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Supreme Court Justice but leaving out apparently important details. Very good afternoon my name is kevin now in here this wednesday with a 30 minute world news update to come 1st and with more than 60 percent of the votes counted now but 60 to 63 percent the fate of israels Prime Minister hangs in the balance in the polls suggest he is neck and neck with his nearest rival after repeat parliamentary elections but even with these religious and right wing allies doesnt have enough seats to secure a majority government and that also goes for his main rival benny gantz to talk about this with our correspondent he goes down off. This vote was largely viewed not as a general election but as a vote of confidence for netanyahu and mind that not for his party. But for him personally and that is important because the whole the reason why these elections happened is because netanyahu couldnt form a government after the elections in april so he called for another elections and during the containing some of his policies the policies that he personally proposed they managed to a alienate some of his former allies and b. Gave a boost to his rivals also at the same time this adds up to the corruption charges he could still be indicted on 3 in 3 cases for so what is the campaign what did he promise the public didnt seem to go down so well he drove a very hard bargain when it comes to the right wing agenda being very pro jewish kind of anti arab i should say because he talked about an exciting settlements in the west bank and in the Jordan Valley he times and times again raised questions about the loyalty of the Arab Community and effectively he ruled out any possibility of forming a coalition with a force that will put forward the interests of an arab minority. In the coming days will convene negotiations to assemble a strong zionist government to prevent a dangerous and his own this government. Will not and cannot be a government that leans on iraq and to sign this passes so as to the early days are still an exit polls but how is it looking that the arab minority voters voted its very indicative case of how Benjamin Netanyahu is rhetoric blew in his face more arabs showed up at the polls and cause an effect here and more seats for the pro arab party they are in fact are coming in 3rd in the race right now too soon yet still to talk about Coalition Building but i bet so is going on behind the scenes benny gantz is the key rival of Benjamin Netanyahu and he has a sort of a personal problem with the incumbent Prime Minister but he has already said that hes ready to form a coalition with any political. Force the likud party included i intend to speak with everyone starting tonight we will work to form a broad unity government that will express the will of our. I would like to focus on a man who could be the king make a liberal man an ally turned rival and all of that because of Benjamin Netanyahu whos very favorable views and very favorable policies towards the ultra orthodox parties to have authored the jews exempt from military service and as for what is going to happen next the president of israel and admittedly a man a person we dont talk much we dont hear much about he is going to choose hes going to choose a man most worthy of forming a coalition and in his opinion and well see where it goes from there. Political analyst michel brock earlier told me that for now mr netanyahu doesnt have any Viable Options for a coalition. The ironic thing is the last election which was a few months ago and its in now had really all the options in the world he could have formed a right of Center Government a narrow one with about 61 seats or he could have sat down with benny gantz and had a unity government with 70 and added more parties he chose to do neither he wasnt successful and either called for new elections now what it appears is i would say its the final countdown to the end of the career and thats and you know hes talking about a narrow right of center zionist government you know a narrow government and benny gantz is sounding like a leader unifying the people the will of the people hes going to talk to all the parties most of the parties that have run from the left blue and white to the labor party to the Democratic Camp Party all of them as i said will join a National Unity government with the likud even we just wont do it with nets and you know its a you know for most israeli politician and many and many of the israeli people as damaged goods. Saudi arabia is to invite u. N. Experts to join an investigation into who attacked the countrys major Oil Facilities last saturday while the gulf want to keep stood should be blamed on the less the u. S. President was of course quick to accuse iran any which way all refining in saudi arabia has been harmed as a result of the attack on 2 major state run facilities the u. S. Claims it was result of drone strikes launched from iraqi territory the rebels though said they did it to run a strongly denied any involvement. Looks at americas quick fire allegations. Now the trumpet ministration says that it knows for sure who was responsible for the recent attack on Saudi Arabian Oil Facilities well kind of try and decode these recent statements from the president you see. Looking that way will have some pretty good. Having some very strong studies done but its certainly looking that way at this moment and. Well let you know soon as we find out definitively well let you know but it does look that way and then just half a minute later you think that iran is responsible i think i did. Say that we think we know who it was but i didnt see anybody just Crystal Clear no ambiguity there well on saturday u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei o said that he was absolutely sure of who did it within hours of the attack we call on all nations to publicly unequivocally condemn irans a tux the United States will work with our partners and allies to ensure that Energy Markets remain most supplied on iran is held accountable for its aggression so on saturday iran