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250 or 300 detainees packed enjoyment so that was 10 metres by 10 metres. Below you watching the Aussie International imo is on the low could welcome to the program. Now the u. S. Secretary of states mike compare has accused the wrong of an act of war against saudi arabia following the recent bombing of Saudi Oil Refineries top u. S. Security officials met on thursday to discuss possible military options against tehran which denies any involvement in the attack meanwhile President Trump says hes still hoping for a peaceful solution. I mean you may have some very strong here and well see what happens a lot of things could happen if we can have a peaceful solution thats good its possible that that wont happen might pompei is currently on a middle east tour trying to shore up support for action against terror on the u. S. Says it is confident iran was behind saturdays drona missile strikes on Saudi Oil Facilities aunties merged as steve looks at what evidence has been presented so far. It has been decided that iran did it and that started opinion all finding with the result of an investigation its a decision guilty secretary to gather any new evidence that shows who is behind the attacks and think it is slam dunk case to bring to the un next week. I think its abundantly clear and there is an enormous consensus in the region that we know precisely who conducted these attacks was iran i didnt hear anybody in the region who doubted that for a single mom trub is doing what trump does best signing pieces of paper bringing to bear a slew of new sanctions against iran to come into effect within 48 hours and these undone and well see what happens well see what happens i think we have a lot of good capital we have to do something well do it without hesitation the americans who werent attacked of already decided what happened then who is guilty the saudis who were attacked and have all the day bri and bits and pieces of the missiles are still working on technicalities like evidence and proof let that sink in. The attack did not originate from yemen the attack was launched from the move and was unquestioned be sponsored by iran its not in the range of yemens capabilities if it was them who conducted the attack this is one of the missiles we have recovered and we have information that leads us to the source that these kind of components were made in iran so what they found is the weapons were allegedly made with iranian components they were fired from the north the direction of iran and its neighbors so cutting to the chase it was iran thats what youre going to say right. The rain regime and the i. R. G. C. Are trying to hide any evidence of the components and the Technology Im sure we will spot the launch site were working and whoever is responsible about it will take the accountability not once during the presentation that the saudis specifically say that iran did it and theres no love lost if they could they would say it but technicalities but saudi arabia wont do brave journalists will too happy to undeniable evidence of a reign in aggression it almost has the fingerprints of the revolutionary guard and its influence over the hutu rebels tonight u. S. Intelligence indicates the unprecedented attack on Saudi Oil Fields originated from around our top intelligence officials think iran did it and so does our top an intelligence official donald trump course 1 may ask what on earth saudi defenses were doing at the time theyve got the 3rd biggest military budget on earth one of americas best clients the countrys livid with patriot and other anti Missile Systems 80000000000. 00 a year should protect you from a score of drones and missiles no. The News Conference from the Saudi Arabian defense ministries press secretary is a catastrophe for saudi arabia theyve shown they cannot prove or know exactly when the cruise missiles and drones were made from exactly with that attack was launched or why a Defense Systems could not prevent that attack the only thing that might be iranian related is that maybe some of the equipment some of the technology that the who these have might have been incorporated into the attack but why why or why is anyone complaining especially the saudis since the u. S. Has been providing the bombs and the aircraft to the saudis to bomb yemen for 4 years so the with these are just responded back then again to those saying its iran because theyre alleged iranian components in the day bri does that mean that the u. S. Is responsible for horrific massacre in yemen i mean sure saudi arabia dropped the bombs but those say made in the United States more likely than not arabia has been clearing the shelves of american arms manufacturers recently by this logic is new need to investigate to collect evidence its american bombs it has got to be america for. An entire country reduced to misery and pain untold thousands dead more to die but you know what its the oil refinery in saudi arabia the book wires vengeance. Meanwhile Iranian Foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif has warned that any strike against iran by the u. S. Or saudi arabia would lead to all out war the un has said a team of experts to saudi arabia to investigate the refinery bombing russia too has underlined the necessity for an unbiased probe. It is important to make the investigation objective details are numb biased and as the allegations against iran that are not backed up by facts do not help the situation only intensify tensions in the region where the risk of confrontation is already. The drone strikes have highlighted potential weaknesses in saudi arabias air defenses the country has spent billions of dollars on the us patriot system which can detect and shoot down incoming missiles and enemy aircraft however the drones managed to get past a whole cluster of patriot interceptors which you can see on this map middle east expert early risk believes the case has worrying implications for both saudi arabia and the us. Well i think these attacks expose the limits of the capabilities of both the United States and saudi arabia and i think that the conclusion which has to be reached by the trumpet ministration is that it can no longer continue to support this war in yemen but rather it has to go into talks or enter some kind of a diplomatic process in order to put an end to this situation theres been numerous attempts theyve been u. N. Mediations theyve been other diplomatic initiatives all of