trying to profit from the tragedies the new collection unveiled a new york features not only the school names though but also imitation bullet survivors and relatives of the victims have called the line disgusting and disrespectful disgusting profiteering over the lives of our nations children nothing artistic about this it will be strewn. This is really where we are as humanity and with what looked like bullet holes in the switches our lack of empathy for others is horrifying how this can be fashion as a joke to someone is beyond disturbing mystery wants to profit from murder children nothing edge of all the b. S. Opportunistic and cheap but such awesome free p. R. Shut them down only design is behind the hoodies to claim that message is ironic is actually meant to empower us or vive us the past decades have seen a dramatic rise in my shootings in the us especially in schools. We spoke to the brother of a sandy hook shooting victim who does think the fashion of capitalizing on the tragedy. I dont think it empowers anyone to show bullet holes and to show the names of the schools that have experienced shootings you know this is a very raw subject for a lot of people i think that the best way to get back at this company is not to sue them its to let them sell the clothes and let them find out for themselves and no one is interested in this i really think if you decide to wear a clothing item that is. Exaggerating the shooting the trying to bring it into society and trying to bolt holes in your clothes and exploit the shooting that you know i lost my brother in 25 other families will forever be changed from i think that that shows what type of person you are but i think if theyre smart theyll decide to take this line out of production and they will try to sell it to the public to save face for themselves frankly i think what they did was a p. R. Stunt and again its just a group looking to capitalize on tragedy as can happen in the morning here in moscow thanks he company will back again with. The headlines in about how often are. The. Law is only. Going to does it cause you know the false soldiers you can sleep. With bullets of them. Its a good video they took issue a song sit on me shes on that sound a song falling out keep you down at this time i dont. Need to make. More of the feel good to the police are used to pull the ripples from the way. The. Same wrong. Just dont call. Me. Yet to shape out this day comes after can engage me equals betrayal. When something find themselves worlds apart. Choose to look for common ground. Hello and welcome to cross talk for all. All Things Considered Peter Lavelle israels parliamentary elections have again ended in deadlock the electorate is divided divided on the political right sitting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says its either my right wing blogs or again chris back government how does this kind of rhetoric bode for the palestinians and middle east the ability. Crosstalk in the israeli elections im joined by my guest Philip Giraldi in percival hes a former cia counterterrorism specialist who is now executive director of the counsel for the National Interest in tel aviv we have gideon levy hes a columnist for hideouts also in tel aviv we have mehlman he is a senior Israeli Security writer and commentator right gentlemen crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciated gideon let me go to you 1st in tel aviv and ask you your perceptions of this election cycle you know i looked at israeli media in english and of course they go through all the different platforms and ideas that the part different parties have but from my perch really far away it really looks to me is that how far right will the next government will be and how much people like or dislike Bibi Netanyahu is that a fair way to kind of assess this election go ahead given. Its more than fear

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