absolutely did it a few days later well im will get back to you on that now is it a little bit disturbing that the white house knows the less about the attack as time goes on not more but weve been here before on april 4th 2718 there was a chemical incident in syria the next day the white house was pointing fingers todays chemical attack in syria against innocent people including women and children is reprehensible and cannot be ignored by the civilized world these heinous actions by the bizarre al assad regime are a consequence of the past administrations weakness and you resolution the syrian skyline was lit up with the fireworks of 59 cruise missiles however a year later James Madison was then the u. S. Secretary of defense says they really werent sure who did it. We have other reports from the battlefield from people who claim its been used we do not have evidence of it so they had a smoking gun evidence at 1st but then they left it in the elevator or they dropped it in the bus over these things happened right remember back in february want to humanitarian aid truck was burned on the border with venezuela mike pence the u. S. Vice president spoke up immediately saying who was to blame the tyrants in caracas dance this is henchmen murdered civilians and burned food medicine heading to venezuelans saturday was tragic for the families of those killed and suffering venezuelans but it was just one more day in venice when his journey from tyranny to freedom madeira must go on a video emerged telling a completely different story and it wasnt so cut and dry. As responsible for creating the conditions of violence his thugs denied the entry of tons of food and medicine while thousands of courageous volunteers sought to safeguard and deliver aid to venezuelan families. Remember Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction or should i say or lack thereof well they want to head and bombed iraq anyway but they put on a show at the un in the hopes of convincing the audience 1st iraq declared 8500 liters of anthrax unscom estimates of Saddam Hussein would have produced 25000 liters whatever happened to the good old days of evidence investigation and solid proof now the rule seems to be act 1st think later and then justify your actions afterwards with 144 characters of tough talk on twitter. Art see new york. Next new delhi says pakistan controlled kashmir should be considered as part of india indias foreign minister also expressed hope that one day there would be a physical jurisdiction of the region new delhi and islam about it been at loggerheads for more than 7 decades of a kashmir this is they failed to agree on the borders drawn up during the british petition of india. It used to be one country under british rule where communities of differing religions live side by side for generations but 70 years ago independence or the region split into india and pakistan in a process that went down in history books as the partition and so did the man who hurriedly through the border the year 1947 the dying days of the British Empire weakened by the 2nd world war india became a burden london was also unable to counter the growing Independence Movement led by matt macand to fix it britain appointed lord louis mountbatten as the last viceroy of india he made it clear it was not his dream job. I am prepared to accept the job only on one condition india must be granted independence by july 948 and i will not stay there a day longer. Once he arrived though he decided he couldnt wait that long it needed to be sorted more quickly in just 5 weeks to be precise and to lord Cyril Radcliffe a british lawyer who had never set foot in india he was tasked with drawing a line between the most cohesive muslim and hindu Populated Areas just like mountbatten radcliff 2 found india not to his liking. It was impossible to undertake the field survey in june because of the heat so how does anyone whos not familiar with the situation on the ground decide where the border is going to be well studied the maps obviously its all in there the demographics the religious majority its also simple isnt it but the areas with the majority of muslims in pakistan and the hindus in india Problem Solved right if aspirations of some people had not been fulfilled the fold must be found in political arrangements with which im not concerned the ratcliffe line was only revealed to the people the day before independence and. Scenes of celebration were replaced with fear and confusion as millions woke up on the wrong side of the border the partition on the radcliffe line blitz on president s of violence resulting in up to a 1000000 day so how did it all go wrong many areas had equal numbers of muslims and hindus radcliff also didnt take the sikhs into account and she never even heard of cash. I was not even aware of kashmir i heard about it long after i returned to london both lord mountbatten and lord radclyffe made a swift exit from the heat leaving millions of people to deal with their quick and toxic solution for generations to come. Meanwhile in india controlled kashmir a Communications Blackout is being enforced making it impossible for people on either side of the disputed region to speak to each other right now new delhi says its needed to curb potential violence and prevent any possibility of separatist rallies our correspondent paula slater when directed to the pakistan controlled kashmir side to find out more when pakistani kashmir not far from the defective border that divides pakistan from india but dont be taken in by the beauty of this himalayan valley for more than a month People Living in villages here have really been living in fear dread and terror at on the 5th of august india imposed a blackout it closed the border and since then thousands of families here have no idea whats happening to their families on the other side were going to visit the family. As salaam aleikum. Thank you what is the situation like here either the situation is worse than before and everyone is worried about the well being of family members the Indian Occupied kashmir signals are blocked