it has failed the United States the Trump Administration has in fact doubled down on its support for the war on the yemen so i think that the many who feel this war given no choice but to escalate attacks with the aim of forcing the enemy to bell down and to put a stop to this war and to find some kind of mother another supplement a peaceful settlement for the conflict that we have in fact seen the Trump Administration and sanctions theres talk now about Cyber Attacks which too could target their own but as for all out war i think that is very unlikely. After an almost 2 month long large scale maritime operation by the Global Security body interpol says it has detected at least a dozen suspected foreign terrorist fighters who have entered europe by crossing the mediterranean. Bensky has more. This is operation she ran to the idea is it to look for threats posed by foreign terrorist fighters who may be using maritime brits or forcing them at training in attempts to get into the showing the area into the European Union interpol of said that during the oprah show in the summer there were so one point she would 1000000 checks that took place this is checks that just looking at peoples legal documents making sure that they all who they say they are and they say as a result of all of those checks they intercepted 12 individuals who they believe all potential terrorists interpol says its always only god when information is shared between regions buy into Pools Networks of the global level and every check Border Control or random search is a potential break in the terror investigation well no further details have been released about those individuals such as where theyre from or indeed which works they use are trying to get into the European Union but many will be concerned that this is yet another element to this the only issue of immigration the e. U. Leaders are yet to agree a way forward on we know ministers will meet next week to discuss that but countries such as italy greece and rome said that they are shown during the heavy burden and theyve asked for other European Countries to do more to help out and there is this concern that although the numbers in the last 3 years have been declining in the last few days there has been a shopping crease in areas such as greece leading to see is that they could be another story yet again the migration present michael was in italy on wednesday evening to meet the prime in the suggests that people say and he said that it is time to listen to those countries on the up should the European Union is not shown enough solidarity with the countries of 1st arrival particularly italy but france is ready to. Move forward on this point i hope that together we can work towards a new stronger a more united solution i believe that here too we can defend the common position with the new European Commission so that all countries can put to support me in some form of European Solidarity in this area or be penalized financially and its not just how to deal with the sheer number of migrants that europe has seen coming into the continent over the last 2 years its also of what they do when they hear and we know that the commissioner designate for the European Union will delay and is going to have to deal with a shes already been criticised the some of the things that shes put in place just in the last week or so she announced that the commission of that would be looking off to the brief over immigration i would be cool to the commissioner for the european way of life some accusing her of the using fractious rhetorical with that title including the president. Who said he just didnt agree with the idea of this title so an issue of immigration many elements to it and it looks like its far from over and its something that European Union leaders and also their ministers will be discussing for many months to come. Telling some of our Headline News stories the Un Security Council has rejected to draft resolutions on the humanitarian crisis in the syrian province of is lip failing to find consensus on key points of disagreement between russia and the u. S. As arties caleb maupin reports. The 15 member body that leads the United Nations convened a meeting and at that meeting 2 resolutions were put forward now one resolution was backed by germany kuwait and belgium and that resolution was vetoed by russia and china then a joint resolution from russia and china regarding it was put forward and that resolution was also rejected vetoed by members of the Security Council so what was the difference between these 2 resolutions regarding the situation well both sides and both different resolutions called for a ceasefire there is universal agreement that there needs to be a ceasefire in libya now the russian representative explained the point of disagreement between the United States and russia regarding the draft resolution while the United States seems to advocate an entire total cease fire russia argued there should not be protection for terrorist organizations and that anti terror operations should continue heres some of the disagreement we heard between the United States and russia at the Security Council look. Unfortunately the content of the draft on the course of the work on it is a clear indication of the real objective of our colleagues which is to save the International Terrorists in from their final defeat and put the blame of whats happened them on russia and syria russians veto of todays resolution russias 13th veto in syria represents yet another attempt to absolve itself in the assad regime of their culpability in the deaths of thousands of syrian men women and children as the debate ensued it became pretty clear there was pretty solid disagreement about what was designated as a terrorist and what was designated as just Syrian Opposition now the russian representative said that the the proposal and the draft resolution put forward by kuwait germany and belgium was going. To be vetoed it was very clear that russia would veto that resolution before it was put forward but it seems that rather than trying to reach a solution that is agreeable to all parties the desire as as according to the russian representative of the desire is simply to blame russia for the continued situation in the breaching of the ceasefire rather than reaching an agreement that could actually stick so different views of the situation is presented by Different Countries at the u. N. Security council no resolution was passed both of them were rejected. The need of the israeli opposition insists that he will head a unity government not spend minutes. Nonself to the prime ministers block and the opposition both fail to win a majority in a snap election. According to the Election Commission we have received 33. 