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20000 live from the russian capital this is. Just its you know welcome to the program. And plus the leaders of russia and iran have wrapped up their 5th summit over the long running conflict in syria a correspondent with the national has been following the talks in the talks capital. It has been a very busy day and now the feast summit trilateral summit on syria is over here and karen before that the leaders of turkey iran and russia had a tete a tete and definitely they had a lot to discuss this time of the talks focused on 3 major themes 1st and number one was the situation in syrias northern province more of the the it is very huge area it is believed to be home right now. From 2. 00 to 3000000. 00 people so it is also conceded to be the last remaining stronghold of Anti Government forces in syria including. Moderate socalled opposition and also al qaida like islam is a very dangerous terrorists very hard to deal with not a long negotiate with say a chorus of the 3 leaders and 3 countries and syria and other regional players and outside players have been facing this big challenge how to get treat of terrorists and this is something all the 3 leaders agreed should be done of course as soon as possible but how to do that without harming civilians in that area and we heard at the press Conference Today from all 3 leaders from mr rouhani mr added a gun and mr clinton that 1st of all counted terrys operations in that area shoot continue for another breakthrough that we actually had today as a result of this summit is Constitutional Committee this is a centerpiece of the u. N. Peace after hes in syria and this is a crucial mcnamees and we heard that from mr han instead of going to mr putin to bring peace to syria and to actually stop the entire region and it has been discussed for almost a year already and today we heard that the least of the members of this committee has been approved by turkey iran and russia 150 people those a loyal to the current Syrian Government and as well as opposition figures they are those who are supposed to represent the Syrian People and the International Arena and held political stability nation in the country and other focus during these talks was regarding the territory in north of syria east of the euphrates river. We heard from all 3 leaders that they respect the territorial integrity of syria should be the crucial moment of. Stabilizing the situation in that country but at the same time we heard from turkey that they want to create a kind of c. T. 000 refugees in that area east of your freight is it is now under the control of the american troops together with some european nations and turkey of course is involved in that part its a Good Initiative but at the same time it kind of contradicts the idea of territorial integrity so i guess they rescind break through there were some agreements and major discussions but still the wrong disagreements between Turkey Russia and iran on of course how exactly to bring peace to syria and we heard that the next 6 summit on syria will be held in tehran and which means more discussions to come. To washington on a rainy and president also discussed the drone strikes on 2 major Saudi Arabian Oil Refineries over the weekend the United States claims iran is to wreck responsible something to iran denies in a patrol car reports its not even been a week since the famous most staunch was shaved off the face of americas Foreign Policy if you know what i mean but even without mr bolton someone else whos actually in charge of diplomacy has tweeted the u. S. Will join efforts with allies to ensure their red is held accountable for its aggression and theres plenty of other hawgs to explain how that supposed to be done. It is now time for the United States to put on the table an attack on iranian Oil Refineries if they continue their provocations where increased Nuclear Enrichment so the sound of the drums of war is back because Oil Refineries in saudi arabia went up in flames after a hit see this island right here that is the kingdom of bahrain as seen from space the fire was so huge that the black of the smoke was almost just as big as you can see right there but who said it was to iran the u. S. State Department Even though boss might compare didnt explain how they knew the rain ians did it ill tell you what the who the rebels who are fighting a civil war in yemen even said it was us but for washington thats just a smokescreen. Amid all the cools for deescalation iran has now launched and im president of the tyco of the Worlds Energy supply the damages indeed of mens if you look at it from one side the worlds biggest black gold producer says the strike cut its crude old supply by around a half donald trump quickly called the Saudi Crown Prince to offer him full support but we know just how much oil and how much cash saudi arabia has riyadh has already called its buyers telling them the disaster is still not enough to disturb its black gold exports plus theyve been known as a western darling in the middle east for years and the saudis have been bombing the who theory rebels in yemen with the solid approval of the us and allies. But back to iran the number one troublemaker in the area through washingtons lenses i mean lately even donald trump has hinted hes ready to engage in diplomacy with their leadership could happen it could have. No problem with the black plumes of smoke from the burning saudi oil have probably clouded those intentions with or without john bolton what to do with iran remains the