and all means of Communications Like what happened to the time you try to phone your cousin. On my own set up since last month weve been unable to get a hold of our relatives in india held kashmir but we keep trying the air is totally disconnected ive seen for myself this kind of atrocity back in 2010 when i went to kashmir the situation was intense. We were dying to know their condition were concerned something isnt right we have no way to live they have food to your pantry and are going hungry you there. Im. And does it do that the whole time. And yes it is like this whenever we try to reach down with pray for them constantly our hearts are bleeding we just want to see them again this is you and she is yes and its before 5 years. He looks very happy here you love him very much on board whenever we meet with them we feel so happy and delighted with her get every sore on heart she were facing in life and they see the same things in me meeting them itself is a big occasion. Because has been split into 3 parts of ministers by India Pakistan and china which also claims part of the territory turn should ask related recently after new delhi stripped india administered kashmir of its autonomy in august and then claimed it as its own pakistan quick move saying it contradicts international law. Well choose the indias lead and render modi announce the else as well that the kashmir region will get a Development Boost including Foreign Investment he said that the region is to be made prosperous as he put it a negotiation is are already underway to do so meantime indias top Court Ordered the federal government to restore normal life in kashmir as soon as possible i guess explain the Current Situation in the volatile region. Theyve already allowed some Senior Congress leaders to allow them to start visiting kashmir region already and i think in the coming days were going to see more of a Strategic Plan to normalize the situation in kashmir. You know obviously theres been. An International Pressure to put on india to to make this happen and they would absolutely i think that the Indian Government with its latest actions of committed to. Resolving this issue of 30 year old dispute. With the government is definitely going to be putting forward measures to make sure that imprison people are processed properly and also. People in the territory or humanitarian aid gets to them reliably in need in certain parts of kashmir certain kinds of blocking for instance on landline telephone has been lifted while of course in other parts especially on mobile telephony aband continues to war and i think its early days for us to really understand what kind of situation might unfold in me once this blockage is moved remember well were now going into the we just season an issue read i think what really the Indian Government is trying to do is actually go into a window very quickly because with there is going into shmeat their age will be too cold about it be you know 4 weeks or so and they are trying for the real deal so that the cobbled in a sense if it all begins in 2020 some other wednesday afternoon here in moscow ahead of the program without a tell all book preview on u. S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh gets New York Times in hot water will tell a bit more detail why there were in the back. What politicians do so little. To put themselves on the lawn they get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president or injury. Or some want to be rich. That youd like to be closer this is what it looks like 3 of them all cant be good good. Im interested always in the waters of the gulf. They should. Show some same wrong all right old roles just dont call. Me old yet to say proud disdain comes to educate and in the game it was a betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for Common Ground the. Were going to go if she loses all its International Marriage new in a show of support and defiance well known figures from russias film and t. V. Industry a voice of solidarity with the young who they say was wrongfully convicted of resisting arrest his name public who was detained during a protest rally over a mere lections here of moscow last month lets get latest on this with the culture but also for the what is this case in particular stood such a strong reaction the medina while having the answer as probably the harshness of the verdict as this young up and coming out. Was sentenced to 3 and a half years in prison now the moscow court has sentenced him for attacking a member of russias National Guard during an unsanctioned rally that took place on august the 3rd prosecutors actually asked to put him behind bars for 6 years now the officer who arrested villa testified and course saying that say he was an active participant in the rally that he was shouting Anti Government slogans and that during the rouse the officer dislocated his shoulder however there is a video footage. That shows that he was standing quite calmly outside the subway station he was looking at his phone and he was actually arrested as an absolute silence he was not shown any slogans pavol himself himself says that he did not intend to use of force he stumbled back wars and denies any that he is guilty of any wrongdoing now the judge refused to prove to you the video footage of the around us ruling that. Alva dense introduced by the prosecution was sufficient now this case sparked an outcry and attracted the attention many people from well known journalists to a number of high profile figures in the world of culture here and russia all offering support for pawel. Regarding the standoff i have to repeat literally what i wrote a blog its not a matter of solidarity its about justice injustice is what destroy states the situation reached the ect it was to you know found himself is a blatant injustice it is impossible to ignore it a keep silent no the point is not in Community Solidarity but in the fact that this directly concerns me. The monstrous injustice and cynicism with which this has been done coming everyone. Right now there as a number 0 for a one man protests