00 seats and netanyahu did not achieve the bloc that he had hoped to achieve citizens of israel wanted a unity government even after previous elections and they want it now i was talking about it almost for the whole year i intend to create a why unity government with me is the leader. I was surprised and disappointed by the fact that as of now benny gantz still refuses my call to meet the president called for unity and without a meeting between the 2 Major Party Leaders a unity government cannot be formed the opposition latest statement comes after netanyahu are asked him to form a coalition the election has left Netanyahu Center right bloc 2 seats behind the center left blue and White Alliance we spoke to diplomatic analyst who thinks there will be a struggle for the leadership of the coalition. Netanyahu is somewhat disappointment that guns is refusing even to meet him so we are in a quite skeptical phase now theres never going to be a 3rd round here 9999. 0 percent certain here i think we are going for as said by those 2 leaders for a Coalition Unity government and now here everyone they think is trying to play the tough guy here who is going to be the one who will get the mandate to be the leader who will serve under whom by any poll by any position by also by this ministry by this portfolio in the negotiations psychology here thats the main thing im seeing here behind the scenes. In other news this hour a u. S. Drone strike has killed 30 civilians in eastern afghanistan according to local officials the victims are believed to be farmers who were working on a not plantation a spokesman for u. S. Forces says the raid was intended to hit an Islamic State hideout. U. S. Forces conducted a drone strike against terrorists. We are fighting in a complex environment against those who intentionally killed and hide behind civilians as well as use dishonest claims of noncombatant casualties as propaganda weapons were aware of the allegations of the death of noncombatants are working with local authorities to determine the facts to ensure this is not a ploy to deflect attention from the civilians murdered by the taliban that a hospital in zabol the taliban bombing mentioned there happened in southern afghanistan earlier on thursday a car blew up outside a hospital killing at least 20 people thats how the plan has carried out almost daily attacks since peace talks with the us collapsed earlier this month and Amnesty International has voiced a lot over the devastating impact on civilians. On yet another deadly day in afghanistan once again it is civilians who bear the brunt of the violence involving armed groups the Afghan Government and their buckets in the u. S. Military that a u. S. Drone strike personally target an iso militants could instead result in the deaths of scores a pharmacist isnt acceptable and suggests a shocking disregard for civilian life and we spoke to a conflict and peace studies research of based in the country he says the Afghan Government needs to step in to prevent further bloodshed. The Afghan Government is often silent when that comes to civilian casualties particularly. By the International Forces so i think this is this is a serious problem in and if it continues it will widen the gap between the one. Population in the government and at the same time create more enemies for the ones in the American Forces its the responsibility of all parties the Afghan Government the americans and the taliban to resume negotiations i think everybody here has a stake and are responsible for whats happening up on the sun and in the last then the and for the killing of guns that are losing their lives. And antiterrorist the crackdown in nigeria has led to thousands of children being detained thats according to a new report from Human Rights Watch we spoke to them about their findings since 2013 nigeria has to change about 3600 children and in june Human Rights Watch went to the northeast of nigeria where boko haram are active and we interviewed more than 30 children who had been detained the vast majority of these children were never charged with a crime in fact they were never taken to court never had the opportunity to see a judge the children were denied contact with their families and held in orrible conditions they described so little money that they couldnt turn over at night they were piled one next to the other you described it like the razor blade in a pack many of them something began losing hope that they would never be released some felt they would die in detention. Children as young as 5 were reportedly held an overcrowded military detention facilities on little or no evidence they spent months even years that without charge with reports of sexual physical or mental abuse as well as overcrowding the children have been accused of involvement with the Armed Terrorist Group boko haram the radical Islamist Organization is based in northeastern nigeria it carries out suicide bombings as well as armed assaults throughout west africa in 2015 pledged allegiance to Islamic State many of the imprisoned children were rounded up by nigerian authorities 3 military operations against the group. They are smee if i was a member of booker and beat me up when i said no they tied my hands and legs and hung me to a tree and continued to flow camy they flogged me and left me tied to the tree from morning to evening one person from my village was killed during the interrogation if you make a noise if you drink water without asking them if you go toward the door to get fresh air they beat you. The soldiers had girlfriends one of the girls from our village was a girl friend of a soldier she would usually take her out of the compound some leaders got pregnant in the cell and delivered while i was there. Nigerian or thora these have released over 2000 children from detention since 2030 nearly all of whom had been held without charge its not known at this point how many children remain in custody joe back again says the government should make more efforts to release the. Nobody knows the current number of children who may still be in military custody nigerian authorities do not allow the United Nations or independent organizations like Human Rights Watch to