u. S. Administrations toughest puzzle we should really think very carefully and the european view did i think be cautious and really looking at it more wise man compared to what the usa really clearly wants to do is that take this as a pretext perhaps to ratchet up more pressure on iran and also potentially. Go. War with iran it would be really not why for usa to get into a war situation and perhaps wait a little while i get the information and really analyze that to see who was the real perpetrator. Talks to get the story process moving forward have fallen flat british Prime Minister Boris Johnson at the European Commission president in luxembourg this monday but the e. U. Says johnson failed to provide any viable alternatives and despite comparing himself to the incredible hulk before the talk sports johnson ducked out of a joint News Conference because a few noisy protesters had gathered nearby. The was. Was the was its own. Mr johnson. He holds the future of all u. K. Citizens and every you citizens live in the u. K. He sense its his responsibility. You know people our people count on you but the clock is ticking time twice so last week Boris Johnson losing a series of votes in the house of commons that would see basically parliament pushing back the brags that deadline in passing and no deal drags it legislation as its been dubbed but weve done saw Boris Johnsons move to suspend Parliament Coming into play and thats where we are now the Parliament Still suspended thats despite a Scottish Court ruling that his suspension of parliament was on norful and so Boris Johnson has been trying to use the time in between to negotiate a deal with the e. U. That would see an alternative to the Northern Irish backstop but this proved so contentious in accepting any deal between the 2 sides but it would appear if youve been depending on who you believe there hasnt been much progress the Prime Minister says the talks are going along swiftly and that he sees a deal that could be struck between the 2 sides but many on the e. U. Sides including the locks and the Prime Minister who resource speaking on his own at that press conference saying that the responsibility for any alternative proposals for a deal have to come from the u. K. Side and the european side say theyre simply not seeing that progress taking place and all of this expedited by the fact that of course were heading towards that october 31st deadline and should no deal be struck between the 2 sides well then the u. K. Will leave with no deal on a trading relationship on wall trade Organization Rules that many economists here in the u. K. Have said will cause huge disruption and actually in fact even the governments own impact analyses for worst Case Scenario saying that and no deal breakers you could see shortages of fuel and medicine food and huge queues at the border at dover so far as many here in the u. K. Are concerned work needs to really step up pace if a deal is to be struck. On not an armed man has been seriously injured by antigovernment protesters in hong kong during the latest round of demonstrations the man reportedly tried to confront a segment of a rally before being viciously attacked he was left unconscious on required treatment at the scene with his condition being described serious video of the incident has gone viral online we should warn you you may find funding for to upset. You but im here are you going to god. That i will write. What other which i will mock. Teasing. The protest movement in hong kong marked 100 days over the weekend and once again they clashed with police the demonstrations were initially spocks by controversial extradition back in june since then however the demands of the anti beijing protesters have become much buthe and attracted support from the west meanwhile one of the hong kong protest leaders joshua wong is currently in the u. S. As part of his wild tool he is set to attend a congressional hearing on the socalled hong kong human and to crecy act this tuesday one arrived in the u. S. After a visit to germany where he was received as an honored guest at events concerning human rights and he walked this hour flounders believes the u. S. Is playing a decisive role in the hong kong protest movement. Early beginning this is a movement that is a very well funded and highly organized over years and years by the National Endowment for democracy by u. S. And British Forces to create a social movement to weaponized opposition to china and to be used as a weapon in the tree wharf young people for organized absolutely hate china in every possible way and were waved in ideas that make a separate hong kong and density thats totally hostile to china and all of these protesters when they carry us and british flags and colonial slides that they want the active intervention of the us against china a murder trial in the disputed province of kashmir is causing a shock waves in india that story and more after the break. Where were you so tender 3rd. 2009. Thats a question theyll be asking kids and grandkids for years to come now as the 1st episode of the kaiser report yes 10 years ago because the report began broadcasting all over the world under the countrys billions of people. In a world of big partisan lot and conspiracy its time to wake up to be deeper to hit the stories that Mainstream Media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. And shouting past each other its time for Critical Thinking its time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now were watching closely watching the hawks. A prominent separatists need to