taking place in the capital the president S Administration building and pawelski says one else may be at that door opened after a serious of unsanctioned protest during moscow elections that hit the capital this summer and another defendant facing actually similar charges was released from prison and placed under a travel restrictions so all these cases right now attract a lot of attention or i wanted if they dont want it in a culture of their life the newsroom next. A new tell all book about allegations of alleged Sexual Harassment by the u. S. Supreme Court Justice brett covered as being a preview to the New York Times but the papers facing a but less for apparently taking things out of context with more about the trunk of this lunch time. If youre kind of sick of hearing the same story all over again like the president called this or that media nothing but junk or youre glad you havent heard the name brand cavanagh and something related to his journals for a while. Im really sorry i dont think theyll do it but they should for the good of the nation i call for the resignation of everybody a to do york times involved. Yeah which is once again one of the biggest stories in the land of trump and co vs the liberals here we go so 2 times journalists wrote a book and had a preview published in the sunday paper whats being teased are 2 previously reported alleged cases of Sexual Harassment by Brad Cavanaugh now a supreme Court Justice from his years at yale. A freshman named Brett Kavanaugh pulled down his pants and thrust his penis at prompting as to swatted away and inadvertently touch it. A classmate manx stevia so mr cavanaugh with these pants down at a different drunken dorm party with friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student now that is gross if its found mr cavanaugh was really up to all that surely he must face severe consequences although for now these are just lines from a book not something put forward by lets say the folks from the Justice Department but if you pick almost any one of the democratic president ial candidate lineup theyve made up their minds on what should be next for kavanaugh confirmation is not exoneration and these news revelations that disturb him like the man who appointed him cavanaugh should be impeached he was put on due course through a sham process and his plays into court is an insult to the pursuit of truth and justice he must be impeached it is more clear than ever that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath he should be impeached i stand with survivors and countless other americans in calling for impeachment proceedings to begin. But dig a bit deeper and perhaps trumps latest rant at the n. Y. T. Isnt so wide off the mark there could have been a bit of a problem with their journalistic ethics you see some conservative folks got an advanced copy of the book and realized something rather important was dropped in the times teaser. The book notes quietly that the woman max steering named as having been supposedly victimized by cavanagh in france denies any memory of enraged event seems i dont know significant it was then the papers turn to do something about it after a while heres what they came up with an earlier version did not include one element of the books account regarding an assertion by a young classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party the book report of the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she doesnt recall the incident that information has been added to the article the authors were bound to be asked why the essential piece of the puzzle was missing in your draft of the article did it include those words that have since been added to the article and to do so somewhere in the editing process those words were yeah i mean i think what happened actually was that you know we had her name and you know the times doesnt usually include the name of rectum and so i think in this case the editors felt like maybe it was probably better to remove it and in removing her name they removed the other reference to the fact that she didnt remember that they could have done a good job at protecting the victim or they could have messed up a whole thing up wildly because no matter whats not in the article they say her name is in the book or maybe mr trump was right and they didnt want to read the story of that extra spice and left out the crucial bit on purpose what if the woman doesnt even consider herself a victim she reportedly says she doesnt remember anything gross like this oh god. His genitals liberal media rob watch this space my friends. To a reporter there will us it for this follow a story so many more on our website r. T. Dot com for me kevin owen units here for the afternoon have a great day. The world is driven by shaped by our own person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. They all see themselves as dying swans in their dreams. But only one in the cells and will ever make it to the told. Theyre ready to give their lives for the chance to die on stage if only once. Not even broken wings can do to them. For generations at the madrid ski theatre ballet sweat and tears on o. T. It. Was their. Duty that. I have interviewed them in civilian world and rape is a very very traumatizing thing ted. Happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma. I cannot remember how many times a young female marine that had been raped or sexually assaulted told me that she looked at these guys as your brother or the suspect as your brother its a kin to what happens in a family with incest because you know in the military when were functioning at our best coach piece of unit with brothers and sisters in of the band of brothers and sisters i mean we are family when that ball and of trust is violated. The wound penetrates to the very most inner part of ones soul one psyche. I have this folder that axiom i have all my boot camp letters and if my mom and my sister and. People and. I was just going through some of this stuff and im like whats this you know nail

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