access the military Detention Centers but what Human Rights Watch is calling for is that nigerian authorities release any remaining children in military detention and transfer them to civilian Child Protection authorities so that they can receive rehabilitation and help or unifying with their families and reintegrating into their communities the Nigerian Military denies the allegations made in the report saying the children accept and secure areas and they are adequately cared for we have asked Nigerian Ministry of justice for comment and they have yet to respond. Now the news a famous pakistani novelist has been denied a german literary award for her political activism she has been calling for a boycott of israeli goods as dont a quarter reports. The city of dortmund has reversed its decision to hand a literary awards to british pakistani author Kamila Shamsie that she plagiarized something commit a crime perhaps now its all because she supports an anti Israel Movement called boycott divestment sanctions. The time of the decision none of the jurors knew that Kamila Shamsie had supported the boycotts divestments and sanctions campaign in the past b. S. Aims to isolate israel economically politically and culturally b. D. s has a presence across much of the globe but in germany its had a few run ins with the government palestinian Womens Organization recently sued the city of boston for being excluded from the festival and the court ruled that discrimination based on the organizations belief in b. D. S. Was unfair treatment. Of freedom of expression includes the freedom to discuss and call for boycott of campaigns and is also protected by the European Convention on human rights however this case is the exception not the rule the border stock has made it clear they see b. D. S. As an anti sematic movement not just anti israel. The arguments and methods of the boycott divestment and sanctions movement are anti semitic the message of the campaign to boycott israeli activists and goods or im innocent of the most terrible period in german history the do not buy a stick is an israeli products bring back associations with the nazi slogan do not buy from jews and similar graffiti in facades and shop windows the law makers concern isnt out of the blue given germanys past but calling the movement nazis could be a bit of a stretch since b. D. s are mostly left wing activists calling attention to israels mistreatment of the Palestinian People and the palestinians who are protesting say its not the palestinians who are doing the oppressing just like you know this protest represents the 1st step in confronting the german parliaments motion which is against our arab nation and against the palestinian cause they are part of the. Netanyahu axis that tries to crush the rights of our people and the right of return the Boycott Movement will continue and this is supported by the Palestinian Liberation Organization along with youth and student groups around the world more and more politicians are questioning israels policies as oppressive risking being called anti sematic along the way i cant stand by and watch this attack on our freedom of speech and the right to boycott the racist policies of the government in the state of israel the oppressive Netanyahu Administration and i have seen this in gaza. Where families have lived that have been bombed by targeted bombing buys ready jets what the United States should be doing and of course the trumpet ministrations doing exactly the opposite is instead of applauding israel for its actions israel should be condemned germanys past is certainly still haunting to many after all you cant just wipe its horrors out of history but when it comes to israel and palestine its not a simple as black and white donald quarter r. T. Berlin. Well thats your news update for now well be back here in about 30 minutes time with more headlines from around the world see that. They all see themselves as dying swans in their dreams. But only one in a 1000 will ever make it to the told. Theyre ready to give their lives for the chance to die on stage if only once. Know even broken wings could determine. For generations at the madrid ski theater ballet sweat and tears on o. T. The process of constructing this was to cram as a biodegradable scaffold which is porous and when this is inserted beneath the skin when the skin is suctioned over the scaffold over a period of about 6 months you have to shoot in growth and invesco arise eisen occurring in other words the cells the mule in your body grow into the scaffold it grows its own blood supply so now this is. Integrated a spot of my. Out of my. Greetings and sal you taishan today lets kick things off with some good news for a change talk watchers actually its great news for both environmentalist and freedom of speech advocates in the wake of the total access pipeline protests we saw big oil submissive legislators in both north and south dakota pass multiple new laws of the century outlaw various acts of protest especially the kind used to protest Oil Pipelines like the senate bill 189 in south dakota which according to the a. C. L. U. Gives the state the authority to sue individuals and organizations for riot boosting but it does not clearly describe what speech or condit conduct it considers to be riot boosting essentially it could mean that if you helped organize or support a protest and then a fight breaks out at the event you could be held by angele accountable due to your support of the riot. Thankfully a federal judge has put his foot down in the name of the 1st amendment and temporarily blocked this of the and the enforcement of this law but thats not the only stand taken place in our courts in recent weeks as a as news of a Class Action Lawsuit against both lowes and home depot thanks to an illinois biometrics privacy law yes it seems that its not just Law Enforcement in the i phone thats been hungry for your face scans hawk watchers the lawsuits are accusing the retailers of violating the Illinois State law by surreptitiously scanning customers faces as they moved about the chain stores in illinois the lawsuit states that the 2 retail giants have augment their instore security cameras with software that track individuals movements throughout the store using an unique scan the base geometry well from face scans to anti protest laws it appears the public has had enough and its time to start watching the hawks. As it

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