from disputed kashmir is set to face trial in india over day to lose 30 year is justin malik is the head of the group that wants the muslim majority region to belong neither to india rule pakistan the neighbors that both want to claim cashman full his separatist group has been banned in india under new terrible though hes a former minutes and a quarter of a century ago his Group Adopted non violent methods monic faces trial for allegedly leading a group of militants who killed Indian Air Force personnel in kashmir in 1990 hes been in an indian prison since march on drill all that allows for suspects to be held for up to 2 years without charge his wife told us about the inhumane prison conditions she says he is being subjected to. Imagine any human being locked up in a cage 5 by 7 feet with an open lateran to sleep there on the really hard cemented floor without any blanket and with this hypertensive lights on his head all the time hes got blood clots in his eyes because the light doesnt go off and hes not allowed to open the cage even for a minute and in the 24 hours just for 10 to 15 minutes to open the cage and like you know you with a leash you pull out a dog from. The dog house and you force them to walk even an animal wont do that because naturally your legs your arms your bournes they become stagnant and he requires definite physiotherapy which has been recommended by the doctors from that you tensions increased when india stripped kashmir of its special autonomy status last month and just sent thousands of additional troops and arrested 4000. 00 and imposed a communications blockade on the region and the leak again please india is silencing kashmiri voices. Its basically its that last for you know just an easy terms like a land grab i mean were sitting in this house and just imagine if some gangsters it common to attack us and you know this not to be our properties and you know they force us to write the name in give them the Property Rights and cut off all the electricity on Food Supplies and we have no weiss no connection to the outside world so were left defenseless and the same manner thats what theyre doing with us right now theyre starving us to death. And 1400000 and. I white says are not being heard because naturally we have a voice vote or theres a clampdown on communications on internet and is a blanket ban on all the political voices and theres no social media theres no mobile networks no radios dont television so were talking living on another planet right now the kashmir dispute remains one of the longest unresolved conflicts since British India partitioned india and pakistan in 1947 an Indian Security expert we spoke to justify his actions and said that a referendum on kashmiri independence is not a viable option. Has changed the demography in the areas that dr paul is what we call as pakistan occupied kashmir. And they have also brought in a large amount of. Presence that is the military Service Since india big decision on august fire the more the government big these decisions. And short of that there would be more. Wireless from the people and also that there will be noise by pakistan and the support of the better groups how india. At the moment its not really clear but the political claim to pakistan occupied kashmir as the unfinished part of partition is still there on the indian political spreadsheet if you will. And find a controversial bill in california which if made your would force universities in the state to provide students seeking to tell me a pregnancy with Abortion Pills the proposal has sparked outrage by ensuring that abortion care is available on Campus College students will not have to choose between delaying important medical care or havent to travel long distances on these classes the work not on my dime not on my dime taxed me to help the homeless tax me to help social services the dont tax me to pay for the disposal of human life they should be ashamed to risk womens lives and schools if it gets the approval of californias governor in 2023 com Campus Health service says dozens of universities in the state will be required to provide students with Abortion Pills according to the bell there are more than 400000 eligible female students at California State University campuses private donations of about 10000000. 00 will be used to train staff and buy ultrasound machines but its feared that eventually the state would have to cut the cost all universities would have to raise Student Health fees. A study of adolescent health found that more than 500. 00 women are public universities in california seek medication for an abortion every month karen radio and t. V. Host and Reese Everson attorney and discuss the development. We have to allow women to decide if they want to pursue their education with the complications of bearing children that would be an economic harm to them they have to be able to be able to make a choice and providing them the tools with the Abortion Pill is simply just doing and doing just that we have to give women a choice but we should also be pushing adoption as an option why do we just want to hand them a pill and say its ok here take care of your problems you know what the problem is we need to address this before these women get pregnant we need to educate these College Students handing them over a pill is not the answer here what are we going to say to a woman you know what you had a chance to get an education to create a better life for yourself but you completely ruined that and now that youre pregnant with youre not going to be able to complete your studies or theres a risk that you wont be able to do that and so you just have to drop out and a person who doesnt have an education doesnt have the ability going to go after high level jobs i now want and im now youre at a because most women ceasar is not interested in being on government and oh in order to go sailing and most women are shown on and off for even having already and more fit only a little more you know we can get we can allow these women to go through with a full term pregnancy and allow them to choose adoption but can we actually be honest and discuss the impact of carrying a child for 9 months on a College Campus when you absolutely had no desire to be pregnant not only was i an 18 year old mother and did i finish my career and am i here talking to you today but im also the product of adoption and adoption is an option and its an option that seems to be totally off the table in America Today when did we stop talking about the fact that you can give a video and saying get off the t. V. That is born in america every baby is born there are 37 families that want to adopt that baby something is very wrong when were handing out Abortion Pills on campus were allowing women to decide for the. Themselves based on what they know about their Life Experiences and their socioeconomic status are they in a position to move forward and currently take one the role of being a mother that is something thats not taken lightly by these women and i believe that when we allow them the tools to make the choice theyre going to say you know i have to make this choice for me very simply morally wrong its morally wrong to promote abortion in a wave that it becomes the chosen choice where it becomes the number one choice over a life im prochoice i believe in a womans right to choose i believe there are circumstances where she should have that choice but i also believe that we need to advocate for a life the reality is is that going to School Full Time and having a newborn baby is very difficult and its a burden that some women have decided that they dont want to take on and frankly who are we to say that they should be forced to go to term with a pregnancy if theyre feeling that theyre not ready. Thats how our news roundup looks for now ill be back with more thought when its time i hope youll join me about coming away there now its crosstalk. With no make this manufacture consent to stick to the public well. When the running clubs isnt protect themselves. With the climate merry go round be the one percent. We can all middle of the room sick. Of the tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faced only implement from the inside venezuela things look different were going to announce sanctions against petroleums to venezuela associate. Famously have a supplement to. The tempest and political battle so on the campaign of the moment the focus of the who story isnt new makes him cold in Henry Kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. The chilean economy scream so wants to make the economy of venezuela screed. Its seemed wrong. To me to get to shape out just to become educated and engaged with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Join me every thursday on the excitement and ill be speaking to get a feel of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness. Thousands of american men and women choose to serve in their countrys military decision little sheltered lives every song came to a complete. The day that i was raped to be instructed you know told to shut up what theyd kill me and i see how it destroyed my life any screamed at me and he made me come in and he grabbed my arm and he write me with his birthing curia if you take into account that women dont report because of the extreme retaliation and its probably somewhere near about half a 1000000 women have now been sexually assaulted in the us military rape is a very very traumatizing thing to have happen but ive never seen trauma like ive seen from women who are veterans who have suffered military sexual trauma reporting rape is more likely to get the victim punished dont be offended i had an almost 10 year career or chose very invested in and i gave that up to report a sex offender who was not even put to justice or put on the registry this is simply an issue of tower and violence male sexual predators for the large part of target whoever is there to prey upon whether thats a man or one. Would hope to. Put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. So when you want to be president. Or some want to. Have to try to be close this is what before 3 of them or cant be good. Interested always in the waters in the house. Where should. They all see them. Selves as dying swans in their dreams. But only one in a 1000 will ever make it to the top. Theyre ready to give their lives for the chance to die on stage if only once. Not even broken wings could deter them. For generations at the madrid ski theatre ballet sweat and tears. A low in welcome across now where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle 80 years ago this month the 2nd world war in europe began 60 years later the scourge of german fascism was defeated however the meaning of the start of the war remains hotly contested this history is intensely political. Crossing revisionism im joined by my guest Geoffrey Robertson he is americas professor of history at University College cork as well as member of the Royal Irish Academy and his latest book is churchill and stalin we also have dmitri bobbitt shes a

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